Beasts of Beyond
when the fir needles fall // return - Printable Version

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Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-30-2019

with jerisidie attacking his face and goring him with his horns, Augustin snarled and batted at his head, smacking him around until jerisidie had no choice but to let go or risk losing his teeth. when usagi attacked him, he was too slow to avoid her water slash and her physical attack, but was quick enough to avoid her ice aimed at his shoulder,  lips pulled back and snarling at his daughter. "foolish brat! I am your one true father, and this sack of flesh is your mother! the very same that abandoned you and your siblings to me and my followers!", he roared, keeping himself out of range of her teeth when she went after his throat.

he snarled as Sunday hit him up the head, turning on his lackey, unable to believe that he had acted against him. "wha- Sunday! your punishment will come later.", the puma seethed, ears pulled back as he turned on the white hellhound rising to his feet once more, icy hazel eyes narrowed in hatred as he turned his gaze to the pup that jerisidie had first hidden behind his back. ramona.

he snickered in dark amusement, licking his lips as he leapt at the child who gave a fierce snarl of her own, surging to meet him which gave him a surprise, her dull teeth tearing into his chest and muscles, the canine snarling as blood spattered across her own fur, "you can't scare me, monster! don't you dare hurt my mom again!", she growled as she tugged and tore at his chest, after the muscles that helped the shoulder to move.

his own teeth were making short work of her ear, the two grappling before jerisidie was forcing himself between his daughter and the puma with a sharp bark, digging his own teeth into Augustin's fur, successfully damaging the puma's eye, his claws catching on his ear and tearing it.

Augustin cried out at the blinding pain, the puma throwing off both of his assailants before slamming jerisidie to the ground, setting at mauling his injured leg, intent on taking it completely from him. he would be assaulted by ramona leaping upon his back and biting at his good ear before she was thrown from his back against the ground hard, his claws raking along the girl's side, starting up at her face, cutting along the bridge of her nose and across her cheek.

having felt that he had mauled Jerisidie enough, he turned on usagi, moving to attack his daughter, before changing his mind and laughing, deciding it better to flee the scene before he was attacked irreparably.

out with aug//
(again, I play ram)

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Usagi Smallpaw - 07-01-2019

As Augustine begins to run Usagi fires ice spikes until he is too far, missing every shot in her anger and panting with rage. Upon seeing the Carnage Augustine wrought almost without thinking Usagi rushes to Jerisidie and begins licking his wounds clean before freezing them shut to act as sutures. After a few minutes of this she makes sure his wounds are sealed and she moves on to Ramona providing the same treatment until there are no longer any open wounds on either of the two."Jer are you okay ca-.."Usagi's sentence is cut off as her body slumps to the ground and she quietly groans barely conscious as all remaining energy suddenly leaves her. A few tears slowly and weakly leak from her eyes, unable to even move.

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Nari - 07-01-2019

There was a lot of unspoken truths, and Nari had his fair share of scars and nightmares, but this was far to much.  The liger found himself arriving at what he could clearly describe as a total nightmare, or a normal Tuesday has he would like to call it.  It only took a few moments for him to register what was going on, and take very collected breaths.

There was a thing about this one, one would really wish his rage was loud and explosive.  At least you can see it coming and have a chance to flee the scene, as for Nari, he had learned how to conceal his rage which was times more devastating than what most would want it. 

He was going to murder Augustin, that was a given.  That puma isn't going to even get a ounce of mercy, that was for damn sure.  More collective breaths, and he went over to the injured hellhound, and just sighed. "Aho. You had to just fight him?" he murmured softly, voice soft but it didn't come close to how bright his eyes from the rage, and how uncontrolled but controlled his grasp on his rage. 
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 07-01-2019

jerisidie - the king !
perhaps it was shock, but he wasn't moving. he was laying where he had been thrown after the last mauling he had been given, the hellhound's sides heaving and his eye closed as he remained laying on his belly, disoriented and head pounding.

his stomach dry-heaved as usagi attempted her work on him before she went to ramona and worked on her, his head dizzy and filled with half remembered memories and sensations, head slumping to the ground. he was used to pain, hell, even loved it sometimes. but when usagi collapsed, he gave a pained noise, the only one he had made since he had been injured and wasn't fighting. "usagi. get up child.", he rasps, bringing his battered body over to his child, beginning to groom her fur, his own energy almost completely gone.

slumping at her side, pressed against her, the small male made a noise of annoyance as he looked at his mangled leg, the prosthetic one stained with blood. "aho yourself. I would have fucking killed him if I could have!", he snapped at nari, head on the ground and eye closed, his mask knocked askew by now and out of his reach.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Nari - 07-01-2019

Nari who kept himself from snorting, he stared at Jer.  Of course he believed him, he always did but this time it was different.  It was difficult has hell not to fall back to what he knew, his instincts called for it.  For to make Augustin pay, but at the moment, he had to remain here has a support.  He was not the best at healing, but he was good for what he knew how do, which was to support despite how much he and jer bickered with either was heavily wounded.  "I believe you. But as of right now, please do not turn into road kill. I need to keep seeing your short self around for a bit longer. I just got back." he said finally snorting, and sighed.

