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kugawing’s pile of art realm - Printable Version

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Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[Image: xA3129J.png]

He really wasn’t sure what the human was thinking, looking at him. He thought he’d made it very clear that he didn’t want to be looked at. He couldn’t look at himself without feeling some deep form of disgust surge forth. Why should the human have that right?

Had there been a life before this? He felt as if there had to be more. He couldn’t have woken up with the notation of feeling strange, if there was nothing to be feeling out of place? There had to be more. He figured the human was keeping it from him. Why, he didn’t know. He would figure it out though. He didn’t like the concept of something being kept from him. If he desired information, he was sure that he would be able to obtain it even if he could not speak. He was smart. He was strong.

He had used that strength on the human not too long ago. Pinned him down for looking at him. He didn’t want to be looked at, but the human had kept on. So he slammed the human against the floor again and again, screeching in an unbridled rage. That had continued until another monster had knocked him off, and he had retreated.

As much as he hated the other looking at him, he was puzzled as to why he felt so bad. He was merely upholding his own decencies. Why did he feel pain when he thought of the attack he had administered upon the human? It was justified to him. He’d let it go on long enough, and he’d put his foot down.

Now though, there was nothing for him to do. Nothing but thinking. He didn’t have to eat, the monster laid and lazed and slept long enough to counter such a thing. He was left with his mind and to preen his feathers, and with all that free time he came to a conclusion that he could not come to conclusions. No matter how deeply he thought about his strange behaviors, he could not figure out their sources nor how to stop them.

Sometimes, Blits had discovered, his mind got hung up on certain topics. Windows were one of them. He couldn’t figure out why. He didn’t even have the beginning of an idea as to why that made his mind just drop dead. Had he been hurt by a window before? What even was a window? He felt like he knew, that they were important, but at the same time was clueless and indifferent.

While searching through his vocabulary he had found the word ‘sandwich’, which created equally such a pause in his thoughts. Apparently it was a food item. He couldn’t quite put a paw on what such looked like, but it felt like he could almost remember liking them. Odd. Perhaps that was why his mind was hung up on it. He couldn’t remember ever eating such a thing. He made a note to try to create one later.

The concept of creating a sandwich, too, hung up his mind. Blits felt as if he knew how to do so, but only barely. As if it was a stretch of possibility for him to do. Not normal, but learned. In truth this whole deep thinking concept added on to a feeling of abnormality that also refused to be pinned down. His mind looped to sandwiches on a near hourly basis, whenever he got hungry. Why? Why did he have such a deep, burned in habit that survived no matter how hard he tried to shove it away?

Blits felt a nagging suspicion that he made sandwiches for more reasons that just to sate his own hunger.

His tail slowly swept behind him. He laid down, resting his fluffy head against the floor. Where had he gotten these clothes? He felt mighty comfortable in them. They had holes for his wings, sealed up by a thin line of sturdy velcro. He couldn’t quite reach around to take the shirt off, but that was fine. The most annoying thing was the strange chestplate he wore which, to his understanding, didn’t actually cover anything in a manner that mattered. He couldn’t figure out how to get it off: the buckle that secured such was around his back. He couldn’t reach, and Blits was not about to ask for help.

In addition to his thoughts being hung and looping he had thought of other things. Why his wings were always pulled close to his sides, taking up as little space as physically possible. Whenever Blits noted such he made sure to flare his wings open as wide as he could. He couldn’t understand the wince that always occurred, a flare of fear that surged from the core of his being. What had happened to make him so scared of moving his wings and taking up space? What was being hidden from him?! What had he forgotten?!

His beak clicked in anger. Pathetic. He felt utterly pathetic. All these observations and questions and he could not solve a single one of them. He felt his feathers rise and the fur of his tail bristle. Irritation, he felt infuriated. It only grew further when he felt bad about being so angry? Why?! What had caused him to have surges of fear for being angry, of all things?!

What caused him to fear a pained expression on a human’s face? Why did he fear such a thing? Why did he find himself caring?

Blits couldn’t figure such a thing out. He didn’t have the answers. He doubted he ever would. It wasn’t as if he could just ask- he couldn’t speak. He could think as deeply as he pleased, but thoughts refused to come out his beak in any manner other than a shrill squawk.

He settled his body down. Whatever. It didn’t matter. He would hurt the human again if he caught him gazing upon him again. He would have to do something more severe. Surely. That would do the trick of teaching a lesson. It would work wonderfully. It didn’t matter if he felt sudden surges of incorrectness. It didn’t matter. He was preserving his best interests, right? He could do whatever he wanted to ensure such, right?

Blits tried to sleep, and realized he couldn’t.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[Image: ovDjnJd.jpg]
The Lighsni Chatroom Saga: Part 1
day 1

Server: Galjaka created chatroom called ‘fun chat’

Server: kaipto, torma, opioki, yultzi, vosmatho, cambiki, hibtio, eseria, zatiana, veltu, anaderth, resmnia, and wee-snaw joined the chatroom

Hibitio: wee snaw?? who is wee snaw

Torma: how do I make the squifflies

Torma: squigglies

Anaderth: haha squidflies

Anaderth: wait what

Galjaka: okay did I get everyone?

Veltu: I think you forgot Dasnia

Wee Snaw: it’s my nickname with the cool kids

Torma: please I need to know this it’s important

Eseria: what even is wee snaw? Who is wee snaw?

Hibitio: torma you gotta hit the grey block in the bottom left

Yultzi: I too would like to know who these supposed cool kids are

Server: Dasnia joined the chatroom

Dasnia: what did I miss

Torma: 38485$:!!;!

Hibitio: you gotta hit it again to bring back the letters

Galjaka: okay so we have everyone now

Zatiana; rejejejj

Kaipto: I don’t think zatiana is old enough to spell stuff

Kaipto: shouldn’t we remove her from the chat?

Opioki: you’re being a fluff face, let her stay she’s not hurting anything

Torma: I finally got the letters back hi dasnia how was your day

Resmnia: kaipto you left your paper in the classroom come get it

Cambiki: hey so my mom wants to know if everyone can come over is that cool? We need a time though

Galjaka: we can probably remove Zatiana later if it actually becomes a problem

Hibitio: I can bring Kaipto’s papers to him cause our rooms are close

Wee Snaw: what if I stole the papers

Kaipto: no please don’t I need those

Veltu: cambiki my mom says I’ll bring snacks to the sleepover

Wee Snaw: I am the cool kids

Dasnia: hi torma wait who’s wee snaw

Yultzi: I already asked that!!

Galjaka: wee snaw can you just put your actual name

Wee Snaw: how about I don’t

Zatiana: hqhrbbt

Resmnia: I think I can come over but I’ll have to double check can I bring my lositnu?

Kaipto: I’m coming to get my papers

Hibitio: it was only one paper how did you somehow make more??

Veltu: what snacks should I bring?

Cambiki: I already have snacks and no resmnia you can’t bring the lositnu

Wee Snaw: you’re gonna make her cry

Galjaka: hold on I know there’s a way to post announcements on this, Cambiki how many people can you have over?

Resmnia: I’m actually going to cry

Yultzi: I’ve already cried today

Veltu: what happened?

Cambiki: why

Dasnia: Wait we’re crying now is that what we’re doing

Hibitio: I literally saw you a minute ago and you weren’t crying you liar

Resmnia: because I can’t bring my lositnu

Torma: I don’t wanna get bit

Veltu: wee snaw seriously who are these cool kids you mentioned naming you

Opioki: I figured it was about your papers

Hibitio: there is only one paper

Wee Snaw: not if I have anything to say about it

Eseria: guys I think I have a crush on the Nitisian I’m bunking with how do I take a picture so we can talk about this

Eseria: this is super duper top secret okay we can’t y’all anyone

Dasnia: why does it have to be a secret

Torma: I still don’t know why Resmnia is crying

Wee Snaw: she’s not actually crying Torma

Veltu: it’s because she’s not out to her parents you Dasnia, catch up

Dasnia: what does that mean?? out of what?

Yultzi: What Nitisian what’s their name there’s a Nitisian in the hallway I wonder if that’s them.

Anaderth: hey guys I’m back from preening what did I miss?

Hibitio: Eseria’s got herself a girlfriend

Veltu: wee snaw I’m still waiting on that answer

Server: Galjaka added thebentblueframe to the chatroom

Eseria: I haven’t even asked her yet anyways what’s this about a sleepover?

Cambiki: it’s not a sleepover it’s a hangout

Wee Snaw: that’s the same thing

Yultzi: no it’s not

Wee Snaw: yes it is

Kaipto: where are my papers or paper guys this isn’t funny

Anaderth: I think someone just ran past my room with papers I could try to catch them

Hibitio: I’m going to kaipto’s room because he wasn’t getting to the classroom to pick them up fast enough why do you have to rat me out like that

Dasnia: okay so who’s going on a date? I heard there was a date

Cambiki: Yea there’s a hangout at my place

Wee Snaw: no she’s talking about Eseria having the hots for a Nitisian

Veltu: wee snaw when I find out who you are I’m gonna punch you

Galjaka: no one is punching anyone oh my Shuisi I leave for ten minutes and you all do this

Zatiana: 385$!!2$!!1

Torma: you gotta hit the grey button

Dasnia: torma she’s the youngest Lighsni here she can’t spell yet

Cambiki: Galjaka are you making that announcement or not

Eseria: okay so I just found out her name is Lotiuas and I love her oh my Shuisi

Veltu: can I come to the wedding

Hibitio: I can bring cake

Anaderth: we’d all bring cake

Opioki: Yea but my cake would be the best cake and you wanna know why?

Zatiana: mnmgntnng

Opioki: exactly

Cambiki: what the actual Xiogipa dung does that mean??

Wee Snaw: as long as I get to make the clothes I’m coming to this cool wedding

Eseria: she wants to take my picture!!

Hibitio: oh!! Take the picture

Opioki: take the picture

Zatiana: llllfje

Galjaka: why does she need a picture?

Anaderth: hold on I have fire I can get you good lighting

Cambiki: is this gonna be at the wedding? The picture? Who’s coming to my place

Yultzi: I am like right at the cafeteria do you think they’d let me go in there and bake a cake?

Galjaka: I don’t know maybe?

Resmnia: can I bring my lositnu to the wedding

Veltu: no!

Eseria: yes

Opioki: please don’t I want to keep my wings

Anaderth: I mean it’s probably trained and Eseria said yes

Dasnia: yultzi I wanna bake a cake too wait for me

Torma: how did you make the weird looking thing at the end veltu

Hibitio: same place the squidflies are

Hibitio: Wait

Galjaka: hibitio Whats a squidflies?

Dasnia: don’t ask me I got here late

Eseria: anaderth are you coming with the fire or not?

Cambiki: guys seriously who’s coming over to my house my mom needs to know

Veltu: I’ll come

Resmnia: if I can bring the lositnu then I’ll come

Cambiki: you and your lositnu

Resmnia: you and your feather brushes

Yultzi: the audacity

Hibitio: what does that word even mean holy Shuisi

Galjaka: I think I’ve never heard it before it’s a big word

Eseria: maybe me and Lotiuas can come Cambiki for our date

Opioki: Wait is this the wedding or the get together?

Yultzi: I learned that from my pjofur friend, how before me haha

Zatiana: gsgge

Wee Snaw: I think Zatiana disagrees with you yultzi

Galjaka: okay guys I’m tired so I’m going to bed, I swear if I come back and you all are doing stuff that’s mean imma have to scream

Hibitio: Galjaka screams very loud I know that personally

Torma: that’s an odd fact to know

Cambiki: I mean they were neighbors I’m pretty sure

Anaderth: okay I’m coming over with the fire now where’s the room Eseria?

Wee Snaw: I’ve heard that lots of people think we’re loud

Veltu: okay but who are these people, the same cool people that called you wee Snaw??

Eseria: I don’t know I’ll go stand at the door and you’ll just have to walk

Cambiki: Wait so we’re hosting a wedding at my place?

Wee Snaw: no these are entirely separate parties and one is a lot cooler than the other

Dasnia: I lost my favorite trencil now imma cry too

Hibitio: Wait is that the one that I gave you in class today?

Hibitio: dasnia I swear to Shuisi if you lost that trencil we’re gonna fight

Resmnia: and you say the lositnu is aggressive

Yultzi: Resmnia I thought you said you were going to sleep

Resmnia: no Galjaka went to sleep, who else is asleep?

Hibitio: i don’t know I guess whoever isn’t talking

Dasnia: I should really go to sleep too this school stuff is crazy

Eseria: anaderth you’re going the wrong way come badk

Eseria: back

Yultzi: ten gokirs says that he left his phone on his bed

Hibitio: not gonna bet on that because it’s the truth

Wee Snaw: aight well imma bounce too have fun and let me know when that cool wedding is gonna happen

Resmnia: when are you two getting married, at Cambiki’s place

Eseria: I don’t know maybe we are

Eseria: we haven’t talked about that yet

Hibitio: well you should

Yultzi: anderth isn’t even in the hallway with the rooms anymore what is he doing

Resmnia: what even are you doing yultzi

Hibitio: probably breaking into the kitchen

Yultzi: lies

Hibitio: so if I go down to the kitchen right now I’m not gonna see you trying to magic your way in

Yultzi: no you won’t

Eseria: I think we’ll just take a picture without Anderth’s fire and do another one whenever he shows up

Eseria: oh I just had the greatest idea ever

Hibitio: really?

Yultzi: impossible

Yultzi: Yea that’s right that’s another big word

Resmnia: I thought I was gonna go sleep but now I’m interested

Eseria: we should all take group photos of our roommates

Hibitio: that’s actually a really good idea

Zatiana: bbbntnnnw

Resmnia: are we sure Zatiana isn’t just napping on her phone?

Yultzi: good idea and we could all send them here

Eseria: why would we do that

Yultzi: I don’t know I’m just adding on to what you suggested

Hibitio: maybe we can hang it up in the rooms somewhere. That sounds nice and fun

Vosmatho: hi guys I’m super late what’s up?

Eseria: me and a Nitisian are getting married at Cambiki’s place in a few days

Yultzi: we’re all bringing cake

Resmnia: I’m brining a lositnu because Eseria said it was okay

Hibitio: oh vosmatho I don’t think we’ve ever talked hi

Vosmatho: Yea hi

Yultzi: they’re dating

Eseria: they’re gonna sabotage my wedding plans

Vosmatho: what no

Hibitio: no no I like vasmythi not vosmatho we went over this yultzi

Yultzi: Really now

Yultzi: all I remember is getting turned down on the playground today

Hibitio: you’re literally breaking into the kitchen right now and that’s why we’re not a thing

Vosmatho: I’ve actually never seen a lositnu up close before

Resmnia: I should bring it to school so you could see it

Yultzi: Yea you should

Resmnia: okay I’m actually heading off now goodnight guys

Resmnia: Shuisi that’s a strange term

Yultzi: it’s probably very deep in the sleeping hours Yea

Vosmatho: Aw but I just got here!

Hibitio: just wait until tomorrow pretty much everyone is asleep already

Vosmatho: really?

Hibitio: Wait aren’t you that Lighsni that lived on Nitisia

Vosmatho: Yea why

Hibitio: no reason just curious

Hibitio: Alright well I’m off too

Vosmatho: oh okay

Vosmatho: chats dead

Server: Vosmatho pinged @everyone “why are you all asleep”

Galjaka: what the sprink is

Dasnia: my phone just fell on the floor

Torma: why

Hibitio: I’m going to smack you

Galjaka: don’t

Veltu: I’m trying to sleep oh my Shuisi

Vosmatho: okay but I was bored

Galjaka: don’t ping everyone that’s mean

Cambiki: while everyone’s awake can we talk about the get together?

