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looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Atticus Roux - 10-11-2020

The world grew small as they rose from the floor. A short-sighted gasp left Atticus. His alabaster claws tried to stay stable with flesh, but he had yet to see his bitter end. He should have fallen to the floor. Instead, the sky flipped. Yellow eyes widened as the environment became a blur, moving quick and swiftly shifting his vestibular sense. Then Tygrve's weight piled onto him. With a pop and crack, he let out a growl. Sharp pains engulfed his side as the remnants of his ribs stabbed at his lungs, leaving the tabby gasping for air.

Atticus' paw reached outwards, attempting to slash at Tygrve's side as they crushed him but was unable to succeed as the jaguar pulled away quickly. With a heave, he tried to sit up, only to have a gust of stinging pain overcome him. Whatever rib pinched him, it hurt. Succumbing to a similar fate as his mother, his world faded into black.

//just unconscious for now!

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - gael - 10-16-2020

Gael decided he had enough -- negotiations were over.  Pittians had struck each other and Stryker and Vale thought this should continue?  Without another word, ignoring the white lion's own entirely, the vulpine snapped the wind around him, attempting the drain the air closest to Stryker and thin out his oxygen enough to make the lion light-headed.

His own head tilted, inclined upwards towards Chernaborg.  "Go ahead," he offered tonelessly with a nod.  If the dragon wanted to attack Stryker, she had his permission; as did Trygve.

A horn did not satisfy the vulpine, nor did it alter his opinion or course of mind; Trygve had been left with struggles to simply walk this entire time -- a horn hardly presented a "fair" hinderance.  Gael cared more for the youth he had taken in than to accept an alliance on that basis.

"Aston, you must show loyalty, if you expect to receive it in turn," the faerie remarked coldly.  Why did zey truly expect?  While his own daughter and Trygve certainly possessed bias, it came as little surprise to him there was no desire for another change in leadership.

Nor did xer arguments impress him.  The last passionate Ardent had been burned alive and left the Pitt in a broken state.  Gael would not see it happen again -- not when the Pitt had become his family's home.

"Now I am done with this," he was finished with this discourse, far more concerned with the unconscious youth nearby, "I am going to help Atticus."  The boy may have attacked Trygve first, but he still deserved the proper medical attention.

He had no interest in continuing an argument when someone could be seriously injured.  He turned his gaze to Aine, inclining his head in clear direction to assist him.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-16-2020


Rage washed eyes watched the scenes unfold, and the being who thrived in chaos demanded order. Claws dug into the earth, pulling sand into her clutches as her fingers flexed, itching for flesh to be under them.

Under all the maddening noise of the beasts mind, Gael's words reached her, and that stirred her into action. Moving to be infront of Gael, Jack, and Aine, her wings covering them to shield them from what was to happen.

A violent screech sounded from her throat, a horrendous string bass, loud enough to disorient those around her, save for the ones under her wings. Saliva dripped from her mouth, sense buried under the adrenaline that forced into her system.

While Stryker was hopefully also disoriented, she lunged forward, front claws outstretched to grab him, and hopefully draw blood. Mutiny within her new home would not be tolerated.

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-16-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ rotting jaguar
A scorpion tail ripped out of Vale’s decaying flesh, replacing the limb lying under the hot sun. The sharpened edge dangled high above Vale’s head, shining with thin blood. Vale’s growl burned, literally burning a hole through vis neck. The twenty eyes twitched erratically, from watching Cherna attack Stryker, to Atticus, to Gael, to everyone else in attendance.

“Faerie Man, for once, can’t you be direct and stand for something? Oh my god, are you giving me the weakest shut the fuck up request I’ve ever heard in my life? If you’re going to call me disloyal, say it to my face.” The only eye in a proper eye socket bulged out with a pop. Vale’s grey tongue grabbed it, and Vale swallowed in one gulp. The eye squicked out of a decaying hole in Vale’s throat. Vale cackled, swallowed it again, and grabbed the eye as it popped out of the decaying pit of flesh. “See, if you never deal with your problems, they keep popping up again!”

