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I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - Printable Version

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Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-23-2018

//Small trigger warning in the 3rd paragraph for descriptions of body horror!

"Fear is a liar, but he's been right before."

Oh, Caesar had felt fear before. He wasn't immune to the emotion, as much as he'd like people to think he was. Fear was a normal emotion, but one that Caesar liked to hide. He believes that fear is weakness, that by allowing yourself to fear things and others, you were only setting yourself up for failure. And maybe that's true; after all, it was fear that drove him to destroy his Home Dimension, among other things. He feared not being able to be himself again, he feared being an exile his entire life, he feared the King - but he had also been jealous of the power the King held. But most of all? Was fear. The King could order his Court to kill him and his family, and there could be nothing he could do about it.

"If you fight your shadow, you'll get lost in a war."

Caesar constantly hides his feelings of fear, just so he isn't seen as weak or powerless. But hiding your feelings only ends up with them being bottled up inside, building up slowly to the point where they explode. Unfortunately for Caesar, bottling up emotions is what causes Corruption - and he's unaware of this. He knows what Corruption is, of course, however what causes it is unknown to almost all dream demons; they assume it's because of stress. Which is true, Corruption is causes by stress: the stress of your emotions being bottled up. Corruption happens very slowly for dream demons and is extremely painful to them. Their Corrupted bodies are different than one another, however Caesar's is one of the biggest (although he has no idea what it looks like).

The first warning sign of Corruption is if a dream demon bleeds from their eyes, nose, and mouth. It's common for a demon to bleed from their nose - and mouth, in worst cases - when stressed, however once it reaches the eyes, it's far too late. Once their eyes start bleeding, the Corruption process has already begun. Slowly, the body would start to deteriorate and grow in Caesar's case, and his body would turn red. His body would break in a few places - his neck and his stomach, which would soon turn into mouths. Eyes would pop up all over his body; one on his forehead, one of each side of his face where his cheeks are, one on each shoulder, and one on each side of his body where his hind leg begins. During Corruption, a demon's eyes always bleed, although their mouths and nose no longer do. Eventually, a Corrupted demon will finally exhaust their living force, almost like a star. Unlike a star, however, they do not explode; they just pass out and pretty much die, forced to live their lives in the Mindscape.

"Ambition's a champ, but he's also a whore! Drunk or sober, he always wants more! I always want more!"

Caesar believes the only way to continue hiding his feelings of fear and regret is to focus on how he wants to be in power, how he wants to lead, and how he deserves to be a leader of a group. He wants people to fear him, rather than he fear others. With people fearing him, he can distract himself from his own fear and continue leading with pride, glad that he's able to enlist such feelings onto his people. And that is the reason Caesar craves high positions and fame; because he wants to be feared so he can hide his own feelings. Ambition is a whore; it always wants more, and even if Caesar is at the highest rank he can be, he only wants more fame, more distractions.

Too bad that will eventually be the end of him.

(Lyrics are from the song "Funny Little Creatures" by Nothing More!)

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-26-2018

[Image: collab.png]

Art by [member=830]galexiux[/member] (sketch + lineart) and [member=62]arcy[/member] (color)! ^
it's Atbash (left) with Izuku (green cat, Arcy's chara) and Cry (birb, Gale's chara)

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-28-2018

[Image: oh_themst.png]

Art by [member=62]arcy[/member] ! ^ now i have to do one of the three sometime jdsffg

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-30-2018

[Image: image.jpg]

^ Atbash with Izuku ( [member=62]arcy[/member] ) and Cry ( [member=830]galexiux[/member] )! The trio has been completed jsdkks

[Image: image.jpg]

^ And Atbash by herself in all of her glory!

Both of these were drawn by me

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-31-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: DANTE (updated 11/03/18)

Full Name: Dante Northwest
Age: 8 years
Death: n/a
Background: Dante was born in a science lab, where he lived for the majority of his life before escaping. During his time in the lab, he was experimented on and pitted against other creatures in the lab, which is where he got his scars. One day he just had enough and upon careful planning, he set the lab on fire and escaped. After months of traveling, he came upon a group known as The Pitt and joined them on July 11, 2018. On July 31, 2018, he was OOCly promoted to Strong Arm. August 11, 2018 marks his official IC promotion to Strong Arm.