Vosmatho: my bad

Cambiki: hello??

day 2
Anaderth: hey guys I got lost so I slept in Kaipto’s room

Opioki: oooo dating

Kaipto: I will give you a paper cut

Eseria: me and the Nitisian shared a bed!! We cuddled!

Veltu: that’s goals

Veltu: if I’m using that term right

Galjaka: I think you did

Anaderth: what about you and that pjofur Galjaka you didn’t say anything about being taken

Torma: mornin everyone

Resmnia: I’m so tired oh my Shuisi

Dasnia: I’m tired too

Dasnia: Wait Galjaka has a boyfriend since when

Yultzi: Great now I gotta make more cakes

Vosmatho: I’m so tired

Hibitio: that’s what happens when you stay up that late

Galjaka: no I don’t have a boyfriend where are you getting this from??

Dasnia: anaderth

Anaderth: I saw you two walking together that means your dating

Opioki: romance! Romance! You and Eseria should have a double date

Galjaka: okay but walking isn’t proof

Anaderth: okay well then what is

Yultzi: I’ve got so much cake to make why do you all do this to me

Cambiki: &(999;99!3!2

Resmnia: you gotta

Torma: grey button Cambiki

Cambiki: I know that I just forgot

Dasnia: don’t ask me I haven’t been here since the start

Dasnia: since someone forgot to add me

Yultzi: I wonder if wee Snaw was the accidental add in that was supposed to be dasnia

Galjaka: he’s literally here you can just ask him we’re not dating

Anaderth: since when did someone else get added?

thebentblueframe: Yo. I’ve just been here the entire, lol. Not dating.

Resmnia: wait what’s a lol

Dasnia: so someone in the lighsni chat has been here longer than I have

Dasnia: not cool Galjaka

Cambiki: what are the dots for

Hibitio: I mean there is a message from where he joined I guess none of us noticed it

Opioki: so they’re not dating

Galjaka: no we’re not dating we’re best friends though

Anaderth: so same thing

Galjaka: no it’s not

Yultzi: Anaderth lay off or I’m gonna come and electrocute you

Torma: you wouldn’t

Yultzi: I would

Eseria: guys can we not be violent while I’m trying to show this off to my girlfriend

Kaipto: oh yea the wedding is it still at Cambiki’s place

Cambiki: I gotta ask my mom

Dasnia: I thought it was a sleepover

Galjaka: I thought it was a get together

Vosmatho: maybe it’s all three

Cambiki: I don’t think we can do all three

Hibitio: that’s quitter talk

Torma: I’ll bring the floral decorations.

Eseria: what day is it?

Yultzi: absolutely no idea

Yultzi: Cambiki what day is it

Hibitio: Cambikiiiiii

Torma: I think they fell asleep

Eseria: oh

Kaipto: Yultzi how about you go shock her we need answers

Galjaka: okay so we have the where and the who and who’s bringing what but we still need a when

Yultzi: that’s what I just said

Anaderth: someone is being irritable

Anaderth: also Eseria I’m finally coming over so we can get those pictures

Eseria: yay

Opioki: hey guys I have a problem

Torma: what is it

Hibitio: what?

Kaipto: what’s the problem

Galjaka: you okay?

Anaderth: Yultzi you haven’t answered the question

Resmnia: so it’s still okay for me to bring the lositnu to the wedding

Opioki: my bed is too comfy I don’t wanna go to class

Eseria: you gotta

Resmnia: I gotta bring the lositnu

Galjaka: I think she meant you gotta go to class

Hibitio: class is important

Hibitio: I have no idea what we’re doing half the time but it’s important

Dasnia: this is a really fun thing

Dasnia: school I mean

Galjaka: what so my text room isn’t fun?

Yultzi: Dasnia I am gonna hurt you

Hibitio: why do you have to threaten everyone Yultzi

Yultzi: makes me sound fierce like a Nitisian

Kaipto: but you’re a Lighsni

Yultzi: I can be what I want to be and shun the non-believers

Zatiana: uhgeirhyth

Cambiki: okay so I’m asking mom if we can have the wedding back at Sutaraito because she don’t wanna have to plan everything here

Veltu: I mean it is quite far so

Yultzi: also Kaipto you were threatening to give people paper cuts earlier so you’re one to talk

Kaipto: Funasi stole my phone

Hibitio: no he didn’t!

Opioki: guys I don’t wanna go to class

Galjaka: Opioki I will carry you to class how’s that sound

Vosmatho: what why does Opioki get carried to class I wanna get carried to class

Yultzi: Galjaka everyone’s gonna think you two are dating if you do that

Dasnia: Galjaka and Opioki are dating

Resmnia: they are

Galjaka: for the love of shuisi

Galjaka: I’m not dating anyone

Dasnia: but Yultzi just said you were

Anaderth: Galjaka and Opioki perched up in a tree

Anaderth: ki s s i n p

Kaipto: she is going to physically kill you

Yultzi: how else would she be killing someone kaipto

Kaipto: i don’t know mentally?

Vosmatho: so I guess I’m not getting carried to class huh

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[Image: CGTvJe8.jpg]

“Do you know how annoying it is,” Chiskati was saying, pacing slowly back and forth from where she and her two crewmates were in the central chamber of the ship, “to mess up a delivery order, of all things?”

Quanter did not really care for his employer. She was a ruthless being that, as far as he knew, had not an empathetic bone in her body. Her eyes’ sadistic gleam were hardly hidden behind the pink visor that covered her face. Her feathers were oily, reflecting the blue light of the spaceship’s overhead lighting. Sharp claws that likely had been filed once, raptor like feet that were ever so slightly tinted red from smashing her feet down on skulls. The red underbelly that all her kind shared barely poked out from the collar of her shirt, making her seem to have blood there as well. Horns, antlers, antennae, and a singular horn on her forehead adorned her face, making smashing her own skull impossible. Broad feathered wings were ruffled by her sides, and a long tail gave her an overall raptor-looking build. Golden mechanics were infused with her body, which reflected that familiar blue hue he had grown used to. “Yes, All Powerful, I did that quite frequently as a cadet,” Quanter answered.

When her gaze fell onto him, he lowered his head and turned away. Eye contact was not allowed with this fearsome example of evolution gone wrong. “This is not going to be turned into a sob story about your days as a cadet,” she snapped. Her tone wasn’t as harsh due to Quanter using her title, rather than her name. She was ever picky about that, and loved to be called such. All powerful, why, there wasn’t much higher to ascend in the titles given in Spore. “Tsakt, have you figured out where we are yet? I am starting to get dreadfully impatient with your skills of operating my equipment.”

“I was just waiting on you to finish speaking, All Powerful. That and you’re not going to like what it’s saying.” In comparison to the ever boastful and fearful All Powerful Hosajisk, Tsakt was meek. His pink and orange eyes were up on stalks. Instead of clothes he wore a strong backpack, one with fins attached to help him swim. His feet were webbed, and his serrated teeth defined him as a carnivorous fish eater. He was the assigned cook on this ship, but Quanter would rather cook for himself.

“Now you’re keeping me in suspense. I hate suspense, Tsakt,” Chiskati hissed, her words curling and ending in a sharpened tone.

Tsakt nervously gulped, and Quanter found himself doing the same. Then he coughed, wincing as it rattled the golden tube that went through his chest. Some of blue blood dropped forth, but he ignored such for the most part. “Another universe, All Powerful.”

“Dark Spore.” Chiskati immediately assumed. Her claws tensed- that too Quanter caught. He liked to think he was observant for his kind, a species that was deemed so weak and inferior that they were considered horrifically expendable. They all had their main Consequence Trait ripped from them, and so he did his best to compensate. He couldn’t tell nor sing someone into doing a task with no effort, and so he made sure to be aware and to never get himself into such a predicament.

“No, no it’s not Dark Spore, at least not according to this.” At that Quanter winced. Telling Chiskati no would be a death wish, at least for him. Tsakt somehow seems to be on better terms with the All Powerful than he was. How or why, he didn’t know. He wished he knew. He hated being the source of Chiskati’s anger relief when she was barely restraining herself from destroying planets.

Yet, judging from the fluffing of her wings, Quanter assumed that such was not too far away. “Not Dark Spore. How..exciting.” She eyed the tablet that Tsakt had been using, which laid on the floor before the Spore as he couldn’t hold it. Lacking hands was a pain Quanter had never experienced, and hoped never would. He watched the Hosajisk turn on a heel, and he shuffled his feet closer together as he noted that she was heading to the cockpit. “My, we might as well make ourselves comfortable, yes? It would be rude of this universe to not let that be so. I think this would be a great place to have a colony, don’t you think? Who knows what they could find here.”

Quanter knew what she was really going for here. That was an excuse, an excuse that she did not need in order to do what she wanted. Her title stated that she was All Powerful, and with all power, she very would could do whatever she pleased, whenever and wherever.  It was the same sort of deal that he had grown used to on the spaceship. Finding a planet and either blowing it up, or dropping it’s terrascore in a few seconds flat. Those were Chiskati’s favorite methods of wiping out life, less she beam down and execute high authority figures herself.

It was after the tenth planet and setting up two colonies on the now decimated planets that they finally did land, just so the spaceship could recharge. Solar power was useful in a situation such as this, and it was followed by a rant of how they should be able to charge just by flying around one of the suns of question. Ridiculous, Chiskati has exclaimed, but then was calmed by telling herself that she had far better things to do after she rested. “Go stand outside, Quanter,” she barked upon pausing him in a hallway, clawing and breaking the broom that he had been sweeping with. Quanter did not argue. Arguing with the All Powerful was a death sentence. So he nodded his head, grabbed his tablet from the shelf near the center chamber, and went to sit outside.

It was a new universe, but it was the same thing as always. Chiskati causing death and destruction wherever she went, never giving anyone the slightest chance to fight or retaliate against her. He wished it would have changed upon coming to a new universe, but who was he kidding? Miracles didn’t exist. He was on his own out here. He wished something actually exciting would happen for once, something to break the monotony of his dreadful life.

Something exciting was happening. Something that made him feel alive and shake away the feelings of sleep. He was given a mission, that fact alone was enough to give him the strength to put up with Dragato and Arthur talking. The past few days had been boring, so very very boring. Pirell was gone on a mission, Kirby and most of the other apprentices were off with Meta Knight, Kat, Twaine and Nonsurat on a training expedition, and everyone else had somewhere to be except him. That was finally changing, and he was livid.

“Ten planets. What do you mean ten, whole, planets, in what a course of days?!” Dragato was having one of his.. what Falspar could only describe as a freak out. Lately he’d been having a lot of those, but it was hard to tell if something was actually wrong with the ginger or if he was just being himself. “T-the only one that had that power was Nightmare, h-he can't be back Kirby killed him we all saw it!” The ginger haired piyan stalked back and forth, Falspar was kind of listening, but mostly folding a piece of scrap paper into an airplane.

“It's not Nightmare Dragato we’d know, besides none of these attacks have been described as Demonbeasts as we went over. For all we know someone just has a fancy ship and a big gun, like the last person that we dealt with.” Arthur tried to reason, only to get the ‘oh but they only took over two planets not ten!’ Response.
Arthur just gave a sigh. His second in command was a real mental workout some days, he just turned to his brother with the bright red hair and cleared his throat to get his attention. “Falspar, go investigate that ship. Don't start any fights you hear? But use any means to defend yourself.”

Falspar gave an excited grin, white gloved paws gripping the edge of the table. “Any means?” He raised a brow. He already knew the answer, but felt satisfaction digging under Arthur’s skin to make him say it. A deep angry breath came from that golden helm, Falspar tried to hold back the immature snickers.

“Yes any means.”

“Than I’ll be back by dawn.”

Now, when it came to being a night person, he was no spanish vampire like Mety was, in fact in his opinion night was best spelt snuggled against Pirell. But this night, this night he was actually on a mission. A mission that gave him a reason to use his skills that blended him into the growing shadows, the one that let him walk silently without disturbing the environment or letting his armour clink together. The same one that let him hide himself despite basically having a big red beacon on his head. Like a ninja, a very cool awesome ninja with fabulous hair that was. He poked his head slightly from a hiding place, a determined Falspar-y look on his face. So a ship, Arthur was right in the fancy part. It was definitely better than most tech he came across.

The spaceship wasn’t all that big. Was it fancy? Of course. Blue lights flickered along the side of the ship in a pulsating mannerism. There was a series of canons on the front, which awkwardly looked like mandibles. It was a warship, after all, but somehow it also had the appearance of a beetle? It was a forest green mixed with barely able to be differed from black blues, said black-blues typically being the windows. Again, very oddly shaped like a beetle; had six ‘legs’, a ‘head’, and was just...shaped that way. There didn't seem to be a door, spare just one slightly darker valued frame with a panel off to its left. Then there was the creature that was sitting near the doorway, legs crossed and swiping a tablet that was held in his hands.

He was a strange grey pink in color, with antlers that were sharp and curled in random ways. He had icy blue eyes, but he wasn’t looking up. His hands had the tiniest bits of webbing in them, gripping the tablet tightly. His face had a snout, which honestly made him seem like he had a massive overbite considering how big his upper jaw was in comparison to the lower. His tail was sleek and waving slowly from side to side behind him. His attire was green, and had tiny glowing blue spots on it. There was a golden tube that went through him- one could see the ship he sat before through such. He had ears that twitched a little as he scrolled through the tablet, soft hums being interrupted by wheezes. He was strange, and quite tall, almost nine feet if one were to include the height added by his antlers. Sitting at the moment though, his hooved feet slightly clicking together.

Falspar nibbled slightly at his tongue, blinking when he noticed Quanter. An alien no doubt, but a species he had certainly never seen. If Dragato was here he could only begin to picture how the nerding would start. Blah blah blah look at this blah blah blah specimens blah blah blah nerd nerd nerd. Very complex stuff was the language of the nerd, but Falspar knew little and really the only one of them that actually knew how to speak it was Dragato. Investigate Arthur had said, but he had never specified if that meant talking to the aliens or boarding the ship.

Quanter himself hadn't been doing much, just sitting around outside. Chiskati hadn’t told him what to do, and so he was sitting and amusing himself by opening up the sketching application on his tablet and began scribbling and mixing together colors. He looked up and rolled his neck a little, his teeth clicking a few times. There was a spurge of nonsense that he said, tapping against the screen a few times: likely hitting the undo button. He leaned back a little against the beetle looking spaceship, tilting his head back to let his spine rest from being curled forward to scribble. He had been turning his gaze back to the tablet when he had finally noticed something was..a little off. His blue eyes squinted, him slowly raising himself up from his sitting position to be standing.

“Oh heyyyy there!” Falspar greeted when he realized trying to pretend to be a bush didn't exactly work, the piyan pulling out of his hiding spot in a bold mannerism . He figured it was the armour, what kind of bushes wore armour? That was stupid! He failed to realize that bushes also weren't bright red and that his hair was horrifically noticable. Falspar’s stats included lots of attack points, fair defence, lots of charisma points, and absolutely zero stealth points or wisdom points whatsoever. Falspar was a good soldier and all, but sometimes he was about as intelligent as a sack of hammers, but who needed that? Wisdom was for nerds like Dragato, you didn’t have to be brainy to be fabulous or a good fighter like he was!

Quanter, like any Space-Faring Spore, had a short ranged communicator. His was usually tucked into the collar of his shirt, or worn in a bracelet around his forearm. It took a few moments to ‘connect’, as it were, to the language that had been spoken to address him in. It sizzled, forcibly changing his tongue to the language at hand. “..yo.” His reply was quiet, him flexing his jaw at the strange sounding word. It felt weird, suddenly speaking and understanding a new language, but it was useful. Admitiable he wished it didn’t have to shock him to work, but he decided that beggars could not be choosers in a situation such as this. Who was that? What was that? It confused him, and a hand slowly raised. Was it a manner to show that he was unarmed? Friendly? Greeting? The Kuthinian was tall, but other than his antlers didn’t seem to have a sharp edge on his body.

