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rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - Printable Version

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Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - dreamiplier - 06-07-2018


Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - tricky - 06-07-2018

tracking, you can expect some orders from me soon ;^)

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - Imortapose - 06-08-2018

Username: Imortapose
Display Name: vixem.
What type of art?: Full body because I'm a greendy Binch and I love your art

Character: Caera
Species: Large dog (I haven't thought of a specific breed yet... weeps) x sheep (she's an unnatural hybrid)
Reference(s): link && old design
Written description: (She has a hard appearance and I feel guilty not writing the basics of it down. Leave me alonE.) Her fur is long and curly like a goat's but is especially fluffy on her upper chest and the top of her head. Her muzzle is long and sleek (like a borzoi's, almost) and her face pokes through the long fur. Her fur colour is supposed to resemble a sunset, starting dark purple at the top and pink at the bottom with little "starts", but feel free to mess around with that. She lost her left eye and front left leg, so instead of being normal she has shadow taking the general form of her leg replacing her old one and shadow flowing from where her old eye used to be (these are both wispy but like have fun). Her front legs end with canine paws but her hind ones end with goat hooves. that's a very basic description and uhh thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Personality: Well okay, so This Binch just woke up in a completely new world and has a Very foggy memory. She remembers the basics but not specifics - anyways, she's Totally Confused about who she is and what's going on. In her old life, she used to be a cruel leader so she does still have some of her hardcore tendencies, which definitely shows. She'll likely be looking stern or flat out snarling at something because she's not exactly the friendliest person and after being traumatized in her past life, she has a hard time letting anyone get emotionally or physically close to her. However, she does have a soft spot and secretly wishes for someone to come in and save her while also helping her to remember her past (lowkey a hopeless romantic). You can show either side of her, whichever one you wanna do more.

Other: I'd love if her lizard pets could be in the picture, as well! They're an advanced form of the shadows that form her leg & come from her eye, so they can be wispy and blowing away or solid. They look like this: link.
I'll pay the extra 500 gems for her cute little pets to be in the picture with her (plus more for her complicated design)!!

Also uhh I'm tired and my brain Is Not Working so if you need any clarifications on anything, just lemme know and I'll Fill You In!

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - arcy - 06-13-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]whats up its me the hell man, late w art orders once again. and theyre All shitty. sorry i got a little overwhelmed asdfasdf. buT bc im Like That it means that ill give u a discount by like,, half,, next time as an apology. even tho its not particularly expensive. hm.
sorry abt whatever white blotches there may be i am just,, tired
[Image: wren.png]
[member=15]Vixem[/member] pay smtime soon, pls!! uwu!!
[Image: lov.png]
[Image: hm.png]
[Image: bitty.png]

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - dreamiplier - 06-13-2018


Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - Pele N. F. I. - 06-15-2018

Hey! I was wondering if I could have a headshot and fullbody of Pele here What's not shown here is her hibiscus prints, because I was already really tired. You can use those as you wish, if you wish. She's a super happy girl, very curious about...pretty much everything. Your typical kiddo I suppose.

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - Florence - 06-20-2018

hi hi! i was wondering if i could get a full body of my character margaery? she's a chocolate point with stormy blue/gray eyes and she looks pretty similar to this. around her neck, she wears a necklace with a silver fleur-de-lis and rose pendent on it. she also has flowerprints so roses constantly bloom at her paws!! as for personality, margaery is charismatic, compassionate, and motherly, but she struggles often with her vampirism and thus has a darker, more monstrous side to her.

thank you so much by the way!! your art is amazing!

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - arcy - 06-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]whats up you beautiful bastards its me nd i like not telling people that im starting on their art and then taking months. luckily ive had a flawless track record of finishing stuff here even if its all shitty/missing stuff and also Very Late. aka: dont expect ur art back for wEEKS OR MORE
[member=975]Pele N. F. I.[/member]
[Image: wrow.png]
[Image: HH.png]
[Image: childddd.png]
[member=448]Florence[/member] I FORGOT TO SAVE THE FULLBODY AND I HAVE TO REDO IT BUT IN THE MEANTIME HAVE THE CHIBI :^( maybe i can Not skirt around doing the necklace this time asdhgjdsfhsf
[Image: aviodance.png]

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - vvintersoldier - 06-29-2018

May I get a fullbody of Roy Mustang please??
Here's his description:
melanistic bobcat- ref by me
Roy is a melanistic bobcat, he is at the average height- he stands 21 inches tall and is 45 inches long. Most of his fur is a dark charcoal color- besides his muzzle, paws, around eyes, sides of his legs, nasal bridge, inner ears, belly, and tail tip. Those mentioned are a lighter shade of black, almost gray. He has magnificent, blue eyes. He also has darker spots on his body and has blue(same color as his eyes kind of blue) flame alchemy arrays craved into his front black paw pads. He has little ear tufts and he is quite fluffy around his face and stomach. And finally, he has flint claws, a mutation. Roy is missing his right hind leg- he lost it when he got stuck in a rock slide and had to gnaw it off himself. Once what remains(a stump) of his leg is fully healed, he'll have burn scars and the skin is uneven.
Also has flame alchemy transmutation circle carved into his front pawpads ( ref: click )(light blue color)

cunning, calculating, manipulative, cynical, egotistical, confident(perhaps over-confident at times)
deep down he can be quite friendly, loyal, and protective of his friends and family.
- does not trust strangers easily, hard to become friends with.

Re: rocket ships ⚝ arcy's art shop [open] - tricky - 07-02-2018

oop im back with some money
if you can right now, could you draw becky? here's his reference, and i assume you already know most of his personality? considering how long he's been around oof but if not, he's basically the angry ghost bitch of bob. i'll pay for a headshot and fullbody!! love you arcy <3