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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-10-2019

Ellie listened without interrupting despite her many questions. She had so many things she wanted to ask, so many things she wondered about. She turned her curious gaze to the window, pondering about these things even as Snape spoke.

"Your mother..." A pause "If I'm not wrong-" Another pause. "-is my sister." Snape's words struck the girl to her very core. Her head yanked up, staring at the man with open shock. "Her name is Sage, yes?" Ellie looked back at the window, her mind struggling to bring back memories buried with time.

"I....I think so. Nan only told me her name once. She was scared to talk about her. I don't know why. Every time I bring her up she shuts down." Her words rushed out quickly. She began to shake as painful thoughts entered her childhood mind. They were unpleasant memories she had hidden away.

"She only talked about Mom one time in depth. She," a gulp. "Nan said Mom had to go into hiding, like her. There was a war, and they were both in danger. The bad people wanted Nan, that's why she had to hide. Mom had to hide because she had a secret the bad people wanted, and she wouldn't give it to them. Nan told me she also hid to protect me." Ellie looked away as tears began to spill from her eyes. She did not want the man to see them. "But they found Mom. They found her, and they---they hurt her. That's why I was taken to Nan, so she could protect me. And that's why we have to stay hidden. Nan said the bad people would hurt me too if they found me."

Rivers of pain were streaming down her young face. Ellie furiously wiped them away, angry with herself for shedding them. She refused to meet Snape's gaze again, ashamed of herself. "I-I shouldn't have left home like that. Nan would be--would be mad."

What Ellie said made sense. Sage had become a key part in the Order, and she had been one of the few who knew where Lily and James had been kept. It was always believed Siris Black had betrayed them, but perhaps Sage had been forced to give away the secret. She would have died to keep the it hidden. But, Voldermort had never told Severus his sister had been captured. He had promised to harm to befall her "She's just a foolish child," had been his words to Snape all those years ago. But Voldermort had also done whatever he felt like doing in that moment. If the Death Eaters had gotten their hands on Sage, she was as good as dead.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 01-10-2019

His jaw clenched. A pointed nose pointed at the ground as his head fell into his shoulders. Only once had Elizabeth mentioned his sister. The girl was a risk to his sister's safety, but letting her own child be led under false pretenses unnerved him. Not only that, but Ellie was scared to discuss her. For a long time Severus had thought of himself as the coward of the family, but to see what his sister had left behind him had proved his self-doubts wrong. 'Fools.' Now he had to mop up the mess. 'What have you done.' Frustration boiled within his veins, but he managed to keep himself together.

Just from those simple words, she had managed to temporarily lose her faith in him and it was too late to take them back. As tears streamed out from her sockets, Severus reached out towards her with lanky fingers. He wavered over her shoulder, but eventually pulled away and let his gaze wander elsewhere in confused agony. It wasn't the time for comfort it seemed. A wave of guilt ran through his body. If only he hadn't spoke, perhaps she wouldn't of cried. "I'm sorry," came his grim voice. "Perhaps it's best to forget this happened." But nothing could be reversed. No matter how many time turners managed to take back what he said, they could never prevent Ellie from knowing what her mother did or how Elizabeth lied to her.

Even so, their lies protected them. Severus had a secret to hide of his own from Voldemort and he understood the risks if he told the truth to anyone but Dumbledore. Morality, emotions, and logic were battling in his head. There was no definite answer when it came to fix this and he despised it, but seeing that Sage had chosen to protect her loved ones over risking their lives, that seemed like the better option. Despite the guilt and betrayal it brought her. Disappointingly, he could relate when it came to Lily's boy. 'What have we done.' And yet, he still needed time to think deeper.

His sharp figures loosened up. "I will not allow you to leave at this time of day," he mentioned calmly. "Perhaps it's best if you sleep here for the night... Ellie." The name rolled off his tongue elegantly, contrast to how he'd scold Potter. "But if you wish to go to Mrs. Grey, I will be your escort to prevent your harm." Plus, it'd be a nice 'social call.'

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-10-2019

Ellie had leaned away from his hand. She was not use to touch, and she shuddered away from it. She knew Nan loved her as her own child, but she had never been hugged. Nan did not believe in such things. When she had fallen while running, she had to pick herself up. Whenever she felt sad, she had to keep it to herself. Such things were simply not allowed in her life.