Falspar gave a wide smile at the ‘yo’. “Dude you speak my language.” Well Dragato had his weird boring ‘formal’ way of speaking, Falspar had basically all the slang. This guy, he already liked this guy. He wasn't even using the bard yet and things were going smoothly. What were those two so worried about? At this point he was wondering if they had the wrong person, this guy didn’t look like he had nearly enough energy to take over ten planets.

“Oh. I uh, I don’t, I don’t speak it really. I just got it right now. When you spoke it I got to speak it.” His words sounded a little bit broken, and his pronunciations were a little off. It screamed not being native to the language. He didn’t look threatening spare his antlers. He again flexed his jaw. He had tiny, needle looking front teeth, but otherwise? There was nothing threatening about him. He tucked his tablet under an arm. “I’m from Kintash, I only speak my language. Is, am I making sense? I haven’t actually spoken to anyone of a seperate tongue in a while.”

Kintash? He couldn’t recall if he had heard the name before, sounded neat though, more creative than Popstar. Falspar gave a small wave of a paw, so onto business, he was here to investigate, but where to start? He glanced up at the obvious thing that came to view, the big hulking spaceship. “Hey nice spaceship you got here.” He looked up at it with his large golden yellow eyes that shone through his mask. Sure why not? Learn a little more about it, all the good stuff.

Quanter glanced behind him to look himself at the large, beetle like ship. “Oh. Uh, it’s not mine.” He said after a moment, shaking his head. That sounded like every single interaction where someone was lying. An awful lie it was, in any language, of something illegal not being theirs. “It’s my boss’, the All Powerful’s. I’m not allowed to own spaceships.” He elaborated after a moment, waving the hand that was not tight to his side to hold the tablet. He referred to Chiskati by her title even when she wasn’t present. He didn’t doubt her having recording technology on these tablets. She needed no excuse to be rude and mean to him, to hurt him. Quanter didn’t want to give her a reason to make the torment worse.

A sharp snicker came from the green piyan, a grin following. Wow some title, what was with villains having such funny names, Lord Nightmare the Emperor of the Universe, and now the The All Powerful, couldn’t they at least try to be more creative? If he was a villain obviously his name would be …. well obviously something like Pyro Prankster or something cool like that. “All powerful huh?” He put his paws to his hips and struck one of his typical poses. “I’d like to see her fight me, for I am the amazing pretty powerful myself, Sir Falspar!” He stated, waiting for a ‘woahhh’ or at the very least a simple ‘woot’ would heavily suffice.

Quanter frowned at the snicker that came from the knight. Why..why was he laughing? Not really laughing, the Kuthinian quickly corrected. Snickering. He rocked back on his hooves, ears raising in a form of surprise. “Sir Falspar, huh. Is that first and last name business or is it titles?” His head curiously tilted. New universe,  he reminded himself. There was a tiny snicker of his own at the other’s pose. What..what was he doing? First laughing at the title of the All Powerful, and now he was..posing? Confusion was evident across his face. Slowly his free hand raised to give a thumbs up. “Is it Sir or is Falspar? Both? Er, uh, I’m Quanter. The Acknowledged. Not as high up as All Powerful. Just work for her. Assigned, really.” He ended in an uncomfortable mutter. Yes, assigned, forced, pushed, insisted. This language had lots of terms for that one terminology.

“Oh no Sir is my title because I’m a knight, my last name is Ceran so it’s Falspar, Falsy, whatever you wanna call me Quanter,” Falspar gave an amused huff, rubbing his forehead. “Sheesh what, do they have a list or something? If they are so high and mighty why do they only have one guard? Pff I bet I could beat them!” He declared, putting his booted foot down. Falspar was a confident one, and obviously if he could survive an entire war and lectures from Dragato or Arthur, he could very well survive whoever this ‘all mighty’ was.

Quanter slowly tilted his head. “Yes..? If there is no rank of the stars then how is anyone to know who is lesser and who is more? Lists are important. I don’t have the list.” He explained. He felt as if he was essentially challenging the All Powerful with that statement, using the thumbs up in order to gesture behind him to the spaceship. “I would really rather not fight, it’s not my thing. The All Powerful likes fighting.” He then offered with a tiny flick of his tail. “The All Powerful has a gladiator ring on a Terrascore 0 planet, it’s full of lava. Either die by the claws or die by the fire.”

“Still, fancy title or not when it comes to a battle it's your skill that fights not your status or some fancy name.” He tapped his foot a bit, remaining firm with his claim that he could indeed beat whoever this her was. He had beaten so many strong monsters and come so far, was it truly wrong to have some pride and believe he could do it? He blinked at the mention of going on the ship, giving the finger guns. “Ayyy she said nothing bout a piyan starwarrior coming on board now did she?” He grinned. Bending rules, finding those loop holes to abuse the hell out of, yes, that was the best.

Quanter had looked down at his tablet while Falspar spoke, his tail slowly swishing the ground behind him. “Only get that high in the ranks if you’re great at what you do,” he quietly mumbled. He knew firsthand what the All Powerful had done to achieve that title. Merciless slaughter, just like what she was doing here. Killing for no reason other than she could, destroying just because she considered herself higher. Back home, that was allowed. No law could stop her, for there were none. “She didn’t say anything about not letting anyone in. Hold on,” he paused, hands tapping rapidly at the keyboard. The door lit up with a blue light before it opened. A staircase formed, and the hallway that the doorway led to began to light up as well. Blue lights, lots of blue light. Quanter went up the small staircase, waving with a paw for Falspar to follow. He assumed the Knight wanted on the spaceship. Chiskati hadn’t told him what he was supposed to do- so, what harm could come by this.

Falspar followed, his light blue cape fluttering a bit behind him. His yellow eyes slowly looked back and forth. The tiny tiny tiny part of him that was actually very rational reminded him this could all be one big hoax, a big surprise party that he really rather not be invited to. Basically he was ready to blast if needed, and he meant that literally, when in doubt set off a C4 and bolt was his motto.

The hall wound up eventually opening up into a pretty big area. It was the central room, with wires crossing the ceiling and glimmering at the edges with blue light. It had two hallways leading away from such- one to the front of the ship, the other to the back. There wasn’t much in this room spare what seemed to be blue dust, and lots of scratch marks against the dark green floor. Silver walls reflected the light blue gleams well, and made the place seem..cold. Barren. Not fit for living in. “I’ve been sitting outside for hours, I should go and get something to snack on,” Quanter briefly wondered aloud, scratching at his chin with a hand. He set the tablet back on the rack, where it beeped to signal it was beginning to charge.

“Wait. Hold the phone and don’t touch that dial. Did you say… snacks?!” A small squeal came from the piyan. The legendary word.. right next to pranks. And maybe cuddles. He loved snacks, especially if they were chocolate or free. Free meant no coins out of his already pathetic and thin wallet, and chocolate was unquestionably a treat that had to have been made by an Ancient or some other high godly like being.

Quanter looked back at Falspar when he spoke up. He hadn’t even thought to consider that his..guest? Would he call him guest? He decided to go with that term. He hadn’t considered that his guest would be hungry. “Snacks, yes, I believe that is the right term. Do you want some?” He inquired. The Kuthinian began walking to the hallway that led to the back of the spaceship. His arms crossed and his tail dragged behind him as he walked along, again gesturing for Falspar to follow after him. “We have fruits and meat and spices. Not much in term of actual meals. I can’t cook either.”

“Heck yes! I'm not picky snacks are snacks!” He gave a fist bump against the air above his head, excitement ringing clear in his care-free voice. Falspar was like Kirby in that sense, food was food and if it was edible it went down the gullet. Besides who knew what cool food aliens had?

The Kuthinian glanced over his shoulder and offered the piyan a smile. He went down the hallway, passing by a few doors on the right before turning into a room on the left. The kitchen wasn’t super furnished. A table, some cabinets, and the standard cooking tools such as the oven, fridge, and microwave. No stove, sadly. It was equally as sad that all fruits in the Spore Galaxy were the same, a vibrant yellow-orange mango tasting fruit. He went to a cabinet and got out a basket of the things, setting them down on the table in the center of the kitchen. The floor was grey tile here, a lot less scratched than the last room had been. Most herbivores of Spore hated the taste of the mango fruit after a while, but it was the only fruit in the entire universe. The solution was in the next thing that Quanter grabbed: a few vials of Blue Spice (as that happened to be his favorite). He dumped it in with the fruits and the...wide varieties of meats that were already on the table. Wings, tails, arms, legs, ribs, whatever one wanted, it was uncooked, and raw, and it was there. There were also some pale, pink looking bread that Quanter also got out, making a soft grunt-hum as he did such. “Sandwiches good?”

Falspar had been busy investigating the fruits with both suspicious and curious glares.. almost looked like he was trying to interrogate the yellow-orange fruit in question. He was really just curious about the taste, and was wondering if it would be good in some kind of pie or maybe a strudel, hah, strudel, what a funny word. He definitely loved trying new foods, and Falspar didn't have to worry about being poisoned either due to being a piyan. Basically capable of eating literally anything, bombs? Sure why not, random rocks? Yep! Literally anything was on the menu regardless if it was edible or not. He looked up at the mentioning of sandwiches, no words were needed just a thumbs up with a ‘proceed’ face on.

Quanter took the fruits and mushed them up on a plate so he could actually put them on the sandwiches, sliding it over the table towards the other as he unscrewed another vial of Blue Spice and dumped it on his own sandwich. “I'm not exactly a chef, can’t cook, so will be okay. Hopefully. You ever had Blue Spice before? It’s my favorite.” He swiftly took a mouthful of the sandwich he had prepared. Sharp teeth made it easy to tear, but his back molars allowed for him to chew. An omnivorous creature, that was clear to see now.

“Hey what's that stuff?” He looked at the blue poof.. of .. whatever the heck that stuff was. It had gone poof though. “Uh, no I’ve never heard of it, but we do have spices here, like papika, and uh, basal? I don’t really like that one though. Oh oh ginger is a really good one,” Falspar really didn’t remember the actual names for all the spices, which sometimes concerned his family, but he promised that he would always know which one to use by the smell and look of it, his hyper brain remembering things by the colour and if it smelled like hot pepper or something much sweeter.  Names were hard anyways and reading sucked! The only reading he tolerated was cooking instructions, and even than he usually had someone read it out loud for him.

Quanter finished chewing before he pointed at the few remaining vials of Blue Spice. “This? It's Blue Spice, one of the rarest spices back where we come from.” That also implied that no, this ship and it’s crew were not natives to this universe. It implied that they knew it, too. “Can sell it for a hefty amount. I think that’s why the All Powerful hasn’t smitten the Chamarsa Empire. I think she wants to take their planets so she can hoard Blue Spice. Make more pricey.” Then he likely wouldn’t be able to buy it anymore with the little money the All Powerful gave him. He grumbled a little at the thought, then trying to cover the noise by taking another hearty bite from the sandwich.

“Mmmm never heard of anything like that before, so where are you from again, like not your planet I got that already but what galaxy are you and this crew from?” Falspar took a sandwich, and in a typical manner of a piyan he just put the whole thing in his mouth and swallowed it whole. It earned a few almost purr like noises. “Wow this is good.”

Quanter tilted his head. Again he gulped down the mouthful of sandwich before speaking. “Galaxy? We’re all from Spore. Spore Galaxy. Sorry. Should have mentioned that earlier.” He apologized, taking one last bite to finish up his sandwich. He stretched his arms over his head, again flexing his jaw a little. Talking in this language was strange, it made him have to pronounce things a little more than the norm. Which was fine by him, leaning back in his chair until the metallic wings that were welded into his back clicked against the chair. He was nonchalant about where he came from as well, likely expected the other to know.

Falspar gave a small hum as he tried to recall if that was a place he knew… and his eyes slightly widened when he realized he hadn't even heard of Spore, or anything Spore related. So these guys were literal aliens?! “Uh… niceeee… so where's that? Like, not here obviously but how far?”

Quanter’s tail curled around his ankle a little upon noting the other’s eyes widening. So he didn’t know. The question wasn’t one that the Kuthinian could answer. He crossed his arms on the table, then laying his head down. His kind never tired as long as they ate enough. It was why they usually worked as guards, janitors, anything that usually caused extreme exhaustion. “I don’t really know, I don’t, I don’t have a way to quantify it or anything. Far? It made our Wormhole Key break, I think. Don’t actually know. Far? Sorry.” Another apology, one of his ears giving a tiny flick as he spoke.

“Ah darn hate when that happens it's the literal worst.” He agreed, the redhead rubbing slightly at his neck. So he was talking to someone from another dimension. No biggy. Not weird at all! Maybe that explained why they were taking over planets. “So, you in on the whole planet ruling thing? Caskati, or whatever, your leader person, is that just a thing she does?” Falspar tried to maintain a casual tone.. but really he only had one tone and that was Falspar. There was no serious, or upset, just one tone that could be described as a weird mash of happy and excited about something. That's how it worked.

The Kuthinian lifted his head up when the next question had been asked. “I don’t really like the idea of destroying stuff. It’s just the normality. The All Powerful doesn’t really do much other than blow up planets or ruin them. So it’s a thing she does. I mostly sweep. Charge stuff. Maybe on occasion I get to get beamed down and grab fauna and wildlife before the planet gets destroyed.” He wound up rambling. The other’s sympathetic comment of seemingly also having a Wormhole Key seemed to make him all the more open about talking. No Bard was really needed, the Kuthinian seemed more than happy to just have someone to talk to. No belittling, no being swatted, no swarm of mosquitoes biting at him constantly. It was nice to have someone that spoke to him equal interrogator? There was a lot of questions but, hey, Quanter didn’t complain. It was talking after all!

“Well I guess I need to talk to her, ‘cause that don't fly in this place!” He crossed his arms, foot tapping. “The guy I work for, he's a bit of a butthead but he only said I couldn't start a fight he said nothing bout me just talking!”

Quanter somewhat shrugged his shoulders, wincing a little. He knew that Chiskati wouldn’t care about what flew and what didn’t in this place. That was how she operated, she destroyed and didn’t have to deal with the consequences, for no one existed to stop her. “She’s not exactly one to talk, don’t think it’s much better with outsiders-”

“Quanter? What in the name of Spode are you doing up so late? Wait, hold on, nevermind, you don’t have to sleep- what is that?!” It seemed that Tsakt had awoke, the Nukatish bristling angrily...not exactly having taken note of the piyan that sat at the table, but rather the Blue Spice on the floor. “There is blue spice. On. The FLOOR! I just cleaned not even an hour ago; the Kitchen isn't supposed to be used until morning!”

Falspar blinked slowly, before looking over at Quanter. “Someone's a neat freakkkkk.” He whispered, loudly, he wasn’t the kind to keep his opinion to himself, even if such meant being a little rude.

Tsakt’s beat clicked together, the eyes he possessed that were on stalks narrowing a bit. “The All Powerful said no visitors.” He growled, before shaking his head.

“When did she say that? She never told me,” Quanter threw in, watching Tsakt briskly walk to grab the broom and pan. He was four legged, he had to hold such between his serrated teeth.

Rather than answer the Kuthinian’s question, Tsakt let go of the broom and awkwardly clasped such between his front paws. “And now I have to clean. Again. You’re an ass, Quanter. This is why your filthy kind don’t get to do anything!”

