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pure motives // storage - Printable Version

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Re: pure motives // storage - cavalrychoir - 07-04-2018

sub track

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]
cav's tags ;; edit:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-08-2018

needs editing my bro

text here if ya want
[align=right]text here if ya want
Jeong, though he did not participate in the raid, knew of it and the plan of kidnapping children. Seemed messed up to him, taking children from their parents but who knows? Maybe they were doing them a solid if they were anything like his folks. He only held onto vague memories of them and indistinct murmurs that he couldn't understand; vague forms and on occasion screams and moments of pain. Then he realized he was alone and told them good riddance. The faint memories he does have of them weren't great ones, he could say that much. So if they were saving children from that sort of life then more power to them. But what if the kids had found a lovely home afterwards like he did? Were they taken as well? Was there a criteria that needed to be met or did they steal whichever child they got their hands on? He felt his chest tighten for a moment before he shoved the idea out his mind. It's nothing that concerned him. Doing this weakened the enemy and made them stronger. Looking at it from a strategic standpoint, it's a brilliant idea. Alright, time to stop thinking about it. He was only hurting himself. What's done is done.

Passing by the docks, his attention was grabbed when he heard loud noises. Looking around for the source, he noticed the small group of individuals making a commotion over nothing. Rolling his eyes, the man continued only to stop in his tracks when he heard a child's voice. His interest renewed, Jeong looked back at the group and noticed the child in the midst of it. Smiling in amusement, the man watched as the child ferociously fought back, appreciating his energy and determination. He wondered how long the boy would be able to fight for himself before the adult overwhelmed him. Standing some good yards away with his arms crossed, he watched the spectacle with curious eyes. When the boy managed to create some distance, Jeong watched as he ran towards the edge of the dock. Stupid, he thought in amusement. you've got no where else to go. Just give up- or do you intend to jump in the water? He laughed to himself. Of course you're not going to- oh my fucking god he actually jumped into the water! Did he have some sort of death wish?! Panicking, Jeong sprinted towards the dock he jumped off of, pushing the others out the way. Sucking in a large quantity of air, he dove in without hesitation and began to search for the child. It was incredibly hard to see and he hoped he wouldn't get bit or stung by whatever creatures thrived there, but that was the least of his concerns. If he doesn't hurry, Kai was going to drown and he'd much rather get the bite and-or sting and save him in contrast to getting the bite and-or sting and the child losing his life due to his incompetence.

With every passing second, it was getting harder to breathe. Swimming up to the surface, he coughed and swallowed another gulp of air to provide some relief to his screaming lungs. Inhaling once more, he dove back down in hopes of finding him this time. Noticing a blurred figure first then his facial features told Jeong he had located him. relief washed over him as he swam closer to the other's smaller frame. When he was close enough, the man let out a frightened scream that shot bubbles out of his mouth. Reminding him he was a) under water and b) already low on oxygen so he shouldn't be wasting it by screaming. Was this really him? Well I'll be damned. A mermaid. Merman? Merboy? He nodded to himself. Merboy. Swimming closer to him, Jeong attempted to hooked his arms around the child's waist and taking Kai's arm, he wrapped it around his own neck. Making sure he was secure - it would make the rescue mission all for naught if Kai slipped out of his grasp - Jeong began to swim towards the surface, doing his best to ignore the fire that spontaneously lit within his lungs. Moving around so much and not being able to breathe was a terrible experience. Not to mention the extra strength needed to move in water. Once he came up for air again, his eyes stung and he was coughing, his body desperately trying to rid itself of the water that went down the wrong tube on multiple occasions.

He was still fighting to breath properly when he addressed the child in his arms. "Are you... you okay?" Seriously, fighting off a group of people, jumping into a body of water knowing that he couldn't swim and turning out to be a merboy? This kid is metal. Judging from his outburst, he must be one of the kidnapped individuals. Jeong wasn't able to piece his reasoning for jumping into the water together, but he could always ask later. Right now, he should question whether to take him out the water of keep him in due to... recent discoveries. He wasn't going to act like he knew how to tend to creatures that weren't fully human. Hell, he still didn't know how to tend to humans. For now, he'll do what he knew how to and hope for the best. That meant getting Kai out the water. Merboy or not, he still had some human in him which meant the possibility of him catching a cold is real. Swimming closer to the docks, he found his voice once more and spoke up. "If any one of you touch him, I'll fucking kill you." He warned with a growl. A bluff but they wouldn't know what. Jeong doesn't kill without good reason to. As he neared the dock, he aimed to lift the child up so he could crawl back onto it. Once he was up and onto it, the man would haul himself onto it as well, laying on his back as he breathed heavily. He wanted to scold him, but it didn't make any sense to do so. Kai was only trying to defend himself and when he was pushed into a corner, he acted senselessly as most people do. Remaining quiet for a moment, Jeong turned his head to look at Kai with a small smile. "Now correct me if I'm wrong," he started lightheartedly. "but I have a feeling you don't want to be here."