“Oh, no, but that would ruin your plan to pretend none of what I said happened. You think that weak sauce is gonna do anything? I’m the only reason you MADE A STAND in regards to Stryker. Oh, boo-hoo, he hurt a loyal Pittian! Let’s send him away without any punishment… because I’m a little piss boy and I don’t want to get my hands dirty, even though the Pittians pride ourselves on being vengeful. But I guess you’re too passive to take a stand unless I back you into a corner.” A growl thrummed in the jaguar’s throat, and black goop dripped out of the hole. “I’m more loyal than you. I actually attacked Stryker immediately after I learned what he’d done. And I offered to hold the fucker down for his victim to extract personal vengeance! That’s loyalty! That should be the real Pittian spirit!”

Flesh blossomed on vis boneskull, only for the creature to curl vis upper lip into a sneer. “The one right decision you did here was sending Cherna to attack Stryker. And I’m the one that forced you into it! You would’ve let the fucker run off without any punishment at all. Can’t you see? You are a pretender to the throne. You think the Pitt could ever thrive with a tenderhearted fuckshit like you? You’ve the heart of a healer—no, that’s an insult to healers. If Aine took over, she’d do a much better job. At least she’d have a backbone!”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-18-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
The air around his head began to grow thinner. He began to grow weary, head swaying from side to side, but he kept his stand and tried to pull away from Gael's air-tight grip. Stryker, successful in his measures eventually, reeled back and let out a chuckle. With Atticus fallen and Vale in a screaming match, it seemed that his presence was no longer needed unless ze was going to rightfully take zir spot on the throne. The lion damn well hoped for it too. Gael was too weak to lead The Pitt, as evident from today's events. For a two time ardent, he knew The Pitt's audience and morals very well, knowing that they would all eventually revert back into the hellish landscape they once were.

With that, he shifted the sand around his paws. Small particles began to bunch together in no time, becoming a thick wall of sandstone that protected him from Chernabog's dive. Before he left though, he peered around the side with a smirk. "Keep it in mind though, will ya?" With that said, he disappeared into the ground and tunneled his way home.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-19-2020


Her face slamming into sandstone was not what she thought was going to happen, and it made her furious. Recoiling back and onto her hind legs, she let out another horrendous scream, aimed toward the sky, furious that her target escaped. Turning on her heels, she slammed her foreclaws into the sands, a growl ripping out of her. Eyeing down both Vale and Gael, angered at the failed attempts of order, she let out a rough, stringed hiss, "If you two are going to keep at your senseless bickering, then I will have no part. My one chance to let out fury has escaped, so now I'll fucking find another chance. Don't expect to see me in a few days." With a powerful beat against the wind, she threw herself into the air and set a course for the neutral grounds for some proper stress relief.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - aine. - 10-19-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Aine's ears flattened against her skull.  Four... Seven... Eight.  She felt sick.  Tired.  Did zey really think being the first to attack proved zem more loyal? It just proved zey had the most bloodlust. 

Run to Elysium?  The Pitt had been her home for more than a year. But zey didn't know her.  Zey didn't her know her father.  Not really.  And zey don't even care, do zey?

And now zey were ignoring the fact someone was unconscious?  With injuries that could be serious?  Aine may be frustrated, furious, that Atticus attacked Ry, but that didn't make his wounds less important to fix.  "He cares more... 'an I care more.  About my clanmates' health, than your stupid claim to power."  Which no one but an outsider was baking zem for.

"If you- if you were really so loyal, it'd matter more to you too." She muttered.  "But like I said.  You don't.  You don't care."

The petite fae flinched at the sound Chernabog's second screech.  Loud.  Too loud.  She grit her teeth, flicking an ear as the dragon took off.  It was senseless.  She had that right.

She'd follow her father's wordless command without hesitation, trotting up to the unconscious feline.  His breathing... "... I thin- I think his ribs..."

"We need to get him to the temple."

Ry too.  She glanced at her best friend, antsy of the fresh injuries.  Fresh blood.  Furious.  At Stryker.  At Vale.  This was no place for an argument.  Four... Seven... Eight.

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Atticus Roux - 10-21-2020

//thread to heal atticus now? or shall we just assume aine/gael or possibly moth/sweeney helped him? whatever works, really!