The Kuthinian set the sandwich he had been holding down. He was used to this sort of banter from Chiskati, not much so from Tsakt. Perhaps he was trying to establish some form of dominance in the situation at hand. “That’s..I didn’t really mean to make a mess. Don’t know how got on the floor.” He mumbled, gaze lowering a bit. Again, he wasn't exactly needed on the team, he was simply the Kuthinian representative. “Just got hungry. Was gonna clean up anyways.”

“Well, I'm already here.” Tsakt snapped. He let the broom clatter to the floor, taking the Blue Spice filled plates and walking over to a cabinet and opening it, and throwing the dirty pan inside, which after a soft ‘click’ was thrown back out. “I might as well go on ahead and breakfast because you're hungry.”

Falspar just sorta awkwardly stood there, foot tapping a few more times. “I'm no expert but isn't it ‘I might as well go on ahead and make breakfast? You forgot the ‘make’ there buddy.”

Tsakt swung his blue head towards the Piyan. Perhaps it was the need to assert dominance, so he whirled on Falspar and hissed. “You’d best watch your tongue. You’re lucky that I need to clean this up, and then when I’m done I was just going to leave you be but no! Now I’m gonna pull the intruder alarm on you!” He hissed, the tiny fins along his back quivering in anger.

Falspar stared back, blinking a bit. He gave a small tsk noise. “Rude much. You know what I think?” He opened an eye, such lighting up in his mask visor, a small smile crawled on his face. “I think you should just leave this to us, you don't get enough you time, go back to your room and we’ll clean up this mess. Nobody has to say anything, it never happened.” Arthur had told him he could use his Bard, so he was going to use it.

Tsakt was not that of strength. He was not physically strong, nor was he mentally strong. He rocked back on his feet as the Bard was used on him. He did want more him time. He didn’t want to be chasing Chiskati all the time in the hopes of one day getting to be her boyfriend. It was a deep desire, one rooted out of a need for power and a general liking. “Fine. Fine. I wanted to finish my book either way.” He turned and began quickly walking back the way that he had came, out of the kitchen and to the right.

The Kuthinian slowly blinked a few times, before sharply whistling. “Hey, Tsakt, before you go, I need the key to the All Powerful’s room-” He didn't even have to finish speaking before the yellow card was thrown at his head, getting stuck in his antlers. It was not like Quanter could use his own pursuasive abilities: rather it was the other Spore’s annoyance that made him toss the yellow item at his face. “Oh. Uh. Thanks.”

“Well that went well.” Falspar hummed, looking at Quanter. “Uh, you got a little something stuck right there.” He slightly pointed.

Quanter reached up and grabbed the card, looking it over. It just looked like a piece of plastic, and it even felt like such. “Mm., you wanted to talk to Her?” He then asked, holding the card out for the other to take. It was a slick card, near pure yellow in color. Upon closer examination it had grey stripes along the edges, and that was all.

“Yep, it's my job, for say. I've been told that I am veryyyy convincing.” He gave a small smile, and when the card was offered he took it. How hard could this be? He’d go talk to this Criskati, casually bard her into not taking over planets, and all would be fine and everyone could go back to not freaking out. He had the power to fix this, why not take the chance?

The Kuthinian nodded his head. Talk, be convincing, that sounded nice. Quanter wasn’t about to stop the outsider. Deep down he hoped that, maybe, some talking would get all this destruction to stop. Then they could do what normal space faring crews did! That was a wonderful thought, his tail swishing a little behind him. Quanter gestured with a thumb to the door that led out of the kitchen. “Her room is the second one on the right.” He said, then going to take another bite out of his sandwich. “Good luck,” the Kuthinian then said, a little bit quieter than he had before.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-31-2019

[Image: FX1Pnfm.png]
Some shading practice with my favorite genocidal baby rock demon! Might continue this drabble as well, not too sure.

Aslisk knew she’d outlive everyone. She’d known it for a long time. She knew deep down that she was going to outlive all of her friends, and anyone that she deemed family. She wasn’t sure how she was going to brace for it. At the time it hadn’t mattered, because it hadn’t happened. Leave it to future-her to worry about, because the present was what she loved. Her past had been awful, horrific, torment to herself and everyone around her. Sinking her teeth into all those that she depended on. She needed them, she just didn’t realize it. She couldn’t even remember what order that all the deaths had gone in, and frankly she never tried.

She was pretty certain that the pacifist went first. Nitis be damned that had felt like a stake being driven through her. To this day it hurt to think about it. He’d died and she hadn’t realized at the time how much she would miss the ramen loving human until he was gone. It had been days of holding on tight to Ichigo, knowing that to some extent it was her own fault. It was her fault in some way for the human’s death, she could feel it. She’d already killed a lot of humans, and a lot of people. It hurt a lot worse when she realized that this was the sort of pain that she had forced upon countless other people. It hurt. Horrifically. She hated it deeply. She had hated for a long time- Aslisk had even tried to direct that hate to the human of question. She couldn’t. He’d allowed her more time with Ichigo, if she understood what that god had been saying. He’d given himself up for her beloved to stay with her. It wasn’t fair.

Ichigo had died when the hybrid illness had finally taken her. Again the Lighsni perished right before her. They had been cuddling away one night, and then Ichigo hadn’t woken up that morning. Aslisk had screamed and swore, pitched a fit. She threatened Toy and her kids, pitching a fit of grief struck rage. She’d wanted to kill again, but by the time she’d made it to the door Toy had stopped her and forced her to stay inside. Lighsni liked their bodies burned, and so Aslisk knew that they’d burned Ichigo’s body. Aslisk had refused to hunt or sleep for days, driving herself right on the edge of absolutely losing it. Toy had to take care of the kids while Aslisk grieved, which it had no complaints about. It already did such commonly whenever Ichigo and Aslisk wanted time to themselves. That death had been the hardest for her. She still wasn’t over it. Aslisk didn’t think she ever would get over missing the sickly Lighsni that she had loved with all of her core. That hadn’t been fair, either.

If Aslisk had to list who she missed the least, yes, she would put Prasad there. Her forgiveness was thin for what the demonbeast had done in their initial exchange. Hurting Ichigo and herself, well, Aslisk had been quick to cement him into the ‘hate-do not like’ list. She’d even tried writing it once, to practice her reading comprehension. She blamed the part of her that was forced to care for other baby rock demons for her missing the demonbeast. Since Bogey and Fore had liked the fluffy haired Turned, she said that such was her own reasoning. Still hurt. Why should she have cared for the demonbeast and his stupid, snarky attitude? She truly couldn’t help it. She’d considered it fair, but it felt sickening to do so.

She hadn’t considered it, but Aslisk found herself being just as upset about Bubua’s death. It had been a shocking thing to hear. They’d never been close- they’d been mortal enemies for most of Bubua’s life. Perhaps it was wrong to feel jealous that it was not her own doing that did Bubua in. Sickening, really. She couldn’t remember how she had heard of the blue Lighsni’s death. It had been just as peaceful as Ichigo’s. She’d gone while she was asleep. Aslisk supposed that she deeply missed their conflict, the constant fight that they had. The back and forth. It had made life thrilling when they had constantly interacted. It had slowly tapered off as Bubua’s health grew better with the help of her two beloveds. Something upset her about that: that Bubua had been healing, and then was snatched away right at the cupse of recovery. Not fair.

Even Aslisk could admit that Sirethea’s death had been..painful. Yamaliz had died earlier, but it wasn’t as if Aslisk interacted with the water elemental often. Slowly dying, and her grandmother refused to let such happen. Hanabi kept using spells on Sirethea that only seemed to worsen her suffering. Aslisk had lashed out and almost ripped one of the ex-queen’s wings off in her rage. Hanabi insisted she was only trying to help, but the baby rock demon was not having it. Yasuzo had become Queen while Sirethea slowly and painfully passed, but her first days as queen were horrifically shaky as her time was near fully spent by Sirethea’s side. Sirethea had eventually said she’d had enough, and forced herself to die. Another burned body. With Ichigo dead, Aslisk had no reason to be close to the Lighsni any longer. She left and moved her family. Wasn’t fair that she had to leave some of Fei’kii’s bowls behind.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-31-2019

[Image: wkgSA9m.png]
Bogey! It's more shading practice, plus a little tiny bit of the blur tool.

It had been napping peacefully in Prasad’s hair. His hair was very comfy to the baby rock demon. It was comfy and cozy, and it really felt like snoozing away until dinner arrived. It was warm, and safe. Bogey liked being safe. It liked the comfort of being nestled in the hair of a person it deemed it’s family.

The baby rock demon had been having a very pleasant dream. It wasn’t really grasping what the dream was about. Something about a bunch of blankets and being as equally as cozy. Bogey loved being cozy. It was very, very comforting. There was speaking in the background, but in a dream it sounded all muffled and as if it was far, far away. As if the words couldn’t get through the blankets.

Red eyes blinked awake at a sudden shout. Disoriented, the baby rock demon sleepily raised it’s head. It took the small demon a few minutes to grasp the words. Bogey had a loose concept of the Common language. It wasn’t as if the teachers it had taught the small demon heartily. It had been brief, it had been rough.

That brought it’s mind back to it’s wonderful parents. A demonbeast and a human. Bogey loved them a lot. It liked Hamaru, who was tall and scary in the good way, who was super warm to cuddle with and in Bogey’s mind the comfiest to sleep on. It liked Kotetzu, who was shorter but nice in every way and helped Bogey when it had moments of no control. There was Prasad, too, the demonbeast Bogey had been napping on currently. He was tall too, but it didn’t think the red monster was actually part of the family. Not that Bogey minded. He was nice enough, and Bogey liked to think of Prasad as an uncle. Almost family. “Wh-what about baby rock demons..?” Bogey was vaguely aware that the term had been said prior, as it was still in the struggling process of waking up.

“Oh my gosh you poor thing! Come here and give me a hug,” a red Sefortia was saying, paws outstretched towards Bogey. It’s one eye blinked a few more times, in rapid succession. Who was this? Bogey couldn’t remember this person being in their home earlier. It’s mind was still foggy from sleep, and it slowly raised into a sit. Groggily the small piyan kneaded it’s paws against Prasad’s poofy hair. Not as warm as Hamaru’s, but it was a lot more comfy in the aspect of sheer fluffage.

“Hey could you maybe, I don’t know, not? Take like, eight steps back too would you?” Prasad had said, having been asleep himself. He had a bad habit of falling asleep with his eye open. It was for this exact reason: people trying to sneak up on him. Maybe he was paranoid but it to him wasn’t a bad habit. It also kept him from accidentally rolling over on Bogey should the baby rock demon be sleeping beside him. Last thing he wanted to do was accidentally squish the poor thing with his massive red body.

Struggling to find it’s words in the Common tongue, Bogey’s face scrunched up. “ I have t-to?” It asked. It’s gaze lowered to try to look at Prasad, not that it could truly manage such without tumbling off the demonbeast’s head. It shuffled instead, blinking away the sleep from it’s one eye. “I l-like being..on t-top of head.” It whimpered, kneading at the demonbeast’s hair once again.

The red Sefortia shook his head. His paws dropped, and his expression grew somewhat disappointed. “I guess you don’t have to. But. I’m not going to hurt you!”

Bogey wasn’t sure how it was supposed to take the word of a stranger. He was loud. Bogey didn’t like loud noises. It felt the fur of it’s tail raise on end, another whimper sounding. “Don’t worry Bogey, you don’t have to. I swear if you’re like the human and don’t know what personal space is I will hog tie you to the roof.” Prasad shifted on the couch to grow more comfortable,  his sharp green coloured eye narrowing at the other. Bogey barely knew about either Hamaru or Prasad’s swearing problem, with how much effort went in to having a gentle voice and the swearing near nonexistant. It didn’t truly know the effort was there, but it could be assured that it certainly would be grateful for the quiet and assuring tone that either demonbeast managed.

The paws of the other raised, and he backed up. “Alright geez!” He shouted as he looked between Prasad and Hamaru. Bogey’s gaze had followed to look at the other demonbeast, and a weak smile spread across the little baby rock demon’s face. It wanted to wave, but felt stiffened from the loudness of the Sefortia’s words. “Good grief, both of you are mean!”

Bogey’s drowsy mind was a little bit slow. “Hugs..hugs aren’t mean, they’re good, r-right..?” It mumbled in confusion. It’s remaining eye squinted again, gaze lowering to look at it’s paws. It again kneaded at Prasad’s hair with it’s tiny little paws. It didn’t want to move, it didn’t want to hug a stranger. It was perfectly content right here, sitting in some incredibly poofy hair. “T-Tetzu best hugs,” it then said. A nod of it’s head followed, before it cringed.

Before Hamaru and Kotetzu, Bogey had a ruthless parent. A blind green Lighsni who enchanted and tore Bogey apart as she saw fit. It’s eye had been ripped away when it had tried to flee: the same went for it’s leg. It’s wings were mangled and it’s teeth removed, and every limb spare it’s tail had been declawed and damaged. It was a carnivore, but after being forcibly fed fruit for so long it’s diet had changed to become more omnivorous. She hated it whenever Bogey spoke. She hated the little baby rock demon. She lashed out whenever it spoke, and Bogey cringed with the sudden flicker- as if being right back there, as if it had never been whisked away to this home of warmth and cuddles and ramen. “S..sorry,” it then squeaked, eye squinting shut.

“I am a monster of death and mayhem, what more do you want from me?” Prasad had retorted. He stood up, eye remaining narrowed at the red Sefortia. Then he growled something in the demonbeast’s tongue before heading off upstairs. He had to cool off while he still could, he refused to lose it in front of Bogey, but still took the baby rock demon with him. Didn’t trust him around that loud stranger, and he had to get the baby rock demon ready for dinner. Bogey often questioned if the growls and snarls were even a language. Was it a secret language? Bogey wanted to learn it. It had to know what they were saying, right? Wouldn’t that be super helpful? The little baby rock demon was a little zoned out as it was cleaned up for dinner, just happy that it was quieter upstairs. No more shouting: that was something that Bogey deeply detested.

It made sure to thank Prasad- yes, thank you’s, those were important. Bogey had learned that shortly after it had been brought here. It said thank you a lot, usually overzealously. It was better to be grateful than not at all, the baby rock demon considered. It was like throwing darts and just hoping that a few stuck the mark. The now clean baby rock demon was carried back downstairs. It felt a lot happier, now being clean. Not that Bogey ever got particularly dirty, it didn’t run around outside and roll in mud puddles or dirt or grass. No, Bogey’s time outside was spent sitting or meandering along to look at things that had caught the baby rock demon’s interest.

Bogey heard Hamaru talking as they came back downstairs. It’s eye looked about erratically, and a frown settled on it’s face when the first thing that the small baby rock demon took note of was the Sefortia. Who even was that? Why were they here? It didn’t like them. They were too loud. Bogey liked the quiet of upstairs a lot more. “Where’s the pacifist?” Prasad asked in a growl, looking about as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

Hamaru’s four large wings stretched, just until they touched the walls on either side of him, like Prasad he was too big for the house, but said nothing about it, it was HIS house, HIS space, as small as it was. “Probably hanging out with Sirethea, maybe asking for ruler advice again.” Bogey had long ago learned that the Sirethea that one of it’s dads hung out with was not the same as the one that had permanently crippled it. This blind green Lighsni was sweeter, quieter, more sympathetic. She respected that Bogey was scared of her, and always stayed a fair distance away whenever the little demon was about, not wanting to cause it a fright. Bogey gave a small squeal when Kotetzu did teleport in, almost as if it was on cue.
“And I’m back~” he always had this sing song happy voice whenever he returned to his family, without a doubt happy to see them. Yet again the fluffy haired neon wearing human was always happy, a constant beacon of good vibes. “Oo, Maru is that ramen?” Kotetzu tried to peek around the demonbeast at what was being cooked.

