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DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR ♥ goldenluxury - Printable Version

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Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 11-17-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux is an 11 month old female bengal cat. all of her memories have been erased by stryker and is currently trying to regain them. she is always seen wearing a blue feather earring, and blue charm bracelet. goldie is currently a quartermaster of the typhoon. she is the proud daughter of pincher roux and guru.

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 12-15-2018




Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 12-16-2018

[Image: 0ajmQv8.gif][Image: AdAulDS.gif][Image: ZxKm6Nj.gif][Image: 0dVS6mN.gif]

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 12-16-2018

"They won't let you fail."

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 01-19-2019


Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 03-09-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut. Dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at." Vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum. Nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris. Venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu.

Id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien. Varius quam quisque id diam. Euismod lacinia at quis risus sed. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus. Dictum varius duis at consectetur lorem donec. Facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu. Ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec. Mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at. Cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam. Velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque. Turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo. Viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat.

Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. A erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis. Velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non. Augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel. Massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit. Nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed. Cras adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean. Nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Enim diam vulputate ut pharetra sit amet aliquam. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla. Sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. At varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor. Eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus. Convallis aenean et tortor at risus viverra adipiscing at.

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 03-09-2019

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 04-14-2019

[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=5617;type=avatar]

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ


Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-29-2019


Re: DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-29-2019

— general
NAME. goldenluxury roux
NAME ORIGIN. when goldie was first born, her fur shined a golden color. this, along with the typhoon's theme of pirates, inspired her to be named directly after it. she stays fitted to this name even after her fur becomes copper as she ages, as she finds great interest in shiny, golden things.
— also often goes by goldie, gold, golden, and dee
SEX. female
GENDER. cisgender female
AGE. 2 years 3 months / ages every 13th
GROUP. the typhoon
RANK. captain / leader (hp)
— holds the "token" title
— previously striker, privateer, reaver, dealer, and quartermaster
ORIENTATION. homosexual / homoromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single / not looking
PARENTS. guru x pincher roux
OTHER RELATIONS. adoptive mother of ccliv, step-daughter of jacob roux wickliff corleone, niece of many, half-sister to many
— heir of the roux family
— full relations here
— important notes
- her voiceclaim is lady urbosa, though with a hint of an irish and southern accent mixed together.
- she has a companion harpy eagle named lynn that is assumed to be around her age and is full size.
- she has a third eyelid that protects her eyes from irritants due to a mutation in the roux family.
- her eyes have a certain otherworldly glow to them due to a mutation in the roux family.
- she often smells like a mixture of sea salt, food, and flowers.
- she is able to befriend and train near any wild creature she comes across on the typhoon's island and within the ocean with ease.
— this is possibly due to the fact pincher is demigod of the rough seas.
- is actually super knowledgeable on marine life; she could probably list every single fish that she passes while swimming in the ocean.
- she is proclaimed to be the norse demigoddess of raging storms.
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. golden tiger
CURRENT SIZE. 8'0" (length)
INJURIES. various burns across her body, most notably in between her shoulders where it is the deepest (not quite third degree), deep cuts across her chest and on the back of her head, towards her neck, various scratches across her face and body
AILMENTS. post-concussion syndrome
ACCESSORIES. always wearing a blue feather earring given by pincher, always wearing a silver-chained necklace with a shark tooth given by pincher, a necklace given by roxanne, a bracelet given by roxanne, and a necklace given by solveig
— out of all of her accessories, the girl is almost never seen without her blue feather earring. she takes delicate care of it and even washes it. [CURRENTLY MISSING]
GOLDEN TIGER DESCRIPTION. perhaps the most noticeable physical trait are her eyes, her left a striking cold green, reflecting the ones she holds in her bengal cat body, however, her right eye is an even icier blue, comparable to her father's own eyes. her pupils remain as slits, seemingly unable to dilate, and they have a constant otherworldly glow protruding from them. her fur is thin for a tiger, feathery at her ears and tail tip. it shines a golden color, tawny stripes cutting through it. she has large white and tawny wings, similarly shaped to a seagull. finally, attached to her legs are tawny fins and webbed paws, allowing her to swim through the water with ease. her fur has an almost droopy look to it and is very soft to the touch.
