Beasts of Beyond
what do you want to see for this group? - Printable Version

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Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL UPDATED] - elliot - 07-26-2018

next thing i want concrete is the ranks but i'll also post some ideas we've had about territory, religion, customs, and just other stuff!

so a lot of the ideas we've had have been suffix/prefix names, but i personally don't want too many of those (partially because it looks/sounds very busy to me and partially because i feel like that's already snowbound's Thing and i don't wanna look like we're stealing that). my thought has been that assistant deputy, the regular high position rank, and semi-high position ranks could be cool suffix/prefix words but maybe keep the rest to simple single-word names. i think most of them should be sun/light related but they don't all have to be!  having leader/deputy be normal(ish) might keep it from being overwhelming, but those are just my thoughts.  things that i might think are busy/too much might actually be totally fine so i'm looking for feedback and ideas!

leader - ?
deputy - ?
assistant deputy - i still love goldenbloods but i'm not sure we should use that... another -blood would be cool but i'm still thinkin' on this one
high position rank - dawnguard, flamewarden? (would be nice if this sounded 'protector-y' because i feel like that's usually the function of this type of rank? could swap the 'protector-y' role with ass. dep rank and have this be like lightbearer or flameseeker or etc. actually i'm just spitballing but that's a good idea lmao)
semi-high position rank - hearthkeeper (i'm pretty much married to this one because it's so suiting for a shp rank whose main job is being welcoming it's just so fitting i love?)
members - ?
apprentices - sparks? novas? both sound very youthful
kits - rays

if we wanted to go prefix/suffix for members i could see it being sunsomething because they're the main bulk of the group so i think it's really fitting for them to have the sun prefix! maybe that's just me haha. for leader or deputy i've been throwing around warden (if we don't use it as a suffix for anything) or maybe helion (since helio- means relating to the sun).  random idea: maybe assistant deputies could even be like... patrons? like they can choose a field and be patron of xyz. like... a patron saint... idk i just adore words with vaguely religious connotations for some reason lmao. like i could see the leader being divine or something. who knows, i'm still spitballing.

i'm gonna be dumping the list of prefixes and suffixes we've come up with if anyone wants to form suggestions using them!  i was also gonna talk about other stuff but uhhh i think i've already written enough for one post lmao


Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL UPDATED] - axiom - 07-26-2018

i like that !!!

i think
leader -> helios (literally god of sun lol??)
deputy -> warden
ass deps -> solar patrons???
hp -> dawnguards
shp -> hearthkeepers

boop that's ma take

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Orion - 07-26-2018

leader - LOVING helios
deputy - ???
ass dep - goldenbloods is something i adore to tbh i think you should keep this
hp - flamewarden sounds so badass
shp - hearthkeeper MmmMmMmM
members - ???
apprentices - ???
children - none of you thought of using SUNS for male children and i am disappointed.

also a cool idea...
form the ranks off the birth of a sun
children - nebula / interstellar
apprentice - stars / dwarfs
member - suns
elderly - maybe the death of a sun / star?
prisoners / slaves / exiled - call them moons because they bring darkness into the light...? they will fade away from the light?

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - grassina - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]leader: HELIOS/N!!!
deputy: dawnwarden / dawnbearer / dawnblood (screams i love goldenbloods more tbh)
assistant deputy: goldenblood is hot
healer: lightbringer / daylights
hp: flameseeker / supernova
semi-hp: hearthkeeper
members: sun....ny boys whomst
apprentices: sparks
kits: rays is so cute i can't.... sunbeams???
elders: sunsets / settingsuns / sundowns

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - goodsprings - 07-27-2018

leader- helios!!!!
deputy- warden or dawnguard
assistant deputy- goldenbloods,, sexe
hp- dawnguard or flameseeker holy SHIT
shp- hearthkeeper is beautiful
members- suns sounds a bit too generic tbh i'd think sunbearers maybe?
apprentices- sparks,,, cute
kids- RAYS