When Snape suggested forgetting the conversation, she shook her head. "No. I'm glad it's finally out. I'm glad I've finally found someone who knew my mom, even if I never will." Her words were soft, spoken with care. She could sense the man's hurt, his anger, over what she had told him. But it had to be told, no matter the outcome.

The child snorted at his next words. "I'm not stupid. The forest is too dangerous at night to travel in,"she retorted, sounding her age for the briefest of moments. It passed. She began rubbing her eyes, barely staying awake.

"I do want to go home. I miss Nan,"she admitted. She glanced back at him, the tears gone. She knew they would do no one any good. "Promise you'll take me in the morning."She was asking, just the way Sage would ask him when they were young.

There had been many nights when Sage, as a child of few years, would sneak into Severus' room whenever their parents fought. She would always ask him to promise things would be alright, and that he would always be there for her. She had always believed him. Until the day came when she didn't.

Snape's decision to join the Death Eaters had rattled Sage to the core. She had pleaded with him for weeks to change his mind. When it had failed to work, she had cut herself off from him. She had gone to Lily, James, and their friends for comfort and support then. They had welcomed her with open arms. Finally the day came when it was discovered she had joined the Order. She had chosen friends over her brother, her blood. It had not gone over well with the Death Eaters or with Voldermort. The man had never given up hope of changing Sage's mind. He had failed.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 01-11-2019

"No. I'm glad it's finally out. I'm glad I've finally found someone who knew my mom, even if I never will."

A disgruntled mutter arose from Severus' throat, only to suppress it under his breath out of respect for the child. If Sage never visited child, the cold bastard himself would damn her instead unless she came with Severus. Understandably, that was after the coast was clear though. He still wished that he could do it sooner though and dearly wished to, but that really was not his choice in the matter and he'd be crucified by Sage for his previous choices. It was not easy being a prized Death Eater to Lord Voldemort, even if he wasn't loyal to them.

A dark and cold stare met Ellie. "I never said we had to go back through the forest," he added inquisitively. Loop holes were his specialty as the Half-Blood Prince. Who else could event the counter-curse to Levicorpus?

She was too like her mother. With his other hand, he sheathed his wand back into the holster on his side to show that he was to be trusted (though opposing popular opinion). Black hair fell into his face as he bent down to come face to face with the child. A hand fell over his heart. "Promise." His voice was cold and affirmative. Just like with Sage, he'd make sure to keep his word and follow through with his promise.

Even if he disagreed with her choice, especially because it did not benefit to his own instant gratification, the professor would allow it. "If that's your decision, I will follow through." Severus raised up from his lowered position. A hand ran through his greasy jet-black hair, pushing it back behind his ears again. Now came the decision to stay and guarantee her safety or head off to manage his own sanity in the meantime...

The decision to join the Death Eaters was fueled by frustration, but filled with good intent. Though he despised most those on the other side, he held onto those who he loved and never gave up on hope. If he could make the world better for them by making his enemies closer than his friends then perhaps he could do much more than the Order. After Lily's love was lost and she died, he continued holding onto hope. It affected him too much. Even his patronus morphed into a doe to show the agony he was going through.

Though his decision was obvious to those in the group, he had wished to keep his involvement a secret. After Sage found out, her heart shattered. Severus despised hurting her. To say he would take his decision back would be a cold lie nevertheless. If only he had prevented her own demise instead of allowing his own. As always, he was alone. The tormented martyr's own decisions have always ruined himself, the malicious Severus Snape.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-12-2019

Ellie watched his movements closely. She was trained in knowing and understanding body language. For the present, despite Snape's obvious inward struggle, she trusted him. He had given her no reason not to. But she knew reasons rarely mattered in the end. Hearing him, she smirked slightly. He was right; one did not have to go through the forest to get to where she lived. However, she kept her mouth shut. He would find out tomorrow.

Snape's promises eased the worry upon the girl's shoulders. She had to get back to Nan. "Thank you,"she said softly. She suddenly yawned. She had been up all night and much of the previous one. Without another word, she curled into a ball at the center of the bed. She was asleep within moments. Her breathing was soft, barely noticeable. She appeared more relaxed than she had been all night.

