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root beer float ― storage/chat - Printable Version

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Re: root beer float ― storage - rakue - 03-17-2018


Re: root beer float ― storage - happycamper - 03-17-2018

:eyes: back
welcome to hell, satan's out and i'm in charge now

Re: root beer float ― storage - cafune - 03-17-2018

(03-17-2018, 12:09 PM)deer link Wrote: smooches you
thank you <33
now to be creative and make a good signature tho nothing i make beats coffee's sig
your codes are always better than mine, shush

Re: root beer float ― storage - deer - 03-18-2018

>:/ ur current signature and everything else begs to differ, no changing my mind

[Image: IYWdXBs.gif] [Image: IYlrVWD.gif]
[Image: y2Dw88C.gif] [Image: jE0iyyu.gif]
would be great if they synced up but uhhh y'know, just guys being dudes
and low-key matching icons bc wow that was gay and cool

[Image: UNhbZ6O.gif]
also that one aesthetic af part of cecelia that i would prob use for edgar just bc aesthetic

Re: root beer float ― storage - cafune - 03-18-2018

laughs bc that bit of cecelia is kokuryu's avatar on ff rn

Re: root beer float ― storage - edgar - 03-18-2018

oh boy oh boy, great minds think alike
also kokuryu's my boy

small notes on edgar
- edgar jones arbor, son of roosterteeth jones and aurum palani arbor. loves both his fathers equally even if one wasn't exactly the greatest dad ever. though he may like aurum a teeny bit more because it's aurum, who wouldn't?
- doesn't have any good nicknames except eddy and jonsey (jones). prefers his own name rather than nicknames
- inspired off ryan haywood, specifically moon king! ryan haywood and mad king! ryan haywood (generally just king/minecraft ryan). may have some fahc! ryan thrown in as well
- a hybird between serval and caracal. he carries more serval traits than caracal, with his body a bit more slimmer, rounded face, and long legged, but having the triangular nose of a caracal and tufts of fur on his rounded ears. he'd have semi-fluffy fur, a mutation brought upon by his father, roosterteeth. markings would be faded serval spots and a few typical domestic feline markings (tbd). tucked around his shoulders and chest would be fading feathers the color of his markings, which he carried along from his winged father, aurum. he doesn't possess wings, but may have small pegasus tail wings (ref). on top of his head would be small black horn stubs, which will grow into miniature bull-like horns when older. these horns may have come from his father roosterteeth, who possesses these horns in his demonic & nightmare forms. his base fur color is a light brown, with a mixture of even lighter browns and off-white browns being part of his spotting.
- depending on age, he may either be stuck in a calf's body or a pitbull's body. debating on making him an actual bull when older.
- probably wears a plaid bandana
- a mixture of demon and angel bloodlines, as well as a bit of reaper from roosterteeth, making him supernaturally unstable. he also carries some power of his father's nightmare realm/boogeyman form, making him susceptible to nightmares, such as knowing when someone will have one. is more susceptible to becoming 'feral'
- may be the carrier of the mad king?? ? more on this later
- clings to his sister aj a lot. loves her to bits.
- generally shy and introverted character with a stutter. enjoys hiding in small holes and reading fantasy books. a big ol' dork in general. pls be gentle with him, super fragile emotionally and probably physically. often wears bandages as a form of comfort

Re: root beer float ― storage - happycamper - 03-18-2018

wip happy joining response:
also idea to have happy get a strawberry/golden tiger body later down the road

Re: root beer float ― storage - cafune - 03-18-2018

[s]wheezes bc bella has a golden tiger body

Re: root beer float ― storage - deer - 03-18-2018

character name

lyrics here

lyrics here

lyrics here

lyrics here

lyrics here

lyrics here

idek im procrastinating on hw / ask for hidden scrollie code:
if anyone wants to use it hmu

Re: root beer float ― storage - deer - 03-19-2018

smol reminder for tomorrow to get either swedishfish’s stuff together or glitchedcontroller’s dtuff
- swedishfish kjellberg, goes by felix, might carry the fazbear name again
- glitchedcontroller grimm lystsnder fischbach