Beasts of Beyond
LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Printable Version

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Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Jervis - 06-17-2019

A nervous smirk drew on his face as Crow spoke. As he continued speaking, the vulpine kept backing up and eventually found himself with nowhere to run. No one was going to help him either. That was rightful payment for his lack of leadership and his merciful lies to their enemies. He was too polished and pompous for a clan full of vicious maniacs... Yet somehow he managed to always be one step ahead of them. Stryker and Ninazu, their precious former leaders, were locked away for no one to find, perhaps even dead, all because of him. Little did The Pitt know, Jervis was their biggest ally and somehow also their biggest enemy.

Despite Kydobi's attempts, Crow came flying towards him. The shimmering knife showered in the jungle's sun as it flew towards the ardent's throat, but he pushed away in time before it could crash course into his jugular vein. Sashaying in the direction of the other leader, he aimed to jump at Crow's side and throw him a tree engulfed in flames. His body would entwine around the tree, causing his neck to snap backwards. Crow's head would collide with the hard oak and temporarily throw him in a loop.

Through his struggle, the fox let out a harsh yelp. "IT'S OVER YOU DIMWIT," Jervis shrilly hollered. His words were roughly aimed at Kydobi, but ultimately a general statement towards all Pittians around him. "KILL THEM."
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - teef - 06-18-2019

more sounds of battle, but this time she could hear her papa, her dad, her best friend and the one person that she had to keep safe at all costs. she couldn't lose her papa like she had lost her mama and her dads.

"dad!", she echoed, hearing his words but refusing to listen. she didn't know what to do, but if somebody was going to attack her dad, then she was going to fight! hearing the orders to kill, she held back on her own desires to fight and defend, shaking her head. she was not going to kill, not unless she was forced to --- but she wanted to serve her clan right? that way, she could help her clan, and catch jervis' attention and make things better, right? no, she just had to listen to her dad, and to protect him.

biting her tongue, the youth sprinted away, deciding to listen to her father, for now. she hid behind some of the flaming trees, trying to catch her breath in the midst of a panic. spinning around, she crouched down and watched from behind the tree, ready to attack.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 06-18-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
And so it began. Jervis' meek attempts to get some sort of response from her would come with no answer from the female. He could die wondering how exactly Goldenluxury found out. But, the truth was, she had never once trusted the fox. She knew better than to. Her feathered ear tips next draw her towards Gael, quickly picking up the Irish dialect. Disgust spreads across her face. "Tá tú féin in ann tú féin a chosaint. Níl aon teaghlach agat." (You indulge yourself among frauds. You know no family.) The politeness has faded, a sharp voice splitting through the noise as if she has directed her lightning straight into him. Children, she pitied, within the Pitt, however, adults who remained by choice deserved the same treatment as the rest of the slaveholders. She had no respect for this male who claimed to care for family, only to threaten his own within the same breath.

It seems others would join him in retaliation, so the female focuses her attention on all of her surroundings. Spotting Fourthwall preparing to leap in air at her, the female hovers higher, only receiving perhaps a few pieces of fur taken off. She did not care to waste energy on fighting, instead focusing only on keeping Crow from being overloaded. She recognized the next voice to hit her senses as well - the stranger that had visited their border. The Pitt was founded on lies and she did not care to even consider his attempts to sway her. If anything, it only annoyed her further. "Take the children an' run, then." If they were smart, they would leave and let the fox die. There were always children - that never stopped these assholes before (certainly not from taking her). Her attention remains on Jervis, satisfaction entering her as Crow's hit lands. The tiger would fly lower and aim to send a small bolt towards [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] in an attempt to distract him temporarily before flying upward and away once more. She'd get more up and personal later.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - SÉAMUS - 06-18-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Good Lord. The swift fox practically skittered onto the scene, ears pinned back.  He bit back a silent curse, spotting his cousin and the only child he had left.  Séamus knew Gael would be furious with him, and perhaps at Jervis too, but he still maintained the opinion his cousin might be a worthwhile ally.  If he's not... Vindicative.

