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brutus / roseblood visitors - Printable Version

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Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

Getting slammed out of thr air he only scoffs, completely ignoring the one who had tamed into him"Peace does not fill hell.I am takao leftenant of hell and soon to be rule of it. You are no more godly than a speck of dust so get the hell out of my way so I may seek my true prize and as I have said I have no cares for whatever buisness you mortals are doing only for that crown" he leaps once more, appearing to aim for Seph but at the last minute changing his target for another two swipes at baI shi face and an attempt to lock his maw at the base of her skull

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Anubis. - 12-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]Sometimes I don't understand this realm. "This ambition of yours is foolish" the Egyptian rumbled, dark eyes resting almost bored on the demon. "One who so recklessly acts is unworthy of the title you seek." Duat knows he had acted heedlessly before.  Perhaps in some cases, he still did, but the canine was still learning.

With a flick of his ear, he attacked Usagi's mind relentlessly with phantom attacks of sharp claws and fangs and burning. "Back down or face retribution." Anubis, god death and funerals meant business now.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - teef - 12-17-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a brutal snarl ripped out of the dragon, dust rising around them now, they mis-judged the surprise attack thrown by takao, the current crown-bearer snarling as they shook their head, grateful for the scales beneath the mass of hair and fur flowing out from behind their skull. the scales were hardest on their throat, deflecting most of the damage. if anything, he would end up with a nasty feeling and taste in his mouth.

"how many times do i need to put you in your damn place?" they snarled, fur flying around their head. they aimed a swipe at takao's body with enough force to knock him away from them. if this succeeded, they would attempt to bite the creature.

they were seething, putting distance between themselves and the other attendants. if they were to properly take care of this, they needed space. being big was a beautiful thing -- if you weren't in a closed space. quickly, they allowed their favored form to disappear, their body morphing and twisting sinuously in the other's jaws, a small gold and platinum colored fox quickly darting away from the conflict to catch a second of their thoughts. they knew that they could trust sephiroth to look after themselves, pulling their jian from its sheath on their side. hackles up, they began to circle takao, the weapon gripped tightly in their jaws. son of a bitch, shifting forms like this hurt.

their ears perked up as their eyes glanced at anubis, the dragon-turned-fox welcoming the addition to submitting the other. had they been in their human body, if it still existed in this world, the fight would have gone so much easier since their reflexes were far greater.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

He hated how weak this body was as he was thrown into a tree a resounding SNAP! echoing from his left hind leg, fire racing through it as he resisted the mental attack from ages of training. However it did distract him enough to miss baI shi's biet that came out of nowhere and barely twisted in time to avoid the fatal blow, however his last good hind leg got caught in her jaws instead echoing its fellows snap as it too was broken."this body is too weak. I will grow stronger and hunt you once more but until the  I curse you and your father and this host. May you wander forever and forever be outmatched"the inky ue and black recedes and Usagi is left there unconscious with both of her hind legs broken,possibly shattered as she begins to come to"wh-what happened? He was gaining controll then I just remembertitle sni-"she cries out in pain as the adrenaline that was left in her body begins to recede and the pain from her legs begins coursing through her, she lays there writhing slightly in pain howling and crying out a bit