“You had that yesterday..” Hamaru grunted, lowering a wing when Kotetzu jumped a bit to try to see over, making a series of those soft chirp like noises he always made when happy. Such was very often.
Kotetzu’s response to that was to poke the demonbeast, a grin on his scarred face. “I have ramen nearly every day Maru, it’s the cure for sadness!”

Bogey squeaked a little, it squirming from where Prasad was still holding it. “I like ramen,” it weakly threw in. It was feeling a little bold to voice it’s opinion at the moment. Having a nice cleaning and being comfortably held could do such a thing. The baby rock demon smiled, liking the certainty that came in it’s tone. A foreign thing. Bogey usually wasn’t super certain about anything. The only things it knew for certain was that it dearly, dearly loved it’s parents.

“I can do ramen,” the Sefortia spoke up, and immediately Bogey cringed closer to Prasad. He was shrugging, and his voice was as loud as ever. Bogey could also think with utmost certainty that it did not like this Sefortia’s voice. It was awfully loud. Bogey didn’t like it. The piyan buried it’s face against Prasad, shaking a little in fright.

“I was already making rice and vegetable stuffs,” Hamaru said, Bogey hearing the noise of his tail moving across the floor.

“You can cook?” Prasad asked, almost teasingly. Bogey glanced up, just to see that the demonbeast’s head was tilted.

Hamaru grunted again, staring up to the ceiling with that look he always had when Prasad made a snarky comment. “I’m trying, Prasad. I’m trying.”

The little baby rock demon felt a nail of fright shoot through. Did it’s dad think that it wouldn’t eat the vegetable stuff that he was preparing? It would! It whined again, it’s wings hanging a little more limp than usual, sputtering nonsense under it’s breath. “I like the rices,” it said, face still shoved against Prasad, still shaking a little. Slowly Bogey lifted it’s head away, just so that it could manage a tiny little smile. “I really like y-your cookin’, Hamaru,” it added on after a moment of pause, then flopping in Prasad’s grasp again.

Ignoring Bogey, the red Sefortia turned his gaze towards towards Prasad. “You two argue like a married couple,” he said, a smirk present on his face. That confused Bogey heavily. Weren’t Kotetzu and Hamaru it’s dads? Not Prasad and Hamaru. It was pretty sure that was the case. A confused expression grew on it’s face, and another mumble sounded. Bogey made lots of quiet noises- it was so used to not making noise that often it wound up doing such just because it could. Quiet noises, and quiet noises alone.

“As if I’d like that ffff…” Prasad trailed off into a cough, and then uttered a few more of those growls. Hamaru just sighed and almost made a motion as if he had gagged, as if the very idea of loving Prasad was horrid. Bogey wondered as to what he had been about to say, what words did Bogey know in common that started with ‘f’? Flower, that was one, and flour. That had been incredibly confusing and difficult to learn, but the baby rock demon was happy to say that it knew the difference. Prasad recovered, tongue swiping over his mouth before snorted. “Besides, he’s too busy swooning over the pacifist here, absolutely head over heels for him,” he added, a hand gesturing to Kotetzu. More confusion for Bogey, who couldn’t quite remember if it knew what ‘swooning’ meant.

Bogey was then carried over to a high chair after being handed over to Kotetzu. The change in height was fun, to Bogey at least. It loved being carried, didn’t matter who it was. Bogey liked the high chair, it made it very easy for it to munch down on food and not have to sit on the table. It tapped a paw against the side of the chair, and the other paw was lifted so it could gum on said limb. “Why are you putting that demon in a chair?”

Such a term felt startling to Bogey. Demon? No, that wasn’t right. It was baby rock demon, which was different. Just like how itself was different from a demonbeast such as Hamaru: the only difference a young piyan such as Bogey knew was that Hamaru and Prasad were much taller and older. Was that the only difference? It assumed so. Kotetzu sat down next to Bogey, green eyes bright as he gently gave Bogey a soft pat on the head. “Bogey is a baby, like, an actual baby,” he clarified, as if it was obvious.

“Oh my goodness he’s so cute!” The Sefortia shouted. He ran closer. Bogey recoiled back in it’s chair: from the noise, from someone suddenly getting so close, and from that term. Bogey couldn’t be called a ‘he’. It couldn’t. That was forbidden. It had been clawed and burned so many times that it knew that such a term only meant pain when it was being used to refer to Bogey.

So, it curled in on itself, a loud whimper sounding. The red Sefortia was right on Bogey’s other side, and Bogey leaned away. It’s one eye squinted shut. “It. I’m, I-I’m an it. Not a h-he. She s-said I’m it s-so I can only be, be, be an i-it,” Bogey whined. It was doing it’s best to retain it’s control. It felt like it was hyperventilating, like it had become very dizzy. What if the fire was on the way? It scooted further back in the chair, eye squinting shut. It mumbled under it’s breath, breathing faster.

Then a paw reached out and touched Bogey on the head. It’s horns had been gouged out from it’s head. Bogey truly only trusted it’s parents and Prasad to touch it’s head. The paw moved, petting Bogey on the head. “Well, asexuality makes no sense, so you’d best just pick one. Otherwise, you’ll be forever ridiculed.” It was shivering under the touch, eye opening and dilated down to a small sliver. It’s rapid breathing grew worse, the paw was so close to one of it’s wounds.

Kotetzu leaned forward, for once the human seemed defensive. Hamaru was setting out the food: Bogey’s was all mashed up with a kiddy fork prepared, though he too seemed instantly tense and upset over the red sefortian’s words. “It’s not asexual, gender and sexuality are two seperate things. It’s choosing it, so leave it-” the human had started.

Then one of the wounds was touched and Bogey unleashed one of the unholy, near demonic screams that baby rock demons were known for. It spasmed in it’s seat, screaming and wailing and thrashing. “IT! I’M AN IT! I CAN ONLY BE AN IT! I’M AN IT! I’M A TOOL! I’M AN IT! I’M AN IT! No, no no no, no, no no, no,” it trailed off when it’s outburst was done, tears flowing from it’s one remaining eye. Bogey’s paws curled close to it’s face, shuddering and shaking rapidly.

It felt the heat of fire right near it’s face, and that sick blinded grin nearing as well. It was a tool, it had corrected the mistake. It didn’t want that fire to burn, it didn’t want it’s wings or arms or remaining leg taken. It continued to utter ‘no’s’ under it’s breath, whimpering and shuddering and shaking furiously.

Bogey wasn’t aware as G went crashing through a window, though it didn’t break, and then the door being opened and Prasad practically dragged the stranger out, grumbling and snarling under his breath. It’s eye was shut tightly, crying. It wailed and cried and when Kotetzu scooted closer to calm the baby down, Bogey tried to latch on as tightly as it could manage. It sobbed and screamed, as loudly as it could manage. The human’s hands were cool, even through the gloves. The soft speaking slowly calmed the baby rock demon down. It sniffled and shook, slowly calming from it’s episode.

Bogey decided that it didn’t like noisy red piyans.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-31-2019

[Image: XauDmdo.png]
Posting this here just incase the site hiccups again!

✧ Astiar | Asti, Ast
✧ physically medium, mentally easy | 7/30
✧ male | he/him
✧ will add | will add | will add

✧ dragon ([url=][color=blue]ref.[/color][/url]) | health: [color=green]100%[/color] | [i]cicada[/i]
— a nine foot seven inches tall cicada themed dragon. He has four antennae growing on his head from orange growths on his head. Two grow in front of his twisted horns, and two from behind. Dewclaws point backwards from the body-facing side of all six feet. He has mandibles on either side of his mouth that come from his upper jaw. The top of his upper jaw lays a hardened segment of scales, dotted with yellow dots. These extend as deep green freckles onto the face. A long stinger rests at the end of his lanky, segmented tail. His body has the segmented build of an insect, consisting of a deep orange head, brown body and abdomen, and black spine. His underbelly is a pale navy, with splotches of yellow showing the separation of the sections. His wings are tinted blue, but are translucent. The membrane for them is a bright, vibrant orange. Each wing has one claw at it's second bone, pointing down the rest of the wing's length from the body. His front paws have five fingers, while the rest of his limbs have only three toes. His red eyes are near unblinking, and are built like that of an insect. A series of jagged spikes rise from his black back, and run down his head to his neck.
[i]— tongue and blood is yellow[/i]
[i]— no current injuries[/i]

✧ Soft Buzzing
[i]— Ambient noise. Pleased. Feels like making noise. [u]Stretching.[/u] Curious.[/i]
✧ Loud Buzzing
[i]— Angry. Infuriated. Sizing up. Stop. About to strike. [u]Flying.[/u]
— IF ALONE: 'Come here'. 'Come closer'. 'Help'. 'Need assistance'. Lonely[/i]
✧ Mandible Clicking
[i]— Ambient noise. Hungry. Curious. Nervous.[/i]
✧ Hissing
[i]— Angry. Irritated. About to strike. Stop. 'Stay away'. 'I'm uncomfortable'. [u]Testing vocal cords.[/u][/i]
✧ Chattering
[i]— Ambient noise. Mimicking speech. Pleasant.[/i]
✧ Grumbling
[i]— Irritated. Annoyed. Being pessimistic. Bothered.[/i]
✧ Roaring
[i]Angered. Infuriated. Enraged. Sizing up. Stop. About to strike.[/i]
✧ Rumbling
[i]— Curious. Intrigued. Friendly. 'Come closer'. Pleased. Happy.[/i]

✧ Curious, inquisitive, devoted, loyal, open-minded
✧ neutral sided, easily impressed, impressionable
✧ clueless, over-obedient, takes commands without hesitation

✧ adok x yitz
✧ clipyer
✧ demiromantic bisexual | single
✧ friends
[i]— will add[/i]

✧ physically medium | mentally easy | no powers | no weapons | claws, teeth, talons
✧ will start/end fights on command, easy provoke | will kill
✧ very limited fighting knowledge
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in [b]bolded [color=#B21925]#B21925[/color][/b] | mention [member=7712]Astiar[/member] when attacking

[i]— mostly feral
— speaks a wordless bug language
— worker drone
✧ Obeys without question [/i][/div][/align]

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-31-2019

[Image: PLHXqiG.png]
Continuity with shading practice. The legacy pen is..hard for me to use, which is why I need so much practice. Since apparently shading w/ blur tool is..not good.

Her routine had been cemented in her mind for the longest time. Wake up, roll off of her pillow, snag her tablet from the stand next to their bed, and start figuring out what she was going to be doing up until she was about to pass out from exhaustion and head back to bed. It had been her routine ever since they had arrived at this facility, the one she had poured years upon years of her life into fixing. It was exhausting work, but she knew it would pay off one day. One day she would reap the rewards of her daily labor.

The Nitisian yawned and sat upright, swinging her legs off the bed. A paw reached up to wipe the drool from her maw, then shaking the limb rapidly to get rid of the clear and sticky fluid. Subconscious, another part of the routine. She reached and grabbed her tablet, claws clicking against it’s metal casing. The other paw rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up a little bit more. She always had problems reading in the morning, her eyes were still fuzzy and her brain wasn’t quite awake.

Absently Kaniktu scrolled on down through the list. There was the daily list of feeding all the creatures, alternating what was on charge, eating and drinking and self care all wrapped into one. Her claws gently tapped the screen as she kept on scrolling down, looking for the items that hadn’t been checked off. The Nitisian’s claws tightened a little, and she felt herself sharply grow more awake.

The list was done.

The Nitisian could only stare at the screen, her teeth clicking together a few times. It was done? Every single last thing was done? After checking it over 12 times she slowly set such down in her lap. “Kistor,” Kaniktu said, her nudging her king with one of her webbed wings. “Kistor, wake up and look at this,” she added. The tablet was picked up again, and the queen of Nitisia promptly thrusted such into her dozing beloved’s face. It wasn’t bright, there wasn’t really light coming from the screen, so it wasn't a painful bright light. Kaniktu kept rapidly nudging, her pupils as thin as a sheet of paper.

Alkistor’s pale silver and yellow eyes fluttered open, and with a yawn the navy nitisian slowly sat up and wiped away the practical layer of drool that always gathered on his visor every night. “Mmm..? W.. what is it Kani..?” He asked, words slurred with sleep. Morning was always the hardest part of the day for him, waking up meant breathing harder and using energy, though his heath had drastically improved mornings were still his enemy. “I’m awake I’m awake,” he opened and closed his eyes a few times, and peered at the screen and read over it a few times, before laughing softly. “Wow this.. this is a crazy dream, no way everything could be done, haha… ha… … ugh…” he looked again, gave himself a small pinch and snorted at the pain. “Nope I’m awake, awake and… no we really can’t be done with everything,” he glanced around, their room was an actual room, so different from the makeshift beds that they had started with. Everything was so different compared to the start, though it had been … a really long time now since they had first arrived. “We really finished everything?” Alkistor asked in disbelief, the sleep leaving his voice and being replaced by bewilderment.

Kaniktu’s tail had begun sharply twitching behind her as she watched the other Nitisian’s response to the list’s completion. Everything was done, even the projects that had been tagged to be redone from the start. Every single thing on the list spare the daily activities were done and checked off. “We finished everything,” Kaniktu quietly said, twisting the tablet around as she again went and began scanning the list. It felt impossible. That list had been growing continuously since day one. How was it done?! “We’re done,” the Queen of Nitisia mumbled in addition. Rapid tapping suggested she was again going through the other tabs, rapidly searching and being absolutely befuddled by the lack of tasks that needed completion. “Everything’s done. I...I can’t believe it. It’s all done.” She was shocked and dazed, slowly setting the tablet down. Astonished as well, her eyes wide behind her tinted visor. How was this possible?! She wanted to pinch herself, but had decided against it near immediately. Pain was not her friend, and she already was having a hard time coming to terms with the fully completed and checked off list. “Kistor, I, we’re, we’re done,” she echoed, claws aimlessly tapping at the screen of the tablet. 

“.... so.. we can get up, and take our time getting ready, and then we can make ourselves a nice breakfast.. and enjoy ourselves.” Alkistor said slowly, eyes blinking rapidly as he fully sat up, the shreds of his wings sticking up as they always did when something surprised him. That.. sounded too good to be true, where was the chores? The tasks of moving boxes that needed to be moved, fixing vents that had to be repaired, squeaky doors that needed oil?! “And.. then we can proceed to do whatever we want, whatever we please?” The more he spoke the more giddy he got, and soon he was smiling softly. “We… we finished everything, we did it, this place is our vision of perfect,” he breathed in wonder, the nitisian looking over at his queen with an enlightened expression as he gently gripped her paws in his, wanting her to hold them instead of the tablet. “Is.. isn’t it amazing? All our hard work, all our labour! It’s finally all paid off!”

Kaniktu’s tail continued rapidly twitching behind her, a physical example of how she was trying to wrap her head around the foreign concept of ‘free time’. Her entire life had gone without it, and now, now it was finally paying off. Her paws slowly grabbed onto Alkistor’s the tablet resting face down. “We can do whatever we want,” the Nitisian echoed. She, too, was beginning to grow giddy after a brief lapse of fright, of getting her hopes up only to realize there would be another list somewhere hidden away in the tablet. There wasn’t any. There was no more list spare the daily chores, which truly weren’t even chores. Kaniktu could not stop the toothy grin from spreading swiftly across her face, bouncing a little from where she was sitting and holding Alkistor’s paws with her own. “We can take our time eating and we can walk around and we can do whatever we want and, and, and it’s all paid off and we’re done.” That word was a marvel to her, the Nitisian’s red eyes wide with delight. Her wings were happily quivering and the twitching of her tail ceased. “It is amazing, it’s, it’s yes, amazing,” Kaniktu agreed. At a loss for words, again glancing down at the tablet. No take had miraculously appeared last minute. Everything was done. The Nitisian scooted closer to her King, trying to wrap one of her webbed wings around her favorite assistant. Giddy and light was her tone- rising up to that ever rare ‘stress free’ tone that she had hardly ever been able to use for the entirety of her life. “What do we do first? There’s so much we could do now! Anything! We can do anything we want!”

