Beasts of Beyond
FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Printable Version

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At Bakugou's response, a wicked grin formed across Caesar's face. He held his head high at the young male agreeing to his challenge. However, before he could say anything more, Goldenluxury started speaking. Caesar narrowed his eyes at the Captain's daughter at her words, his whiskers twitching in irritation. However, he seemingly shrugged her words off, his gaze snapping to Pincher as the panther finally reacted towards his outburst.

At Pincher's words, Caesar's fur started to bristle. If the demon wasn't blinded by rage right now, perhaps he would have continued to speak, but instead, the demon flicked his tail harshly one last time. At the same time he did this, he dragged one of his paws across the ground harshly, shuffling the small amount of sand underneath his paws from the movement. Quick as a flash, the dream demon burst into flames, covering his entire body. He would feel the flames lapping at his fur and skin as well, but he choose to ignore it, instead focusing on the Captain as he marched down from his throne.

Immediately and without thinking, Caesar leaped at [member=66]PINCHER[/member], aiming to go for the panther's throat

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - bubblegum - 11-10-2018

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - OWEN. - 11-11-2018

"This guy just might be worse than how I was with Sunhaven.. Turning against his shipmates like that and disobeying Pinch? Shit, man.." Owen whispered, his ears laying flat against his head as he moved to stand over in front of his child and Techno protectively, glancing to and fro from Pincher to Bakugou. Come on, dude. How is he not demoted by now? This was incredibly stupid.. "We don't want a tyrant as our leader, Caesar. You don't deserve the Quartermaster position, and you're only proving such by how you're acting!" Owen barked finally, the Alpha nosing his daughter in warning.

Then, came the soft babble. "Follow. Alpha senses threat. Escape." Came the command as he glanced back at his daughter and her friends. Moving along the outskirts of the meeting, Owen shot outside, his long limbs carrying him at speeds that made his joints ache.


Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Grey - 11-11-2018

While he had the tendency to spontaneously jump into stupid situations, Bakugou was no idiot. He was well aware that trading positions was not in his power, getting mildly irritated when Goldenluxury spoke up. His teeth press together, sinking into their grooves. He wasn't simply going to reject a proposition to fight. He refused to look like a coward, refused to look down on his own strength. He believed in his own abilities and the bengal was speaking as if she expected Bakugou to lose, that there was too much at stake when in reality there was none. He growls in return to the former-Dealer, sanguine eyes narrowing before the male huffs in indignation to Goldenluxury's position in front of him, as if willing to block any attacks. Her height mattered nothing to him, not while she was always healing of some kind of injury, ridden with pains in her spine. He bites his lip, about to grumble that he knew that nothing would change by the fight but wanted to have an opportunity to beat Caesar's ass himself when the Captain's voice was made known. His ears perk, tail straightening at the rumble because he had almost forgotten Pincher was still here and watching.

At the end of his lecture, Captain Pincher began moving down, tattoos causing his eyes to begin wincing at the brightness. The proposition, the premise which Caesar had founded, had been changed. Once again, there was always the 'if Bakugou lost' condition and it was beginning to make him feel belittled. He hated the mindset of everyone, hated that he was unable to prove himself because even the Captain was installing a secondary condition. Bakugou just wanted to fight and show how much work he had put into his training, how much he had been holding back. He kept trying to stay positive, remind himself that he and Caesar would have the first and only fight in this whole ideal because he would win. His eyes widen when the savannah, however, loses it in an explosive rage, charging in the direction of Pincher. Within seconds, he realises he would remain appearing so weak and vulnerable, robbed of his chances as he sees Goldenluxury with an electrical spark. He snarls to himself, knowing that the only elemental advantage he would have over Caesar would be his earth elementals but there was nothing around that he would feel comfortable with pulling. He didn't want to destroy the meeting place.

He isn't able to hear Owen's barks, too fixated on the current situation, the running thoughts in his mind. Knowing that Caesar would have to react to the electricity, likely working to re-route it, he quickly teleports behind Caesar and attempts to throw a fireball at his back. While he doubts it will do much, he simply wants to do it to distract and overwhelm the Head Officer. He wasn't looking for a full fight because, if there was at least one thing he learnt in school, he had to pay attention to the state of his surroundings. He wouldn't want the dome to be destroyed.


