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is that lost on you — p, izuku - Printable Version

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Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa wasn't mad, no, not even really irritated. Though he was slightly aggravated by being woken up, he was otherwise fine with wearing the flowercrown. As long as they were isolated there in that meadow, anyway. "It's alright. Work on your aim some, though," he replies, followed by a yawn. He isn't a big fan of the snarky tone he has, but manages to shrug it off, since it would come with his age. He dreaded when he would really become a little shit. Hey, he was having fun though, right?

Of course, he had now idea how to fish, even if he did have thumbs and a fishing pole. He wasn't sure if he'd try it himself, but if he saw that Izuku was having a hard enough time, then he'd probably step in. He didn't like the idea of returning empty-handed. "Well, how generous of you," Aizawa offers back. He's probably raining on his parade a bit, but he can't help being sarcastic.

/short post riP


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-05-2018

"It's kind of big, though," Izuku complains. Izuku is very small, and Aizawa's head was rather big, and carrying it over here was an adventure of its own. The fact he managed to toss it on was impressive on its own. Absolutely ungrateful. Izuku pokes his tongue out, all in good fun. He's not too bothered by Aizawa's behavior, honestly -- it was pretty typical. Probably kind of tame, for that matter. Aizawa had finally been set free from the (very lax) school rules, he'd expected that the lion would be ... way less involved. But no, here was Aizawa, still in Snowbound, even if he didn't frequently participate in a lot of events.
"Your tone doesn't really match your words," Izuku snorts, but it's in a very light tone. He'd like the validation, but he doesn't need it, and Aizawa was pretty gruff as was. "Would another one help?" He adds, more jokingly, tail wagging.
Once all of this conversation is through, however, Izuku heads off to the river. It's kind of hard to see from Aizawa's position, though one of the diverging streams is a little more obvious. The Maine Coon grins as he moves to perch at the bank, though he finds himself a little uncertain of where to go from here. He ... keeps his shadow out of the water, but other than that? Who knows. For that matter, he's kind of ... scared, of falling in, or somebody appearing from behind him. Why was he -- oh, right. Nevermind then. Izuku shakes his head and focuses more on the water, nose scrunching. He can see a few flickering silvery shapes a little farther out, beyond his reach. Annoying.
When when does appear in reach, though, Izuku doesn't hesitate to attempt and lash out to scoop it up, but -- he slips. He'd been a little too enthusiastic in his approach, maybe a little too uncertain, and he leans forward a little too far in his attempt. He -- falls in. Very unfortunate. He yelps as he falls in with a splash, the water weighing heavy on his fur. Oh god oh god -- he's in the water, he has the fish in his jaws now, and he has probably -- no idea how to swim?? Wow!! He flails for a long few moments before his claws catch on -- something. A rock. Izuku flails another moment before he manages to pull himself back up, now thoroughly soaked and shaking, but he has a fish so. That's neat. Um, shore is just right there so. He bunches himself up and scrabbles back onto land. He is ... not very far from his original spot, so it's only a few steps before the dripping feline plops back into sitting and drops his fish. That was ... unfortunate. He's a dissolving green bean, now. His scars are a little more obvious, though, and that was ... weird. The burn scars weren't usually noticeable, that's an unfortunate reminder. Well, um -- he shakes his head and goes back to staring blearily in the water as though nothing happened, even if his paws are shaking a little.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-05-2018

Aizawa had never really seen this teasing side of him before, so it's a bit odd to hear the words spoken with such sarcasm, able to even match his own. Well then. But it's understandable, since their relationship had been purely professional up to this point--teacher and student. They had no reason to converse so freely. But now that they were 'dead,' so to speak, they did. They were clan-mates, and that's what they did. Or at least, that was his guess. He hadn't interacted with his clan-mates much. Really, he wasn't sure why he had stuck around, either. It was mostly out of having no other options--he had no idea what the new world held, and Izuku did. It was that simple, really.

Now though, he could have gone. He was somewhat adjusted, and he no longer needed to lean on his knowledge. He was free from his teaching responsibilities, and they weren't exactly friends. But he was still here. It was weird to think about, that he could have long left Izuku in the dust. Still, the kid could barely take care of himself. It was like he had been the one to only recently come back, with his constant hiccups. He was the same way he had always been, a clumsy kid with big dreams. So, he pretty much felt obliged to stay, if only so that Izuku didn't end up getting himself killed.

"I'll pass, since it was such a chore for you," he says as he watches him walk away. The returned silence is music to his ears. With the smaller feline gone, he slumps back down onto his side, not really napping but more-so just lazing. He wanted to make the most of the sunlight while it was there. And then there was a yelp and a splash. Great.