For a long time after learning of Snape's involvement with the war, Sage had kept her distance. She had refused to speak to her brother, her only blood family, even by owl. The only time it had changed was when a single letter had arrived the night before Lily's death. It had requested for Snape to go to a house not far from where Lily had been with her family. Snape had gone only to find the house empty. There had been signs of a fight in the living room, but nothing more. Not even blood. It was the last sign of Sage. Nothing else had ever appeared from the woman. But now her child had appeared.

{I'm going to skip to the morning. Hope you don't mind}
Ellie was up shortly before the rest of the castle stirred. Madam Propfry(I hate my spelling) had her bathed and in clean clothes by the time the doors to the hospital wing were opened. The child looked like a new creation.

Her skin, free of dirt and grim, was smooth and white as snow. Her midnight black hair fell to the middle of her back in soft waves. It had been taken out of its messy half-braiding and left flat to dry. Her rags had been exchanged for a simple, short-sleeved white dress. From the hallway, a passerby could only see Ellie's back. She was gazing out of the window, watching a few students play around in the courtyard before classes began. She felt lonely.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 01-18-2019

{Don't mind at all! Also I'm dying at Propfry lmaooo}

To say that Severus got a good night's sleep was a lie. Throughout the night he stayed by the child's bedside in an uncomfortable wooden chair. For as much as he tried to get some shut eye, he could not. Frustrated thoughts rushed through his head. Snape, to say at the least, felt betrayed. First Dumbledore had led him on (which he would soon discover in years later was not the only thing Dumbledore would lead him on about) about Sage. Though he remained loyal  and honest to the headmaster, he had always found himself finding hidden meaning behind Dumbledore's words that hid the truth from him. This was no exception. If asking Dumbledore if he'd seen Sage, he'd answer 'no' honestly. Severus expected that his answer would include any form of contact from Sage, not just physically seeing her. Pitiful. Severus would need to be more thorough next time.

The discovery of his niece was not comforting. To find out that Sage had abandoned Ellie to the wolves, Severus was infuriated. While he was glad to have someone he could call family, that did not help that everlasting feeling of loneliness that he burdened on himself. Now he had to deal with their problems... as if they were ever there for him.

Sunken in eyes looked up from the ground as the sound of footsteps rang across the hallway. Finally awake from his disruptive slumber, a dark gaze looked around. 'Nice to know it wasn't a dream.' What obvious sarcasm... Snape's eyes met Ellie by the windowsill gazing out at the courtyard. She was cleaned up now, almost unrecognizable. Madam Poppy Pomfrey must of taken her away while he was in a deeper slumber. It seemed as if he failed at his job at keeping watch. Thankfully, Ellie was in good hands.

The tired professor pushed greased hair back behind his ears and moved up from his slumped position in the chair. He cleared his throat. "Good morning," came his deep voice.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-18-2019

There's a reason I failed the spelling part of elementary school.

Ellie glanced over her shoulder at Snape. She smiled, a look that could have been a reflection of her mother's. "Morning,"she greeted him cheerfully. She then returned her gaze to the window. By now, news of her arrival would have seeped throughout the castle. Even now a few of the braver students were daring glances inside the hospital wing as they passed. However, none could spot the girl from where she stood. She was, for the moment, protected from their view.

"I've been trying to remember anything I could since our talk last night,"Ellie spoke softly. "I've recalled a few things, but I don't know if they would be helpful at all."She finally tore away from the window and walked back to Severus' side. She looked up at him, her dark eyes bright. "I think Nan could tell us more."

"Ah. You are both awake. Good,"a voice spoke from the doorway. Entering the room, Dumbledore strolled over to them. Ellie smiled at him in greeting, but did not speak. If anything, she shied away from the man, taking a tiny, almost unnoticeable step closer to Snape. If Dumbledore sensed the movement, which he surely would have, he did not draw attention to it.