On September 7, 2018, the rank of Strong Arm was changed to Crusader. However, on September 20, 2018, he OOCly stepped down from the rank. He eventually returned to The Pitt on October 31, 2018.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: The place he was born in was a science lab, and there's not much to say about the area since Dante wasn't allowed to explore much other than the areas he was placed in. However, he currently lives in The Pitt, who lives in a desert. You can see a more in-depth description of their territory here.

Weather: Dante likes the summer and days when the sun are out, mostly so he can sunbathe. His least favorite season is winter and his least favorite weather is whenever it is snowing, due to the cold.

Physical: Dante is a large, feline hybrid crossed with a whale shark. His pelt pattern is exactly like a whale shark's, although instead of skin, he is covered in fur. He has a fin on the back of his neck, and his tail tapers to look like a shark's tail. He also has white wings as a mutation, as well as four large fangs that stick out of his mouth. Multiple scars cover his body, although the most notable ones are the one on his left eye, as well as a bite wound on his neck, right above the gills that allow him to breathe in water. Despite having wings, Dante cannot fly and can only glide to a certain extent.

Weapons: Dante doesn't use or currently use weapons, but he isn't against them.

Reactions: Below are ways Dante acts a certain way whenever he feels a certain emotion. He's an explosive character and has a tendency to lash out in anger.
Anger - Tail lashing, claws flexing in and out, clenched teeth
Scared - Anxious, nervous paranoia
Stressed - Picks at his wings and pulls out feathers, shuffles around
Rejected - Depressed, obsessed with certain things such as the person who rejects him, smokes more and drinks
Happy - Head high held, wings outstretched slightly, grinning
Hurt/Sad - Smokes more, drinks, secludes himself
Confused - Ears flicking, makes the "what the fuck" face

Motives: Dante's motive right now is to destroy the world, mostly because of the harsh treatment from the human scientists that tortured him.

Failure and Success: Dante considers his only success to be destroying the lab he had been born and tortured in, though he is angry at himself for not doing it sooner. Since he hasn't had much contact with the outside world (nor had much interaction in the lab), he doesn't really have any failures.

Mood: Dante is constantly in a bad mood, being snippy with others. He is bitter at the world, but he knows that you have to act a certain way to be accepted, so he is currently trying to tone down the way he lashes out at people.

Opinion: Dante has no belief in love or feelings of it, he believes that love will only drag you down and ends in somebody either hurting or killing one another.
Dante is absolutely for war and torture, as he was practically raised in the latter. He grew to enjoy inflicting pain on others, and enjoys attacking people for the hell of it.
Dante isn't really a fan of powers, but he isn't against them. He likes relying on strength rather than some magical ability.
As for religion, Dante is absolutely against any sort of religion and will let others know his feelings.

Religion: Dante is an atheist, and he doesn't respect those who believe in a religion. He believes those who believe in something are naive and idiotic, and will speak his mind whenever this topic is brought up, as mentioned above.

Magic/Powers: Dante isn't really against powers, although he doesn't particularly like them. He prefers using brute strength rather than powers, and the only power he has currently is reincarnation.

Perception: Dante's outlook on life is extremely negative, although it is mostly due to his upbringing in the science lab and the way he was treated by the scientists. He believes the world is a harsh place, and those who are cold-hearted are the only ones who can survive.

