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Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - elliot - 08-24-2018

i love the short sm!!'s so different than she is in the game and it really gives a sense that like... that's just the projected version of herself because she's famous? like she's still reckless and stubborn but it's out of like duty and love for her country and that feels a lot more mature than what we typically see from her! i thought it had alright development with her learning to accept help and all that and how that tied in with the action (speaking of which... those action sequences? hot)
what i really want is for them to expand on her team!!!! blizzard is absolute ass with lore tho i have a feeling they're just makin it up as they go along which explains why some of the aspects of the short feel a little underdeveloped (esp the omnic monsters) but tbh i've come to expect that from blizzard lmfao

the map does look a bit uhh recycled but i'm still excited to play it!! i'd love to see some maps that are more visually distinct like a countryside one like toboggan said (though idk how that'd look) or maybe something super urban cyberpunk like futuristic toyko. more rustic like canada/ski resort would be fuckin rad tho. and for characters i'm just a slut for even more unique gameplay so like a flamethrower lady and voodoo boy sound really fuckin cool

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - rakue - 08-24-2018

i rly liked dva's short omg
catch these hands for being biased bc of my hana character though :')

the short wasnt supposed to be about her lore, but her personality outside of in-game where it's extremely lackluster outside of "gamer girl lol" and i really like that change for the animatics. we already know the big important parts of her history like her being in the MEKA and a former esport star so seeing her as a character expanded outside of that popstar facade is rly cool to me

i honestly hardly play ow anymore, i mostly keep up with it through streams and the league/world cup (speaking of which i STAN THE FUCK OUT OF TEAM CANADA AND TEAM SOUTH KOREA) since i get frustrated fast lol

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - emil - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]TRACK i luv overwatch and also the dva short made me love her even more i love my main sm


i can understand that.'s my third most played so i'm pretty passionate about getting some more info about her life xDD.
just waiting for my zenyatta, orisa, mercy and lucio short now and i can die happy knowing all my mains have gotten love

i gotta rep for team uk now haha. daiya and kyb responded to me in a reddit AMA and made my day so i gotta support my home team otherwise i'll feel bad.

i still haven't played since mercy nerf tho but i still love all the characters apart from pharah... i have a certain loathing for that character which i can't explain in under 500 words xD

hey emil!

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - toboggan - 08-27-2018

surefour is by far my favourite player i would also include xqc but i’d start a flame war. the gladiators were my babies, but i’ll let season two come before i keep that decision. you never know which new team will be where and which new player will be on what.

i lowkey wanted a lucio short. if not that, a proper junkrat/roadhog short. if not that, a fukign pharah short (fight me)

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - rakue - 08-27-2018

s4 and bischu are the only reasons i like gladiators highkey but i - will forever stan valiant they are precious to me ive spent FAR too much money on them
also shhh its ok i also,, like xqc - s4, xqc, and agilities are the noodlehead boys and i LOVE them


Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - adomania - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]mm Im not a big league watcher so I know none of these people,,, I just love my dad wraxu as well as jjonak and reujaehong... other than that I honestly,,, dont like xqc at all because he's just... like that rip
he gets banned every other week these days and it's not without a reason // shrug

but yeh its your local hanzo stan and ana main here,, who's username is hanzo


in all seriousness tho an animated short revolving around anubis or maybe some pharah/ana interactions would be cool.

surefour's pretty cool. ark and saebyolbe are my favourite (nyxl fan here lmao). watching ark helped me a lot when becoming a better support player and saebyolbe just has a good twitter where he shares cute pictures of shiba inus and i love him for it.
i actually do like xqc, he does get a bit much sometimes (the nicest way i can say it) but if you can get past his personality he is one of the best main tank players in north america.

what do you think of hanzo 2.0 ado? i'd be interested hearing some opinions from someone who genuinely plays hanzo because i'm biased af tank/support main

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - adomania - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]idk man I dont really play Hanzo that much,, imo he was more fun to play/play against before but that's because I like playing niche heroes and this made him far from niche and it's annoying now that everyone can be good with him by just spamming arrows moreso than before

so, like I said, I haven't touched Hanzo since the rework so I can't say much more about that, plus he's not really my main, since, like I said, I'm the biggest Hanzo stan from a lore perspective, not hanzo main. Ana main forever, my dps main is actually sombra and mccree now lmao
but yeah I don't play hanzo no more, last time I played him was ptr when the new changes rolled out and ever since then I fucked right on out of there and focused on my other mains and furthered my role as a flex

Re: OVERWATCH CHATTING THREAD - ace - 08-29-2018

whoops apologies for bringing back an old conversation, but i think the dva short was incredibly effective, even though it didn't reveal much lore of backstory, we got a lot of insight into who hana really is, behind the whole facade of being a celebrity

it was super inch resting to see that there's the front she puts on for the cameras, but also this deep drive of loyalty she has toward her city and how she's willing to die to protect it, idk i just love her a lot and i rlly liked the little scene they put in where she's fixing up her own mech and has grease all over her face it just really shows how down-to-earth she is and i like that a lot