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roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Printable Version

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Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - guts - 05-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]pull the trigger phal

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Una. - 05-22-2018

takes gun

no violence phal :V

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - pallid-i - 05-23-2018

pulls out another tiny gun, pulls trigger, confetti hearts shoot out/

im sorry i had to do it

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - tinsel - 05-23-2018

slides in here rlly late and knowing no one because i'm not cool but uH
[s]cue me crying because i don't wanna Adult it's scary okay

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - april . - 05-24-2018

aa A

oh hewwo!!
i'm on my first day of summer break and its so strange help

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - tinsel - 05-24-2018

they let you out already
i'm so jealous omfg, we don't graduate until the fifteenth smh

there's literally no feeling quite like the first day of summer
all that freedom ahead of you
all the time in the world
[s]and then it's gone before you know it

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - astre - 05-24-2018

am i a cool enough nerd to join this party

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - april . - 06-04-2018

OH EW the fifteenth is so far awayyy i'm sorry dude :[
so true though oh my
i'm already into my second week and i've wasted so much time playing video games LOL
i have to get a job soon though so blegh- my freedom will be gone. partially

super late but yes pwease join <3
i really need to start posting on site more often ahA

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - astre - 06-07-2018


slides in comfortably

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - april . - 06-07-2018

henlo henlo uwu
i see you copying my title down there nova OWO