First Impressions: The first thing somebody could notice about Dante is the strong stench of smoke. The guy constantly has cigarettes on him, as well as a lighter so he can smoke. He's very gruff and rude to others, which is something that can be easily noted whenever he meets somebody. On his opinion of others, he's extremely close-minded and judgmental and usually treats people as if they were below him.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-06-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 08/08/18

> Bruce Walker | Male (he/him)
> 8 years (48 human years) physically; 8 years mentally
> Zealandia | Berserker [HP]

> Single
> NPC xx NPC (first generation)

> Underwater Panther; a large underwater panther with brown eyes; his left eye is blind. Two grey horns sprout from his head, and he has gills on his neck that allow him to breathe underwater. He also has spikes going from his neck to his fish-like tail. He has a long scar on the left side of his face, beginning at his forehead, going over his left eye, and ends at his neck.


| A | B | C | D
> Grumpy but honest
> Easily pissed off
> May fight and kill in defense
> Thoughtful and caring

> Physically medium, mentally easy
> Will start and try to stop fights
> attack in BOLD BROWN
- POWERS: Reincarnation

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/26/18

> Horizon Cipher | Transgender male (he/him)
> 5 years (33 human years); mentally 5 years
> The Rosebloods | Member

> Single
> Caesar Cipher xx NPC (second generation)
> Half-brother of Aphra, Billiam, and Gordon Cipher
> Uncle of Nyssa, Aita, Kathrine, and Sylvina Cipher-Roux (Aphra Cipher xx Pincher Roux)
> Nephew of Atbash and Vigenere Cipher
> Cousin of Coriander (adopted by Atbash)

> Tasmanian Devil; short and stocky with red eyes and venomous fangs.


| A | B | C | D
> Sarcastic and blunt
> Super religious (believes in Belial)
> Headstrong

> Physically east, mentally easy
> Will start and try to stop fights
> attack in BOLD RED
- POWERS: Reincarnation

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-13-2018

! Please note there may be some triggering things in Horizon's backstory, such as mentions of abuse !

CHARACTER STUDY: HORIZON (updated 08/12/18)

Full Name: Horizon Cipher
Age: 5 years
Death: n/a
Background: Horizon was born on the outskirts of The Typhoon. His father is Caesar Cipher, an Officer of said group. However, Horizon never joined The Typhoon and only lived on the outskirts with his father occasionally visiting him. Caesar mistreated Horizon often and belittled him as well as lashing out whenever he got angry, however Horizon had gotten used to the treatment and believed it was normal for a long time. One day, Caesar brought a buddy of his to visit, whom was named Henri. Henri taught him the ways of Belial, and Horizon has forever been sworn into the religion. Due to his fierce belief on Belial, among other reason, Caesar started attacking and harming Horizon more harshly and eventually, the devil had enough and ran off.

On August 12, 2018, he joined The Rosebloods.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: Horizon was born on the outskirts of The Typhoon, so he mostly lived near their surroundings. He never joined The Typhoon and rather was visited by his father often, until he ran off. He currently lives in The Rosebloods, and you can find a detailed description of their territory here.

Weather: Horizon likes more chilly days, like in the fall. His least favorite weather is whenever it is rainy and storming, and his least favorite season is winter.

Physical: Horizon is a short and stocky Tasmanian Devil with red eyes and venomous fangs.

Weapons: Horizon doesn't wield any weapons in battle, but he does use a knife to perform sacrifices.

Reactions: Below are ways Horizon acts a certain way whenever he feels a certain emotion. He's an explosive character and has a tendency to lash out in anger, as well having a tendency to be sarcastic and makes a lot of snippish comments.
Anger - Paces around, ears pinned, grumbling
Scared - Hides, trembles
Stressed - Picks at his arms with his claws
Rejected - Hides away and becomes secluded
Happy - Sarcastic, hold head high
Hurt/Sad - Tries to hide his feelings with sarcasm, head low, tail drooping
Confused - Head tilted, wide eyes

Motives: Horizon's main motive in life is to become leader of the current group he is in and prove that he is not like his father, Caesar Cipher. He second motive is to spread the teachings of Belial, a religion he learned from Henri of Snowbound after his father introduced him to Henri.

Failure and Success: Horizon thinks his biggest failure is not fighting his father. His father is known for being an ass in The Typhoon and having an explosive personality and having a thing for murder. Despite not realizing he is just like his father, Horizon believes he should have fought his father due to his mistreatment and because he did not, he is a failure.
Currently, Horizon doesn't believe he has succeeded in anything.

