Beasts of Beyond
HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Printable Version

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Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - dreamiplier - 01-25-2019

holy heck big phat track bc im gonna slap that order button as soon as the next slot is available

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - megiji - 01-29-2019

fsdjkalf thank u all for tracking and ordering from me!! i promise i havent forgotten abt these, i have just been a bit busy

today we had a snow day and tomorrow and thursday are very likely cancellations too, so i will try to crank these out as fast as i can! i think im gonna close my slots for a bit though until i get interested in bob again or the ic pace picks up a little bit. the lull in activity has totally wrecked my muse :'- ) but yeah! thank u for being patient with me <3

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Luciferr - 03-03-2019

tracky !
Love your art mate! I watched you (I am black-tides btw).

Holla when you’re open ( I don’t wanna add onto your work load atm? Ahh ) I’ll throw some gems at you :3

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Orion - 03-07-2019

take your time dude!!