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Human Roleplay Switches - Printable Version

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Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Orion - 07-17-2018

Madi's Quote:
Nice nice, I like it. I feel as if right now though, we don't necessarily need divided general boards. Our other RPs board is not as used as I'd like it to be and if things would like to go there, then that's fine with me. Looking inactive is what pushes people away.

Ace's Quote:
God yes. I have to agree with this and that's my main point when it comes to the fact of the European map. There's A LOT that would need to be changed. With a custom map, we can do whatever we please.

Limits in Tech / Transport! I'd honestly limit it to things w/ batteries or mechanical ran. That's where I really draw the line for things. No cars, but boats and horses.

Also, I'm going to point out saying things are scarce will not do well. Everyone wants their character to be the special one to have such and such rare item, so I'd rather not say there's a limit on things we want to prevent having in the first place. Putting a pay wall on it will also seem a bit off. Though, I can change that if need be, but I highly doubt I will put an item under such a paywall when we don't need it in the first place.

YES. The war thing is perfectly fine! Reincarnating a veteran would be amazing in this world too. After all, there's no world without some conflicting history.

Puzzle's Quote:
Smaller space on the custom map I will introduce in a few. It's fixable for all of our scenarios and can be customized to our liking. With the real world, we cannot make things smaller.

Apricity's Quote:
Different themes would be perfect. The current groups we have now are too close together (see Carkus' comment).

Also agreeing that tech should stop at where animal roleplay stops. (AKA batteries, stone-age weapons, and mechanics like said above.)

Cyanist's Quote:
This is sort of what we were stuck with last time but in a less specific and non-involving actual history way. Even so, I'm still impartial to the idea. I'm afraid for this to fail again if we stick with the same ideas from before.

Lexa's Quote:
"Nothing major needs to be changed." Current history would need to be changed. With a custom map and world, we have limitless options and the ability to do whatever we please.

Agreeing on transport as I said above. No cars, horses/boats/etc.

See above and first point.

Sky's Quote:
Agreeing so much.

Carkus' Quote:
Agreeing with these points listed here, but I'm going to point out that I stray from aliens, although it does fit with the mutations theme!

Apricity Quote:
While making a new world is more comfortable for me, it will take some time. That being said, it gives us the freedom and time we need to have. I will also include this: Animal RP and Human RP can be included within the same world if we do this. [Admittedly, we planned this already as staff to do with the current world, but this would make things MUCH easier. Nothing would have to be changed for animal RP. They're on a custom map anyways.] As of right now, animal RP is assumed to be ???. With this, we will have a set world for both and similar rules, thus making it easier to jump into both.

Elumina's Quote:
Ngl, I very much like this.

Onto my piece:
I created a lil custom map for my example of things.
[Image: mS03bDx.png]
The colors are were possible group placements can go, but it's really up to what groups get picked. Along with this, I feel as if we have more ideas and possible outcomes to work with if we do the custom map.

- Expandable for more groups within the future
- Customized
- Varieties of biomes that can be added within placement
- Smaller area than what we currently have which makes it easier to have a lack of technological transport
- Abilities do not necessarily need to be explained, as it is all natural to them
- If need be, reincarnated characters from war can be from this world's history OR this new 'planet' can have reincarnated Earth characters
- Characters from the current human RP are transferred over easily, but that's with all of this tbh

edit: posted this early on accident, but you get the point?

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Elumina - 07-17-2018

(07-17-2018, 06:00 PM)impy. link Wrote: Elumina's post: It may be that, like you said, it's not very fleshed out but I'm having a hard time grasping what you mean exactly? I understand there being a dimensional rift (like a new world) that would bring mutants over but would it take place in the 'mutant' world or the human world?

