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brutus / roseblood visitors - Printable Version

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Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

Years of battle instinct take over as he twists in the air, narrowly avoiding the grab as he continues his attempted assault to gore out bai shi's eyesBACK AWAY RUNT THIS IS A CHALLENGE THAT I WILL NOT HAVE YOU INTERRUPT!he snarls at arrow not even deigning to look at him as he keeps his focus on who he sees as his true enemy

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - sephiroth - 12-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]There were a lot of things Sephiroth could tolerate, or at the least very little seemed to faze him.  He always stood confident with an air of aristocratic arrogance about him, no matter the situation.  Even when Pincher had come snarling and spitting into their territory a while back the male did not take the bait and react as violently as he probably should have.  There was plenty he could deal with, assaults on his members were not one of them.

The Pharaoh leaped like quicksilver in front of Bai Shi, in an attempt to block Usagi's attack and take it upon himself, a fairly deep gash carving into his side if it struck.  He would hiss regardless, baring shiny white canines as he glared at the assailant.  The wound would be nowhere near serious for a beast such as him in a non-vital spot, and he'd rather it hit him there then main Bai Shi.  The dragon could consider themselves special, there wern't many that Sephiroth would take a bullet for. His icy eyes shifted between them and the other Tanglers, a frown on his lips as he stared hardly.  "Perhaps you could learn to control your members as well, seems the problem is universal."  Perhaps it made him feel better that he was no the only one with problems getting respect from his clan.

Great, looked like there were two members he needed to punish.  Fantastic, lovely, just what he wanted to do.  Sephiroth would flick a pale ear before they flattened against his silver mane.  He racked his brain at the mention of calling cards and culprits, picking apart his members mentally.  Come to think of it...there was a small group of members in the Rosebloods that had shown no regard to rules he set in place, and looked to cause trouble wherever they for no reason other then their sick kicks.  The excuse?  They were new and didn't know the rules.  Oh yes, he had an idea.

"I see.  I certainly have my....suspicions.  The culprits when found shall be punished greatly for their crime, I can promise you that.  Again if there is anything my group can do to compensate for the damage done, I offer my services freely."  Sephiroth's voice was surprisingly sincere, though still with his typical deep edge.  Despite his internal anger, he kept a leash on his demons most of the time when in public and especially with allies.  He could give himself credit for that, a lesser creature would've stormed back to the group without warning after tearing anybody who questioned him to ribbons.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - teef - 12-17-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a deep noise of disdain would fall from the dragon's maw, a startled noise of pain. the fact that sephiroth had leapt in front of them, stung. they were supposed to be injured, not the pharaoh. they didnt like how fate reversed itself at that moment, no, not one bit. "sephiroth!" they would gasp, indignant, shocked, angry, and protective.

blood dripping down their muzzle they would in turn step before sephiroth, the wind picking up in agitated circles around the serpent, picking up dirt and twigs. they glared at all of the tanglers, keeping their eyes on takao and usagi. "if you look for another host, you will die, and i very well wish you would" they hissed, baring their teeth in aggression.

from the attack on sephiroth, or rather the particularly dangerous aim of the other that he had taken, they wanted nothing more than to coil up and take sephiroth away from a potential conflict. they had to once more take a breath and settle back into a political behavior, clearly keeping their guard, blocking the lion's injured side from further attacks, their tail floating in the air, the fur ruffled as it rested in a protective near complete circle around the lion.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

The attack land on seph as takao snarles at the intrusion and leaps so that he may gain the lions neck in his jaws"I SHALL NO LONGER BE THE SERVANT TO SOME PATHETIC WEAKLING SUCK AS YOU PRINCESS! I AM NOT MEMBER OF ANY OF YOUR PATHETIC GROUPS AND I WILL END YOU FOR INSULTING ME AS SUCH!"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - teef - 12-17-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the other's audacity to attack their pharoah rippled through the other in a violent red wave. "GET YOUR FILTHY CARCASS AWAY FROM HERE!" they roared suddenly, body coiling tightly in the general area of sephiroth, coils there in an attempt to protect him. it was a rather rare thing to hear the dragon raise their voice over a certain octave but roaring? that was a completely and totally new thing.

the dragon would then attempt to slam takao down with one of their forelegs. they snarled as they moved, merely acting out their duty as guard. "you already lost your rank. is it really driving you that mad?" they rumbled as they attempted to buffet the wind around takao and fluster any attempts to use his wings. they would also throw in an attempt to force him to the ground with their air element, growling as they stood in front of the pharoah.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