Everything happened so fast. Caesar was going for Pincher at one point and the next, Goldenluxury was flinging electricity at him. Had the demon not used his fire elementals before, perhaps he would have been able to deflect the electricity being sent towards him. The blast from Bakugou also knocked the savannah out of the air, causing him to let out a growl. A wave of nausea went over him as he continued to burn his body, making Caesar falter a bit as he tried getting up. He was going to tire from keeping his fire elementals going, he knew, but he didn't care. What mattered now was doing the thing he wanted to do since he arrived at this damned hellhole.

Caesar wanted blood. He craved the feeling of blood on his claws, his claws tearing flesh and his teeth sinking into somebody's throat. If he wasn't wounded by the shock and by the combination of his and Bakugou's flames, Caesar was sure he would have been hallucinating the smell of blood that hung in the air. Slowly, Caesar started to stalk towards [member=1637]bakugou[/member] , growling as he did so. Although it may be hard to tell with the color of his eyes, Caesar's pupils were in slits, watching Bakugou carefully as he slowly approached the male.

"brx pxvw vxiihu." Caesar spoke in his native tongue, the very cipher he was named after. Even if the others couldn't understand what he said, it was very obvious through the way he hissed the words out that he was threatening the Quartermaster he had focused his sights upon. "brx duh d glvjudfh. d zhdnolqj. brx vkrxog eh ghdg!" With those final words, Caesar tried to leap at BAKUGOU now, mostly trying to knock him over and attempting to pin him down.

//for those that are mobile, here's what the encrypted words say!
brx pxvw vxiihu - you must suffer
brx duh d glvjudfh. d zhdnolqj. brx vkrxog eh ghdg - you are a disgrace. a weakling. you should be dead!

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - bubblegum - 11-12-2018

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - PINCHER - 11-13-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
It wasn't surprising that the reaction of Caesar became one of enragement but at the same time it was surprising that his words had sliced through the savannah and caused such a large reaction. He supposed Caesar's ambition had risen to dangerous heights and he wondered if that was why he craved to become the Quartermaster. Caesar held potential but it was like poison, deadly and bad if it tainted the group and not just the outsiders of the crew. His cool glacier blue eyes locked onto the savannah as he noticed the rising spotted fur bristle and Pincher's tattoos suddenly flashed with the frigid white hue as he realized what Caesar was possibly going to do. His ink black ears swiveled backwards and Pincher's jaws parted as he was ready to tell everyone to step back and draw ice around just him and his Officer but it appeared it was too late and already a chain reaction of attacks sparked out of the actions that were being made. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward when he noticed Bakugou and Goldenluxury step in and Pincher bit back a silver swear as once he saw an opening, he used it.

As Caesar lept towards Bakugou, Pincher teleported in front of the ragdoll and aimed to slam his paw down to counterstrike [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] and pin him to the ground with his claws covered with ice to sink into the chest of the savannah. Pincher's upper lip was curled back and the panthera hybrid snarled "Strike Three, Caesar. You are demoted to nothing but Sharkbait and you are exiled from the Typhoon." Pincher's voice crackled and snapped as wisps of blue flames dripped from the corners of his mouth as he lowered his head to glare down at the savannah. If he had succeded in pinning him down, Pincher tried to sink his claws in deeper into the flesh of the feline. He knew there would be a breaking point for Caesar where he would no longer be able to take orders from anyone above himself. Pincher had somewhat respected the stubborn amibitous former Officer but no one was allowed to injure his crewmates and have the ability to get away from it, not when he was around.


If Caesar had his mental powers back, perhaps he would have been able to sense Goldenluxury's presence in his mind and be able to try and deflect the attack. Caesar paused in his steps as Bakugou started to appear everywhere and he let out a hiss, having an idea of what was going on. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything about it. This provided the chance for Pincher to truly strike and Caesar was knocked onto the ground, with the Captain's icy claws digging into his chest. The flames that covered his body disappeared, mostly due to the feeling of weariness that was starting to cover his entire body. Caesar tried to get consciousness as he glared back at Pincher, his lips also peeled back in a snarl.

Numbness went through his entire body in a flash, almost like electricity as Pincher's claws sunk deeper into his chest. It was hard to breathe now, hard to be able to keep his eyes open. "Wbskrrq zloo sdb." Though his words were laced with poison, the way he spoke was slow and slurred, as he fought his consciousness to stay awake.

//Wbskrrq zloo sdb. - Typhoon will pay.