What had he gotten himself into now? The lion silently debated whether to check on him or not. He doubted he knew how to swim, either. So, they were both pretty clueless. Looked like he would have to drown, then. Of course, if he didn't come back soon, he'd probably go and see what had become of him. For now, he stayed where he was, taking in the sun like a neglected plant.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-05-2018

Izuku would suppose some of his behavior towards Aizawa was because of how the lion was not technically his teacher anymore. Aizawa was pretty caught up on this world by this point, but Izuku figures that he'll continue knowing the little things he hopes Aizawa won't. The creatures here, not from the clans, even, are territorial and prone to violence. Izuku was definitely still the same kid dreaming big, despite everything that'd been instilled in him, but he'd just had to ... shift it. Izuku couldn't be a hero anymore, not officially, but he sure could try and be one in all but name. He'd start with medicine, of course -- one of the more straight forward routes, here. Once he was a little more confident with that, Izuku would just have to learn to better wield his powers and learn how to fight, so he could face people better.
But, oh, he's getting distracted -- his train of thought had changed tracks quite a few times during that monologue, rather unfortunately. He's lucky he's killed part of his mumbling habits. By this, he means that it only really happens when he's doing analysis, which wasn't incredibly often anymore, due to lack of stuff to analyze.
In any case, after several minutes of sitting around, Izuku has managed to catch yet another fish. He'd learned his lesson, and though he kind of wobbled as he caught onto it, he didn't fall in, despite his furiously pounding heart. That made ... two fish. Maybe another? Izuku didn't have a lot of patience, though he was pretty lucky, it having been only a few minutes. He bets he could get more if he jumped in, but Izuku isn't exactly willing to test that out. Unfortunate. But, well, fish weren't always close to the shore, so -- Izuku hops back to the rock he'd been perched on, just a minute ago. He wobbles a moment, and if Izuku squeaks in terror, that's nobody's business but his own. Claws now out, he steadies himself, and then looks into the current. And he waits. And he waits. And -- oh, thats a little terrifying. Izuku blinks as he catches the dark shadow(hah) of a fish, just a little farther under the surface. Izuku, crouched on the rock and shaking, lowers his face down. Yes, big. That'd be nice to catch -- maybe it'd actually be a little more to scale to Aizawa's size. Izuku's gaze follows it, eyes narrowed. Was it worth the possibility of drowning? Perhaps.
As it nears -- Izuku, instead of just using his paw, dives, front half sliding off the rock as he catches it between his claws and teeth. His hind legs don't have any purchase against the wet rock, where the river is beating against it, and he scrabbles against it even as his face is stinging against the fins of thrashing fish. The only reason he's not lost it is because he has all hands on deck, honestly -- his other fish had been about the same size as Izuku himself, because that's just how size scaling worked, and this was. Bigger than Izuku. So if he slides into the water, unfortunate, because he can't see or hear or anything now. It at least gives him the chance to use his hind legs, and doesn't give in until it stops moving, moments later. Just in time, though. He bites down harder as he clumsily paddles against the water, lucky that it's not too rough, it was just the rock's unlucky spot. Cats were pretty buoyant and all that, though his fur made that pretty awful, and his heart is kind of pounding as his paws catch onto land. Absolutely terrifying. It's even heavier on land. This was an entirely unrealistic experience as a newbie fisher and swimmer, honestly, but since when had Izuku cared about realism? He'd almost drowned twice during his entire experience, thank you very much.
So with this all in mind, Izuku ducks his head under his bag, to  carry it, and waddles back to where Aizawa was. He'd probably been gone a little concerning long, by then, but Izuku didn't really care. He was busy being a little smug, mostly proud, over his catch, at whatever cost it may be at. No, seriously, his hearing was kind of muddled and there was water in his throat and nose. He had to keep blinking because his eyes were ... sore? from the water. All in all, not great. Even so, Izuku would find himself wandering over to wherever Aizawa may be with triumphant look still in place as he drops it. He looks like a melted cat. His fur is soaked, and it's dripping and looks vaguely terrifying. As in -- he looks very small, but there's a ton of fur just. Hanging from his body.
//have a literal hell post bc i just Dont Care anymore


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-05-2018

Aizawa is a bit concerned--if not curious--with how long it takes him to return. He knows that he had fallen in, and he's starting to think he might have been dragged away by the current. But it wasn't like he had gone to the deep end they had crossed over. From what he had seen, it had been a lot more shallow beyond that point, but he wouldn't put it past Izuku to drown in only a foot of water. Either way, he's about to get up when he finally appears, soaked to the bone. He definitely had a bit of a fall.