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 110%;word-spacing:-1px;"]He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He longed for a relationship like the one previously described, but he knew he wasn't worth it. Why would he be? An individual who is kind and caring would be wasted on someone like Cav. He's a monster. He grew up covered in the blood of innocent people. The feeling of bones snapping in his mouth and under his paws were lullabies to his clouded mind. Pleas and screams were grand symphonies playing in the background of every conquest. He found his footing in dominating others; he only knew how to take control. He'd laugh as disheveled creatures crawled away from his looming form in attempt to flee. He found amusement only in battle. He didn't deserve anyone's affection. It was only recently did he realize everything he's been taught, everything he's done was wrong. Only recently did he realize how sick he really is. Only recently did he realize how hazy his view on the world is. Eat or be eaten, he was taught. Every man for themselves, they shouted. They will bow at our feet, they chanted. I will be the sword and shield. They will tremble before my might, he thought to himself, a small smile parting his lips as he gazed over the tattered and torn, newly claimed land. The thought of what he has done, what he has become make him sick to his stomach. Everything that his family- no. He no loner wished to call them his family. His tribe, his mother and father... Uncle and siblings too- they're no longer important. Their relevance to him faded along with the life from their eyes. Their perverted, distorted teachings will die with them. Locking it away in his heart, Cav decided to try and start over. He has no intentions of forgetting what he's done nor does he wish for forgiveness. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. Being forgiven doesn't right the wrongs- it doesn't bring those who died back to life. He didn't deserve anything.

izzy's tags:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:timesnewroman;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]cav desperately not wanted to be alone. he enjoyed solitude, but even he grew lonely after a while. he yearned for interaction with another that doesn't spark conflict. he merely wanted to speak. about what you may ask? anything. he wanted to know how their day went. did they sleep well the previous night? did they have any dreams? are they eating properly and taking care of themselves? he wanted to speak on equal terms and talk until their lids grew heavy. the setting sun or the rising moon had no say in when their conversation would end. cav and this individual would share their thoughts on various matters and get into heated arguments only to forgive and forget later; their affections for one another too strong of a force to keep them separated. he would be grateful and respect any insight they were to give him and they would feel the same for him. their dynamic would be built on trust and support with good communication and kindness. it all sounded like a dream, meeting someone so precious. a frightening, but welcoming dream. of course, the lynx would have to met an individual like this first then ultimately keep them at a distance.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:8px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; border-top: 0px; border-left: 2px dashed; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; font-family: arial; line-height:95%; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify;letter-spacing:-0.5px;padding:5px;"]Cav desperately not wanted to be alone. He enjoyed solitude, but even he grew lonely after a while. He yearned for interaction with another that doesn't spark conflict. He merely wanted to speak. About what you may ask? Anything. He wanted to know how their day went. Did they sleep well the previous night? Did they have any dreams? Are they eating properly and taking care of themselves? He wanted to speak on equal terms and talk until their lids grew heavy. The setting sun or the rising moon had no say in when their conversation would end. Cav and this individual would share their thoughts on various matters and get into heated arguments only to forgive and forget later; their affections for one another too strong of a force to keep them separated. He would be grateful and respect any insight they were to give him and they would feel the same for him. Their dynamic would be built on trust and support with good communication and kindness. It all sounded like a dream, meeting someone so precious. A frightening, but welcoming dream. Of course, the lynx would have to met an individual like this first then ultimately keep them at a distance.

