Beasts of Beyond
triangle club (chat thread) - Printable Version

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Re: triangle club (chat thread) - Cheeters - 03-15-2018

im 7th dimensional, hecc

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-15-2018

nope im only second dimensional. I like to travel, though.

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - april . - 03-15-2018

waiting for someone to say 10th dimensional
every number
just do every number

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-15-2018

theres lots of dimentions. you should go explore them

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - april . - 03-16-2018

YES i'll go make a portal

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - Orion - 03-16-2018

i'm 4d af.

we should go portal jumping.

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-16-2018

bill cipher shows why this is a bad idea

lets do it

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - Orion - 03-16-2018

all ideas gotta start somewhere

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - april . - 03-16-2018

and this how the game “portal” came to be
an actual portal gun would be pretty rad tho
just think about it
all the power

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-16-2018

we could go to so many places