“Food,” was the first word that came from his mouth, as he happily accepted the embrace of her wings. Alkistor liked eating, he liked food, and with this new found time he could start working on making different kinds of food, different tastes, different meals, new things! While the meat fruit were tasty and Alkistor knew better than to complain about having an abundance of edibles, he was a bit bored with their taste and could only image what other things he could do with them besides just mash them up in a can and eat them. Maybe he could make a whole new meat plant! “Let’s get ready, and let’s make something nice for us to eat to celebrate,” he gently gave her a nuzzle, before pulling away and getting himself out of bed to change out of the loose thin clothing he always wore to bed and into his more kingly wear. Sure, while nobody actually really came and he was pretty sure the only ones that knew he was a king was Marboa, Sirrico and Quezon, he still liked to dress to match his title. Plus his shirt was so comfortable, he absolutely loved it, and his cape always made a good emergency blanket. As he had suggested he lazily took his time and enjoyed every second of not having to hustle to start the tasks of repair and whatnot, Alkistor took his time fixing his hair in the mirror, tail tapping against the floor in a series of soft ticks and tacks.

Kaniktu had nodded her head in agreement to the comment of food. Something nice to eat to celebrate. She hadn’t changed her diet up much from when the meat plants had come into existence. Every single day it had been canned Xiogipa flesh. She gulped it down and immediately got up and went to work. She wasn’t even sure what else they had stored up, but she knew that it was a large variety. Lots of Sutarian creatures, as there wasn’t exactly a big variety on Nitisia to choose from. The Nitisian wasn’t sure how to handle being able to walk slowly and take her time getting ready. Kaniktu messes with her fluff and took the time to file her horns, the horns that she had not filed down in quite some time. They had been getting quite heavy, but now they felt a lot better. Kaniktu sweeper up the dust and excess before getting changed herself. The Nitisian didn’t exactly have a lot of separate clothes- just a few, with most being for work. There were a few outfits that one of the Queen’s siblings had made for her, and she decided Now was good a time as any to wear that comfy article of clothing. It felt so strange to not be hustling from the room, and to be able to just stand and rest against the doorway. “This is going to take so much getting used to,” Kaniktu mumbled, her tail giving a sharp flick behind her. The door was open, it opened without a single creaking noise. The dull red lights of the hallway all worked, and the lock on their door did as well. Everything worked, everything was done, and the Nitisian Queen felt incredibly prideful of how well everything had finally turned out.

“Oh I’m already used to this, and if it ever changes it will be too soon,” Alkistor pushed the last strands of his navy hair back, adjusting his visor to be perfectly straight. For a few moments he just looked at himself, taking in his scars and his skin, and finally he followed after her. The smoothly opening door was pleasant, the lights never flickered anymore and it felt like the home they deserved. “We did this, we worked hard and have been rewarded for it, it just proves that getting your claws dirty is worth it.” They had gone through a lot to get here, his injuries, their lifestyle before leaving, the journey here and her wounds, as hard as they had been though they had endured it all. It had been over six years since they had first arrived, he was almost nineteen now, and finally they could just relax. When they got to the kitchen he made them something actually tasty and delightful to eat, and for once they could actually enjoy their meal. Didn’t mean his table manners were any better though, and like always when it was time to chow down, the food was practically inhaled as if it was the last meal that they’d ever get.

“It’s the first day where we’re not rushing about. I’m going to take time to get used to this. Not everyone can change in the blink of an eye, Kistor. Stop showing off, that’s an order,” Kaniktu said, her tail giving a small swish behind her. The Nitisian lightly giggled, her holding a paw in front of her face. What..what was that noise? How strange it was. She wouldn’t be letting that happen again, no, no giggling! Yet..she didn’t have a reason for why. It took time to change, it was going to take a lot of getting used to. The Nitisian’s tail had begun to wag in delight when the food was more than just cans of old Xiogipa flesh. It was tasty, it felt so much more filling, and Kaniktu practically inhaled such as always. There was always the slightest fear since childhood: if it wasn’t eaten fast enough, it would be taken from her. Therefore it had to be shoveled down as fast as physically possible. “When did you have time to learn how to do this?” Kaniktu asked once she finished, pointing with a claw to the cleaned plate. Her eyes narrowed playfully, and her arms crossed. “Seems like someone was abusing their break time, huh?”

“Mm, maybe, but I assure you it’s for a good cause. It.. was also my hobby, back before I first met you, it was how I kept my adopted dad from beating me up, make him good food and he was slightly less of an asshole.” Alkistor had long since forgotten the dull red puff that had once been his only parental figure after Marboa had sold him to ‘keep him safe’ as she later explained. “The past doesn’t matter though, now I can cook for you instead which for the record is much more enjoyable. Besides it’s a delightful task,” the Nitisian dumped the rest of the meat into his mouth, licking his lips. “Unless you don’t like my cooking I could always stop and we could eat shitty xiogipa in a can.” Alkistor offered, although he was obviously not serious. He hated the taste of xiogipa more than anything, and by no means was he going to ever eat that again.

Kaniktu gave a small grumble, her picking up the clean plate to lick what little that remained off of such. “The only one that’s allowed to do that now is your ever benevolent queen.” Kaniktu insisted with a sharp twitch of her wings. Rudeness to her beloved after all the troubles and trials he had gone through? No. Not happening. She would not let such a thing happen when their work had only just now ended, and freedom was within reach. The Nitisian sputtered, and her horned head jerked back. “Now, I didn’t say I didn’t like it, I just said you have to stop showing off about your adaptability. What if you make the water dragons jealous?” She cooed, then rapidly snickering as she leaned back against the chair. Able to sit and rest after eating, it was foreign and already felt so nice. Kaniktu lifted up her visor a little, raising her head after. “Alright, food first, what now? Do you want to go and swim for the day or did you have other plans? I don’t have any. I need to make some. Maybe I should make a garden. A hobby garden.” Kaniktu swiftly corrected, a nod of her head following.

The nitisian snorted. “What will they do to me make me all slimy? I endure the horrors of your drool every night I think I’ll survive them,” he gave a hearty laugh, giving her a nudge that assured her he was joking. Alkistor had long since gotten used to drool and snoring, to the point that if it wasn’t present his sleep was poor or nonexistent. So what if she did? They all had their flaws, like he did with his need to rest occasionally. He had been getting a lot better with his chest problems, proudly he was at the point where he only had to rest once or twice a day between activities, yet again with the steady decline in tasks he wasn’t sure if that was because of such or actual improvement. Either way, he wasn’t complaining, he felt great! “I.. am not sure, a hobby garden sounds delightful, maybe we can make different flavours of meat fruit, a hobby that would benefit us both and give the creations something to enjoy now and than as treats or whatever.” Of course he was also going to consider Kaniktu’s life work, her core and soul and the wonders the filled the halls with Lasinka squawks, chair demon creaks and CVWD gooping noises. The silence was boring and made him slowly go crazy, as he was so used to it.

Kaniktu gave a sharp short, and her red eyes rolled. “My drool is not that bad, it’s almost nonexistent. But if you want to hang out with them then I’m sure they will have ever the pleasant activities for you to share with them.” The water dragons truly didn’t do much. They ate, they slept, they gurgled, they splashed, they puddled, and cuddled. Their activity list was short and sweet, and they kept the generator from overheating. Keeping them around was certainly a win. “Maybe I could get the baby rock demons on it. Give them something to do, a responsible thing. I’ll have to make sure the fertilizer is edible though,” the Nitisian ended in a grumble. One baby rock demon, just one of them had to have a problem with eating everything in sight. Now the whole group had problems with it, and it annoyed Kaniktu to no end when she would be searching for a tool only to find it slobber covered and able to be stuck to a wall layer. Her face scrunched up, and shrugged. “If there’s a lazy chair demon they likely could carry the pots around. Mobile food units. I like the sound of that,” Kaniktu mused. She leaned back in her seat, letting her wings hang from her sides. Thoughtfully she tapped her claws against her visor. Doing work that was wanted rather than needed was such an odd and foreign concept, and already she liked it.

Alkistor looked over at her when she tapped her claws against her visor, he hastily recognized that little habit of hers instantly, and he always found it charming. Really he found everything about her charming, her fierce and keen eyes, her inspiring confidence, how if she needed something she put her paws together and she got it working one way or another. “On…” he started, the nitisian quickly wracking his core to find the right words for the question. “The topic of wants over needs, I uh, was wondering if I could bring up a topic that I brought up a couple of years before. You denied it before and I respect your opinion, but you also mentioned that if there was ever a day where we were stable and had no more needs to fulfil you’d be willing to bring it up again.” Alkistor usually never sounded so awkward, the cocky bastard had no doubts besides one thing, and that was going against Kaniktu’s word. “I think you know what I’m talking about,” he sounded hopeful, but ready to change the subject if it wasn’t something she was interested in, and she could be assured that he was the kind to not argue for a second and respect her choices, he was a good king that way.

Kaniktu fell quiet, and tapping against the side of her visor ceased. She sat a little more upright, her squinting behind her visor. It took a moment for the explanation to sink in, and for her to remember what topic was at hand. Kids, or just a kid. Long ago she had absolutely despised the idea of it. They had the demons already, there was work to be done, and trying to raise a kid in the mess hadn’t sounded like a good plan at all. Yet she had left the possibility open for a time such as the present, where the chaos was gone and all was well and everyone finally could be happy. The Nitisian was quiet, her teeth clicking together. Was now a good time, so soon? What if something did come up? What if the machines came back? If she couldn’t protect herself, how could she protect a kid? Where would they even put it? A twitch rippled through her webbed wings. “I’ll think about it,” she said quietly, resting her head against the table, face scrunched up in ever the thoughtful demeanor.

“Thanks,” he offered her a soft smile. “Take your time with it okay? No sense doing anything if we aren’t both ready to handle it.” Considerate, he gave her that trait, the trait that he had always wanted but could never get. Alkistor would say that the best way to love someone was to give them everything that you always wanted but could never have. He had always wanted someone to consider his wants and needs, to take what he said with two cents and actually think about his feelings, and for the longest of time he hadn’t gotten that. So he did that all for Kaniktu. And so he let her think about it, however long that took he was prepared to wait. If that was a month or even a year down the road, so be it, in the meantime he aimed to enjoy the lack of hard labour with Kaniktu to its fullest.

Kaniktu usually did not take long in order to come to decisions. At most she usually took a few hours to make up her mind about a topic, and usually once that was in place there was absolutely no way that it would be changing. She did not contradict herself, she did not go back on her word. She had said she would consider it later, and now later was present. Kaniktu wound up spending the better half of the ‘day’ just thinking and speculating about it, spending it making the pots that she would be putting on the chair demons. Quiet, thinking and considering as she had said that she would. They were nice, sturdy pots so they wouldn’t just break and fall apart if the chair demon somehow dropped it. The work was not as swift as she could physically manage, and the Nitisian was happy that she had the time on paw to experiment and mess around with the design of the pots. The whole day she was mostly quiet, thinking over the question, the incredibly life changing one it was. It had been when it was almost around time to go back to bed that she finally did figure out her answer. “Okay.” Kaniktu mumbled quietly from where she was putting one of the pots away to cool down. “We can….we can try to have one. Just one. Only one.” The Nitisian answered, her wings folding close to her sides.

Alkistor hadn’t been expecting an answer so soon, and stood up way too quickly upon hearing her answer, uttering a cuss when he hit his head on the shelf above him. Though he didn’t even stop to acknowledge his pain and hastily glanced over with wide excited eyes. “Really? T-that’s great!” He couldn’t keep the giddiness down, it sprung up and he just… was so excited, he could be a dad, a dad way better than Zealeq, way better than his Lighsni father. He had wanted to be a father forever really, especially after they had Sirrico over so often before he had moved on with his own life and his mate. Something about having a younger Nitisian under his wing to teach all the skills he knew felt amazing, and to have a mini him and Kaniktu to raise and teach was another thing that always made him feel livid with excitement whenever he stopped to daydream about it. One was all he wanted himself, one would be absolutely perfect. Quickly he tried to compose himself, calming down and instead showing his glee in the form of a small smile as he gently took her paws. “This is the one time I’m going to question you, are you sure? I just want to be positive that this will make you happy too.”

Kaniktu gave a small grumble at the sight of Alkistor’s delighted expression. Her tail gently swished behind her. She already had what made her happy. Her work was done, and she had Alkistor. She wasn’t sure what else she could even ask for in order to be happy. If it was going to make Alkistor happy, sure, why not have a kid? She needed an heir anyways. She assumed that it would be like when Sirethea had her kids: before not really wanting them and after being filled with delight and a protective feeling. She hoped it would feel the same. Kaniktu’s teeth gritted together a little. “Don’t make me second guess myself about this,” the Nitisian said quietly. Her claws curled around Alkistor’s tightly, her head then turning a little to the side. “I’ll do it for you. Because I love you and want you happy, and this is what you’ve wanted for a long time. You’ve waited and you’ve wanted, so I might as well want it too. Today, just the rest of today, I want with only you? Okay? Before there’s a hatchling around.”

“Of course, let's do that,” Alkistor nodded, though he knew they’d get more alone time even after the egg arrived, he was no expert but he knew Nitisian eggs took a little while to hatch. Marboa would tell him, once he was certain that it was alright to tell his mother the news that she would be getting that grandchild she wanted, though Lesnak had already provided not just one, but three. He had met her three children a good three or four times, unfortunately living on a different planet made it hard to visit regularly. One last big smile, he gave her a soft nuzzle. “And I love you too.”
The rest of the day was spent with her, full of his typical cocky remarks and his playful bantering, more good food and even some time swimming. And when the day was over he knew that they’d need to make an area to properly raise an egg, and oddly enough he found all the knowledge to do such just came naturally, an inner instinct told him how. It was strange how that worked. He made that space in their room, like any good parent he wanted to be close to the baby to assure it was safe and healthy at every given moment.

Kaniktu never did fancy swimming. She wasn’t that good at it, and she usually stayed in the shallow end while Alkistor exercises. Her webbed wings did splash water towards him on occasion, although kept her gaze away as if to feign her innocence. The Nitisian seemed less brooding now that the decision had been made, and with activities done, she most certainly more happy. When it came to arranging where the egg would be kept, the Nitisian was disgruntled by how in stark contrast the instinct did not swiftly come to her. Annoying, but she could do without instinct. She went to go and get one of the lights for the other garden that she had, the one for internal sustainability within the facility. Just so if she had to get up the egg would still be warm. Her knowledge about eggs was next to none, other than they needed to be warm. Lighsni preferred to be all touchy with their eggs, which Kaniktu couldn’t understand. She didn’t want to risk shaking it when it was bestowed to her. Set it down and keep it warm, that was all that had to be done initially, right? The Nitisian grumbled quietly after plugging and turning the lamp on, checking and making sure it works. “Should we get another room ready for when the egg hatches?” Kaniktu asked after a hesitant moment, claws hovering away from the lamp she had fetched.