He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He longed for a relationship like the one previously described, but he knew he wasn't worth it. Why would he be? An individual who is kind and caring would be wasted on someone like Cav. He's a monster. He grew up covered in the blood of innocent people. The feeling of bones snapping in his mouth and under his paws were lullabies to his clouded mind. Pleas and screams were grand symphonies playing in the background of every conquest. He found his footing in dominating others; he only knew how to take control. He'd laugh as disheveled creatures crawled away from his looming form in attempt to flee. He found amusement only in battle. He didn't deserve anyone's affection. It was only recently did he realize everything he's been taught, everything he's done was wrong. Only recently did he realize how sick he really is. Only recently did he realize how hazy his view on the world is. Eat or be eaten, he was taught. Every man for themselves, they shouted. They will bow at our feet, they chanted. I will be the sword and shield. They will tremble before my might, he thought to himself, a small smile parting his lips as he gazed over the tattered and torn, newly claimed land. The thought of what he has done, what he has become make him sick to his stomach. Everything that his family- no. He no loner wished to call them his family. His tribe, his mother and father... Uncle and siblings too- they're no longer important. Their relevance to him faded along with the life from their eyes. Their perverted, distorted teachings will die with them. Locking it away in his heart, Cav decided to try and start over. He has no intentions of forgetting what he's done nor does he wish for forgiveness. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. Being forgiven doesn't right the wrongs- it doesn't bring those who died back to life. He didn't deserve anything.

He didn't deserve to be alive.

The teachings of his tribe still lived on within him rendering him unable to bond with others. He was fearful of treating them horribly as he was taught to. As long as he roamed, his tribe still remains.

As much as the thought hurt him, Cav knew he needed to prove them wrong. That their teaching may make his life harder, but it isn't going to dictate what he does and doesn't do. He will never be free, he knew that much. But he needed to start somewhere.

His cloudy vision and distracted thoughts rendered him vulnerable to attackers. They'd manage to get the first hit, but they better aim well. The first strike would need to immobilize, knock him unconscious or kill him because once he snaps out of his trance, he's not going to be happy. Cav could have walked another couple hours with Argus following close behind and not realize her presence. It was only when she spoke did he jump to the side - an immediate response. Lips drawn back in a snarl and claws extended, Cav's pointed ears flattened against his skull as he lowered himself to the ground as he prepared to fight. Was he in any shape to fight? Physically, yes. Mentally, no. Dark red orbs blinked a few times in attempt to clear his vision as well as a shake of his head. Once his attention returned to the ghostly figure, he watched as she stepped into better light. A white winged wolf with red eyes and a hole in her chest. Odd. She didn't appear to be hostile nor did she sound malicious as he recollected her first words. It was clear he had overreacted but it wasn't like he could help it. He was taught everyone was an enemy. Everyone wanted him dead. Now he was busy thinking about his life up until now. He hadn't taken into consideration speaking with another this soon.

Forcing himself to relax, Cav stood upright once more though kept his claws unsheathed. He didn't know who this individual is and because of that, he was weary. Hostile or not. As she continued, the bulky feline hesitated for a moment, growing stiff before narrowing his eyes. Was he that easy to read? No, he did have a defeated expression and was aimlessly wandering about. The next question was, who is she? He remained silent for a moment, wondering how he should respond. Wondering if he should respond. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." He replied with an edge to his voice, not enjoying how a total stranger seemed to pinpoint how he was feeling.

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; border-top: 0px; border-left: 2px dotted black; border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; font-family: verdana;line-height:140%; font-size: 7.5pt; text-align: justify;letter-spacing:-0.5px;padding:5px;text-transform:lowercase"]Cav desperately not wanted to be alone. He enjoyed solitude, but even he grew lonely after a while. He yearned for interaction with another that doesn't spark conflict. He merely wanted to speak. About what you may ask? Anything. He wanted to know how their day went. Did they sleep well the previous night? Did they have any dreams? Are they eating properly and taking care of themselves? He wanted to speak on equal terms and talk until their lids grew heavy. The setting sun or the rising moon had no say in when their conversation would end. Cav and this individual would share their thoughts on various matters and get into heated arguments only to forgive and forget later; their affections for one another too strong of a force to keep them separated. He would be grateful and respect any insight they were to give him and they would feel the same for him. Their dynamic would be built on trust and support with good communication and kindness. It all sounded like a dream, meeting someone so precious. A frightening, but welcoming dream. Of course, the lynx would have to met an individual like this first then ultimately keep them at a distance.