"Hm, I was beginning to worry you had been carried away," he jokes as he appears, sitting up and looking down at the fish he had caught. In all honesty, he had done pretty well, considering his size and skill. "You did well," but that was all he'd say. He wasn't the kind to give such praise up-front. He'd probably give the wrong impression, since he wasn't about to eat fish raw like they were. He had had enough trouble with his stomach after catching and eating that rodent that first time.

Then he pauses. He can smell a different scent in the air, one he wasn't familiar with.

He immediately looks over at Izuku to see if he can sense it, too, the smell and the presence nearby. There's rustling in the grass, his eyes searching for the source. He isn't sure if he can defend them. He wasn't completely used to being a lion, and he wasn't certain in his capabilities. But even so, he at least has to try, right? Standing up, he goes to shield the smaller feline, watching the grass warily.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-06-2018

Izuku is ... not going to be dry for at least a few hours to come, in all honesty. Maybe even the rest of the day, considering that he was soaked to the bone and still definitely dripping with water. This is ... not ideal, but Izuku will take it as it is. He should probably try and conjure a coat or something -- his pelt would probably freeze. He means this quite literally, by the way. It's happened before, it's never fun, and he always almost gets like -- frostbite or something. It's never fun, and Izuku always has to hide away with a blanket for a few hours.
"I think I'd prefer that over freezing once we go back to Snowbound," Izuku snorts as he drops the fish, shaking out a paw. He's kinda cold. He'd never really liked water, at least as a cat. (it was kind of sad that the 'as a cat' part was becoming more and more of an afterthought to this stuff). Still, Izuku is broken from his rather minimal concentration by Aizawa's next words, a compliment. He jolts a little, then blinks up at the lion as if he'd grown a second head. Not judgmental, just shocked. "Th -- Thank you!" Izuku chirps, beaming. Very shocking, but something he probably deserved. Izuku was ... not a fishing cat. At least Todoroki's breed had been intended for water, Izuku just sort of ... well, let's just say his fur made the whole thing problematic. Especially with the extra fur. Who'd cursed Izuku with this, he'd like to know.
Still, with the atmosphere, Izuku isn't expecting anything to shift. He actually doesn't realize there's a threat at all, for once feeling safe and secure in Aizawa's company. He feels no paranoia or fear, he's just content. At least until he realizes Aizawa's shift in behavior, blinking in puzzlement as something fretful bubbles in his chest. Then there's a rustle, and Izuku's fur begins to bristle as all his walls just immediately fall back into place. Aizawa moves into a defensive position, and Izuku doesn't attempt to dispute it, simply crouching with narrowed eyes as he attempts to see the source. There might be something, a little shadow, a shape, though it could just be the paranoia. Even so, Izuku can feel the beginning crackles of electricity forming. This would either be nothing or it'd be yet another fight -- Izuku could hold his own when he had warnings like this, at least he thinks so, so he's not majorly worried.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-06-2018

Just as when he had woken up, a low rumble started to resonate in his chest. He's surprised by it for a moment, the sound getting gradually getting louder, his fur standing up along his spine. It all happens naturally, like on instinct. He's uncertain on how to feel about it, as he knows what happened last time he acted on instinct. Even so, his claws extend and flex, digging into the dirt. He wants to think rationally, but fight-or-flight is kicking in and his brain is going on auto-pilot, until he just accepts the fact that his body is gearing towards a fight.

He knows he probably shouldn't, as he has no battle knowledge--but he still goes on to strengthen his warning growl.

Aizawa glances back at Izuku, thankful he's cooperating. Despite how he acted or what he said to the kid, he didn't want him to get hurt. Besides, maybe this might provide them both a good chance at adjusting more to their bodies. He didn't feel comfortable, not knowing how to defend himself, at least.

He remembers back to when he had come there, and like then, he releases a small noise similar to a roar. It isn't as loud or powerful--it's just a warning, a threat that if they didn't move on, there would be trouble. Quickly afterwards, the noises stop, the stranger obviously weighing their options. Or they were just passing through and had been startled by his sound. Either way, he stands frozen, tail lashing behind him and ears flickering about.

There's a long, almost concerning pause. The male continues to stare ahead and wait, anticipating an attack. But there is none. While they should have used that time to try and get away, he stays put, despite him telling his body to move. Why couldn't he move his legs? They had to leave before things got ugly. But even rationally telling himself that doesn't make himself budge.