Embry may be quiet and stuck in a book most days, but he wasn't useless.  He flicked his ear at Jervis' command, scowling.  The children mattered more than immediate retaliation.  Specifically Aine, if he wanted to convince Gael he truly desired a good relationship with his cousins.

So he grit his teeth and slid towards the other fox, crouching beside him with teeth bared.  Threateningly, he allowed sparks of electricity to fly off his fur, eyes narrowed on Crow. "Get the kid out of 'ere!" He snapped at Gael, voice heavy with his Scottish accent.  Maintaining cover was all the more vital now.

"I'll watch yer back." He added, quieter, amber eyes gleaming sharply.  No need for us to fued, cousin.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Kydobi - 06-19-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile, don’t worry I hate posting only my phone too  ]

Everyone was a fool. Everyone was stubborn. A furious growl would come up as he missed. But it seemed Jervis could handle his own.

Take the children. He looked back to see Ramona hide behind tree. No! Run! He would look back to see lightning coming down. Quickly he would jump back his heart pounding as all the fur stood up.

Aine. Ramona. They were what mattered, let the more bloodthirsty brutes fight.

Responsibility fueled his movements as he bolted towards Ramona. Opening his jaw and attempting to grab her scruff is she let him. But as he strayed farther from the fight cowardice was all he felt.

He should fight. But if Jervis died the Pitt could have s fresh start. A safer beginning. Or they all could be hunted down.

Monsters all of them.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - teef - 06-19-2019

a startled noise and growl left her as her dad grabbed her, "dad! I'm big enough! what about aine!", she called out to him, knowing that he felt the call of the wild just as much as she did. the call of the battle. "I'll be okay! Mom is here too, Pa! You helped teach me how to fight, remember? We gotta get Aine out here too.", she struggled to tell him as he retreated.

Biting her tongue, she closed her eyes, "what if jervis lives, pa? what if he comes after you for not being there?", she tried to reason, feeling a sense of panick building in her chest. what if jervis hurt her pa? what if anyone hurt her pa? she wouldn't be alone, her family was around but it was only siblings and mom, she needed her pa. struggling in his hold, the girl struggled, "I can't let them hurt you, pa! the tigress isn't like auntie kade, she won't stop hunting you after this point in time!"

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - teef - 06-19-2019

jerisidie - the king !
first things first, holy crap, there was fire all around! second, holy crap, goldie had gotten a lot larger from when stryker had taken her to the pitt.

but that was just the fact of the matter. gritting his teeth, the white hellhound emerged from the flames, calling on the power of the earth around him to push the ground up and fold it over, killing the flames around him. mask down, the old hellhound treaded forward, lips pulled back and sharp teeth exposed in a snarl.

"what the hell is going on here.", he muttered to himself as he aimed to intercept the bolt aimed at [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] with a quick dash and flare up of rock around his paws as he aimed to land before the bolt of lightning with bared teeth.

"been a while since that asshole took ya, huh, hon?" he crowed in goldie's direction, remembering that meeting when he first joined the pitt so long ago. he had been old then, too, right? ah to hell with it.

short and bad, sorry, on mobile //
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Kydobi - 06-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: im thinking about having him killed here so he can discover his reincarnation power haha ]

She was right and it scared him. He isn’t that brave.

”Ramona, i have no elemental powers! I can’t fight lightning

He looked back to see the earth under the white dogs command, ”But I have the power to make sure you’re ok. And Aine... I’ll see. I forget that you’re capable of handling yourself. Either way I like to think I have a way with Jervis.

He huffed, put her down and looked at the foxes. Fighting the flames. The fire was quickly engulfing them and it scared him. Fire everywhere. His heart was choking in fear. Everything burning. The dancing figure of smoke and red death licking the trees. His home. Up in flames. Everything burning...