"I was thinking, after we had our breakfast, we could return to your home, Ellie. I would very much like to speak to your Nan,"Dumbledore continued. Ellie glanced back at Severus, questioning in her eyes. She was eager to go back, but not eager to leave the man behind. She understood the two worlds could not combine.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-04-2019

{Oh my god.}

At the sound of a delightful tone from her, he kinda perked up. Compared to yesterday, she seemed more hopeful and upbeat. Perhaps she was warming up to Severus. The idea was silly to him in retrospect, but it wasn't unlikely that he had gained a possible acquaintance out of this. The thought was soothing.

"Spare no detail," he echoed back. Dark eyes stared at her confidently, hoping to gain some information that would lead him further. After years of hope, he was met with a child unwilling to share much. Pessimistic and lost, Severus would of thought that he would of given up by now... Nevertheless, life was unfair. Perhaps this time it escaped his notice.

At the sound of the headmaster's voice, his head whipped around. Severus offered what he considered an 'unnoticeable' glare in an attempt to hide his frustration. Most of the time he could get away with hiding his personal conundrums, but Dumbledore knew him too well and probably could notice Snape's current distrust. Getting too close to the child though was worth his head, especially with the Dark Lord breathing down the back of his neck... He wanted to help, but as always, isolation seemed to be a better option. All those years lost weren't worth it. The answers would be undesirable and full of ungrateful explanations for a sad excuse of a sister. "If you see it fit, you may do what you want," came his lowly response. 'Without me.'

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-04-2019

Yeah....Parents were NOT happy about that one. I managed to pass though. I just had to type the spelling words twenty times each for five days in a row.

Ellie raised her head slowly, staring at Severus through dark eyes. She sensed more than she saw, but she knew he was angered or annoyed at the very least. She frowned; he always seemed like that. Hurt. Yes, that was the word for it. Just like Nan was. Just like she was. Perhaps against her better judgement, or perhaps out of pure instinct, she rested lightly against the dark shadow of a man. It was the only form of comfort she knew of. It was the only kind she was willing to offer, for now.

If Dumbledore sensed any of the emotions swirling beneath Snape's skin, he ignored them. Snape, though lost he was, could handle himself to a certain degree. The old man was not yet aware if the same could be said for the child. However, her slight movement caught his attention. She had done something no child had ever done. Composing his own emotions, he focused on the matter at hand. "I meant all of us, Severus,"he informed him, leawving no room for argument. Severus, rather he wanted it or even acknowledge he needed it, had to know the truth of his sister and the girl. Dumbledore felt it would bring the man some closure, as well as himself. He was not faultless in the happenings which had befallen both Severus and Sage.

"How are you expecting to find Nan?"Ellie suddenly asked. Dumbledore eyed her, sensing a challenge from the child. "You know your way home, I am sure."He offered his own challenge. Ellie narrowed her eyes. "It's like I said before, Nan would be furious if I showed anyone where we lived. I never said I would show you anything." Dumbledore held his tongue, wondering if perhaps Severus himself would speak up. He needed to.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-05-2019

{ At least you got through it and continued on tho!! }

Snape was obviously tense. Yet he still managed to hide his emotions under a facade of looming dullness. Even so, his mood changed. Ellie's contact caused him retract off to the side a bit. His black robes still loomed around her, but he tried his best to stay away from the girl. His lips puckered slightly out of distaste. While he wasn't completely letting go of her contact, he just didn't exactly feel so sure of the situation yet and wasn't willing to submit to such a plunder. Despite all the proof being laid out before him, Severus still didn't want to believe anything. The Dark Arts of the Dark Lord could have come back to bit him and this was his cruel punishment.

As always, Dumbledore had managed to undermine him. Unfortunately, quickly figuring out Severus' true intents happened to be the headmaster's specialty. Instead of reiterating back, he just bit back his cocky comment. The tension still remained hidden on his sullen face, obviously no showing discomfort in the decision. Instead he just tugged at his robe's high collar and readjusted his robe away from Ellie, finally letting it swish back to his side.

Ellie's answers were illegitimate and unforthcoming. Feeling contemptouous, he snapped. "I have better things to do than deal with this grueling foolishness," he elucidated. The words slipped off his tongue like venom, demanding her attention oh-so suddenly. "Remaining tight-lipped will just waste another grand decade of my precious time." His point was clear. Whether Ellie's reaction was considerate or rather repelled by his illicit wording, he frankly couldn't give more a care in the world.