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Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Suiteheart - 07-30-2018

She was late. Granted, Suiteheart had had to make sure her children were safe from these assholes. Herding the children up had taken far longer than she wanted, but her children were on the cusp of apprenticeship; they wanted to fight too. Finally, she had managed to convince them to stay away. Now, she could return to the action.

The white feline used her water elementals to gather up a bucket full of water, compelling the substance to swirl about her as she stepped on the field of battle. All the blood in the air tripped something in Suite's system, and baby blue eyes burned molten amber. Maybe she'd get a chance to feed today.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Verdigris - 07-30-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Even now that they lived in a different universe, where they were dealing with animals as opposed to homunculi, vengeful Ishvalans, and enemy soldiers, a hawk’s eye still seemed to be their first line of defense.

  Riza had been awake, patrolling the outer borders, when the cry of the hawk rang out from the fields. Narrowing her eyes, she hurried over to the observatory, then followed the hawk towards its destination- all along, watching the skies for any signs of smoke. If Roy was on the scene, flames were sure to follow. Sure enough, as she arrived on the shore in the midst of battle, she saw the sudden burst of fire consume the air before them, with Roy at its source.

  Its intended target disappeared right before her eyes, only to flicker back into existence and snatch up Roy. The moment he threw Roy into the water- and thus could do no further harm to him at the moment- she charged directly at him, clearing the distance in seconds. With a roar, she aimed to sink her teeth into Pincher’s scruff and throw him towards Suiteheart. Being pirates, it only made sense that the Typhoon’s members would be stronger in water than those of the Ascendants, so she needed to get their captain away from Roy- and ideally into the jaws of an ally.


(07-29-2018, 05:32 PM)CAROLINA link Wrote:
A fight, a fight was everything she needed. Everything that she wanted because it drove her and made her forget everything else. The feeling of muscles moving and warming up, the heavy hit of blows against another body. It was exhilerating and she aimed to whatever she could to get a good fight. As a Freelancer it was her job to be in top condition and no matter of lack of sleeping or not she was ready for anything and something like this was exactly what she wanted. Whoever these guys were they were going to get one hell of a rude awaking, just like Tanglewood did when they decided on their mock attack. Even in this body she was the size of an adult Labrador so she had a bit of size on her just not as much as she would have liked. Regardless the serval slipped on to the battlefield with ease, her dark amber eyes narrowed as she picked and chose her targets before she suddenly launched herself into the fray. She's already picked someone and it was easy for her to cross the stretch of ground, aiming to intercept the creature attacking Cooper and slam into them in midair. If that would worked she would aim to dig her claws into the to other's chest as they fell, trying for a hard kick to throw the other across the ground and force them to separate as she rolled back onto her paws. That was a tough landing but she'd manage with the pain. She didn't care as long as the other go the message. "Let's go. I'm ready to kick your ass."

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]

[div style="letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 16px; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px gray; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: verdana; font-size: 17px; color: white;"]IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD !
Caesar let out a yowl of surprise as his attack was intercepted, and a wave of static numbness went through his chest as Carolina dug her claws into his chest. The attack winded him honestly, and the kick she made didn't exactly help either. Caesar's ears pinned against his head as he tried to slowly get up, nausea briefly filling him as he rose to his paws. Black blood came from his chest from where Carolina's claws had dug in, and the only way the Officer realized he was injured was from the numbness in the area, as well as feeling blood slowly move down his chest. It didn't hurt per say, though that was only due to Caesar's inability to feel pain. That didn't mean his body wasn't going to act like it was okay, though. Caesar was clearly shaking on his paws as he stood, trying to focus on Carolina.

Ignoring the feeling of nausea, Caesar would run at CAROLINA now, trying to duck at the last minute to try and rake his claws across her stomach.



[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]This was a raid. A battle. An attack on his new home.

But René seemed oddly calm about the whole ordeal. The plum-colored feline simply waltzed on in, gazing around with blank eyes at the actions happening around him. He didn't even seem to be on guard or preparing to defend himself from any possible attacker, so it was any one's guess what René was doing.


Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Tex - 07-30-2018

tex snorted towards the response coming from her current opponent after her little poke. it would appear that the agent was blessed to have somewhat of a skilled opponent for once; she was happy that she didn't pick an overly easy one to handle like the ones who were trying to avoid combat in the first place. before another satisfying thought came to her mind, the jaglion was approaching her for a counterattack. smirking, tex decided to duck at the very last moment to see how much of this ariel attack would make contact. the attack had grazed her, leaving a not at all fatal cut on just the outskirts of her armor; she thought it was going to end up going in deeper, but she supposed not this time. "is that all you've got?" she'd reply slyly as her gaze fell upon the other female's stance. it looked dignified and well balanced; all this time tex was just going with the flow since she figured none of them would have such expertise. despite that, she decided to continue going with the flow since she really wasn't there yet on the "try hard" scale. but she supposed she'd put at the least some effort into this. rushing forward, the agent would appear to attack [member=185]deldrach[/member] with a frontal assault, but tex would instead feint to the left and make an attempt to make contact into deldrach's windpipe to wind her. whether or not that succeeded, she would follow up and attempt to kick the other in the face, possibly temporarily dazing her.
Template by Quill

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Roy Mustang - 07-30-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Well, it seemed like Roy held far too much confidence in his flames- as they never made it to his target. They easily continued to head in the jaguar's direction, but before they could reach Pincher, Lucifer intervened. Lucifer, who's a dragon, easily prevented his fiery attack from burning Pincher from head to toe. The dragon hissed at him, the male focusing on the dragon for a moment as his claws poised for another snap. But, if Lucifer didn't jump in the way, his attack still wouldn't have made it. Lucifer was mostly blocking his view, but Pincher teleported and to Roy's surprise, reappeared beside him. The Flame Alchemist's head quickly snapped towards the enemy, eyes widened as Pincher towered over him. Roy wasn't that experienced in fighting- animal wise at least. He was left at a disadvantage, the only advantage he held was his flame alchemy(and even that can be diminished). Roy hoped that his flames would take care of the job, but it seemed like things cannot always go the way he plans. "Oi, spitfire you just made a big mistake!" The bobcat heard Pincher chuckle, and before Roy could process what was about to happen, he felt teeth piercing the skin of his neck.

The male wanted to snap his claws, send some flames directly at Pincher's eyes(as he's a master at pin-point aiming), but before he knew it, he was quickly lifted off of the ground. Roy was considerably smaller than his opponent. For once, Roy knew why Edward Elric hated being so small- not only was Roy smaller than Pincher, he was lighter too. Meaning, he wasn't that hard to lift off of the ground. Before he could perform more alchemy to get himself out of Pincher's grip, the enemy spoke up one more time. "This bitch empty - YEET!" Roy didn't even get to fully process what Pincher meant by that. As soon as those words left Pincher's mouth, Roy Mustang went flying through the air for a few seconds.

As soon as he was flung in the air, he was already crash landing- in the starpool. His body crashed into the pool of water, causing a large splash. Thankfully, the starpool wasn't that deep and Roy knew how to swim- instantly in a second the male rose to the surface, bursting out of the water with a small gasp for air. Fuck, what a convenient place he crash landed in! There was no way Pincher could have known Roy's flame alchemy was useless when he's wet, the jaguar must be pretty damn lucky. And it's putting Roy in a bad situation too, he can't bring as much harm to Pincher as he'd like to. As soon as Pincher began to make his way over to Roy, with that taunting, annoying voice, Roy's lip began to curl into a snarl.

And then, the idiot before him slipped and came crashing into the water. Right where Roy was, just his luck huh? Not having the time to jump out of the way, Pincher's body weight suddenly came crashing before him, plunging the Flame Alchemist under water. Roy unfortunately did not have gills, Roy was barely holding his breath(considering he didn't have much time to react to Pincher's clumsiness), and if Pincher refused to budge the male was going to drown. Roy did not want to die, not especially in such a stupid, ridiculous way! Without another thought he began to squirm, hoping the Typhoon leader will get up before Roy can no longer hold his breath. When Pincher refused to budge, Roy began to get more violent, attempting to dig his claws in Pincher while submerged, hoping to get Pincher jumping out of the starpool.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - rhosmari - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her gaze was focused entirely on her fight. Nothing else mattered but she did vaguely hear something about a Delta and someone else screaming. But that wasn't her priority right now. She was livid that this outpost decided that they even stood a chance at coming here and attacking them. The absurdity of it was high and the serval was watching with narrowed eyes at the one that she had attacked moments before. Her calculative dark amber gaze was focused on the other even through the pain that rippled through her shoulder. She might have bruised the bone there but that was the cost of not having her armor anymore. It sucked but she'd learn to work around it till she did find it again. It was easy to read the movements of the other, as a soldier she was trained to do so and anticipate attacks and moves against her. This was like clockwork for the woman and she watched him duck, the projection of his movements clear to her trained mind. He was going for her stomach and she withdrew to the side sharply, feeling claws mar across her flesh of her front legs and blood to well up and spill. The color of the blood almost distracted her and she stared down at the golden colored fluid before jerking her attention back to the other and aiming to slam her head against his own since they were so close to one another. If that worked she would then follow up with a sudden smashing paw to the side of his head and then another in an attempt to floor him to the ground before wrapping a leg around his neck presumably to choke him out.

