Beasts of Beyond
LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Printable Version

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Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 06-22-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Clearly, her command was enough to knock some sense into at least some of them, the jaguar that challenged her now focusing on whatever children he cared for. A voice directed towards her entering her senses causes her feathered ear tips to swivel in its direction before her head follows, finding that a familiar figure has intercepted her attack on Jervis (but, this did not make the attempt useless, still). His words and voice registered within her quickly and she would not respond. None of them deserved the satisfaction of an answer. She had more important things to worry about.

The flames grew and she could feel the air becoming harder to breathe in, an all too familiar feeling entering her senses. Reminders of burning to death sour her mood further, however she does not intend to remain here for much longer. Whenever Crow was finished, she would make her leave, and it seemed from the yowls of Jervis that it should be ended soon enough. She wonders if he can kill him right here and now. Likely not, though, things never worked out that way. And, as if to make fun of her thoughts, the Tanglewood leader is attacked. She is about to move towards him, but a figure emerging from him causes her to look away once more, trying to make sure the Pittians focused on themselves rather than their leader, who was only in power because of Goldenluxury's actions.

More sounds enter her ears and she finds her exhausted ally being viciously attacked by the fox. Her eyes focus on Crow, finding the fastest way to get to him. Dammit, dude. The tigress pushes herself above the Pittians, diving directly into the figures of Jervis and Crow, harshly shoving the fox aside with her hind legs while using her front ones to grab Crow's body. "Die in a fire!" she spouts to him, flying upwards once more, carrying the unconscious Tanglewood leader. His leave could have been more gracious, but at least she was here for him. "Take this as a wake up call, assholes." The female shouts as a final message to all of them, not looking back. Goldenluxury Roux was no fool, and she will raise Hell upon them. This was only the beginning. Who better to announce his dethronement than the female who'd given him his crown?

//permission given by orion and stygian + she's out!! <3

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crow Roux - 06-28-2019

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The apparition of the feline was tossed through the air again, and he scowled, wanting to go on the offensive again, but it was useless. By this point he was too faded to interact with Jervis any longer lest he want to be faced with the embarrassment of even trying, so he stood on wobbly paws and turned in the opposite direction. Crow's job here was done. The message had been delivered, and fire engulfing the jungle was ever growing; had he needed to breathe, he would find himself choking on the ashy concoction that hung in the air like a deadly mist.

The sight of Jervis ravaging his body was at the back of his mind as he disappeared into the trees opposite the direction he had come from. He needed to get home fast.

//out Wink