"What would you like me to do?" Nari asked sitting down, and looking at the small hellhound.  If Jer gave the world, he would rain hell a upon the puma, and it was a damn given fact.  He would make it unbearable for Augustin to tolerate.
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 07-01-2019

jerisidie - the king !
remaining quiet, jer sighed, looking at usagi, "she needs water. I'll be fine.", came the steady lie, replacing his head on the ground. he knew that his beloved would not be happy with the solution to this issue, "trust me on this. I am aware of how angry you are. please.", he tells him, gaze going to his own mangled leg.

it was going to be death or losing his leg and even then, there was a risk of infection. they had no herbs. it was a bad spot to be in, and he held the only keys to keep nari from completely killing augustin. "I'll be fine until then. that's what I need you to do for me." he mumbles, laying his head back down to orientate his body again.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Nari - 07-01-2019

Nari knew that was a damn lie, and a bit of anger towards the small hellhound spoke true, but he nodded. Water was not that hard to come by, he glanced at other form other than Jer. He knew the girl was still alive, but he was not sure for how long. " Water isn't going to save her, she needs a healer." he murmured softly, this bothered him more than anything else.
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 07-01-2019

jerisidie - the king !
he knew that there were going to be words after this, "she was using water, and the blood river isnt as easy to use. she used her own body's water content.", he rasped as he nudged his daughter before going still with a grumbling noise of pain.

laying on his side, he breathed out against the agony, holding from showing his pain, "we three need a healer, but they have to be looked at first. I'm going to lose this leg, or I'm going to die." he rumbled to fallen, knowing that his partner would not be pleased with everything.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Usagi Smallpaw - 07-01-2019

She couldnt remember the last time she felt drained and exhausted all she wanted to do was sleep right now and even the news of Jerisidies possible death didn't really have any true effect on her"You...healer....first i sleep no die please..."With some of the last energy she had she weakly nudges his head and softly whines before letting her head thump to the ground to tired to hold it up anymore and letting her breathing begin to slow and even out a bit. she was so tired.

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Jervis - 07-01-2019

What the fuck just happened?

Jervis had heard a ruckus from afar, full of agonizing screams of disdain and hatred. It was no different than what his family had went through during his demise, but to see it happening to the others was rather entertaining. It was more of a dream than a hellish flashback. Even so, there was no excuse for his fellow Pittians to be fighting one another. They were all on the same level rank-wise and as their leader he would make sure they'd get their punishment. While The Pitt did need all the man power possible at the moment, that did not mean they'd go unexcused. Their asses were surely going to get reamed.

The fox did not rush over. His pace was slow and casual as he wandered over. A golden eye merely looked at Usagi in disgust. "Let her bleed." Sharp teeth gritted together as he thought of what to acknowledge next during this shit show, seeing that no one was innocent whatsoever, besides a mere few who did not attack anyone. "Give her any assistance and you'll be on the line too," he barked towards Nari. While he did appreciate their courage to step forward and assist a fellow Pittian, the time was not right. Usagi deserved to suffer as a punishment.

Jeriside was not excused either. The ardent rounded on the white wolf with a snarl. "And you," came his hiss. "You walk into MY TERRITORY-" Not theirs, but his. -and cause a dastardly ruckus amongst us?" A scoff left Jervis. His pointed nose lowered down towards Jeriside's face with his teeth bared menacingly. As he spoke, he practically spat all over the returner. "As a welcome present, you're going to lose that leg whether you like it or not." Running would only make his bounty bigger. If Jeriside wanted remain within The Pitt and claim it as his home, they would need to remain peaceful with the rest of the group. Fighting was unacceptable. Luckily if it happened again, the wolf wouldn't be able to run away from Jervis' next punishment.

Seeing that Augustin had already fled, the ardent grumbled lowly to himself. He would have to catch up to him later. "As for the rest-" His eye surveyed the rest that surrounded the area. "-You'll be let off with a warning." Sundayprayers, Fourthwall, Ramona, and Kydobi did what they could when it came to welcoming a member into their group. Needless to say, Jervis was not pleased though. Doing the dirty work himself was preferred, but not en masse.
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