Hes forced to the ground with a cry of pain emanating in usagi's voiceHelp! beat him please!the voice quickly returns to that of takao with a grimaceand he begins laughingMy princess how fiesty you are now. it does not matter if you kill this body, i shall return and take my position and yours by force....eventually"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - sephiroth - 12-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Looked like Bai Shi was willing to put themselves in harm's way for him too.  He supposed that was his job.  The dragonic Guard first kept his coils around the Pharaoh before the raging Tangler attempted a strike on Sephiroth's person, which angered Bai Shi enough to strike back with a loud sound.  Sephiroth could admire such loyalty and dedication to one's job, especially since they seemed to be the only one who showed such loyalty so far.  Mostly his members liked to talk behind his back about his madness and arrogance, it felt rather good to have somebody stand up for him.

Despite the gash on his pale flank and anger coming from several different sources bubbling inside him, Sephiroth's voice did not waver as his eyes slit into aquamarine chips as he set his eyes on the creature pinned beneath his guard.  "I realize this is not my business, but I would say that one like you does not deserve a position of power.  Especially when you tantrum like a child at the mere sight of my guard."  Sephiroth's gaze flickered towards Bai Shi, his eyes gentling the slightest at them before his eyes turned sharp once again at the animal that spoke with Taakao's voice.  "Leave, let the adults deal with their business and if you have a grudge with Bai Shi, settle in some other fashion.  Though we are allies with this group...if your intent is to ruin the relationship we have by attacking me and one of my high positions, it's a pathetic attempt."  His eyes flickered up briefly at he Tanglers, as if asking them to deal with their hysterical member.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-17-2018

his head whips to seraph snarling and once more attempts to leap at him and to get his maw arround seraphs neck, as his claws aim to sink into his shoulders"I will kill you for that you petulant mortal"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - suvi. - 12-17-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | medic
"EN-ENOUGH!"  As if from thin air the small creature materialized, glitching into existence.  With flattened ears she aimed to ram her body harshly against Usagi the moment he moved on Seraph, unmatched hues sparking with fury.  "We've ha-had enough trouble." Hadn't they?  The child had been shook to learn of the Roseblood scent surrounding their two deceased clanmates.  K̀͘i̢͜l̨̡͞l̸ t̷͘ḩe͜m.̷̸

"I-is your pat-pathetic desire for a c-crown wo-worth blood?  [color=#a35acd]Be̷c҉a͏us͡e͏ [color=#bb5acd]it'l҉l ̛b̕e̕ yǫur̶s ́i͘f̴ y̕ou̢ don't̵ [color=#cd5ac2]back ḑow̷n [color=#cd5a94]righ͞t͢ [color=#cd5a5a]n͡o͞w͜."

"[i]A̧n-a̕n͠d͠ I w̸ill͝ no͠t mend͢ t͟he͟ ̕da҉-̶d̛ama͝g̷e҉.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - sephiroth - 12-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]That was it.  The last straw.  One did not imply that Sephiroth was mortal without severe consequences.

He expected retaliation so he read the attack easily, ducking and weaving away from the strike aimed at him.  The Pharaoh's face twisted into a snarl in the span of a heartbeat, his anger focused on this creature who doubted and disrespected him.  Sephiroth still did not attack himself, but his lifted his head up high and glared with eyes burning demonically, alien, with fierce glow framing his thin pupils.  The rumble continued to echo from the deph's of his chest and gullet, and when he spoke Sephiroth's voice was deep and powerful. 

"I am no mortal."  The silver maned lion's growl was thick and low with an echoing baritone.  His original intent for coming here was apparently forgotten for the time being, and now he had to defend his guard and his pride.He could feel Mother's presence around him stronger then ever, coaxing him onwards.  'Yes yes yes defend your godhood.'

"Whoever you are,"  Sephiroth continued to growl like a circus beast finally realizing its deepest instincts.  "I can promise that I am far more powerful then you.  Powerful enough to know a posturing dullard when I see one.  Step down, step back, and let us do our business here before I show you true godly power."  One did not question Sephiroth's stance as a godly being without coming away from it harmed.  "Me and my fellow Roseblood came here in peace.  Do not mistake that for softness."