Beasts of Beyond
see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Printable Version

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Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - teef - 12-06-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
black body sliding along passage dark and cramped, ears twitching. they cared not if they were the only one to show up here at this battle, their heart thrumming in their chest. their family was long dead and gone, loved ones disappearing and vanishing. what purpose did the general remain to serve if there was no family to care for? pain stinging their chest, they let out a deep growl, armor heavy upon their body, lightning sparking from the ivory horns curling from their shoulders and forearm, leaping around their maw, illuminating the darkness. they had their own losses to avenge, thoughts caught up in too many wars, too uncaring of those they would battle. they were here to prove their worth as an ally to stryker, their own enemies too many to count or find here.

slipping from the debris, the kingpin of alithis evgenis gave a low hiss, observing the battlefield. they had yet to hear of others, their tail lashing. was the palm glades in attendance? they would lend aid to them first and foremost, they were their allies. the group from alithis was it's own unit, they owed no allegiance to any other than their own kingpin. jaws clicking together as they ground their teeth, they debated on who to aid, tail lashing as they took in the scents. there were children here - they wouldn't touch them. there was nobody here that they ought to prove themself to. they wanted to hurt someone, but only those that had taken their loved ones from them. snarling, the melanistic jaguar would slink into the battleground, waiting for someone to show themself to fight or to attack them. they could hear the battle cries from around them, blood burning hot with the desire to join in. no. they would wait for someone, anyone. hissing as they went, lightning arced between their jaws as they opened their maw to sent the air, deflecting a stray arrow with a gust of wind, snapping it under their paw. if only he was here ... if only kydobi had returned. shaking their head, the beast continued onwards.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - METEOR - 12-06-2020

Quasar slipped through the battlefield, dodging fighting foes and swipes. His pastel neon colors drew fighters to him like moths to a flame, but the sparkledoggo tried to head Rhinestonestar’s words. Don’t attack the Typhoon, unless necessary. Support other PalmClanners and AE. Easier said than done, really, when animals screamed in pain and elemental attacks burst from every direction.

In the throes of war, Medusa struggled against a larger opponent, and Quasar immediately changed direction to assist her. He recognized the Tanglewoods scent on the cheetah, vaguely, but the dim lighting and overwhelming sensory input from the violence drowned it out. Besides, Medusa was fighting her, right? So this cheetah must be an enemy, Tanglewood or no—it wasn’t like the Tanglewoods were actually a part of the Condemned, so how was he to know she fought for his side?

The apprentice lunged at Elsweyr’s hind legs, attempting to sink his teeth in one of her thin legs. He hoped to avoid her teeth and front paws by staying out of her strike zone. Sparks zipped between his yellow ears, but he couldn’t concentrate enough to fire an electrical attack. This frustrated the apprentice, which obviously didn’t help him harness his powers any better. Quasar, still a growing Germah shepherd, wasn’t nearly as tall as his cheetah opponent. But neither was Medusa, and he thought it best to support the snake-cat hybrid.


Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - SirDio - 12-06-2020


A burning hatred took over self-preservation, seeing her friend on his side and injured. Dodging the cheetah's jaws, her fire burned brightly, her figure almost indistinguishable now. As Elsweyr aimed her fire, Medusa swung her body up, wincing at the pain of fire against her neck, and attempted to dig her claws into the cheetah's eyes while she was hopefully preoccupied by Quasar's attack.

Successful or not, she would leap away and stand over Xho's body, hind legs shaking. She couldn't give in now. She had to keep it up, keep it going. She was a snarling mess now, her fire dimming for a moment.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Stryker - 12-06-2020

The aura of the environment delved into chaos quickly. From every direction, shots were fired. As tradition, the first attack was towards the lion himself and Stryker hadn't expected that attempt to come from behind. Elongated teeth sunk into his backside, causing his head to whip behind him and a vicious growl to rip out of his throat. His back paws jolted upwards quickly, attempting to kick the polar bear's head in with unsheathed claws. Whether or not his attempt was successful, he would bolt forward to gain distance between them.

Thankfully for him, the Kingpin managed to dart away from Roxanne's attack also. The feline was unable to even grab at his delicate fur. Even so, the attacks still came. A screech from above echoed into his perked ears and his slitted eyes shot up into the sky. Metal-tipped arrows glinted in the moonlight, catching his attention. His paw slammed into the ground harshly and summoned the earth upwards, forming a wall to protect himself from the arrows. When finished, he took the remaining stone and gestured outwards. The stone morphed into clean spheres, aiming to hit Sophiea's wings and knock her out of the sky, hopefully leaving her to the wanderers below.

Turning back to his former opponents, his eyes widened as the feline before him transformed into a massive dragoness. Before [member=218]ARGUS[/member] could get hit by Roxanne's sharp stones, the lion used his earth elemental to redirect them and attempt to impale her in turn. While the rest of the stones aimed for the dragoness' chest, two in particular aimed to stab through the pirate's eyes to render them blind.

