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the stains of time -- raid boss 1 complete! - Printable Version

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Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - nemhain. - 01-12-2020

What good would Nemhain be if she was a persona who couldn't even defend the one she was bound to? No good at all was the obvious answer to that rhetorical question, and that was why Nemhain's head whipped around immediately when she spotted the Ferryman materializing again, the male going straight for Rin. Rage flooded through the fenghuang's form, and she certainly heard the bellow of Megalodon beneath her, but she was up and in the air before the prehistoric creature could even hope to snap up one of her thin legs. Sure, megalodon might've evaded her catching and lifting him, but Nem would make sure that the Ferryman felt the full force of her attack. Letting out a shriek, the persona dove down towards the Ferryman, attempting to come down upon him and dig her talons in as deeply as possible. She didn't know the exact biology of the form he was currently taking, but she knew he had to have vital organs in there somewhere, and she tried to dig in as deeply as she could in order to find and skewer them. She was grateful that Rin was alright, having taken the absolute minimal amount of damage from the Ferryman's attack, but she still felt pure fury at the fact that Rin was even being attacked in the first place. She could feel the exhaustion within the other at all times, and she refused to let the Ferryman only drive things to become worse and worse because of his twisted motivations.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - teef - 01-15-2020

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


the scent of blood filled the old woman's nose, swiftly dipping her head when she heard rin's voice, already on her way over to assist the injured woman. setting her kit upon the ground, the woman waved her tail, digging out the small jars and sacks that she carried within it. "mistrim, are you able to hobble away from the battlefield? if not, this is fine. i will get someone to carry you back to the library for easier treatment and better supplies. don't give me a worried look, i know what im doing", she mewed briskly as she approached the other.

taking in the state of injuries, she tsked and set to work, working on smearing raw honey into the wounds as an antibacterial disinfectant and inflammation stopper. stemming the blood with pressure as she wrapped cobwebs and linen bandages about the injuries, using burrs to hook the fabric into her fur without hurting her. she would disinfect the injuries far better when away from battle when she may need to defend the woman or another within the group.

attempting to treat [member=9402]GuardianAngel[/member] 's Mistrim //

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Mistrim - 01-24-2020

Mistrim watched as the Serpent fell. It let her breathe out a sigh of relief although she quickly discovered that doing so hurt. She also watched as the Ferryman passed her by in order to attack Rin. It hurt her heart (figuratively not literally thank god) to see and not be able to help however, the comfort that Nemhain wouldn’t take an attack on Rin like that, comforted Mistrim enough to accept the healing.

Mistrim didn’t know Finnloch very well but she could respect a good healer. She nodded, hesitant but glad to leave the fight now that it seemed the Elysites were winning. Of course there was a worried look sent at the medic though as Mistrim was sure there was better people to be treated.

There wasn’t much Mistrim could do about it now though...

She watched as Finnloch got to work, mentally categorizing the materials used and what their purposes were. It just confused her at where the knowledge came from but Mistrim ignored it. It wasn’t the time to dwell on the past.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Tena M. - 01-24-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 290%; background-position: 75% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Tena Moonspinner
Hah.  Hiding coward.  She hissed softly as her paws hit the boat once more then growled as he disappeared, never fully leaving her awareness.  His aura shone enough.  Unlike Mercer she opted to say afloat the boat, watching through furious eyes.  Slowly, she began to manipulate the wind around the edges of the boat, to push it closer to Megalodon.  Kriffing hell.

She has to move fast.  But she'd always been fast.  Fast was how she won her freedom.  The great ocean beast didn't matter to her.  It didn't seem to keen on continuing the fight.  She'd push the boat past it.  We need to finish this.

With an almost feral grin, the Demdji lifted the sand that always clung to her fur.  As both Rin and Nemhain attacked, she attempted to send the sand directly into the Ferryman's eyes, trying to blind or disorient him.

[align=right]Attacking: The Ferryman
[Image: qbc95vw.png]
Stamina: 50%
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Cosmic - 01-24-2020

The feral feline swam as fast as he could to shore, still bearing the arm from before as he would aggressively attempt to slash mercilessly against the Ferryman’s body, before attempting to sneak in a calculated bite to the throat of the canine. He was done with the bullshit, running purely on rage and instinct.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - larkspurkit ! - 01-26-2020

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
larkspurpaw's entry was quite delayed, but nonetheless he was here.

the orange tabby pranced into the fight with a glare of determination set in his eyes, tail lashing and body tensed, ready to act. he wasn't quite sure where to start exactly. he didn't have cool powers like stark or the others. he glanced down at his paw, flexing his claws and glancing at the others. man. he kind wished he did have some cool stuff to throw at it. he padded to mistrim, seeing her closer.

"hey uh, what do we do? do i have to fight or can i… fight something else."


Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Mistrim - 01-30-2020

Mistrim was surprised when the tabby asked her for help. Well...surprised was an understatement as Mistrim was usually ignored and she had gotten used to it. The kit who padded up to her wasn’t someone she knew either, so it made her a little confused for sure. Atleast until she took a look around. Almost everyone of a higher ranking was in combat and while the cat seemed eager to help, it seemed that he wasn’t eager enough to take on one of the enemies.