And suddenly he was alone and in a tunnel and all he saw was fire. It reflected in his eyes. Everywhere

Then a boom and he would look. Ears pinned to his head and his heart fluttered.

”Gael!”, he would call as he pelted towards them, jumping through the fire without being touched. He was like a ghost.

”Hop on my back. I’ll carry her in my maw. Quick! Before the fire consumes you all”

He had a plan. he reached down to grab the pup by her scruff. He had forgotten he couldn’t be harmed by anything. It was hard to accept. He could feel the heat but it couldn’t burn him could it? The jaguar swallowed a dry lump. His red eyes watered and lungs were screaming for clean air.


Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crow Roux - 06-20-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow grunted as his knife was shoved aside rendering his hit null, and he stumbled forward with the remaining inertia from his action. He felt Jervis catch his skin between his teeth in his moment of disarray as he attempted to steady himself, then he was flying through the air for what felt like a lifetime. "F-fu—"

The tabby's words were cut short with a loud hollow clack as his head met with the solid tree trunk, and he crumpled to the ground in a pathetic tangle of limbs—his grapple with consciousness was an apparent loss, and the only evidence that life had not yet left him was marked by the involuntary rise and fall of his chest.

Crow was somewhere else, however.

He stood on wobbly paws, his newly translucent figure distinctly marked by jade eyes glowing fervently with resentment like a pair of lanterns in the dark. Crow took a step forward toward Jervis, then another and another until he was charging toward the fox in a frenzy. With the last bit of himself he could expend, the feline launched himself at Jervis to topple the larger male to the ground and near the open flames which inched ominously closer. His paws found their home atop the fox's skull and with a loud, strangled howl he would jar Jervis' head into the smoldering foliage.

Needlepoint claws drew blood as they curled into the fox's cheek, and as if to assure the job was done well enough, Crow choked out another yell and forced his shoulders down again to drive the ardent's face deeper into the smoking embers. For all he knew, he was dead, and he was pissed off about it. He needed to be alive to keep Selby out of harm's way, to be a proper father for once in his existence, and what would Leroy think...

// ghhuhu, permission granted for this

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Jervis - 06-20-2019

A bolt of lightning flew past him. Blinding white light filled his vision and temporarily stunned him. In the moment, he tried to hold onto what he could but there was no hope. He barely noticed Jerisidie's interception. With ringing in his ears, Jervis' vision came back to its senses and stared out at Crow's lifeless body. A smirk appeared on his lips. Successful and cocky, he didn't notice the translucent figure that had arrived out of thin air.

Something pummeled into his side. He toppled towards the floor. The flames around him inched closer and begun to encapsulate his figure. Jervis writhed furiously underneath the weight of the unknown figure. His head turned to the left to look up at the translucent stranger, only to be thrown down towards the fire. A cowardly howl left Jervis. Heartbreaking and shrill, he filled the area with his agonizing screams. Smoldering blazes licked at the right side of his face and breached through whatever inch of skin it could. The inferno tore through his eye, along with the fur that surrounded it. His beauty that he praised had finally been tarnished.

A struggled gasp left him as he was lifted up again. Only then was he pummeled into the flames again. More horrific yowls of defeat left his throat as he choked on the smoke. A ember-filled haze filled his left eye. Darkness threw him a loop, only causing him to screech once again. Fearing for his life, Jervis kept wriggling underneath Crow's weight. For a moment, it seemed as if there was no escape to his agony.

The damage had already been done. He threw himself further into the flames to get out of the other leader's grip. Coming to his paws, Jervis stumbled over to the tree with a scowl and rounded on Crow's body. Golden eyes looked over at Crow's consciousness for a moment, only to look away seconds later. Claws like daggers breached throw Crow's corpse. The ardent's furious slashes were aimed at the feline's side. With each swipe, his attacks went deeper into his side and Jervis' fury grew. This was the man that had ruined him.

//permission for powerplay granted by stygian
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism