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WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [CLOSED] - Printable Version

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Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]the choosing date has been moved up to next wednesday, november 7 (american timezones! specifically mst/edt; will likely be november 8 for australia)

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - spacexual - 11-03-2018

[div style="width:110%;font-family: timesnewroman;font-size: 25px;color: #fff8dd;line-height: 150%;text-align: center;margin-left:205px;"]PRISCILLA ROSARIO
NAME. priscilla rosario
NAME ORIGIN. name originating from latin, it is associated with the meaning "ancient". priscilla will eventually change his name to something else (currently debating between florence, silvanus, cecil, eloi, octavius, or peregrine).
— also goes by priss or sil
SEX. female
GENDER. FtM transgender (won't realize until later)
ORIENTATION. bisexual / biromantic
— he will not actively seek partners, sometimes too timid to act out on his feelings
— tends to lean towards girls
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: #fff8dd;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]BIRTH BODY. ragdoll toyger domestic feline
DESCRIPTION. sil is a clear reflection of each of his parents, though this is not quite apparent in the beginning. in his first few weeks, the kitten resembles junji more than any other, and even seems to mimic the male in his actions. he will be born with small, feathery wings, colored similar to that of a barn owl. they do not grow much longer as he ages, but remain proportional enough that he may be able to lift himself a little off of the ground. his fur is mostly a light cream, similar to junji's, the first week he is alive before it darkens around his tail, back, front legs, and face to a caramel and chocolate brown. his tail, legs, and facial markings are all striped like marcellus' own pelt. his fur is in between medium and long in length. it is quite soft and well-kept. his eyes are a cool blue with a hot pink purple ring around his pupil, similar to marcellus' but instead colored like luca's own eyes and remain this way all throughout his life. sil is one of the largest of his siblings, growing quickly the first few weeks before significantly slowing down, ending up a bit smaller than average. he does not inherit luca's tail, but he is born with hints of horns that are a creamy orange color, remaining as small nubs upon his forehead at first. as he ages, they will grow in size, similar to luca's own. sil's blood and fluids are a pale mixture of blue and hot pink, the two colors appearing to swirl simultaneously.
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: #fff8dd;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]ISTP.
detailed description:
— innocent, supportive, naive, reliable, shy, creative, scared of change, enthusiastic, closed-off, kind, pushover, selfless, highly influential, hardworking, careful, patient, understanding, reasonable, bad under stress
BEHAVIORS. imitates his parents, clings to others when nervous, trusting of adults, trusting of family, protective over others, shares his parents' hobbies, very polite, takes the blame for others
— sil will often mimic anything any of his parents do, repeating phrases and words they say and following actions they make
— whenever sil gets too nervous, he will inch closer towards the individual he feels safest around in the moment before grabbing onto them entirely in hopes of them protecting him
— he is very trusting of adults and will believe most anything they say
— he finds his family most trustworthy and does not often question things they tell him, trying to get advice from each of them often
— while sil is quite timid and a pushover, he does try his best to protect the people he cares about. he avoids conflict but he will stand up for others and often try to push the attention away from them and instead to him if he notices they're being attacked some way.
— sil often goes out of his way to enjoy activities his parents enjoy, and it will not be uncommon to see him trying to collect herbs, baking sweets, or doing morning runs around the island.
— he is quite polite, even at a young age, and is never too excited to forget his manners. he always keeps his "thank you"s, "please"s, "pardon me"s, etc. in mind. he does not even curse very often.
— if he notices someone else in danger of getting in trouble for something they did, he will often take the blame for them and accept the punishment in their place.
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: #fff8dd;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]- is born with another spirit connected to him that takes the shape of a crow. it is golden and has purple eyes and is referred to as "ari" by the boy. no one else can see the spirit and it can publicly be assumed to just be an imaginary friend.
— ari is not a good influence. while he will not blatantly tell the child to do anything bad, he will encourage him to make poor choices. in the end, he will very much look out for sil's safety and would not intentionally put the boy in danger. sil will be more timid and may try to run away a few times because of this influence, though.
— because of ari, sil will love most birds and try to speak to most of them (junji's own birds included).
- he, for some reason, afraid of the ocean. getting too deep in the water freaks him out and he avoids it. he has no idea how this fear popped up, however.
- will understand and be fluent in latin, although prefers to speak in english simply because he will grow most used to it over time.
- is the demi-angel of curiosity and the demi-demon of fear.
— this is related to his own naivety and curiosity. he does not always know everything about the world, and he is aware of this, but he tries his best to learn. however, change and the unknown is stressful to him.
- does not really understand what being a demon or angel is and will often ask questions about it, trying to make himself fall under stereotypes from time to time.
- this is related to a much larger plot coming later on down the line so i cannot give away too much, but he is unknowingly a reincarnation of another spirit. as he grows older, the more he feels something odd about himself, as if he is forgetting something big.
— because of this, he is only able to be revived once if he dies, the next death resulting in him either dying fully or being reincarnated once more. the revival process is quite painful and will remain a constant pain throughout, depending how he dies (choking/drowning results in painful breathing, snapping his neck results in constant neck pain, etc).
- will have water elementals at some point.
- will likely leave the typhoon and go to one of their allies at some point, however will go out of his way to visit every week.