Mistrim couldn’t blame him. Considering that her injuries were mainly the result of attacking Serpent, she didn’t want to send the kit into danger. She looked around for a moment as she tried to decide what to say. “People who are injured or panicked. They need a safe place to go and they may need help getting there. Medics may be able to help them better once they are out of the battle zone...“

Her voice wavered a little bit. Mistrim wasn’t exactly sure if she had the authority to assign these sorts of things but she did so anyway. If anyone were to get in trouble for it then she would wholeheartedly take any blame for any mistakes. She tugged on her scarf, hopefully it wouldn’t have to come to that though.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Verdigris - 01-31-2020

As the target fired her arrow at him, the Ferryman jerked to the side, just enough so that the arrow hit his shoulder, not his chest. Despite the burst of pain, he managed to clamp his jaws down on her throat- but he couldn't taste any blood, only the fabric. Curses. He wouldn't have time to remove the scarf before they converged on him.

Two sharp jabs struck his throat, the claws grazing his skin and burning away his fur. With a growl, he opened his jaws wide enough to get away from Warringkingdoms before her next two swipes hit him, releasing her in the process. Hearing the shriek from above, he dove out of the way, the fenghuang's talons raking across his sides but not managing to grab him. Dust blew into his eyes, and he stumbled- only for a last set of claws to slash deep into his flank, forcing him to roll away as a pair of jaws snapped down inches from his throat.

He'd completely lost control of the situation. Stupid. This is why you fell.

Reopening his eyes in spite of the pain, he roared, yanked the arrow out of his own shoulder and aimed to plunge it directly through Warringkingdoms' right eye. Even if he died in the process, she had to die. She'd caused them all too much pain to be left alive.

The Ferryman
Health: 14%
Current form: a thin, almost-skeletal mountain wolf with black fur, rotten yellow fangs, and yellow-green pupil-less eyes; fur is now dripping with black, almost tar-like water
Powers: amorphous, clairvoyance, intangibility, invisibility, mental manipulation and communication
Attacking: [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member]

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - fulzanin - 01-31-2020

Sanzu was late on the whole 'war on the gods'. After all, Sanzu had been asleep for a solid four or so months. What had developed in that time? She didn't know. She wasn't aware of what had happened. To find the camp empty and abandoned had warranted a slow search. Leaping around, wings flapping madly as she scrambled along. Searching for everyone. Where were they? She didn't know. Her large ears flopped despite her attempts to keep them raised to listen while she blundered about. Nope. She couldn't find them.

So the little dragon settled for exploring the territory. Searching still, of course, taking brief breaks to soothe the exhaustion that came from trying to search the entire territory. Where was everyone? She had no answer until she heard the furious noises of combat. They were familiar, yet not so, all at the same time. A young memory, a memory from her earliest days. They were buried beneath the memories of her time in Elysium, but the similarity was still there. She had to climb up so that she could see. Oh, was the only thought that Sanzu could initially muster from where she was somewhat perched up high nearby. A mess. She had to help! The thought blazed through her mind swiftly.

The young dragon waggled her haunches, her webbed wings curling by her sides. She was going to help! There were mean people around, mean people that could not be near her family! Her talons curled tightly against her perch, and there was brief doubt. She hadn't ever flown before. She had never managed it. At most she could shakily glide for a few seconds before collapsing. It counted right now thought. She had to! There were mean people and they had to get away from her friends! Sanzu leaped out of the tree, spreading her wings. As it had been before, it would be now. For a few seconds she managed to glide, before promptly plummeting. Her drop was brought to a halt by landing on the Ferryman talons first. An abrupt squish from the young dragon that had fallen in from above. "Meanie! Meanie!" She hissed, proceeding to bat with her grubby talons just to make sure that the person that she'd squished knew that she was a furious and super scary dragon. Yes, she was small, yes, most of her damage had been dealt by free falling onto the Ferryman, but she had certainly made her attempt to aid the fight after her late arrival.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Verdigris - 02-01-2020

[font=trebuchet ms]As he lunged forward, his paws slipped on the damp stone, and he staggered to the side. He couldn't take much more of this, not with one reaper possessed, one dead, and the others nowhere to be seen. How had everything gone so wrong?

His jaws parting in a low wheeze, he shook his head. "How can all of you fight for her after what she's done?" he snarled, exhaustion vibrating in his otherworldly voice. If nothing else, he could plant seeds of doubt in them. If nothing else, he could make them realize she wasn't worth protecting.

It was useless, all of it. They should have burned this world long ago.

With a screech, he charged at the target once more, seeing the dragon descending upon him only a heartbeat before-


Barghest could hear the crash all the way from the docks. Whimpering, it rushed over to the street where its master had run off to. On the road he lay, not even resisting the young dragon as she beat on him. Reaching out to grasp its connection with him, it found... nothing. Even the mist clouding his form had dissipated, leaving an ordinary wolf.

A howl of anguish and terror escaped its maw as it fled off into the fog, leaving its allies and the dead Ferryman behind.