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - deimos - 07-30-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]// you uh, you have tags for texas?? or no? just so my mind can line up all this stuff qq

Was she expecting that Texas would give a reaction to her results? Yes. Was she happy when Texas didn't? No. She fell silent, and like a storm on the horizon, her eyes darkened. Her visor slid down, over her eyes and her cheeks. She stepped carefully now. And notably enough, Deldrach did not reply to her taunts. Her ears swiveled about, eyes focused on Tex's body. And like water, she could see the path Tex would take. Aye, this Tex was skilled. But as skilled as a former battle queen?

Deldrach let her first attack touch. Moments before, her paws had shifted away, pushing Deldrach away at the same time Tex contacted her, head tilted down, minimizing the damage. Her breathing dragging in slowly, however, as Tex moved to make her next move, Deldrach suddenly ducked beneath it, her eyes tracking her movement. In the slight second that followed, Deldrach's head ripped to the right, the sabre aimed to dig into [member=1551]TEXAS[/member]'s soft flesh behind her leg, her head slamming upwards as she tried to crawl out from underneath Texas.


Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Tex - 07-30-2018

//been meanin' to make one, sorry if it was confusin'~ lemme know if ya need me to explain somethin', ahah

as tex approached for her attack her eyes squinted as she could tell that her opponent was clearly getting serious about this battle. to the agent, this was an extremely good sign of a fight. no more talking; no more gloating; just the battle at hand with two opposing sides seeking victory. it wouldn't be the first time when someone else gives her that look of murderous intent and it most definitely will not be her last. she'd admit this as well; this individual is skilled indeed and not to be entirely underestimated.

this was proved even further as tex's visionaries followed deldrach's movements to dodge and counterattack her follow-up attack. new future battle scars were made on her leg as tex just barely reacted in time to get herself out of the situation. a silent "hm" escaped her throat as she dashed a bit backwards. looks like she was getting too smug during that approach; she wasn't going to be so careless with this one anymore, or anyone else in the near future. that was not and is not how she operate while in combat, or else things like this or worse could happen. looking back the damage she shrugged it off in order to bring her focus back onto deldrach. it was at this moment everything else going on around her virtually became inaudible. the only sounds she could here was crumbling of the ground beneath her opponents feet and their slow, ragged breaths. blood dripped down her now injured leg; hopefully it won't make her slip. tex would bring all of her focus onto this sole enemy while also making sure no one else would try to sneak up behind her for an attack. she was no longer going with her carefree fighting stance; this one was drastically more professional as her apparently muscular build tensed. this time she'd wait for her opponent to take action; but only for a little while.
Template by Quill


(07-30-2018, 05:23 PM)CAROLINA link Wrote:
Her gaze was focused entirely on her fight. Nothing else mattered but she did vaguely hear something about a Delta and someone else screaming. But that wasn't her priority right now. She was livid that this outpost decided that they even stood a chance at coming here and attacking them. The absurdity of it was high and the serval was watching with narrowed eyes at the one that she had attacked moments before. Her calculative dark amber gaze was focused on the other even through the pain that rippled through her shoulder. She might have bruised the bone there but that was the cost of not having her armor anymore. It sucked but she'd learn to work around it till she did find it again. It was easy to read the movements of the other, as a soldier she was trained to do so and anticipate attacks and moves against her. This was like clockwork for the woman and she watched him duck, the projection of his movements clear to her trained mind. He was going for her stomach and she withdrew to the side sharply, feeling claws mar across her flesh of her front legs and blood to well up and spill. The color of the blood almost distracted her and she stared down at the golden colored fluid before jerking her attention back to the other and aiming to slam her head against his own since they were so close to one another. If that worked she would then follow up with a sudden smashing paw to the side of his head and then another in an attempt to floor him to the ground before wrapping a leg around his neck presumably to choke him out.

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]

[div style="letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 16px; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px gray; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: verdana; font-size: 17px; color: white;"]IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD !
Perhaps it was Caesar's fault for going against somebody who was trained well in combat, since he was definitely no match for Carolina. If he had been in the King's Guard like his brother, perhaps this would be different, but alas poor Caesar was not selected and therefore had no training in physical fighting. It's why he preferred using his powers, but unfortunately he could only use them so much. A shockwave practically went through the demon as Carolina's head smacked against his, and his vision temporarily went black as an effect of being headbutted. Of course, he had no time to react before Carolina plashed a paw on his head, and the Officer tensed up, having a feeling of what was going to happen next. Before he could do anything else, Carolina's leg wrapped around his neck, and the demon felt his body slowly losing consciousness as he couldn't fight back. He didn't really know how to, in all honesty.