BENGAL CAT DESCRIPTION. as a kitten, goldie was quite small and chubby. her paws were too big for her tiny body, causing her to trip over herself a lot. however, now that she is aging, she is quickly growing into long legs and buff muscles. her fur as a kitten shines a golden color, giving her name, although has now darkened into a bit more of a copper color. she has a white belly, paws, muzzle, and tail tip that fade. her fur is medium length her whole life and generally kept clean and neat, as she tends to it often. her eyes are a cold, striking green and remain this way throughout her life. they seem to give off a glow, especially in the dark (this is due to a mutation she received from her father). she seems to radiate a divine grace wherever she goes, almost to the point where it is intimidating, though it seems to melt away as she interact with others, often holding a genuinely kind aura.
— personality
ISTP. goldie is actually quite kind-hearted for a pirate, though still holds greed, and a high amount of pride and ambition in her. she seeks perfection, holding herself up to an always growing standard. she is outspoken and never afraid to speak her mind. she has a very clear idea over what is right and what is wrong. growing up as the pirate captain's daughter, seemingly destined into the same role, she has adopted many of pincher roux's traits, being quite good at gambling, charismatic, and a little reckless.
— generous, optimistic, friendly, witty, judgmental, confident, overly workaholic, perfectionist, rational, understanding, calculative, loyal, ambitious, daring, sometimes too stubborn, relies too heavily on feedback, lacks self-care, proud
BEHAVIORS. has separation anxiety, holds back tears, represses problems, trusting of family, protective over others, copes by working, does a bit of everything, doesn't acknowledge herself, constantly grateful
— ever since her papa died and returned, she has developed separation anxiety and goes out of her way to be with her family and friends, tracking their behaviors, and feeling uncomfortable if they are out of sight.
— she avoids crying due to being told that she is weak for crying.
— whenever others show concern for her, she generally brushes it off and says she is fine and/or uses excuses to reassure them.
— she trusts her family instantly. if someone claims to be a part of her family she will instantly hold them higher than someone who isn't, even if they may not be a good person.
— she will not hesitate to defend those she cares about in any situation. she doesn't care if she is attacked in the process, so long as the other is okay.
— goldie copes with everything by working. she feels great? awesome, time to work super hard! she feels miserable? that's okay, working will distract her!
— goldie doesn't really understand what she's passionate in so she tries to do literally everything to both be more useful and to share hobbies with others.
— since goldie is so focused on everyone else, she never really takes the time to think or acknowledge herself. she doesn't realize when she's growing unhealthy because she doesn't take the time to. she doesn't realize when she's growing upset because she doesn't think about it.
— goldie feels as if she has been given a very fortunate life. she has a large family that loves her, others are generally accepting of her, and she's been given a lot of help. she feels quite grateful about this and constantly tries to hold the world in a good light because of this. constantly wants to give back to others.
FAVORITES. her favorite things tend to reflect her life on the island and hold the theme of the ocean.
— her favorite colors are all warm colors, with the exception of blue, as it reminds her of the sea, her papa, and her brother.
— her favorite animals are whale sharks, humpback whales, and dolphins. she also loves sharks, manta rays, butterflies, and parrots.
— she absolutely loves apple juice and sort of lives off of it. if she's not drinking apple juice, then she's probably drinking coconut water.
— goldie doesn't really have a favorite food - she loves to try all sorts of foods and can't decided what she likes best.
— other
POWERS. goldie possesses electric elementals, mental manipulation, possession, and water elementals. she has the strongest control over her electric elementals and her mental manipulation is much more powerful with creation of visual illusions.
RELIGION. is a believer of norse mythology gods, though is not a devoted follower.
FIGHTING. she is quite physically strong, even a small slap could leave a mark from her. she is physically difficult. she doesn't know much about mental manipulation but has a strong mind and heart, so she's mentally moderate. please tag [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] when attacking.
INVENTORY. various accessories given by others as well as found on her own, a cutlass scimitar sword given by bakugou, a wooden toy sailboat, a couple gold doubloons, a dream catcher given by beck, whale shaped ocarina given by silus, brown glass turtle given by silus, a little basket, and a growing collection of other treasures she keeps inside chests
AWARDS. won favorite character, friendliest character, cutest character, "most likely to trip and fall into a volcano", "most likely to win president", "most likely to be teacher's pet", and "most likely to sleep in class" in the typhoon's july 2018 choice awards.
won favorite character, friendliest character, cinnamon roll, best friendship with beck, "most likely to put pumpkin spice on everything", and "most likely to make scarves for everyone" in the typhoon's september 2018 choice awards.
ALIGNMENT. goldie is neutral good. she does the absolutely best that she can and tries to help anyone, but will not always follow every order or advice she is given. she has little bias and instead follows what she believes to be right.