He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He longed for a relationship like the one previously described, but he knew he wasn't worth it. Why would he be? An individual who is kind and caring would be wasted on someone like Cav. He's a monster. He grew up covered in the blood of innocent people. The feeling of bones snapping in his mouth and under his paws were lullabies to his clouded mind. Pleas and screams were grand symphonies playing in the background of every conquest. He found his footing in dominating others; he only knew how to take control. He'd laugh as disheveled creatures crawled away from his looming form in attempt to flee. He found amusement only in battle. He didn't deserve anyone's affection. It was only recently did he realize everything he's been taught, everything he's done was wrong. Only recently did he realize how sick he really is. Only recently did he realize how hazy his view on the world is. Eat or be eaten, he was taught. Every man for themselves, they shouted. They will bow at our feet, they chanted. I will be the sword and shield. They will tremble before my might, he thought to himself, a small smile parting his lips as he gazed over the tattered and torn, newly claimed land. The thought of what he has done, what he has become make him sick to his stomach. Everything that his family- no. He no loner wished to call them his family. His tribe, his mother and father... Uncle and siblings too- they're no longer important. Their relevance to him faded along with the life from their eyes. Their perverted, distorted teachings will die with them. Locking it away in his heart, Cav decided to try and start over. He has no intentions of forgetting what he's done nor does he wish for forgiveness. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. Being forgiven doesn't right the wrongs- it doesn't bring those who died back to life. He didn't deserve anything.

He didn't deserve to be alive.

The teachings of his tribe still lived on within him rendering him unable to bond with others. He was fearful of treating them horribly as he was taught to. As long as he roamed, his tribe still remains.

As much as the thought hurt him, Cav knew he needed to prove them wrong. That their teaching may make his life harder, but it isn't going to dictate what he does and doesn't do. He will never be free, he knew that much. But he needed to start somewhere.

His cloudy vision and distracted thoughts rendered him vulnerable to attackers. They'd manage to get the first hit, but they better aim well. The first strike would need to immobilize, knock him unconscious or kill him because once he snaps out of his trance, he's not going to be happy. Cav could have walked another couple hours with Argus following close behind and not realize her presence. It was only when she spoke did he jump to the side - an immediate response. Lips drawn back in a snarl and claws extended, Cav's pointed ears flattened against his skull as he lowered himself to the ground as he prepared to fight. Was he in any shape to fight? Physically, yes. Mentally, no. Dark red orbs blinked a few times in attempt to clear his vision as well as a shake of his head. Once his attention returned to the ghostly figure, he watched as she stepped into better light. A white winged wolf with red eyes and a hole in her chest. Odd. She didn't appear to be hostile nor did she sound malicious as he recollected her first words. It was clear he had overreacted but it wasn't like he could help it. He was taught everyone was an enemy. Everyone wanted him dead. Now he was busy thinking about his life up until now. He hadn't taken into consideration speaking with another this soon.

Forcing himself to relax, Cav stood upright once more though kept his claws unsheathed. He didn't know who this individual is and because of that, he was weary. Hostile or not. As she continued, the bulky feline hesitated for a moment, growing stiff before narrowing his eyes. Was he that easy to read? No, he did have a defeated expression and was aimlessly wandering about. The next question was, who is she? He remained silent for a moment, wondering how he should respond. Wondering if he should respond. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." He replied with an edge to his voice, not enjoying how a total stranger seemed to pinpoint how he was feeling.

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="border:transparent;width:55%;text-align:justify;font-size:11px;margin-top:5px;line-height:130%;text-transform:lowercase;font-family:verdana"]zebulon should be more excited and he would have been if the circumstances were lighter. instead, his clan is being invaded and his beliefs and emotions were at war with each other. he was confused and didn't know where to begin in finding a solution for his problems. with what was going on, he didn't know why he was doing this. adjusting the headphones around his neck, the smaller than average male gave himself a shake and smiled. it wasn't his usual bright and energetic one but it was a smile nonetheless. even in this time of darkness, he should remain optimistic and hopeful! he is an angel, after all! and all angels should be bright and optimistic! and they should also help others when they can- something he hadn't been doing very well. maybe, just maybe if he was more aggressive, they could have driven the loners back and reclaim some of their territory. he bit down on his lip. getting sad about it gave him time to reflect, but it didn't help. his values and logic clashed furiously, leaving behind a frustrated young warrior.

maybe making this announcement was pointless, or it could be seen as a silver lining. the candle in the dark and the light at the end of a tunnel. he is still an inexperienced kid, but he still as eager to learn as before. he would like to say the fact that he's made it thus far is significant, but he's immortal so it loses its importance. though, if measured not by time but how the time was spent, he supposed it is amazing. he's seen people come and go, but he remained and he's proud to say he's here for his clan when it's needed the most. and with that, zebulon cleared his throat and spoke up. "hey, hey~ guess who's of warrior-age now?" a small pause as he pointed to himself with a grin. "it's me. ya boy." he didn't know what warrior name he was going to go with yet, so he was glad he decided to use his nickname more than his birth one. not that he didn't like his birth name or anything. nicknames had always been his thing and he feels 'zebulon' is pretty rad.