Before he knows it, he's stalking forward, his steps slow and deliberate. Then he stops just before where they were hiding. Before he can make any further moves, though, the form of someone shoots out. He's leapt onto before he can register what's happening, a startled yell escaping him as they roll back, both of them tumbling back and nearly crushing Izuku.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-07-2018

Izuku had a bad luck streak when it came to fights, of course he was planning on staying out of it for the most part. No, seriously, why was there a threat right now?? Danger just seemed to follow Izuku everywhere, apparently, and he'd probably be very injured by this point if Aizawa weren't present. Well, unless Izuku shocked them hard enough, but that wasn't incredibly voluntary. Still, hearing Aizawa's growls, Izuku is automatically pushing himself flush against the ground and edging his way into a clump of grass, for better coverage. It doesn't feel right, hiding, but Izuku's instincts are already haywire and the electricity is increasing in volume. Watching Aizawa move forward is -- distressing, especially with the unnerving silence, but --
The forms crash towards him. Izuku shrieks, bounding backwards a few steps as Aizawa's form nearly crushes him. He skitters to the side, tail bushy and fur on end as he moves to take in the situation. It's obvious, of course, that this is an attack, but of what sort? It's clearly very large, having tackled Aizawa down, but Izuku's claws are already out and teeth bared before he realizes. His thoughts are a blur -- there's tibdits of strategy in there, but Izuku is already used to making split-second decisions before something bad happens. And if Aizawa didn't want Izuku involved, well, he'd be very disappointed to find that Izuku's 'fight or flight' tended to lean towards 'fight' these days, as Izuku's already in the air before he realizes. Oops. With this, the little Maine Coon will attempt to latch onto the offender's side, claws fully unsheathed as he attempts to tear his jaws into their spine. His fur is still sparking wildly, though it'll only pick up if he successfully latches on. (it's practically a 'rinse and repeat' sort of thing. It was harder, without his quirk, but it wasn't the only reason he'd managed to win those fights, when he was particularly small)


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-07-2018

Considering Izuku had no battle knowledge, nor the strength to play it off, Aizawa definitely didn't want him to engage. He would have told him to get away, that is, if he wasn't so preoccupied with fending off his attacker now. He bit and clawed, blindly hoping to hit something. Then there was a loud wail from above him, the sudden weight pinning him down disappearing as they flipped over, crushing the cat beneath their weight. "Hey! Cut that out!" he yells, though he isn't sure which one he's talking to.

The lion quickly pulls them off of Izuku, who hopefully let go after he was crushed. He could feel the minor injuries he had sustained burning, the pain riding through his body. But he can't stop. Not when they're in danger like this.

//short post bc i'm bad at rping fights alskdhhsks


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-08-2018

Izuku, in the midst of adrenaline and pain as the weight of the creature -- leopard, weighing him down, does not hear Aizawa's shout. It'd taken, what, five seconds for Izuku to forget the other's presence? It was all tunnel vision and regular 'stay alive' stuff now.
Izuku hisses loudly as the leopard's weight bears down on him, though finds himself lucky that he didn't break anything. He strains against the leopard's weight, and within a few moments had nearly released himself before it's just -- gone. Started, Izuku jumps back to his paws, tail bushed as he sees -- oh, right, Aizawa. Izuku blinks, startled for but a moment before he's back at it again. (had aizawa been the one to shout earlier? huh.) With a shake of his pelt, Izuku moves and he has his jaws sunk into the leopard's haunches, tight as he can. He reaches and -- there's the increasingly familiar sparking of electricity, though it's causing his head to go bleary. When his grip tightens, surges of electricity abound, the hulking creature's attention is back on him again, maybe a little more fried than they were moments earlier. Izuku, for one, does not flinch -- he does actually have battle knowledge, knows better than anyone how to get himself out of fights alive, though at the cost of gaping wounds across his body. The thing's paw raises, and Izuku's head is spinning as it comes down. What was he supposed to do again? Oh, right. Izuku withdraws quickly, scrabbling against the grass as he narrowly missed its claws. That's a first -- usually Izuku just takes it before he's too clumsy. That wasn't a healthy habit, though. Izuku pauses to consider his predicament once again. He could make a move and then make a run for it, but -- oh, Aizawa. The Maine Coon catches glimpse of the lion, and his fur prickles. Right, okay, plan gone. He was barely tall enough to really pull it off, anyways. So, with this plan lost, Izuku ducks under  the leopard's belly to skid to a halt next to Aizawa again. He's kind of -- lost, honestly. Aizawa's presence certainly hadn't dissuaded any bad luck he had when it came to people picking fights for no reason, and it was ... a little more stressful, this way. Harder for Izuku to emotionally disconnect himself from the whole thing.
