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60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was more than irritated. He was irked and frankly was desiring to eat the heart and intestines of every Snowbound that he locked his sight on. Pincher wasn't mad about the alliance being broken, he was mad that they never gave their side of the deal when it came to resources and Pincher had threatened about the consequences. No, not threaten. Promised. He promised he would reign hell down on the fuckers that decided to go back on a deal with him. The demigod had been lurking deep in the ocean waves, his figure adjusting to the odd new body that he was able to return to after months of it being dormant. He parted his jaws, rows of teeth parting for him to engulf fish before the sea dragon heard commotion from above though it was muffled. Pincher halted for a bit, head turning upwards and his ice blue eyes narrowed as his heightened senses caught the sound of fighting and knowing about the Snowbound capturings, he was sure something had gone wrong. Those damn snowflakes.

Suddenly, an explosive sound of the water surface breaking joined into the orchestra as Pincher flew out of the ocean, his sleek wings furiously flapping to get rid of the water as he gave his dark jet black head a shake before turning over to focus on what was happening. His calculative ice blue eyes narrowed as he noticed it was the fuckers afterall and his jaws began to salivate with the toxic chemical that his dragon body created. He glared down at the Tsuyu as she tried to push another dragon to get moving, his figure swooping down and aiming to slam against the other dragon, his jaws aiming to sink into a limb and attempt a death roll with the chemical in his mouth able to burn through flesh. He didn't have his electricity or fire in use but his dragon body did excel in the more toxic side of elements. His long tail lashed behind him as he glanced over at Tsuyu, aiming to strike Tsuyu's flank with his heavy tail. He remained silent for now, his attention honed on creating as much damage as he could before they could escape. Pincher's eyes were lit with a dark hatred and hunger to remind them not to mess with him or anyone in his crew.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - arcy - 07-27-2018

In a way, Izuku knew that this wouldn't end well. They were just two kids, and they weren't particularly strong. Izuku didn't have training. He was just the goddamn Frosthealer, and he wasn't even a good one, either. .. Mostly because Jacob abandoned him partway through training. But this isn't the point. The point is that they need to get out. Izuku is making to flee, and everything about this is wrong and he can't jostle Kirishima too much or else he might hurt him.
The dragon flinches as a blast of fire comes towards his face. And Tsuyu's tongue can't block it all -- it was an entire fire blast, y'know. It gives him enough to turn his head so that it doesn't hit his eyes because he can see so well right now, he can't damage it again. He flinches, just a little, and oh, he can't move, because that'd leave Kirishima open to attack, wouldn't it? .. It's not as bad as it would be, if Tsuyu hadn't blocked some of it. And then he tries and runs some more, because he needs to go, they need to go. And then something bursts out of the water. The green-hued dragon scrabbles because oh god oh god oh god, nononono. His only saving grace right now is that he's larger than a lot of people, because he doesn't know how to fight but at least he has all his claws and his teeth again. And electricity. That, too. And then it launches himself at him. Izuku feels panic, and he dumps Kirishima unceremoniously to the ground. They need to go. "Go," Izuku demands roughly, nudging the maned wolf. He might push a little too hard, because he doesn't know how to move. But. Kirishima needs to go. No self-sacrificial bullshit, that was Izuku's thing, and he'll hold Pincher's attention if he has to. Once his classmates are far enough away, Izuku may or may not be dead, but as long as they get away, he's fine. Uh. His concern is being the only person capable of healing, so they'd be left alone. .. But Izuku doubts they'll leave him behind, so now they're all absolutely fucked.
And then -- oh dear. One scaled ear flattens as the other's jaws wrap around his leg, his shoulder. He tries to yank his leg away, out of the other's jaws, but he can't. There's saliva over his scales, and oh. He's already spinning. Rolling, really. Izuku curls in, and the saliva is burning through his scales and there's teeth and it fucking hurts. Izuku is lucky his pain tolerance is so high, but even then, he kind of wants to cry. But .. well, he could do something, even with how the dragon's saliva was burning through his skin now. Immediately, Izuku's skin lights up with electricity, and the spinning has stopped, but Izuku needs to distract him. He's going to fucking die, but Izuku just needs a minute before he can get a break. Maybe he could .. well. They had to get out stat when he could, and there wouldn't be a ton of options for running, now. So .. yeah. They were fucking doomed. Especially considering the stretch of land that they entered through. They'd .. figure it out. Izuku squeezes his eyes shut, and his newest injury is burning, but he's got to tough it out, he's really gotta. .. It feels a little out of place, for that matter. His leg. Which is .. unfortunate. Very, Very unfortunate. He takes a shaky breath, and within another moment, he's increased the voltage with a little strain, and he's scrabbling to press himself closer, dig claws into the other's skin. More surface area, more injuries. More firmness against the skin, the more burned it would probably get. And, with his current voltage, he could probably get a terribly nasty burn on, uh, most people. Pincher probably counted, unless he was resistent to electricity or something. Izuku wouldn't put it past him, since he seemed pretty overpowered in comparison as was. If dropped or released, though, Izuku wouldn't really be able to do a lot. I mean .. he was a bit of a mess. Just in general right now.
//sorry i didnt want izu to lose a limb so i pretended that the death roll wouldnt be able to do that ahgsdjfashfjkas
also, kind of super obvious, but this is retro to the peace treaty
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - TSUYU. - 07-27-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu was focused on the mission, rescuing Kirishima, but she was also focused on saving Midoriya as well. She was trying to keep calm, she was moral and emotional support at times like these. But, when she felt a tail bash into her body without her expecting it, the frog-manx felt something in her hips rattle, and the hybrid was sent skidding across the ground not far off, due to the sticky pads sucking into the ground. With a soft ribbit, as she saw electricity from Midoriya, Tsuyu changed her objective. Grab Kirishima and run. Her destroyed tongue was useless, she knew that. Acid bubbled up in her stomach, threatening to escape but she held still. "Go, Kirishima!" Tsuyu pushed him on, a limp in her step as she tried uselessly to hop. She didn't normally walk, she wished she could just jump away with them. "Midoriya! Run!" She begged aloud, panic lighting up her face as she stumbled once more, before climbing into the water, preparing a space on her back for the wolf. She was small, but trained to swim in water and rescue people. If Kiri didn't want to do that, then hopefully he could swim. Tsuyu wasn't one to leave classmates behind, she couldn't. "Shock him, Midoriya!" She cried out, bobbed tail twitching as her head bobbed over the water, paws paddling despite the ache in her joints.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Kirishima would stumble a little as Izuku dropped him off his back as soon as the other dragon came flying out of the water. A concerned look on his face, he would start stumbling on three-legs, away from the other group members. Then he would look over his shoulder and frown. They couldn't leave Izuku behind, but the other dragon appeared to be very strong.

Then he would hop onto the spot that Tsuyu left open for him. She was a strong swimmer, he knew that so he trusted her enough to carry him on her back, even if he was a little heavy for her.
tags :: updated 7/26: