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to be clear [visitor] - Printable Version

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Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-14-2019

kade winced as he said his age, shrugging her shoulders, "I fought in the wars, but I never agreed with what was done." she would rumble, tipping her head as if in thought before shaking it off. "oh well. the past of that life is no longer of concern here. just looking for the dead now and caring for a family of goddamn fools.", laughter at the look she knew one said member would give her for that remark on him and his many, many children.

looking at him with a raised brow, she said nothing but rolled her shoulders and yawned, continuing along their track, nodding to fleetfoot as she appeared, the tigress watching as a bird flew down, her ears laying back before she contemplated leaping on it. gods. they needed to move territories, food was running out. she knew that the pharoah knew, and that work was in progress. licking her lips, she pushed away the thought of hunting, ignoring any tightness in her belly. "things are tough here. stick with me or I will leave you behind.", she warned, meaning it.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-14-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

There was a wolf, he looked up and squinted in the sun. He looked away, not caring. Whatever. Behold my glory and what not.

He didn't care about her past or whatever war she fought in. Really, it was all quite boring. History bored him. Even in school he would not pay attention. It was useless, how could the past possibly help you?

But our mistakes of yesterday prepare us for the problems tomorrow. Sure whatever. Who gave a fuck. He sighed as a bird landed in front of them. He would've thought nothing of it at all and kept walking till it fluttered away however he sensed her pause and so he himself did for a moment. Eyes would squint in wonder, but then she continued and so did he.

"Oh don't worry hun, you'll find I can last very long.", a side smile at his cleverness, clearly the words had suggested another meaning.

"What makes this area so tough?"

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-14-2019

her gaze turned back to him for a split second with brazen disgust before her tail lashed, "what makes this area tough? look at your surroundings. no prey, no greens, no water, only an old abandoned city with cacti and tumbleweeds. it's not that hard to live in if you know what you're doing, but it's also very protective as it is next to impossible to cross the desert. we cannot grow anything here and the youngsters are hard pressed here. but that's normal.", she sighs before picking up the pace.

"perfect for my sort of work, the blood dries up next to immediately. I see the struggles if my victims and I dont particularly care.", a warning look, the tigress licking her maw as she jogged along the border, stopping now and then to mark it, never mentioning just what her victims were. if she did, that would ruin any fun that she might have.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-14-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

He laughed, "I've gotten this far for a reason."

He flicked his ear when she spoke of death, "Why don't we take from the jungle? I particularly dislike that bunch. And why don't we make a trade?"

The tyrant didn't wait for her to answer, "Kill that black jaguar of the Pitt, Kydobi, I believe. And I'll do whatever you ask of me. Within reason.", his words weren't sexual they were dead serious.

"Or what's your price. I take it you're a mercenary or assassin of some sort"

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-14-2019

"I have very little interest in killing outside of my missions, kanga. even of the group named is a disastrous group full of chaos. greed does not create a reason to kill." she rumbled, eyes ranging him. should she just take him down now? it would be a fight to meet the needs she had, her girlfriend took care of the rest when she wasn't chewing her head off. shrugging her shoulders, the tigress thought of the she wolf that had captured her heart back in elysium. shaking her head she moved to catch his eye, "if you disrupt the peace between these lands now, I will not hesitate to end your life, kanga. rethink your choices and desires before it leads to your demise. we all have families and partners or some such things that we will do anything to protect, even if it includes squishing a bug like you under our paws." she warned him, sabre like teeth showing in the harsh light of the dying sun of the desert, her fur laying flat and not at all concerned that he might attack her.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-14-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

"Oh please baby. You might be one of the grandest tigresses I've ever seen but don't think for a second it will be easy."

Was she trying to separate herself from a murderer?

"Besides, killing is killing. No matter who it is. It's still fucked up to play God and end a life for whatever reason. At least I don't pretend my bloodshed has some higher purpose."

Some would've ruffled his fur by now, however he never took women seriously. May be a fatal mistake someday. But so be it. Life had given him reason to appraise his self worth. Many fights, and he didn't need an excessive amount of scars to prove it.

"They hardly leave a mark."

He cleared his throat and continued


Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-15-2019

a hard bitter laugh, "you haven't lived a demon's lifetime, boy.", she growled, eyes locked on his stocky frame. "whether or not a kill is worthy, I've changed my ways. you are not my employer, and I would never work under you. there will be no trade between us, not as long as bodies are the price.", she rumbled, feeling rather annoyed by his words and motions. what an arrogant fool.

this made her want for her human form, for those she had lost yet found, for those whom she fought for. the guardian within her, laying dormant, was woken by this fool, and it itched and burned. the tigress had no desire to return to the life of killing anyone in sight when she had a bright future here, or in elysium, looking out for the youngsters. she could feel the surging of her other soul, feel the rippling through her muscles, feel the sheer power that it gave her, feel the ferocity of a thousand suns. she had no wish to leave behind this life, no desire to one day kill her own loved ones. she had no desire to take bloody wings from the few remaining walking gods and see them to her own body in the gruesome fashion that her kind did. she didn't want to awaken as imperium the next morning, imperium was meant to be buried and occasionally let out to kill a handful of people, or perhaps a whole population, depending on how crazed imperium was when it awoke.

(some insight into her own personal backstory that ties into the lingre family lol)

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-16-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

"Oh she is a demon now.", he rolled his eyes in a "lord help me" type of way. Shaking it gently in condescending humor.

"Well that's all well and fine I'll handle him myself some day.", he looked at her body flicking his ear, "Anything I should know about current events?". The brute already planned to visit other groups before the day was done.