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]
ren's questions:
** horn mutation ;; 0
. ram horns growing from before his ears and curling to the back and pointing forward adjacent to his jawline. another set would grow from his forehead about an inch and a half above his brows like a springbok [demon transformation ]
. scales?? somewhere on the body. maybe only in vital areas like the chest, around the eyes and stomach??
** aesthetic elementals ;; 5.000
. small, barely noticeable fox fires that constantly relight and put themselves out
. fox fires are brighter, stable and larger (2"x3") [ demon transformation ]
. body is hot to the touch bc of fire element and every breath heats up the air around him causing steam insp. titans from snk [ demon transformation ]
. fire would be attached to tail tip, ear tips and paws but not spread to other parts of the body/environment
** mental bond - 10.000
. with delilah
. perhaps another person he may have a contract with
** shapeshifting ;; 30.000 
. demon/serious combat body [ demon transformation ]
. homotherium or xenosmilius
. permanently unsheathed claws, scales (??), longer teeth maybe a different colour than white, lion-like mane (??), black sclera w no pupil or iris, a bone-like membrane growing from the elbows and a little from the hind legs
. demon transformation will hurt like hell the first time as his body shifts and alters
. maybe learns to light his body on fire and transform for a more cooler/flashy transformation to and from his demon body
** enhanced senses ;; 15.000
. will be a challenge to control
** conjuration ;; 30.000
** air element ;; 100.000
** fire element ;; 100.000

total: 205.000

draw concept art ya binch

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 09-30-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "Sed elementum nulla placerat mi scelerisque varius. Donec vestibulum lobortis turpis. Nulla varius luctus blandit. Suspendisse fermentum aliquet odio, vel pulvinar enim tempus eu. Donec malesuada enim eget felis mattis, eu cursus eros pharetra." Cras sodales nisl ante, vitae ornare mi commodo eu. Aenean sagittis, est et lobortis semper, quam neque finibus ligula, a blandit metus nisl sit amet mi. Integer laoreet non nibh et sagittis. "Quisque non viverra leo, sodales aliquam nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent elit tortor, hendrerit fringilla mauris sit amet," condimentum iaculis erat. Aenean dapibus porttitor tortor, at elementum lectus varius ac. Aenean porta maximus odio ut volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer aliquet dui neque. Nam tempus neque eget condimentum fringilla. Fusce at quam et odio cursus sodales. Phasellus non facilisis nulla. Nullam dictum arcu nec molestie eleifend. In quis mi libero. Curabitur interdum nunc massa, id ultricies massa dapibus eu. Nullam laoreet ligula a lacus semper, a gravida lectus sodales. Fusce egestas efficitur fermentum. Duis feugiat elementum laoreet. Donec diam libero, congue in luctus condimentum, pellentesque quis enim. Aenean vitae feugiat leo, accumsan finibus ipsum. Donec iaculis tincidunt ipsum, ut rutrum lectus maximus nec. Etiam tincidunt sapien vitae ex tempus, eget ornare lacus hendrerit. Curabitur at lorem porta, maximus augue in, convallis nulla.

Nulla sollicitudin et dolor quis consequat. Nulla leo leo, ultricies eget dui ut, laoreet sollicitudin turpis. Aenean egestas magna lectus, id sagittis nibh vehicula id. Fusce ac hendrerit enim. Fusce aliquet lobortis pretium. Nullam ut pharetra libero, id venenatis ipsum. Quisque et diam convallis, ullamcorper purus condimentum, ornare libero. Sed ornare porta dictum. Quisque vel aliquet metus, sed ultricies augue. Vestibulum posuere odio id nunc ullamcorper aliquet. Sed elementum libero mattis sem consequat, vitae venenatis lorem vehicula. Quisque et magna non quam elementum vehicula. Nullam lobortis, ipsum et tincidunt cursus, nisl arcu venenatis tortor, id laoreet orci diam consectetur ante. Quisque nec purus vel lectus egestas porttitor. Proin dignissim ultricies tortor quis pretium. Proin ut eros placerat, tempor tortor eget, porta leo. Nullam dignissim consectetur consequat. Pellentesque et nisl sem. Mauris luctus tincidunt elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eget augue quis dui gravida feugiat.

[align=center]"speech" / "writing"
