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Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - axiom - 12-28-2018

it's because i dated a lot in college and analyzed the shit out of them okay i know my type[sup]TM[/sup]

also as a gluten intolerant person
even a pie is basically a sandwich

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - toboggan - 12-29-2018

not staff but hot dogs are tacos

hey staff, any of you got grand plans for the new year? resolutions, vacations, anything like that?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-29-2018

Idk, I feel like a hotdog is kinda a hybrid.

I don't really have too many plans? I start a new university this year (kill me), and I think my only like "resolution"  is to have better posture, which I'm already failing at. The only vacation I know of is this summer I get to go see England and Ireland and I'm stoked!

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Grimm - 12-29-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]i wasn't expecting an answer but that is extremely interesting to see the various views on it

oh i remember those days of rping on various sites that wasn't for it, my first experience was bad cause it was more for adults then kids, also nutella is the best thing that has ever been put in a plastic container

alright nother kinda stupid one but i am curious, have you ever had vegemite and if you have what did you think

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Orion - 12-29-2018

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] I'm really going to try working out (like everyone else lol) this year to build some muscle. It'll help me be more confident in myself! Other than that, I really don't have many resolutions (that I can think of)... Gotta wait till the hype dies down at Planet Fitness though.

Yeaaah roleplay varies per demographic lmao... Now that I think of it Club Penguin was a HUGE hotspot for roleplay between the younger audiences. I remember the weird Pookie trend on Club Penguin that happened for awhile...  Kids are weird. Thank god I was a Webkinz man. B)

also BLESS because Nutella IS the best thing in the world, ngl

I've never had Vegemite/Marmite tbh. I heard that you're supposed to use it like butter on bread though, seeing that my fellow 'Muricans usually regrettably try and taste spoonfuls of it.

Side-note: Poptarts are considered ravioli.

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - axiom - 12-30-2018

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] meh, don't have much in the way of 'new plans' just continuations on old ones. gonna get more swole, successfully get a google job after all these fucking interviews, start being on top of doctors appointments... ect ect

you got any plans?

[member=1357]grimm[/member] ha, glad my rambling answer could help with that question. xD

i've never had vegemite, i'm a filthy american. though i have had kinder eggs and those are awesome. have you had kinder eggs?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - woody - 12-30-2018

oof holiday company is gone so time to catch up on these!

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] well it started when i went to school and evolved from there

also ahhhh i gotta fix my sleep schedule for the new year!!  definitely wanna get more consistent and active with my art too and generally expand on it.  other then that its mostly playing for video games i've been meaning to get around too, lots of final fantasy lmao

[member=1]Orion[/member] no, hot dogs arent sandwiches.  then again im not really a hot dog kind of person, so what do i know lol

[member=1357]grimm[/member] hmmm idk they're interesting to write occasionally!  really depends tho, theres certain character types im not huge on writing myself

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Orion - 01-01-2019

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] you sure? Wink)))
jk, I don't think they necessarily are. Just like with the water as wet thing, you can take the definition of 'sandwich' literally or comprehend it to society's standards.