The lion had no time to act before the enemy turned towards his beloved. Her jaws had already wrapped around the beautiful serval's body and crunched downwards. The cracking of bones echoed throughout the area. Crimson remains seeped out from the dragoness' teeth and from the remnants of his lover. Stryker, not missing beat, shot forward. An involuntary roar left Stryker as he darted towards Roxanne instantly, his eyes beginning to water as the wind howled against him. Her words never registered with Stryker. The anger building inside the Kingpin's mind consumed him, disregarding all other priorities before him. Rage surged through his body. His blood boiled, wanting to end that dastardly beast before. Fury rushed throughout him as the male powered forward with the ground trembling underneath his paws, ready to kill at all costs. His blood-stained teeth bared and his unsheathed claws outstretched towards his target. He was doing this for her. For his family. Ninazu, his only mate and mother to his children, would be avenged.
The ground below rumbled one last time before ripped upwards. Compressing together, a large boulder formed and charged towards Roxanne's head. With all his might, he pushed the large stone forward and aimed to chuck it downwards onto her head. The attack was a blatant kill shot. If successful, her skull would shatter and brain would collapse on into itself, ending her life promptly. Even if she had died in that moment, the lion still continued on. He wouldn't stop until every last bit of her diminished before him. The remaining rocks below quickly traversed forward towards Roxanne's legs and would attempt to wrap around her feet, pulling her down and keeping her fastened into the ground. This would also help Diego's vicious attack, allowing him to potentially grab on and leave large gashes. Like always, the family fought together. The more against this larger target, the better.

The floor beneath the lion shot him upwards, aiming to land on top of the dragon's back. Once successful, he'd jump towards the island-dweller's left wing and try to rake his claws down the membrane in an attempt to cause tears and holes throughout them, ultimately leaving the dragon unable to fly. Whether or not he was successful with the first wing, he'd land on the floor once again then jolt back up towards her back and attempt to do the same to her right wing.

[member=1149]Diya F.M.[/member] [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] [member=16079]S. PENDRAGON[/member] [member=218]ARGUS[/member]

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - VASS . - 12-07-2020

What a wonderous calamity of war; it was the pinacle of their life- their being. Since the last time Vaas had stared down these isles with desperation in his eyes was in comparison: cold fever bright and with the scent of herbs. Vaas' appearance towards the battlefield was a farce of the warrior in his pelt. The bulky frame of the tiger looked out from the outcropping of the tunnels and watched as greater beast's took to the skies and fought. The dragon ba shi's thunderous look as he prowled along the beaches... Vaas breathed in the war around him and breathed it out on the count of three.

It didn't take long for the tiger to spot familiar faces from the typhoon, lingering knowledge of family falling to the wayside as he watched avidly, prowling deeper towards the undergrowth, the lush jungle that he was raised alongside. Vaas did one better than raise his own rattleing cry, the pierced tiger's ear flickered, an insignia of the typhoon when he brazenly walked between clashing allies. Vaas refused to open claw, open fangs and bare against either side, instead the medicine cat retreated towards the jungle where a fimiluar four eyes stared outwards.

"Miss me, Ariel?" The tiger cooed softly, before he felt his own power's flicker. Ice cold water that hung loosely along his side along with his herbs moved on his command, the shaky control fluid as he aimed to splash [member=1130]rosemary[/member] The tiger moved rapidly after the announcement, sheathed claws as he rammed towards the smaller of hem and hooking his paws to trip them down into the dirt. A light laugh along his maw as, even unsuccessful he would pull away. "Just like old times, eh?"
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ROXANNE R. - 12-08-2020

When her attack on Argus was redirected in her direction, Roxanne managed to move her head out of the way though the stones sliced at her chest a bit. She hissed with anger though she had better things to attend to than entertain Argus. She had a mission and that was getting rid of Stryker and finding her Goldenluxury. Although, she had ended up killing someone that wasn't Stryker but was still dearly important to him. That worked just as fine to her.

She had made herself the main target and Roxanne Roux wouldn't lie that she liked being the center of attention, in fact, it brought a coy grin onto her bloodied facial features. Her lips peeled back into a snarl knowing better than to let her guard down after eliminating the enemies main side piece. Her eyes catching movement on the side as she noticed [member=16858]DIEGO[/member] trying to take a bite of her and quickly with talons digging into the sand underneath her, she summoned a large jagged piece of earth to attempt blocking Diego's attack and possibly hurt his teeth in the process. Regardless of that working, she would move away from the brute and just in time as the rock that was flung in her direction grazed her cheek and cut it causing a frustrated hiss to leave her parted maw. Though she was caught off guard when the rocks below her traversed and pulled her down, she growled loudly feeling her anger only rising as the lion began to make his way over to her. She could see the anger dancing in his eyes but it only amused the dragoness.