HUMAN AU. her faceclaim is audreyana michelle (1 / 2 / 3) and she is currently 20 years old and 6'0". she is usually wearing lightweight, casual things and doesn't usually wear shoes or anything more than sandals.
POTTERMORE PROFILE. goldie is a member of the gryffindor house. she is unafraid to speak up and help others when she needs to and is a popular classmate. she tries to get along with most others, although isn't hesitant to cut out others that she dislikes and is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. she is in the wampus household and fits well within it as a fighter. she has been assigned a 13¾" rowan wood wand with a unicorn hair core and reasonably supple flexibility. her wand is drawn to her clear-headed and pure-hearted nature and is incredibly strong in combat. it would be impossible to turn the wand to the dark arts and it is strongly loyal and protective of her. it would be very difficult to break the wand. her patronus is a grass snake.
— quick history
- born in a loveless litter
- forces herself to go close to pincher
- finds him dead one morning on the beach, believes she could have saved him if he had only waken her up, takes his red feather earring before they take his body so she may have a part of him with her still
- he returns, she associates sleep with his death and avoids it, as well as develops separation anxiety, monitoring him closely
- goes out for a swim, is attacked by a barracuda, tries to swim back to the island but was already exhausted when she went out, so she bleeds as she sinks under the water, out of energy. is revived by a lightning strike, burning her but also reviving her, granting her electric elementals and just enough energy to return to the island
- when she awakes, she talks about death with pincher and he gives her a blue feather earring for herself, she immediately begins to wear it, honored
- due to a tsunami happening soon after all of this, she is forced to move around a lot more, and her injuries begin to heal at a much slower rate
- several weeks later, she falls badly ill due to the fact she keeps overworking herself and not letting her injuries heal, forcing her to remain inside
- she finally heals a fair amount and begins to move back into her old habits of working. just a month later, she is attacked by a false crewmate who claimed to be named decius, when she fights back, he nearly snaps her spine in half and tells her he plans to kill her crewmate, deldrach, and then threatens to kill everyone she loves and string their body parts up in trees if she tells anyone.
- because of this, her separation anxiety worsens and spreads out to all of her crewmates, causing her to develop severe paranoia and almost never stop moving. she is terrified and doesn't know what to do.
- a month later of living like this and no sign of either deldrach or decius in the past few weeks, she goes for a walk, accidentally kills a pittian member in her pent up stress and rage, comes back to the typhoon and immediately breaks down, revealing what decius did
- she is captured by stryker, leader of the pitt, and she willingly lets him take her, thinking she is guilty and he would just kill her and that would be the end of it, but instead he takes her memories and keeps her as a slave with the plan to eventually kill her for a crime she cannot remember committing
- before he can, she's rescued and she regains a memory of pincher, causing her to stay near him at first. she doesn't know who goldenluxury roux is supposed to be, she isn't sure if it's really her, but everyone says she is, so she just pretends to be what people say she is as best as she can. she plans to return to the pitt once she learns who she is, so she can fully accept her punishment
- stryker, unable to kill goldenluxury, kills her mother in her place and drops her off on the border. this causes goldie to confront him and realize that what he did to her wasn't fair and that he can't do anything for her, and that she didn't deserve to be a slave or die. she grows angry towards the pitt and despises the idea of slavery in general
- her back finally begins to heal from decius' attack after three months, she regains memories of what he did, and she burns down the abandoned hut he attacked her in
- she's been promoted to quartermaster and now that she's healed and realized she should have never been taken by stryker, she begins to attack them for their enforcement of slavery as an individual as well as let herself act how she feels, instead of pretending to be someone she cannot remember. she's her own goldenluxury roux.
- pincher steps down and she is promoted to captain in his place. not long after, she kills the original leader of the pitt, yes man, leading stryker to attack her and make it difficult for her to walk once more, as her spine still needed time to heal completely to let her move as much as she used to.
- the island's volcano erupts and they have to evacuate to the mainland temporarily. goldie leads a rescue raid to grab any crewmates that may have ended up stranded, and in the process of rescuing a crewmate, she is trapped by a fallen, burning treehouse, causing her to die.
- she is supposedly revived by the gods, and regains all of her memories, waking up in the middle of the ocean with a new body. not long after, she can lead the typhoon back to their burnt island and works to rebuild it.
- a few months later, a fox named jervis approaches their gate and states he will rid slavery, stryker, and ninazu if they help him takeover the pitt. she does not trust him, but she accepts, secretly planning to use any trust he may have in her to her advantage if he is to end up betraying them. she sends a spy into the pitt and communicates via mental bond, quick to learn they did not uphold their end of the deal.
- she secretly meets with the leader of tanglewood, crow, and reveals she intends to launch a surprise attack on the pitt if he is to join her, which he accepts, and they do so together, burning down a large portion of the pitt's jungle and burning jervis' face. an alliance between tanglewood and the typhoon begins with their announcements of war against the pitt.
[Image: e_by_spacexuai-dchou1u.gif]