Mood: Horizon is typically in a good mood, and you can tell by the way he speaks and his sarcastic tone. While he does have a sarcastic voice whenever angry, he's more prone to teasing remarks whenever he's happy.

Opinion: Horizon isn't sure how he feels about love. He wants to be in a relationship, however he is extremely wary of getting into relationships due to believing in Belial.
Horizon likes war, although not to the extent his father does. He believes war is necessary and is a good way to prove yourself to your Clan, but too much of it is a bad thing. Regardless, he doesn't mind war and won't oppose it if it does break out.
Horizon likes powers and will likely use them often whenever he gets some.
Religion is a strange subject for Horizon, as he believes in a demon known as Belial, thanks to Henri's teachings. Horizon doesn't believe in any other religion and is absolutely devoted into his faith in Belial, going so far as to make sacrifices to the demon. Any other religion is "fake" in his eyes.

Religion: As stated above, Horizon believes in a demon by the name of Belial. Henri taught him the ways of this belief, and you can find more information here (link tba). Horizon often makes sacrifices in the name of Belial, believing it is the only way to appease the 'god'.

Magic/Powers: The only power Horizon has currently is Reincarnation.

Perception: Horizon's view on the world is strange; he believes the world is good and the people inside it are bad, mostly due to his father. He also sees it as something he can control, like his father, and that he is the center of the world. He sees the glass as half-empty.

First Impressions: The first thing somebody might notice is Horizon's spunkiness. He is often seen bouncing around and will leap into battle without thinking most of the time, and always looks like he's down to fight. As for how he sees people, first impressions mean everything to him, and if you have a bad first impression, he's likely to dislike you.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-13-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: BRUCE (updated 08/13/18)

Full Name: Bruce Walker
Age: 8 years
Death: n/a
Background: Bruce was born to two NPC parents in a far away land. His town was attacked by a rival group and he ran off, arriving on BoB's world. While he searched for groups, he met a shark-cat hybrid by the name of Dante and the two eventually started dating. However, they got into an argument about their views on the world and Dante lashed out at him, scarring his left eye and leaving him blind. The two, of course, broke up after this and went on their separate ways. On August 6, 2018, Bruce found Zealandia and joined them, and was OOCly promoted to Berserker on August 7, 2018 (he was listed in the Guide as one at the time).

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: Bruce's home was an island far away from BoB's current world. He traveled here after his parents' death to avoid his home being taken over by a rival group. He is currently apart of Zealandia, and you can find a detailed description of their territory here.

Weather: Bruce's favorite weather is whenever the sun is out, so he can sunbathe and relax. And of course, his favorite season is summer. His least favorite season is winter and he hates the snow.

Physical: Bruce a large underwater panther with brown eyes; his left eye is blind. two grey horns sprout from his head, and he has gills on his neck that allow him to breathe underwater. he also has spikes going from his neck to his fish-like tail. he has a long scar on the left side of his face, beginning at his forehead, going over his left eye, and ends at his neck.

Weapons: Bruce doesn't have any weapons, though he is not opposed to using them in battle.

Reactions: Below are ways Bruce acts a certain way whenever he feels a certain emotion. He's an explosive character and has a tendency to lash out in anger.
Anger - Tail lashing, claws flexing in and out
Scared - Tail lowered and flicking, ears pinned, eyes narrowed
Stressed - Picks at his scar
Rejected - Tries not to show how upset he is and will just walk off
Happy - He's always in this mood; you can usually tell by the way he holds himself and how shiny and sleek his fur is. His head is held high and his eyes are shining
Hurt/Sad - Tail lowered, ears pinned, eyes narrowed
Confused - Tail flicking, tilted head

Motives: Bruce doesn't really have any motives currently, as he is quite content with where he is now and who he is as a person. However, he would like to get back at Dante sometime.