He landed on top of her back and in that moment, Roxanne moved her wing out of the way and with her large tail aimed to smack the shit out of [member=1738]STRYKER[/member] and even if that didn't succeed, Roxanne would feel a smile on her maw as she said with a light shake of her end "Shocking isn't it?" She broke free from the earth that gripped at her legs as she rose not caring if the enemy was still on her body "How a bitch can fight back." Not giving him enough time to react electricity began to flow from her tail and soon went over her entire body in an attempt to electrocute [member=1738]STRYKER[/member]  mostly to stun or paralyze the other for a brief amount of time, the Quartermaster shook herself out now as her entire body began to glow lightly as a few sparks of electricity would bounce off her body. Now, she meant business and clearly, wouldn't go down without a fight as she took a few steps forward.

Parting her jaws, instead of fire, Roxanne spat out bolts of electricity at both Diego and Stryker aiming to shock or stun either of them, if she fell now. She would die and she knew this. She stood above Diya in a defensive manner as she continued to spit out sparks of electricity. She had made herself the main target and she was fine with this, her tail lashing on the sand as she glared at Stryker with defiance.

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ROSEMARY - 12-11-2020

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s ears flicked at Vaas’s voice; as her gaze flicked to the tiger, her body froze. Why would Vaas—and, by extension—PalmClan be here? She hissed, grabbing the icy water and slipping it over her own right paw, taking his strength for her own.


He lunched, his paws hooking around her ankles, and she fell to the ground before the healer could process his attack. Rosemary’s jaw clenched. The cold water stuck to her paws froze into sharp ice claws, long and deadly, while her upper lip curled back. “What are you doing here?” she demanded, dispassionately and low in pitch.

“You don’t get to laugh right now. Are you helping Stryker hurt my home? You think I can goof off with you, while Roux children learn the meaning of trauma tonight?” She rolled away, darting to a the closest tree and racing up the trunk. The ocelot’s four eyes narrowed to slits as she positioned herself in the branches, forked tail lashing. “I helped you.”

While her claws flexed into the bark, Rosemary stilled. Fighting never appealed to her, all whirl-dash moves honed from practice. The thought of him climbing up after her—or her jumping down to attack him—never entered her mind. Instead, she grimaced, forked tail lashing all the while, as she hated this conundrum his presence presented.

[member=16248]VAAS .[/member]
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - ninazu - 12-14-2020

Ninazu never regretted picking a fight. Yet, as the tigress shapeshifted into a dragon—an angry, spitting dragon—she grit her teeth and took a deep breath, centering herself, trying to ignore the heart beating out of her chest. The lioness body needed to heal, she knew that even now, but she’d rather fight a dragon in a weakened lioness body than this delicate serval body.

Her claws dug into the dirt. She snarled, snapping her fangs, and sidestepped a ginormous hand; but the dragon was massive. Ninazu’s serval body may have been her born skin, but the guru never used it. She hadn’t practiced fighting or so much as brewed a stew in it in over a year. Two years, if she was being honest with herself. Her wings unfurled, one faster than the other, and she threw herself into the air, more from her leap than the wingbeats.

This was not how she wanted to die.

Not fast enough. The wings, elegant in design but unwieldy without practice, moved sluggishly, as though the air was thick as molasses. When the dragon’s maw came for her, she could not dodge. Her magic failed her—no, her concentration failed her, when all of her focus was needed simply on how to fly rather than call on the power in her veins.

The dragon crunched, teeth ripping clean through her body in a blow any execution would envy. The pain radiated through Ninazu’s entire body, both the half bleeding out and the phantom half ripped away. She screamed, unaware of the noise, and her eyes squeezed shut as she fell from the sky with only one wing to assist.

Ninazu had died before. But then, she had known it was coming, prepared to leave her body—when it died, her mind had already fled. She didn’t have the luxury this time.

Black seeped into her vision as the blood loss ran down the clock in seconds. She didn’t have time to connect to Stryker’s mind to warn him—didn’t even have time to scream a coherent word—before everything went.


[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member]

Re: see you at the bottom - [COTC RAID + TAKEOVER] - Alexandre - 12-27-2020

Flashes of red and brown grazed his hues. Debris from the floor ejected upwards and the kitten jolted backwards. Magma from the volcano erupted from afar, presumably from Trygrve, causing Alexandre's expression to grow sour. Wide orange eyes darted around, finding no familiar faces. Everything was a blur. Alabaster jaws and claws passed by quickly and he darted forwards into the crowd, ears perked and gaze open in search of anyone. His teeth grit together as he sprints. No one. Frustrated, he darts into The Typhoon's underbrush.

His chest lowered to the floor as he crawled amongst the bushes. Claws grazed across the dirt. The feline traversed forward with his nose raised and ears perked, only to catch a whiff of a familiar scent. Diya? Torsten...? Alexandre traced the scent, leading to a hollowed out tree. Several voices sounded out. None of his parents. Thankfully, some familiar faces grazed his sight as he grew closer.

Despite his pounding heart, a subtle sigh left the kitten. He tried press gently past those that were in the tree, finding himself a spot in the back. His mind was too occupied on the chaos to talk.