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these wings on your back aren't a dream - Printable Version

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Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 07-30-2018

[div style="font-family: georgia; line-height: 0.7; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; width:545px;"][align=right][color=#C9568C][glow=black,2,300][b][i] 私は彼らのランタンを点灯します。彼らは勝利が表示されます。
[size=8pt][i]songs and cries of war (warsongs ) / sunhaven sunbearer / 30 months

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]warsongs colour palettes
#842136 - BROWN
#A0346A - OLD ROSE

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 07-30-2018

[glow=black,2,300]CRIES AND SONGS OF WAR[/glow]
tags — updated 30/07/18

name. cries and songs of war
name meaning. refers to battle cries and warsongs that are often heard on battlefields, warsongs in particular referring to her battle dancing, a form of combat based off traditional dances and blades.
nicknames. warsongs for short, song for close family and friends
biological gender. female
pronouns she/her
age. 30 months
clan. sunhaven
rank loner sunbearer

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. irelia ( league of legends )
voiceclaim. irelia ( league of legends )
☆ other notes here

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
black domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
a tall and slim black cat with bright blue eyes. she has a multitude of scars, including scratches up and down her legs from fights which are minor, only seen on closer inspection and a large gash on her shoulder, looks like it has been done by a blade. she wears ribbons around her legs and shoulders which flutter in the wind and as she dances, also serve to hide scars.
injures. several scars, a large gash on her shoulder

ENTJ && griffindor && neutral good.
warsongs name fits her perfectly. she is a warrior, one trained in the art of war and the dances that connect her to a past and a culture. she is passionate and patriotic with a righteous fury that makes itself clear and apparent within seconds of meeting her. some may think her overzealous or a warmonger, some may think her disdain for surrender to be similar to the foes that she seeks to destroy, but she would disagree.

Peace requires two to achieve. If those she opposes threaten her or her home, Warsongs will be the first and last to fight for her home. 
main personality traits. text
disorders. text

parents. archipelagoisland x sheepherder
siblings. jericho ( sunhaven hellion )
sexuality. demiromantic bisexual
relationship status. single, currently not looking for a relationship
friends. n/a
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. hard && hard
will start a fight if her or her home/sunhaven members are threatened && kills without mercy
self defense. defends herself and others
prefers to fight with blades
mention [member=1756]WARSONGS[/member] when attacking or use #C9568C
attacks in #C9568C
powers. none as of yet

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 07-30-2018

— Anima is the Kindred, an ancient incarnation of death consisting of two halves of one soul. The "lamb" and the "wolf" are linked together closely and are inseparable. Anima herself is the conscious and speaking of the two, although she is able to communicate with the animistic and savage wolf.
— The "lamb" is the gentler aspect, although she is by no means kind. The pair exist to kill those who are meant to die after all, and the lamb grants a swift and clean death to those that she finds. If they choose to try and evade the lamb, the Lamb will hunt them as the wolf.
— The "wolf" is a hulking great creature, with glowing eyes and a pelt as black as night. He is unnaturally fast and powerful, a true hallmark of a great predator. His bite contains a venom that can down the fiercest of creatures and cannot be treated. Whilst Anima is the wolf, she loses her rationality and gives into the primal hunger and desire to chase down and hunt prey. It is a """"feral"""" state for the Kindred, with the lamb being the conscious and human aspect of death, whereas the wolf is the primal aspect.
— Anima became the Kindred after striking a pact with death after she was killed, being reincarnated through the ages now. She dies before she becomes old and is reincarnated through possession. She is therefore "the eternal huntress" and girls born with pale hair, pale skin and the unnatural eyes of the Kindred are fated to become the next successor. As of such, Kindred remains from an late teenager to a woman in her prime to ensure she can always hunt the best.
— Anima's personality remains intact as the "lamb", but the "wolf" is Anima abandoning her humanity so therefore loses her personality.

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - CELESTE G.M. - 07-31-2018

The sage tryouts would of course catch the shaman's attention. She still had intentions of going home if she could, but the possibility of her going home seemed to getting thinner and thinner, like watching sand slip between her paws. For now and the foreseeable future, it seemed like she was stuck with being a pirate. Temulin would rather contribute than sit around moping to herself.

The task was simple. Find three herbs, bring them back and explain their applications in a medical sense. It was something that the siamese was confident that she would be able to do... Anywhere but here. The rainforest as a place was unfamiliar to her, the geography was strange and unheard of. Simply put, her knowledge of tropical flora was lacking at best. She did hear of miracle cures coming from across the sea, but she'd never actually laid her own two eyes on them.

