Beasts of Beyond
I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - Printable Version

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Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-16-2018

[Image: qZA8sCm.png?width=506&height=431]

Art by [member=6]ANDY ★[/member] , with Atbash and Stryker (roleplayed by [member=1]Orion[/member] )

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-27-2018

[Image: lemon_boy.png?width=376&height=430]

Art of Caesar by [member=535]Temorary[/member] ! ^

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-20-2018

//Small trigger warning for descriptions of animal abuse from the second paragraph onwards!

I was never one to follow rules.

    Being born in a closed space and being forced to do shit you didn't want to do will make you rebel, and that is exactly what Dante did. The hybrid was born in a lab far away, an experiment to see if an animal can be born from the womb of another. Unfortunately, while their test did succeed, the mother died and Dante was forced to nurse from another female. Said female loved Dante dearly due to having lost her own litter, but the creature she had to adopt felt no love for her. In fact, from the moment he was born, Dante knew something was off, like he wasn't supposed to be alive. If he had a sense of smell at the moment of his birth, he would have known his mother died giving birth to him but alas, he never even knew her name; just that she died. Of course, it didn't take a genius to know what happened to her, but still... Dante wanted her, not some random female the humans forced him to be with. Fortunately, being a newborn, he couldn't exactly think about anything except eating and sleeping. But as he grew older and started being able to process things, the hybrid soon felt disdain for the tabby that was forced to adopt him.

    As soon as he was weaned, the humans took him away from his adoptive mother and forced him to live in a cage. The humans poked and prodded him with needles constantly, injecting him with strange substances that either made him vomit or unconscious for a few days. Due to being stuck in the cage, Dante couldn't really do anything by try to swipe at and bite the humans that poked him with shit but they eventually figured out ways to keep him pinned down and unable to move or struggle against them. Each day, they would monitor him and write things down on their notes and murmur things to him and he eventually got used to them saying two words: "Dante Northwest". He figured that must be his name. After all, other lab creatures that were being tested on had names above their cages and since he wasn't allowed outside his, he couldn't exactly see the nametag above his door. By the way they repeated 'Dante Northwest', he figured that is what they called him.

    Soon, pain enveloped him and Dante found out that he had been passed out for a few days and convulsed, with many assuming he had been killed from the tests the humans were doing on him. After all, it was common for animals to die after they injected them with things. However, upon waking up, the shark-cat found out that wings had grown on his back and four fangs poked out of his mouth. "It seems like they mutated you," A one-eyed cat explained. "It is uncommon for those to survive..." They sounded worried and upset. Dante couldn't understand why, though. If he's the first one to survive this test, then he should be set free, right? When the hybrid kit voiced this thought out loud, the one-eyed cat widened their eye and shook their head. "I don't know..." They admitted, though it was clear in their voice that they knew something. They were older than him and likely knew what the humans were saying, but no matter how hard he pressed, nobody told him what would happen.

    Eventually, Dante found out himself. The humans sedated him and knocked him out and he soon found himself in a bigger lab, surrounded by snarling and hissing creatures in cages, foaming at their mouths. Fear coursed through the young hybrid's veins as he stepped back, only to be shoved forward again. Behind him, a door closed and locked, leaving him with the rapid animals. Dante frantically looked around for a way to escape, but found nothing. What he did figure out, however, was that the humans had placed some sort of collar around his neck. He clawed at it, trying to take it off, and was almost promptly shocked as a result. Dante let out a cry of pain as his body convulsed again, causing him to collapse on the ground. His body trembled once the initial shock was over and Dante found it hard to focus on his surroundings for a few seconds. His body felt numb, but he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, signalling that he was, in fact, alive still. Dante barely had any time to register what was going on before the cages of the feral animals opened, with them going right after the hybrid child.

    Years past and Dante was still forced to fight in this pit against whatever feral animal the humans wanted to send against him. He bore multiple scars all over his body from the fights he's been in as well as a torn ear. Eventually, the hybrid got used to the shocking sensation the humans used to try and control him and while it still caused him to fall to the ground, he never did what they wanted. Sometimes they shocked him until he passed out but eventually they gave up, deciding it was best that Dante did whatever he wanted. The hybrid started killing those the humans sent against him until it seemed like there were no more things they could force him to fight. Except for themselves. The male thought to himself and one day, while one of the scientists opened the door to the large lab, Dante went after him. He was, of course, electrocuted but by the time his body collapsed, he was already out of the lab. With a grin, Dante realized what he wanted to do.

    He had enough of the human's bullshit. He's had enough of the fighting and being forced to live in a lab. It was time for the humans to pay for what they had done. Years of torment and years of pain drove the hybrid forward, his sights focused on finding some way to end the lives of the humans that imprisoned him.

Word Count: 1,131

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-27-2018

[Image: zVg1FVQ.png]

Art of Gordon by [member=6]ANDY ★[/member] !! ^^

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 10-04-2018

[Image: image.png]

Art of Vigenere by CrunchyCrowe! dA:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 10-19-2018

[Image: image.png]

Art of Gordon, drawn by Karrie/Sorghetti! dA:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-07-2018

[Image: image.jpg]

Art of Atbash, drawn by me !! ^^

[Image: maple2.png]

Art of Atbash, drawn by [member=20]spacexual[/member] !! ^^

[Image: horizon.png]

Art of Horizon, drawn by [member=535]tem[/member] !! ^^

[Image: image.jpg]

Art of Caesar, drawn by me !! ^^

[Image: caesar_cipher_by_vvintersoldier-dcqhq17.png]

Art of Caesar, drawn by [member=44]Sky;;[/member] !! ^^

[Image: DANTE2.png]

Art of Dante, drawn by [member=1453]parogeist[/member] !! ^^

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-15-2018

[Image: image.png]

Art of Caesar by [member=292]EYELIDD[/member] !!

[Image: P1rIzrW.png]

Art of Foxgaze by [member=6]HELLBENT[/member] !

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-19-2018

[Image: maple3.png]

Art of Ace by [member=20]spacexual[/member] ! ^

[Image: image.png]

Art of Caesar by Bok Bok Choy / Rory !

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 12-05-2018

FULL NAME Cleopatra Thema
NICKNAMES Cleo, Patra, The Queen, Your Majesty, Prophet
—ranking TBA
4 years
—mental age 4 years
—aging ratio 1 year every november 30
—zodiac: sagittarius
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
related to egyptian royalty; her last name means "the queen"
prophet of the maroon god
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed blue-point sphynx
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a blue-point sphynx with blue eyes. she wears a gold collar with blue gem stones (likely sapphires) in it, as well as a gold ankh earring on her right ear. in addition, she also wears small, black hooped earrings on both of her ears, and a small black circular earring (looks like a dot) above the hoops. on her right leg, she wears a gold snake charm.

since she believes herself to be a prophet of the maroon god, cleopatra also owns a red-and-white jackal mask in which she uses during sacrifices.
—smells like old blood, the desert
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] holds herself high
—posture normal
positive - positive - positive - positive
neutral - neutral - neutral - neutral
negative - negative - negative - negative
ORIENTATION[b] homosexual and homoromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family horizon cipher (adoptive son)
—enemies caesar cipher, bruce walker, dante northwest, foxgaze
may start fights - will fight back - won't try to end fights - may kill
—platonic relationships text
—romantic relationships text
—rivalries text
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD GOLD

- N/A
Tags - N/A
[url=http://]Character Study - N/A

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