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-27-2018

sweet ok based on what all of y'all have said here's my Thots

leader - helion
dep - warden
assistant dep - goldenblood
hp - dawnguard
shp - hearthkeeper
members - sunseeker/sunbearers (this one's my favorite)/sun(something suffix here) OR a single word like blaze/flare (i feel like it makes sense if u progress from rays to sparks to like a flare. maybe that's just my brain)(also auror is a cool word because it comes from aurora meaning dawn or aurum as in gold but it's also used in harry potter so lmao idk) need feedback on this one for sure
apprentices - sparks

and also... other stuff! for territory we're taking inspiration from ha long bay in thailand, which is a bunch of floating houses on water near a really big mountain range, but sunhaven's is gonna be more of a seatown with floating houses by a smaller mountain range (like not as tall probably, more sunny and grassy and lively). there's also sausalito and fisherman's wharf in victoria which are good refs for houses! if you have any ideas for landmarks please throw them at me. i was definitely thinking something special at the highest peak (closest to the sun) or a lake somewhere or an orchard/some cool fields (i'm just in love with lavender fields ignore me).

for religion we had thrown around a couple ideas.  there's lots of solar deities out there but i think it's a good idea to go with a better-known one like apollo and then we can add aspects and lore that we like.  alternatively i know i personally adore twin deities like artemis and apollo......... we could even steal a concept like that but they could worship both, but one brings the sun up and the other sets it and one is centered around art, wealth, and etc and the other around ill-fated lovers, lost souls, etc.

i think shops/merchants are a go, we can have a shop system but i think a currency system as i'm thinking is too restrictive so we could just leave it to ic (here's what i did before and kind of what i mean).  for customs i have pelt and mural painting down, maybe we could also do tokens as they used to be (to quote the 2012 sunclan guide, " They were instated to form a new ritual for Sunclan. When an apprentice becomes a warrior, the Token Masters will be given a piece of freshkill by the to-be-named apprentice which is turned into a sort of trinket or token which would be carried through-out their life as a warrior. Nothing really special comes from the token. Just a sentimental item."). if you have any other ideas for traditions please let me know! i had other ideas in a list but i can't find it right now so i might edit stuff in

i was also planning on keeping guilds because it seemed like most people said yes to them? i was gonna keep them entirely separate from the ranks like little clubs where like-minded members would focus on their interests and skills together (because the clan as a whole would be more focused on social and merchant aspects). as far as i had thought there'd be three: warfare, medicine, and art, but we could rename them to whatever (i left out commune in favor of art because commune had previously been art AND social... but the whole clan would be centered on social in this case).

so yeah! that's... about everything i wanted opinions on. feel free to respond to whatever you have opinions on, i'm very open to ideas regarding pretty much everying

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - axiom - 07-27-2018

Yes to all that, esp the Apollo and Artemis idea!!

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - grassina - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]okay so i have a couple ideas for landmarks!!

- a grotto! xxxx
i think it would be a cute little territory marker just for fun. possibly a place for ceremonies or something?
we could definitely say that the water in the grotto isn't deep so it's not dangerous!!

- mountainside staircase! xxx (this one isn't the best ref but oh well)
using a staircase to get to the top of the mountainous part of the territory would he a neato idea? plus, like scaling the stairs to get to the religious statue? hot

i also really love the idea of an orchard or garden/something else similar. i think they're super could and it would be really fun so yes pls give us one

yes 100% to the deities idea with twin gods/goddesses

i love the token system/shops/merchants ideas!! those are all cool little elements that would help set sunhaven apart from everything else imo

i do really like the idea of guilds too ngl! art, warfare, and medicine seem really good too. and i like that it's just three bc more would probably be overwhelming?

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Una. - 07-27-2018

sneaks a track here

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-27-2018

okay, i think i'm gonna go with... pretty much all of that stuff since the feedback seems positive!! and i loved those landmark ideas so i already put them in the territory lmao

the guide is up and while it's a wip it's open for tracks!! you can still post here and tell me if you have other ideas or if things need to be added or deleted or changed. hopefully i'll finish it up tonight or tomorrow and then things will actually get rolling!