I said the rp would take place in our world meaning the 'human' world(custom map or not), three or more years after the rift closes, what might be considered the 16th or 17th century. Technically both worlds are human. The humans of the first world decided to give the explorers a label.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - nefarius - 07-17-2018

Coming back into say that I like Elumi's idea quite a lot! <33 It would combine everything that we'd essentially want in the human rp game.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - vellichor - 07-17-2018

I really like Elumi’s idea as well! We may need to move it forward in time a little bit though so that it’s in a modern century? I know I’m good with things being older but I know there are some people who wanted it in a newer century. Like maybe the rifts just impact electricity and some forms of energy so cars and things can’t work or smth. I personally think either way would be fine tho.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Elumina - 07-17-2018

perhaps technology stopped at the 19th century, keeping things within rules, while ideals and morals and culture (clothes, language etc) moved forward? We could say that the rift opening/closing pulled all energy from the world electricity wise.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - crim - 07-17-2018

Note: I hope that anything I say from here on out doesn't come across as rude - I'm just trying to be completely honest and get my opinion out there.

First of all, there's a lack of progress being made. I understand that world building takes a bit of time so that everything is perfected, but looking through this thread, there are a lot of separate ideas and even more backtracking. Keeping at this rate, we are going to continue to get relatively nowhere with this rebuild. You all have a lot to contribute and that's fantastic but... We need to pinpoint.

I'm going to say now that I haven't gotten the chance to read through everyone's replies fully, although I have skimmed and have a lot of information from that. Unfortunately, I don't have the attention span to read so many blocks of text, especially when there seems to be a lot of repeating and, as I said, super spread out ideas. I have, however, noticed that there is a real problem regarding the map.

Personally, I don't think the map matters much as of right now. However, I do think that sticking with a certain area (such as Europe) is the smarter move, as there is then a set history. Otherwise, history would have to be endlessly debated as well. Considering we can't agree on a general idea, coming up with a specific history that makes everyone happy would be difficult. And sure, real life history could be kept with custom maps, but it's not as realistic. I can go way more in depth with my opinion on this, but I'd prefer not to, seeing as how I just said the map shouldn't be the priority.

The priority should be the general idea, regarding post apocalypse and what not. A decision has to be made there on what route the majority would like to take, as that's the most important part of the rebuild, and then more specific aspects can be decided from there that make the most sense. As of right now, a lot of ideas are being thrown out there, and while they're good, it's causing a lack of focus. I think the best approach would be moving from one aspect to the next (of larger importance to smaller).

Going from that, I see that the majority of people prefer postap, which is understandable because I know a lot of people who prefer more realistic human roleplay rather than fantasy and other out there concepts. I think we should delve into this, so I'm asking a question: why would you guys like/dislike postap? What are the pros/cons? What do you want that wouldn't be realistic in that setting, if anything?

This is something we should definitely begin to get into.

Thanks for hanging in there with me y'all. I love the human rp and want to see it thrive (': but I also hate the feeling of wasting time.

Edit;; I definitely feel like I'm missing something lmao but /: it is what it is. I don't have the time to look back right now so feel free to... let me know any important details.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - nefarius - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]I respectfully disagree. I think "throwing" around ideas gives us a broader understanding of what members want, and what we can combine to make something that everybody is content with. This is for the purpose of making the human roleplay more popular, after all. The more ideas the better.

Furthermore, Orion is trying their best to pay attention to all of these wonderful ideas by taking the time to respond to them one-on-one, so I think for the most part we're moving along the discussion as we go. People are also taking the time to put forth criticism on these ideas to make them better or to point out the obvious flaws. It's progressing beautifully.

[member=883]Elumina[/member] I like that! So basically the rift opens, and the sheer power of it caused power to go out? Do you think it would make sense for humanity to try to progress forward in technology as a result to try to combat the mutants/aliens/whatever we're calling them, but something in their magical makeup also messes with electronics? Could be a bit of a one-up on the humans.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Orion - 07-17-2018

Essentially this would be adding mutated humans earlier on in the game, correct Elumina? Because honestly, if we work with a blank slate world w/ the same history and just add in that aspect + new groups, that may work... Even so, people could still be confused by these changes and get things mixed up.