Failure and Success: Bruce thinks his biggest failure is not protecting his parents and his clan back in the old world. He thinks that if they knew he ran off after their death, they wouldn't be proud of him because he should have fought them off. However, there were too many of them and Bruce valued his life and freedom.
As of right now, Bruce's biggest success was joining Zealandia and becoming of its high positions.

Mood: Bruce is generally a very happy and content person, and is relaxed and laid-back. However, he does have a temper and will lash out whenever he gets upset. He's a tad hard to calm down, so he often goes off to hit something whenever he does get pissed off.

Opinion: Bruce has a neutral opinion on love. He isn't looking to be in a relationship currently due to his past relationship with Dante, however he may grow fond of somebody. It would take a while, but he would be open to a relationship if he trusts the person enough.
As for war, Bruce doesn't mind war and is actually glad to jump into fights, despite him running off from a war that his former home was going through. Bruce recognizes when a battle is lost and that's why he ran off, and isn't afraid to call a retreat if he has to.
Bruce doesn't like powers and prefers to fight physically.
Bruce believes in Greek Mythology, however he knows people don't believe in that religion anymore (or at least it is very rare). So long as people respect his beliefs, he respects theirs.

Religion: Bruce believes in the Greek Gods, having been taught how to read their language (however he can't speak it) and being raised in their mythology. He doesn't mind other religions though and so long as people respect his beliefs, he will respect theirs.

Magic/Powers: Bruce doesn't like powers and prefers to fight physically if he can. The only power he has currently is Reincarnation.

Perception: Bruce was a very positive view on the world, despite his backstory. He believes that everyone deserves a chance, however there is a thing as a 'Moral Event Horizon' in which once you pass, you can never be redeemed. He sees the glass as half-full.

First Impressions: First impressions means a lot to Bruce, however he tries not to judge people too much and he hopes people don't judge him too much. The first thing people may notice about Bruce is how calm he is and how he holds himself.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-13-2018

FULL NAME Ace Lannister
—ranking TBA
3 years
—mental age 3 years
—aging ratio 1 year every December 30
—zodiac: capricorn
—pronouns he/him
former king of a faraway land; he ran off
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic dog
—breed german shepherd
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a medium-sized german shepherd with tan fur and chocolate-brown eyes. he has black ear tips, a black muzzle, and a black spot on his back and tail. he also has a diamond-shaped white marking on his chest.
—smells like the ocean
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] ace is a quiet person and his body language show it. he often haunches down and holds his head low
ISFY ("The Defender") - Lawful Good - Ravenclaw
compassionate - truthful - protective - merciful
follower - pacifist - hardworking - alert
cowardly - finicky - gullible - nervous
ORIENTATION[b] bisexual and biromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family n/a
—enemies n/a
won't start fights - won't fight back - may try to end fights - won't kill
—platonic relationships easy to get along with, he's very understanding and trusting
—romantic relationships is wary of relationships and is afraid of commitment
—rivalries hard to become an enemy, although those that are, he is wary of
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD RED

- N/A
Tags - N/A
[url=http://]Character Study - N/A

TV Tropes:
Crowd Pleaser, Flat Character, Pacifist, Thou Shall Not Kill, Static Character, Easily Impressed, Heroic Self-Deprecation, Compliment Fishing, You Are Better Than You Think You Are, The Good Chancellor, Offered the Crown, Extreme Doormat, The Quiet One, Blind Obedience, Fear of Thunder, Guilt Complex, Inadequate Inheritor, Nice Guy, "Well Done Son!" Guy, Neat Freak, Stupid Good, Super Gullible, Reluctant Ruler, Weak-Willed, Forgiveness, For Happiness, The Golden Rule, Good Feels Good, The Idealist, Insane Forgiveness, Rebel Prince, The Ditherer, Agree to Disagree, Due to the Dead, Exceptionally Tolerant, Greater Need Than Mine, Know When to Fold 'Em, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Purity Personified, Turn the Other Cheek, Lawful Good, Friend to All Children, A Friend in Need, Wouldn't Hurt A Child, The Heart, Mellow Fellow, Wouldn't Hit A Girl, Got Volunteered