Maybe it was best to try and locate plants that she knew, considering the idea was to demonstrate her knowledge and not go over the time limit of two hours. One that particularly would be around would be ginger, hopefully. It was something that was a staple of traditional medicine and it liked the humid forests that the traders that visited the plains came from. Eastern traders were a favourite of hers when they came to interact, bringing colourful silks and fragrant herbs and spices.

There's a telltale flower that the siamese spots with a smile. Pink and tall, looking like a particularly vibrant pinecone. She digs up the roots of the plant, taking one good chunk and replanting the rest of it. She mutters a quick thanks to the Earth Mother for the gift, something that anyone would likely think insane, but it's respectful. And then she moves thinking of things that would grow in such a humid environment.

Cinnamon... Cinnamon trees. The cinnamon that was ground for consumption was removed from tree barks as far as she could remember. That would be no good, Temulin hadn't brought a knife with her into the jungle. There wasn't enough time to go and find a knife either, so something else would have to do. What else went in the teas... Oh! Lemon Balm!

She remembers how the bitter taste would needed to be covered up with honey or something else sweet. Perhaps some of the sugar that the traders had too, but sugar was used sparingly in her practices. Too much sugar was bad for anyone. Still, taking a few leaves off the small shrub was no great effort. Which left one more herb to go with... How long had she taken now?

There was no point guessing, she may as well be quick as possible. She tries to look to the sky for any clues on time but tracking the sun through the canopy proves difficult as expected. Still, there is something that catches her eye. A dangling fruit atop her head, a bright green unripe colour. She remembers something about that plant... Hadn't she seen one before?

She was certain that it had been brought before as a trader bragged about it. Something Anise... It's seeds were good for cooking and apparently helped with colds, if she remembered correctly. The only thing that she definitely remembered was it being mixed into an excellent stew when she kept as a guest for a trading tribe. The Kha were an strange tribe, interacting with the outside world as if it was nothing, as if it did not challenge centuries of traditions and practices.

Temulin enjoyed staying with them. If she ever did manage to return, she was certain that the tribesmen and women of the Kha would love to hear about the Typhoon, maybe discover the Island themselves one day. They would doubtless be happy to see her return, would they not? Hopefully. She would certainly have stories to share about the pirates.

With the herbs gathered, there's no reason to stay in the jungle and risk overlapping the time. She sees that Junji and another feline that she hasn't seen yet are present, already having presented their own herbs. It's curious that none of them seem to have found the same herbs, but perhaps that is testament to how diverse the fauna of the rainforest.

"This is ginger. It is good for aching bones and joints, circulation and nausea. I wouldn't recommend eating it like this, but it tastes very good cooked with meats and other herbs." She explains, silently noting that perhaps she should of thought of things other than food. That being said, sharing meals and stews were a way of bonding, and many a medicinal concoction had been hidden in a rich beef stew.

"Lemon Balm is another tea ingredient. It also helps with the blood and is good for colds, especially good for soothing sore throats with some honey. Honey and lemon balm tea make a good combination, although I'm unsure whether the Typhoon keeps honey bees." She places the leaves down with the ginger root in front of her, sounding relatively confident. That being said, she is simply talking about tea and common medicine. However, the ritual magic used in tandem is absent from her explanations.

"Finally, I believe this is Anise? It would need to dried first, and apart from being a wonderful spice for cooking - it is a good treatment for keeping healthy and colds. That being said, it will need to be dried for a good couple of months before usable." With everything explained and done, the siamese waits for anyone else considering to arrive. 

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - CELESTE G.M. - 07-31-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ FEAR NOT THIS NIGHT, YOU WILL NOT GO ASTRAY

[align=right][color=#fff][i]temulin / typhoon crewmate / 5 years / tags

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - CELESTE G.M. - 07-31-2018

angelic things :deer, doves, and a borzoi & perytons
borzoi canine body, long legs & snout
completely blind but w/ gold glowing eyes
doves ( dove wings - 6 wings for a Sepharim ) - all on her back
antlers, have a golden sheen to them, also fuck gender normative this is an angelic form, pure beings of energy, no fucking time for your shit
golden claws, golden fangs
is there a way to add a halo??


Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 07-31-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]An ancient incarnation of a force as old as time, and the end of all things, the Kindred has taken it's form as Anima Blair.
wip bio

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-01-2018

i need to be shot.

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-01-2018

[div style="font-family: georgia; line-height: 0.7; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; width:75%;"][color=#ff6666][glow=black,2,300][b][i]NATURE TENDS TOWARDS CHAOS, GIVE IN OR BREAK
[align=right][color=#ff6666][size=8pt][i]anima blair / tanglewood rogue / chaos' champion