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]just a few more days!! ❤️❤️

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - tropics - 11-07-2018

basically finished with this, may tweak a few things

Name; eris rosario
Nicknames; tba

Age; Unborn
Date Of Birth; tba

Gender; cisgender male
Romantic Orientation; Panromantic
Sexual Orientation; Pansexual

Species; Domestic Cat
Appearance; it's hard to tell which parent eris most resembles. his semi-long, ruffled fur is a blend of all three of them. the base is a pale cream, with a patch of dusty gray on half his face, on his neck, two of his paws, and the end of his fluffy tail. the darker color fades gently into the rest of his coat. stripes and little spots, almost like freckles, are layered on top of the patches; it creates a cluttered look that contrasts nicely with his pale fur. two stripes on eris's head lead down an inch or two down to horns, a few shades darker than the stripes themselves. like luca's, they are small and will remain that way. to the sides, there are his ears; large, almost comically so (he hopes to grow out of them, but he won't). further down, there's a pair of tangerine-orange eyes, with a tint of hot pink around his pupils. it's unclear where the orange color comes from, but the combination of that and the pink make eris's eyes akin to a bright, extremely dramatic sunset. below them, there's a dark gray nose, and a mouth that seems to always be smiling or smirking, showing off eris's white teeth.

eris did not inherit junji's similarly pale wings. he did not inherit luca's wings, either. he is grounded on earth, much to his disappointment. to make up for his lack of wings, eris makes sure to take care of the earthbound body that he has and keep fit. he is muscular and lithe, with long legs, and looks like he has been made specially to be good at running and jumping. he couldn't be called graceful, but he is, at least, coordinated. eris will grow to be the height of an average rag doll cat, and shows that height off with a proudly raised head.

personality traits are in the different text color.
personality; when one first meets eris, they typically have a good first impression of him. he's outgoing, with a cheerful face and friendly words, and he seems polite enough. one might even go so far as to say he's charming. there's a confident ease about eris, one that says he doesn't worry much about what others think of him and that he has complete faith in himself.

if one were to get to know eris a little more, they might discover that he sometimes is overconfident; eris can be rather cocky. he seems to think that he can do whatever he wants and that logic doesn't apply, simply because he's him and he's great. this can easily get eris into trouble. he might think he can make a jump when he can't, or make a comment when it's not a good idea, or he might try to fight someone much more experienced than him, all because of his arrogance. this doesn't pair well with his reckless and impulsive nature. eris doesn't think before he acts, and he doesn't care about the consequences of his actions, which is one of the worst combos to exist. one can only hope that eris will eventually learn to think.

there are rare instances where his impulsiveness can become positive. eris is bold the risks he take can be good ones. it all depends on the situation and whether or not he acts properly in it. speaking of that- eris will do things just to see how people react. like most young creatures, he's undeniably curious, and will ask many questions, as well as try to figure out the answers to his questions himself... one way or another. these questions range from "why is the sky blue?" to "if i eat that slug, will it taste good?" to "how far down can i jump without getting injured?". if any cat was going to be killed by curiosity, it would probably be eris.

eris's final personality trait is competitive. for whatever the reason, he gets a thrill like no other when competing. races, debates, beauty contests- he wants to win it all. he won't cheat or go up against someone with a significant disadvantage, but other than that, eris will compete with anyone at any time at any place.

over time, eris's personality may change. he is young, and future experiences will shape how he turns out. will he become calmer? even more of a mess? only time will tell.

Parents; luca, marcellus, and junji
Siblings; tba

plot ideas;
- eris will discover he has fire elementals when he is about eight months old. before that, he will really want a power, and will be jealous of anyone his age who already has one or more. he will try to compensate for his lack of a power by becoming great at something, like fighting, swimming, etc.
- out of curiosity, eris may try to befriend someone from an enemy group, to see if the creatures in the group are as bad as everyone says. whether he decides they are or aren't, or if he's discovered by someone and if so, by whom, is not decided yet.
- he will understand latin and be able to speak it if he wishes, but generally won't, since almost everyone outside his family won't understand what he's saying.
- eris will probably stay in the typhoon for his whole life unless something happens.
- the lack of angelic or demonic physical features will make eris feel a little less connected from those sides of himself. he will feel more mortal than anything else, despite that being only a third of his lineage.
- he will love his family unconditionally. he will support them in practically whatever they want to do, as long as it's safe, and he will try to be very close with both his parents and his siblings.

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]this is now closed for choosing!! no more applications will be accepted from this point. good luck everyone ❤️

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - ASYLI - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]Good luck, y'all!

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - MirrorEdge - 11-07-2018

Good luck to everybody!

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]THE RESULTS ARE IN!

the winners are...:
congratulations everyone!!! the introduction for the children will be up today or tomorrow <3
we would also like to thank everyone for applying! there will definitely be another litter or two in the future, make sure to keep an eye out!!

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Grimm - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]ahh thank you and i am so glad you liked my tiny baby, i'm excited to see the rest of the kidlets about

everyone did such a wonderful job and i truly hope i get to see the others, they all have such wonderful concepts behind them

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - spacexual - 11-07-2018

congrats everyone!!
everyone had such nice applications + character ideas, i love them all
thank you so much! i'll start working on his subaccount right now