I'd have to agree with Carkus, Crim. Throwing out general ideas is essential now because we need to focus on some of the bigger ideals before we get to the smaller ideas. The map is a huge part of this. It can limit culture, territory choices, and create new ideas as we progress further. See my custom map for ideas(the Cove, no man's land, trading post, etc etc).

I will be setting up ideas in clumps w/ all of your contributions, distributing them, and then allowing the polls to take the path of how human RP will roll.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - vellichor - 07-18-2018

aa so this is a little off topic but I wanna just put this out here as like a warning I guess?? sorry if it's a little blunt but I'm not sure how else to put this.

So I've never seen huge, complex lore work out well on an rp site. I've been on a few that've tried it in the past and it usually ends up having tons of continuity issues and problems in the long run due to being restrictive and things like that. I think having a map is good, I think having the reason for the fallout is good, and I think having a set of simple rules is good. However, anything beyond that (like adding a more complex history not created by the rpers) usually makes things way more confusing rather than clearing anything up. It makes it hard for people to jump in and makes it hard to create characters because there's so much restriction. This isn't always the case but I would say it is most of the time.

That doesn't seem to be the direction we're going in but I just wanted to give that warning. Once we start adding our own lore and creatures and things like that that aren't just created by rpers, you're making another thing on a guide that someone will have to read and keep track of and follow, which will make things more difficult. For that reason, I am strongly against any sort of super complex lore beyond the basics (basically what we absolutely need to know) for human rp. The more open we are, the better off we'll be. As time goes on, the rp will create it's own lore but it has to be open enough for people to do that to begin with.

Due to that, I think our best bet is to have a simple post ap. world that somehow gets destroyed and has powers added (via biotechnology, some kinda rift thing, it really doesn't matter as long as the explanation is simple), and then we let people out into the world. It's assumed that it had the same history as Earth up until the deviation of these events, to make it easy to reference past events and locations, and everything is relatively easy to follow. Because powers are available, so is the interpretation of sci-fi and fantasy elements in various groups, which allows for as much freedom as possible. As long as you can get it in the shop or it's an element established in the simple lore, you're free to use it as a new group or character. Keeping this simple and easy to understand is the key. Anyone should be able to read any guide and have a decent idea of what's happening without too much confusion or having to constantly reference other guides for a complex history they need to keep track of.

Again, that doesn't seem to be the way this conversation is going but I just get nervous because I've seen so many sites try to do some huge lore and everyone puts in so much work but things like that really aren't super effective in the long run due to continuity problems and how difficult it is to get into, no matter how interesting the base concept is.

I also agree that throwing out ideas is the best thing we can do right now! We can gather them all here and then properly vote on them to make actual decisions! There's no way with this many people that we'd actually be making decisions in a discussion chat like this tbh. 

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - ace - 07-18-2018

Right now, I think we're focusing too much on lore. If we develop too much of a history/backstory it makes it harder to jump-in and therefore less enticing for people to join. I think we should just go in with a blank-slate universe with simple explanations for why certain things have happened.

A post-apocalyptic world is a nice place to start, perhaps no one knows what happened, and the powers/mutations are a result of natural selection and adaptations which would make sense, because surviving humans would adapt to the new world they've found themselves in. We don't have to include much in history, except maybe what wiped out a majority of the humans also wiped out things such as electricity and modern technology and that's why currently there are only stone-age type weapons and materials.

I feel like that's all we need to set up a semi-realistic, easy to jump in roleplay where people can essentially make up the history of their groups as they go along. The world itself does not necessarily require a history because I know that with Griffingate/Blackfall it was difficult to understand, and as someone who's never done well with history/geography on a whole, I was hesitant to even delve into it because it was unfamiliar to me.

I don't even think we need to worry too much about a map until we pick our boarded groups.

Starting with an essentially blank-slate post-ap universe would give room for human roleplay to grow, and for people to expand on their characters however they wish. Reincarnation of a war veteran? Sure, there must've been a war before the apocalypse. I think this is simple to understand and easy to jump in, which would make human roleplay more attractive and less restrictive to potential roleplayers.