Beasts of Beyond
kills me every time [joiners] - Printable Version

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Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Crow Roux - 07-08-2019

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Crow's attention was too focused on the guileful remarks that left Stryker's toothy grin to pay much mind to Arrow and Beck's inputs, and his eyes narrowed further as the lion continued to speak his teasing words. It was as if a raucous alarm had gone off in his brain which sparked unease and a sense of dread in his bones, sending his fur prickling with each quip the beast uttered. It was becoming more and more apparent he would not relent lest his needs be connected, and Crow was not willing to slide on his end of the deal—his paws were also planted firmly on the ground, and he would not yield from the pressure of a couple of empty threats.

Stryker took a step forward, and from the tabby's spindly throat slipped a low growl of warning. His hackles raised, and he bit back a snark of protest at the lion's bold statement, instead keeping his mouth shut as Leroy found his voice on the subject again, practically taking the words right out of his mouth. His shoulders would relax slightly at the reminder that, once again, he was far from being alone in the matter.

Arrow spoke again, and he felt his chest clench at the idea of letting someone as despicable as Stryker into their ranks. He would begin to learn things; hell, he could even be a spy himself, and that was a risk not worth chancing, especially in the midst of a war. "A-an' that's why he's dangerous, Arrow..." Crow spoke in a hushed tone, turning his head to project his voice in the direction of the captain. The feline's brain began to traverse rocky territory, filled with schema of worst-case scenario, death and betrayal.

"I ain't prideful. I know exactly what I'm doin'," he then spat, his tail sweeping the ground in jerky movements of annoyance, and the growl in his throat became louder as Stryker's movements became more threatening, gaze flitting to Ninazu for a brief moment before it went back to the larger male. "Another step and you're gettin' it. You don't need to prove anythin' else to me. You already proved yourself a threat to Tanglewood with all that killin' you did, and you can't nullify that."

His jade eyes swept across Ninazu once more. He felt bad for the lioness. She had become caught in something that wasn't her fault.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 07-09-2019

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[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Priorites change, he got that. Just like how had taken his eyes off of Snowbound as they disintegrated and switched to meddling within other clans, but to say that he was going against one of his former groups that he truly enjoyed rattled him. Stryker could tell that none of them understood what his intentions were. All he wanted was a place to rest with Ninazu and the opportunity to take down a threat, but they were taking their arrival as a threat against their pride. While Tanglewood did have an ally that despised him, a common enemy between the three of them (The former Pittians, The Typhoon, And Tanglewood) should of been enough to mutually unite them. That did not seem to be the case though.

Stryker’s rounded ears remained pinned to the back of his head. His expression was pained. Even if Arrow was helping their case, it seemed as if they were going to walk another few miles to find a new place. The lions were tired and desperate. Even if their intentions were true, their past had caught up to the both of them, but mostly his. The lion simply veered at the fact but remained standing upright with what energy he had left in him. With a dip of his head, he aimed to send a telepathic message to Arrow. ’Thank you.’ If she recieved his praise outloud, he was afraid that there would be consequences. They shouldn’t be punished for someone who did nothing but help two lost souls.

Ivory fangs reflected in the sunlight as he smirked. ”Prideful and ignorant,” he repeated back with an additional sting towards Crow’s attitude. His tail swung forward and whipped around in front of the smaller feline in attempt to playfully taunt him. Before the leader could yank at his appendage though, Stryker jerked back his tail and mocked him with a flicker of his split tongue. ”Birdman, you need to check yourself. I get that your ego is gigantic, but you are quite tiny. You’re really overcompensating.” A snort left him. ”That’s a fight you’re going to lose, even if I’m in this state.” Truly, Crow’s confidence was astounding. Him versus the lion? Please. That’s bullshit.

With a raspy huff, the lion offered a shrug. If Crow wanted to attack him, then let him be his damning, but it would be wiser to let them leave before things got heated. ”Consider us gone then, kitty cat,” he finished. ”If any of you-“ Slitted eyes strayed to Arrow. ”-Wish to hear me out, do not be afraid to contact me.” They’d be somewhere... It was either the Elysium or The Blackguard. Most of them could probably guess where they were heading. ”Anything to throw that tyrant out.”

With a peeved glare towards Ninazu, he began to wander off into the other direction. ”Come on, Ninny,” he muttered lowly. Then he was gone.


Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Crow Roux - 07-09-2019

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Crow recoiled, nose crinkled, as Stryker's tail waved about teasingly in his face, but his paws stayed where they were as he took the insults the lion spat out like a champ. At least, it would seem that way if it were not for how his jaw clenched and his limbs began to tremble. "I get that your ego is gigantic, but you are quite tiny," the lion had spoken, and then he was gone, but his burning words lingered at the back of the tabby's brain. As if snapped from a trance, Crow glanced down at his scraggly legs and flexed his toes into the soil angrily. He really was small, wasn't he? Small and pathetic and full of himself. Weak and scrawny.

Several tears of frustration slid down his cheeks, and biting his lip, he loudly huffed and ran away, hoping no one had noticed the lapse in his composure.