Alkistor’s eyes squinted slightly, his mind shuffling between the nearby rooms that could be turned into a nursery, finally he gave his tail a flick. “I think that old storage room would be ideal,” it used to be a storage room, than he had moved all the contents down to the much more organized and efficient storage room downstairs. “What do you think?” He peeked out of the room, two doors down and on the other side of the hall, currently the only occupants were a few small dust clumps and maybe a Lasinka feather that had gathered behind the boxes. “I could haul some stuff from downstairs and put some shelves in there, a bed, a desk and all that stuff.”

“It’s close and has electricity still wired in,” Kaniktu mused with a small flick of her tail. Her horned head slowly nodded. Yes, the old storage room worked. She would have to clean it first though. She was not putting a baby in a dusty room. “I don’t think we have any children’s toys, we may have to..ergh, go and get some from the featherbrains. Or make some. Making them sounds safer and less flashy and noisy.”
She could only imagine trying to peacefully sleep and then be awoken by the crying of a hatchling from a noisy, flashy toy going off. “One of the smaller desks, maybe we can make a smaller stool. Papers for doodling on, which will be hard to find. Likely. We probably have some,” Kaniktu mused, her tail continuing to flick rapidly behind her. “And some blankets. Get some blankets too.” Kaniktu said, then twisting to go and get the dust-cleansing tool that she had previously had out to clean one of the other rooms.

Alkistor went and opened it up, giving it a quick check up. It wasn’t horrifically dusty, but a wipe down was still absolutely necessary. Kaniktu had the dusting and cleaning down, while she did that he went and fetched the things to furnish the room. Took three trips to get everything, and before long he was hammering things together and smoothing things out. A small hatchling sized desk and some small chairs, a shelf for them to put all their books and items on, and some other things that were necessary.
“You know I could probably ask my mother if she has any toys, she has plenty from when Sirrico was a hatchling,” he offered, glancing over from where he installed the last part of the frame for a small bed so if the child got tired while playing they could take a nap. “She’d have other supplies besides toys that she’d let us have.”

Kaniktu gave a small grumble as she stood upright with the dusting tool grasped in her hands. Even now she felt distrustful in the slightest sense of Alkistor’s mother. Who sold their kid? Who dared to reject the compassion of her beloved? It made her blood boil and her teeth grit together for a moment. “Sure.” The Nitisian said after her pause, her tongue then swiping across her teeth. “It would be better than having to make them all from scratch,” She then tightly added with a small twitch of her wings. Kaniktu remembered the anger that had swelled up when she had been asked by the other female Nitisian about her plans to have children. How much restraint she had held to keep her claws by her sides and to not lash out. She was doing this for Alkistor. Her Kistor. Not for his mother, not for his brother, just Alkistor. “What sort of supplies,” Kaniktu then asked, turning her head over to look over after a moment more.

It had taken a lot of time for Alkistor and Marboa to seal up the rift between them, though she had explained to him that she had feared she wouldn’t return from the encounter with Silap and thus gave him to someone else, he still had a bitter feeling whenever he was reminded that she had put a price on him. She had given him to someone who had ended up abusing him, hagsmire Zealeq had tried to murder him! Though in the end he knew she was sorry, she had made a mistake and she had acknowledged such. It was a bad on her part and she had spent the past three years trying to make it up to him, and she had changed from that cold assassin to a strong and thoughtful leader. She finally looked at him and showed him that she loved him, finally after all his waiting, and he had eventually forgiven her and accepted her back into his life. “Some things for hybrid sickness that she used for Sirrico, I am unsure if our hatchling will ever have to deal with that but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Some things for eating like a highchair, a little wash tub, things like that.” Alkistor explained as he checked the quality of his work, shaking things to make sure they would be sturdy enough to survive the wrath of a baby, though as always his craftsmanship was flawless, seeing as he put a lot of effort into such.

Kaniktu’s tail gave a sharp twitch behind her. She could make something if their child happened to have hybrid sickness. Although she truly didn’t want to dedicate the time to make something if she could suck up her pride and ask for it elsewhere. She could make all those things, she didn’t need help with taking care of her soon to exist child. “Clothes. We’ll need to get clothes as well.” She then muttered, a claw tapping against her glass visor. Didn’t one of the old heirs to the Lighsni throne have a thing for making clothes. The thought of having to ask for all those things made her irritated, and her teeth bared a little. She could make all those things if she wanted to dedicate the time to them. “And a way to mush up the food. Maybe I should have one of the lasinka come and be outside the door to make sure they don’t up and wander out, cause I’m not locking them into the room,” the small Nitisian hissed. No, there was no locking up, not a claw would land on her soon to be child. She was a possessive Nitisian, and what she deemed here she would not let anyone else remotely get close to. “What else is there, what else is there, I feel like I’m missing something. This is why I need lists,” Kaniktu grumbled under her breath, one of her feet rapidly tapping against the ground in thought.

“Already making one,” Alkistor was also a list person, the mind was not to be trusted with such importance, it had to be written down to assure there was no forgetting or failure. He was more point form compared to Kaniktu with her genius but humongous paragraphs, but a list person all the same. “So we need a hatchling monitor as well, I don’t fancy having to chase anything down after that time I had to herd the lasinka,” Alkistor snorted, the idea of the hatchling walking made him again get giddy, they didn’t even exist yet and he already loved them with all his core. The list thankfully didn’t get too long, in a way it made him happy that they wouldn’t have to try to find things to do with their new found free time. “Guess too soon has arrived because we have things to do again,” he laughed a bit, though he supposed he was asking for such with this. “I wonder what they’ll be like, what do you think we’ll get? A boy or a girl?” He personally didn’t care what hatched from that egg, they would be his child and he would love them to no end.

Kaniktu grumbled for a moment, her foot continuing to tap rapidly against the floor. “I can probably make that. They won’t be walking for a while but I’d like to know where they are. Have a lasinka follow them around. Maybe Omega too. Just in case.” The Nitisian mused, a paw raising to mess with her fluff. Yes, not much would be able to harm her child if there was an invincible water dragon around. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to convince the kid that she would not be spying on them because of such. “It technically can’t be ‘too soon’ if this is involved in the prominent task, as they’re both the same task,” Kaniktu then said, her rolling her red eyes. Yes, fancy speech, the Nitisian loved to say complex sentences and prove that she was an eloquent speaker, one that demanded to be heard and obeyed. “Don’t know. I don’t think I’ll prefer either. Maybe a girl so you can’t rub your stupid sarcasm off on them.” Kaniktu then cheekily said, one of her wings flicking away from her sides. “That’s clearly a thing with males, which is such a shame. Tsk.” The Nitisian quietly giggled, her clamping her mouth shut after. No, no laughter, this was serious stuff that did not need her being distracted. She huffed, crossing her arms a little tighter. “Maybe vitamins. Just to ensure the best health possible, to keep away the stupid shitty hybrid disease,” Kaniktu then offered after her pause, lowering her paw from her fluff after.

“That is a good idea, it will get them used to the creatures quickly and early on,” most parents wouldn’t trust any large creature near their baby, alas Nitisians were a bit different, especially these two who let a motherly Hosajisk raise the baby rock demons. The animals were better parents than most though, honest truth. At the mention of his sarcasm he gave a mocking hurt look and gently put his paw to his chest as if genuinely shook. “Ouch, i’m wounded, when have I ever been sarcastic?” He couldn’t make the grin go away, tiny snorts and snickers escaping through his teeth. “Yes those too, I think that’s everything?” He showed her the list so it could get her approval.

“Not to mention I’m fairly certain Omega will want to see the baby. We need names,” Kaniktu mused. She grumbled at the other’s mock look of hurt. She would complain, yes, but the Nitisian would not have her Kistor any other way. “You’re being sarcastic right now! My, you dare to lie to your queen?! I’ll have to do something about that,” the Nitisian Queen slyly replied, her wings spreading from her sides in a somewhat mock threatening position. Never did she truly behave threatening towards her king- at least, not in a substantial amount of time. She took the list and looked it over. “I can’t think of anything else. Oh. We do need the baby. It would be bad to do all this and then forget to actually get that,” Kaniktu snorted, a soft hum following her words.

Alkistor pretended to cower, but he was clearly just trying to hide his laughter and was far from scared. He glanced over when she mentioned that a baby was pretty necessary. “Yes I suppose that would be something useful to get, the egg.” He really thought it was unusual that their reproductive method was screaming at the sky, though on that topic he definitely preferred that over the other way, which was absolutely nasty. So… did they just go outside and do that? And the egg would fall from the sky? That seemed like an awfully long way to fall. He had thought about it before and was thinking about it again, his Nitisian brain tried to put science to it but there was really nothing scientific about it. “Names… hm, I know my mother had waited until me and my siblings and hatched before she thought of names for us, I think she said she had wanted to get to know us before she named us.”

Kaniktu seemed satisfied by the other’s ‘cowarding’, a grin lighting up on her face. Her foot again tapped against the ground a few times, nodding in agreement. “The one damn thing she did right,” the Nitisian softly hissed, mostly to herself. She liked Alkistor’s name, it was a pleasant one. She probably wouldn’t be able to stand him if it was something different. “Alright, I guess waiting to name them works.” Kaniktu agreed, her wings giving a small twitch behind her. The concept of screaming at the sky had always been foreign. What happened if they didn’t catch it? How fast would it fall? How far away? Right on top of them? Kaniktu’s teeth clicked together in thought. “Maybe I should get some of the water dragons, just can’t splat on the ground,” the Nitisian Queen mused, her red eyes squinting behind her visor. But wouldn’t the tension of water break the egg as well? A soft hiss sounded, her tail smacking against the ground. The Nitisian herself would not complain about the reproductive methods of the Lighsni and Nitisians. Humans were nasty, and she would prefer to spend time together cuddling instead of trying to bite someone’s face off. Nasty. She wouldn’t be caught doing that- resting and rubbing her face against Alkistor’s was better than that in a million and seventy eight different reasons. “I wonder if there’s a certain shout that has to be done or not? Is it just mindless screaming? I’ve never put thought into that before,” Kaniktu rumbled.

“I… really don’t know. I guess will just have to try. At least nobody is out here to see us, and if there is our next free time activity can be torturing someone,” he offered with a small assuring nudge of his arm. No wing nudges, his wings were far too short for that unfortunately. “We can only try and do the best we can do.” Alkistor glanced up, even though there was a roof, and listened. At least it wasn’t raining? It could be raining, now that would be a fun way to emerge into the world, not! He refused to seem nervous, even though his mind also buzzed with questions about how the egg would emerge. Outside it was a tad chilly he found, or maybe that was just him, and he looked up.
“....we are going to be the best parents, you and I, and our child will be the best child.” He started softly, before snickering. “Nitis I sound so mushy right now, I think my cousin has been rubbing off on me.”

“I do like the sound of that,” Kaniktu mused, her eyes shifting to where she was nudged. The motion was returned after a moment, her grin returning. She was not about to be made fun of for trying to have a child with the only Nitisian that she fully cared for and considered her equal. One of her wings did spread, but pulled back after a couple seconds. She didn’t want to seem too touchy, not even after all this time. “Which cousin? You have five or so.” Kaniktu grumbled with a small snort following her words. “Our child better be the best child. I personally don’t see how come it wouldn't be. Unless it’s that damn sarcasm. That may disqualify them from being the best child.” Kaniktu verbally jabbed, leaning forward on her toes. The ground wasn’t wet, so it hadn’t rained in a while. That likely meant there was going to be rain later. It technically was sleeping hours, but the excitement of having a child had pushed the drowsiness away. “Get the egg and we keep it warm and then it hatches and then all the good things happen. That’s a good plan. It sounds simple enough.”

A few times before he had come outside and just screamed as loudly as he could, he did that whenever his chest hurt so badly he wanted to claw it open, and only that had seemed to be able to relieve the pressure. He didn’t have to do that anymore for that reason, but now and then he did anyways, just screamed and felt the tension from whatever melt away. So it wasn’t as hard to muster up the air to scream, the entire time his mind on one thing. He just wanted a single child, a single egg, a healthy baby preferably, and he would love them with every inch of his being. He had his eyes shut but after a moment he looked up and frantically searched the sky, had it worked? Was there that egg he wanted and had wanted for so long?

Kaniktu hadn’t had to scream often before. Often it was from pain. Like the one time that she had been bound underground by a human and her mind was forcefully picked through. She had screamed then. When the giant metal beast had attacked and caved the ceiling on her, she had screamed. Usually it was by pain that the small Nitisian wound up screaming. Still, it was loud, and a scream was a scream nonetheless. Thankfully there didn’t have to be long winded times of screaming. There was maybe a minute or so until there was a ‘pop’, and there was an egg. Not too high up either, maybe a couple yards above Kaniktu’s head. The Nitisian rapidly flapped her wings and launched up to snag the precious egg before it could begin falling too far, landing heavily on her feet again with a thud. Nitisian eggs were usually dull in color, whereas Lighsni’s tended to be glowing and vibrant just like the piyans that came from them. “I forgot how hard taking off from a standstill could be,” Kaniktu grumbled, her arms curled protectively around the egg that she had went and caught. She hadn’t stretched the limbs or anything, so of course they hurt when she suddenly began using them. Kaniktu gently tapped the egg with one of her claws, a soft hum sounding as she did so.

Alkistor’s eyes kept shifting between the egg and the nitisian who had caught it. “It’s… so small,” he commented, “it was a perfect catch though, good job.” After all those years of wanting and wishing and hoping, there was finally an egg that had his hatchling in it. Though he quickly reminded himself that he’d have to wait for a little while longer, the baby would have to grow and then hatch first. He wondered what they’d look like, he wondered and wondered, stayed up late after the egg had been put under the lamp and they had gone to bed. Alkistor wondered all the next day as they began to fully prepare for the hatchling, checking things off the baby list. At least while the pair waited for the egg to hatch, they had plenty of free time to spend together. After all, it didn’t take four months to fully baby proof the facility and get everything that was needed.
“Kani, Kani come quick the egg!” Alkistor had been watching it intently when it finally began to start cracking and hatching open, he sprang up and began to loudly call in anticipation and excitement.

The most that Kanktu had figured that would need to be done to babyproof the facility was to simply lock doors. It wasn’t as if she had sharp things laying around in the hallway, or that there were dangerous items just out for grabs. The Lasinka were just animals, and they could be little troublemakers if they really tried to be. It hadn’t taken too long for everything to be nice and ready and awaiting for the hatchling.
Where had Kaniktu been at the time of the egg hatching? Not far, laying in their bed while tinkering with the tools she used to create her blender. She was still working on it after all these long years. It was a never ending project, and one that Kaniktu was happy for. “It is?” She sounded surprised, sliding off the bed and then came over. She crouched down, her tail slowly flicking behind her. Her red eyes took note of the fractures, and her teeth lightly clenched together. Their child was about to exist, someone that she would have to devote time and effort to that wasn’t her beloved Kistor. And in that moment, Kaniktu felt a surge of fear. What if she didn’t love the little hatchling that came from the egg? What if she didn’t feel those motherly senses come over her? What if she was an awful parent? What would she do? What if she felt no connection at all? Kaniktu’s teeth chattered together, watching the egg crack open bit by bit, her red eyes wide as she observed.

Alkistor like the rest of his nitisian sided family shared the common looks of a Nitisian, his only difference was the element he had. Sirrico was next in the line of looking like a hybrid, having a line of feathers down his back and a bit of a squawk to his voice when he was upset or thinking hard. Than there was Lesnak, who was the most obvious out of the three with her feathers on her wings and tail and her frightening height. But even than her Nitisian side was far more obvious. What came out of the egg was seemingly all the Lighsni traits that had skipped the three siblings mashed into one being, and what broke free of the egg seemed to be a living ball of purple feathers of all shades. There was so much fluff on the small wings and the back of the baby that their body was almost completely hidden. Alkistor just looked absolutely dumbfounded. “... did… did our egg just… hatch a ball of feathers?”

Kaniktu stared at the ball of feathers that tumbled forth from the egg when it was split open. Her teeth clicked together rapidly, and her claws twitched. “What the fuck.” She softly hissed. “What the flying fuck is that?! HOW THE FUCK DID WE HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH A FUCKING LIGHSNI?!” She screeched, her taking a small step away from the egg. Her expectation had been that their child would almost be a full blooded Nitisian. Alkistor looked like a Nitisian, and essentially was one spare his electricity. Kaniktu was pure blooded Nitisian. She was befuddled by the sight of all the feathers. The only clue that she had to Nitisian blood was the dark coloration- but even then Kaniktu figured that was from the eternal darkness of the planet. “No. No. No no no this is not ours how the fuck did this happen?! This isn’t ours, I’m not raising someone else’s kid! No! This is a mistake, this can’t be our kid! One of the Lighsni must have swapped it, the cheeky assholes!” She screeched, twitching furiously.

Alkistor was merely blinking in the ‘excuse me what the hagsmire’ sort of way, before his eyes completely softened when the baby began to let out cries as any baby did when something scared them. Kaniktu’s yells did just that, and hastily he reached forwards and carefully picked up the small wailing ball of feathers and fluff. “Shhh shhh shh little screaming fluff face, it’s okay it’s okay,” he hushed quietly, baby screaming wasn’t very pleasant to listen too, thankfully after a couple of moments of rocking and soothing he managed to get the purple hatchling to settle down. “I’m just as fucked over as you are but I don’t think an affair is possible, maybe… a Lighsni used a spell that switched the eggs, they are clueless assholes and of course they wouldn’t think it through.” He was gently pushing back fluff from the baby’s face, trying to see what was there. No markings, and somewhere in that mess of hair he found tiny itty bitty horn stumps. Definitely a hybrid.

Kaniktu’s teeth bared when Alkistor picked up the hatchling. It wasn’t theirs, why was he caring for it nonetheless. The Nitisian was still hissing loudly, her teeth clicking rapidly together. “I don’t want to raise a kid that isn’t ours,” the Nitisian Queen spat, her red eyes narrowing. The possibility of a swap was valid, she wouldn’t put it past featherbrained Lighsni to do such a tiny. Her expression turned thoughtful for a moment. “That sounds like the sort of Xiogipa-shit they’d pull. It’s not our child. Can’t be. How the fuck did we have an affair.” She snarled as she leaned back on her feet. Appalled, and furious. “Maybe we should take it to your fucking mother. So we can find the actual parents.” She snapped, pointing with a claw towards the doorway of the room.

“Good idea, and we can get our hatchling back. We didn’t wait four months for this,” he looked at the baby in his arms, eyes narrowing with frustration when it curled up against him, seeking body warmth and comfort. “It’s a she, I think,” she was still wet from the fluids in the egg, and as they made way to the Nitisian village she only dried off and got fluffier. Thankfully the hatchling slept the entire time, exhausted from the effort it took to hatch.
“Whichever Nitisian who’s with this Lighsni outta be fucking pissed,” Alkistor spotted the large walls that made up the perimeter of the village, high and covered in spikes to keep the wildlife out, a few towers here and there to keep watch. At the base of the wall was Hosajisk feeding troughs, the idea of such being that the Hosajisk wouldn’t try to jump the wall looking for food when there was already food. Leftover meat fruit and kills, no food being wasted. Even so, there was a large metal net like dome over the entire thing with holes large enough to let a flying nitisian through, it seemed to also have a few lightning rods to capture power and keep the strikes from causing damage.

A few of Marboa’s guards saw them from the perchs, and upon them recognizing the two the gate to let people through was opened. Marboa was, while a person with questionable morals, a talented and intelligent leader who knew how to run things. Her village was very organized and very efficient, and there were many other nitisians here. Nobody looked like what the breed of dark dwelling piyans had once looked like. Everyone was well fed and healthy looking, Marboa made sure everyone had food and good clothes and rested when they were tired. Nobody was horrifically angry either, but even than they knew who their queen was and didn’t dare it around Kaniktu. Between the residential areas and buildings were tall patches of red grass that kids played around in, games that taught all the basic skills needed for survival. Tag, it taught them how to run away from danger and how to chase something down, hide and seek how to find and how to hide, etc. Here and there were wooden structures for them to climb on and sharpen their claws and horns, and finally an area where they could build forts out of scrap supplies that encouraged them to learn how to build.
Marboa’s house wasn’t very different from the others, she wasn’t an egotistical leader and definitely didn’t need a flashy castle, but her place did have a large deck all the way around it that lead up onto the wall and to the watchtowers. Along the inside of the wall it was lined with large gears and cogs that rotated machines that pumped water to the homes and fountains and heat to a nursery looking building. Walkways were here and there, buildings were built hanging from the support beams, storage perhaps?
The maroon and orange coloured nitisian was sitting on a chair munching on a leg of something, scrolling through a list with a causal and content expression.
“Mother,” Alkistor called, and the nitisian hastily perked up, and hastily the she-piyan glided down from the deck to greet them.
“Why hello you two, is this the hatchling? Oh, she's beautiful!” Marboa gently reached a claw towards the hatchling, who was beginning to wake up with all the commotion, uttering a few baby sounds of confusion. Such a reaction caused Marboa to smile softly, the adult pulling away, right she had no right to touch, and it confused her as to why they were here. “Is something the matter?”

“It is a hatchling. Not the hatchling,” Kaniktu hissed. Her voice was ever the hostile- perhaps even more so in this situation. Angry that her child had been taken, that she had been robbed of getting to see her actual hatchling come into the world. She hadn’t waited four months for this. She hadn’t thrown her time away for this. She bared her teeth a little, her tail sharply swishing behind her. “Not mine, not Kistor’s. A Lighsni took it. I don’t think I see a Nitisian attribute on her, do you? This is a fucking Lighsni.” Kaniktu’s teeth clicked together, her pupils narrowing. She was seething in anger, her webbed wings unfurling from her sides. What an idiot the Nitisian before her had to be, to not realize at first glance that this was not their child. There was too much fluff, and Kaniktu refrained from even touching the young piyan. “We’re pretty sure one of the damn featherbrains switched the eggs. Kistor thought that one up. I don’t think you could really price that kind of intelligence.” Of course she made jabs about the concept of putting a price on Alkistor. She always did, she always made it a point to show in the presence of others as to how Kaniktu thought of her king as equal, of how highly she thought of him.

“Oh no, this little one has to be yours, I can see your father in her Alkistor, he was just as fluffy, and definitely where Alkistor got his intelligence from.” Marboa never seemed too crushed by Kaniktu’s harsh words, if anything she accepted them as the bitter truth and as acceptable for how crappy of a mother she had been. Ashamed was she, but she had wanted to keep her last child alive when Sirrico had been murdered and Lesnak had gone to work at Niso. “Here I have a photo of him I’ll go get it,” the maroon piyan turned tail, the large metal claw on it gently shifting across the wooden pathways that connected everything. A few minutes later she returned and held out a framed photo, and indeed the resemblance was rather uncanny, the hatchling was even almost the same colour as Silap. Alkistor had only seen the photo once, the photo of the mysterious and oddly charming Lighsni, who had book and pencil in paw and a small smile to the one who had been taking his photo, likely Marboa herself. His long tail was very plush, and in the photo his wings out, displaying his strong looking pink and yellow glowing wings. Over all he was very fluffy, though being full grown he fitted in his fluff, whereas the hatchling was quite tiny and thus overwhelmed by it. “I wonder if she will have magic like him, he was quite brilliant Alkistor, easily the smartest Lighsni I’ve ever met.” She smiled sadly, and in the end she had to kill him or standby as he destroyed everything in his way. How things would have been if he had lived, if she could have reached him in his darkest hour her and Silap could of instead run off together and raised their children in peace, she knew wishing did nothing though.

Kaniktu’s hardened red gaze did soften a little at the sight of the picture. Her gaze glanced back to the small hatchling, and her wings dropped a little. So this wasn’t a mistake. It actually was their child. Feathers and coloration in all. Her teeth again clicked together. The concept of their child having magic sounded ridiculous yet intriguing all together. She wouldn’t be able to teach their child how to use magic, and neither would Alkistor. She still couldn’t grasp how the hatchling could look so fluffy when neither parent did. Her wings folded a little closer to her sides. “Shame I don’t get to wring a Lighsni’s neck for swapping children,” Kaniktu grumbled, her turning her gaze away from the hatchling. She had been yelling when it had come into the world. She. The Nitisian had a hard time attaching the idea that the bundle of feathers that Alkistor held was her child. Their child. Not an it. It was a hard concept for her to grasp. Kaniktu felt a worm of guilt for her shouting at the egg, her sharp words and angered and enraged expression. A small hatchling didn’t deserve that. She’d made it - her - cry as well. Her expression fell a little, a paw absently reaching over to touch the small hybrid’s extreme fluff.

“I hope not, I’m not equipped with the knowledge to deal with that,” Alkistor didn’t trust magic all that much, just the staff and even than it was iffy and he only used it for important things, the last resort to all of his problems. The small hybrid gave a mumble when she was touched, with her weak arms she tried to lift herself to see what was touching her, she felt extremely soft. Still he supposed if the hatchling ended up having magic he would just have to deal with it, it would never be her fault, just like it wasn’t her fault that she was fluffy.
“Shame indeed, have you named her yet?” Marboa doubted it, by the looks of it they came straight here the moment the little thing had hatched, a big journey for someone so young, even if they weren’t walking. “You can stay here for a bit if you wish, it’s a big and dangerous journey for someone who just hatched.” The maroon coloured piyan pointed out, red gaze glancing at the hatchling, “and she must be absolutely starving.”

“I’m sure if for whatever absurd reason we can’t teach her how to use her magic, I’m sure there’ll be a competent enough Lighsni that I’ll almost be willing to let help. Not really. Damn featherbrains,” she hissed under her breath, tail sharply flicking behind her. The Nitisian’s gaze turned over when the comment of staying for a while was made. Her teeth chattered, then looking back at the small piyan. “No, we don’t have a name yet. I’m sure Kistor and I will have one when we go back home.” Kaniktu hadn’t even thought about the possibility of the hatchling being hungry. There wasn’t any surge of motherly instinct on hand, which made her irritation fester. “I think staying so she can eat would be a good idea,” the dull blue Nitisian rumbled, her leaning back on her feet a little. Kaniktu felt frustrated, why hadn’t she thought about feeding the hatchling, or bathing it, before she came over here. She! Not it! Dammit! The Nitisian wanted to slam her claws into her face in some effort to vent out the frustration. “She’s tough and can handle such a trip, it- she already has,” Kaniktu swiftly snapped.

“Kani, deep breath,” Alkistor gently uttered, leaning close so she could hear his whisper. “We’ve had a stressful and shitty day and reasonably so, don’t beat yourself up over it.” He couldn’t pull her away for the privacy she liked, so he resorted to just speaking very quietly. He himself was still struggling to accept that this wasn’t all just a big mixup, but he was happy that those parental instincts he had felt when she first hatched had been correct. “Let’s have something to eat and then go home,” he gently brushed his tail against her, offering him a hopeful smile. Marboa said nothing more, rather the nitisian went into her home and began to get food ready for her two guests and the purple hatchling, who had proceeded to begin quietly babbling, testing out her vocal cords and quiet voice.

Kaniktu did as she was instructed , taking a deep breath in order to settle her ever irritable nerves. Her arms crossed, her gaze again turning to look at the small hatchling. A nod was given in agreement to the comment of eating and then going home. Home was nice, home was where everything had been set up and prepared over the span of four months for this small hatchling. She watched the small piyan babble and blather, her wings then dropping a little. “It’s- she is very fluffy, at least we won’t have to worry about blanket issues. Maybe one of those humans manifesting in our home,” the Nitisian attempted to joke, her again reaching out with a claw, gently prodding at one of the small piyan’s hands. So tiny, so precious. She felt protective, yes, but Kaniktu could not find the difference between wanting to protect because this was hers, or if it was out of love. Afraid that she would not love this small piyan, it was a fear that had sprung to life the moment that she had realized that it had not been a switch up, that this was their daughter. “Because of all the feathers know what I mean,” Kaniktu ended in a mumble, a webbed wing reaching out to return the gentle nudge.

Alkistor gave an amused snort, right those humans they acted very strange when they were exposed to the dust feathers gave off. It seemed to make them very happy, almost like a drug but not quite. Indeed their daughter could probably topple the entire population by just crawling down a street.
“I know,” he assured, looking down at the hatchling, than back at Kaniktu. His fear was more so that he would pay too much attention to either one and the other would feel neglected. He just had to make sure to carefully divide his attention and love between them so both got the perfect amount. Perfect, a hard thing to find with the term being so vast and flexible, this was going to be like trying to hold water in his paws… or pick up an entire CVWD. The hatchling seemed to be an attentive little thing, because the moment she noticed Kaniktu touching her tiny paw she tried to grab onto one of Kaniktu’s fingers, though she was clearly still figuring out how her paws worked because it didn’t go all that well. Still it was the effort that counted. Upon smelling the food that came from Marboa’s kitchen, instinct kicked in for the baby and she began to mewl a bit louder to announce she was hungry.

Kaniktu gave a small hum when her finger was grabbed. She gently moved her paw around, finding the sight of such a small piyan trying to hold onto her claws to be endearing. She had her claws curled away just in case, being as carefully as she possibly could manage. Kaniktu didn’t want to somehow hurt the hatchling, especially not with such only being alive for not even an hour. “She’s inquisitive,” the Nitisian softly noted, her tail rapidly twitching behind her. She desperately hoped that she would be bestowed motherly instinct soon, as she felt like an un-oiled cart being pushed up a hill. Not working, frustrated, and probably more words that Kaniktu didn’t want to spend the time thinking of. “And noisy,” she added in when the small hatchling began to raise her tone. “Is someone hungry?” The Nitisian tried to mimic the ‘baby talk’ tone that she had often seen Sirethea using. Kaniktu sputtered, then sticking her tongue out. “Okay, no, fuck that. Not doing that again.” The short Nitisian gave a small sniff, turning her gaze away. She could smell the scent of food as well, and could admit to being hungry after such a long walk. “I can hold her, if you want to rest your arms a little,” Kaniktu then offered. She hadn’t even touched the hatchling until just a few minutes ago. Hadn’t even held her yet, hadn’t really touched the egg since she had caught it. Her wings twitched behind her, pulling her finger away from the supremely fluffy hatchling.

Both Marboa and Alkistor were trying not to snicker at the dull blue she-piyan’s attempt at the baby voice, Alkistor entered up letting a few chuckles loose, and gently passed over the baby. “She doesn’t weigh anything, I think there’s a lot of air trapped in there.” Regardless babies didn’t tend to weigh a lot, especially newborns. He wasn’t tired but he figured it would do Kaniktu some good to be able to hold and bond with their daughter a little bit, and he glanced over when Marboa came over and pushed over Kaniktu a few meat fruits and a bowl and masher like tool, she figured the queen would not appreciate her mashing it for her, and that Kaniktu would want to do it herself. There was also a plate with some meat strips on it and a few handfuls of other meaty things. A carnivore diet meant just meat, but there was lots of different parts that definitely tasted different.

“Maybe she’ll be an air elemental. It would fit with all this fluff, probably,” Kaniktu mused, having been somewhat glaring at Alkistor upon hearing him chuckle. “Oh, so you’re laughing at me now? Do you want to sleep with Omega tonight? You two haven’t had a slumber party in such a long time. He might be thinking you don't want to be friends anymore.” She feigned a voice of concern, softly