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◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - Printable Version

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Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"] make his sub and track this since im slowly forming together what i want to do

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"]kodiak / male / leshy ( nature spirit / fairy ) / former pirate
– brown furred savannah with small antlers / eye-patch covering the right eye; blind in that eye + claw marks from a bear is visible / right eye is a dark forest green; can be mistaken for black at times / covered in magnolias that connect together
– white eurasian lynx with large antlers / eye-patch covering the right eye; blind in that eye + claw marks from a bear is visible / right eye is a dark forest green; can be mistaken for black at times / saber teeth / moss and magnolias cover the antlers / covered in magnolias that connect together

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"]track + may make him have an amercian lion body and have the others as alternate forms ( or add them up if / when necessary )

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"]ಠ_ಠ


Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]GENERAL
★ biologically intersex | identifies as male and uses masculine
★ appears as a young adult (19-22) | can alter age at will | born 5/27 | ages at roleplayer's discretion
★ wanderer
★ nephilim; unaware of what he is

— overall description
— description
— youthful look by nature; can be mistaken for a teen at times
— wears clothing article, clothing article, clothing article
— eye color
— smells like scent, scent, scent

— bashful, compassionate, daring, foolish, generous, impressionable, moral, naive, protective, supportive
— description here

— adopted by no one
★ biromantic asexual | single, not looking | no crushes | no "maybe" crushes | no future crushes
— ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅛ of shiphere
— trusts: tba

★ extreme physically | extreme mentally | attack in underline or risk being ignored
★ peaceful/non-violent actions can be powerplayed
★ do not ask to capture, torture, maim/serious harm, or kill | minor injuries are allowed
★ won't start fights | will end fights | only captures if necessary | will kill if pushed to the breaking point | mercy is shown to everyone

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018



[div style="width: 390px; height: 240px; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; color: #aa6f73; overflow: auto"]full name: valerian roux-wickliff-corleone
nicknames: val, valeri, valerie
—  name origin: the latin meaning of the name valerian is valiant
age: four months
date of birth: 8/23/18
birthplace: the typhoon
biological sex: intersex
gender: male. uses he/him, but is open to being referred with any pronouns
current whereabouts: the typhoon
— previous whereabouts: n/a

romantic orientation: unknown/to be developed
sexual attraction: unknown/to be developed
current crushes: none
— maybe crushes?: nope
— past crushes: none
relationship status: single; too young
— past relationships: none
parents: pincher roux x jacob wickliff corleone
siblings: tba
offspring: none

looks: pretty evergreen forest eyes that sparkle in continuous delight. friendly and welcome to those meeting the cheerful gaze. valerian doesn't mind or care that his eyes aren't similar in coloration to his siblings. he does, however, have nictitating mebranes and undilated pupils like his other siblings.

soft angel wings and ivory skin. not a single hint of color marks the powdery white fur belonging to valerian. soft and fluffy to the touch, it's usually well kept despite being the type to move all about, getting covered in all sorts of muck and grime. despite having a snowy pelt he feels out of place and plain from the lack of other pigmentation on his fur. he'll start to paint himself with all sorts of colors to make up for the lack thereof.

not dainty nor burly, he is your average size for a young pup with the mixed features of the doberman husky italian wolf mix. a nicely shaped skull and well developed bones with pointed ears and curled tail, he's the appearance of a healthy boy who has a mixture of his dads looks. in addition to his looks, he has a set of gills yet unfortunate for him they are underdeveloped, and can't provide proper assistance when going under water.
— scars?: none
— accessories?: none yet

personality: extroverted like nobody's business. valerian is the type to greet all new faces when possible, even foes that has no idea about. it does get caught up with his naivety from the lack of his experience in the world and could end disasterous for him. of course, he'll face the consequences head on when it comes to that. while mistakes will be made it won't dampen his spirits in the slightest. ever if it does he's quick to bounce back and be your usual chatter box. speaking of which, val loves to chat it up with others, loving all their experiences, ideas, and thoughts on the world. it can cause him to be precieved as annoying to others and will generally shut up if you tell him to. reckless and adventurous, it shouldn't be a surprise if he gets into a lot of trouble on accident, and you can't blame him too much. floor being such a young child he will come to learn the do's and don'ts in addition to learning about morality and that it's not black and white line some others may believe it to be.

— triggers?: none
— phobias?: none yet

future plots: if val gets picked i plan to have him drown at a young age. this stems from the fact that he loves the water and wants to improve his swimming and would go out to the beach and try one his own before getting too far from shore. due to his underdeveloped gills it wouldn't help him out for surviving very long. val would be gone for a month ( real time ) before reappearing after being brought back to life by a god. depending on how relationship with the typhoon as a whole, in addition to my own activity, will determine what he will return as and the plots to follow after. name change is possible.

— the orcale: maalik — they/them | actively involved & high activity
spirit ending up in the territory of the greek gods, apollo would turn him into one of his oracles after seeing the sweet, compassionate soul of valerian who's a deep desire is to ensure the well being of the typhoon as a whole. he would start receiving prophecies and glimpses of the future from those he touches ( with permission, of course ) and how it will end for them, though he isn't allowed to interfere but only give advice. can be used for clan plots in the future.

— the valkyrie: hest — she/her | moderately involved & moderate activity
still in the works

— the hero: seraphinus — he/him | moderately involved & low activity
a chosen hero of an unnamed god ( for now ) who believes he has great potential in living and going on quests, thus bringing him back to life. caring towards others and wanting them to stay safe, this path would lead him down the road to travel from home to aid others in need. the sense of duty to protect others will be his source of motivation and will typically be absent most of the time due to adventuring and letting it all unfold before him.

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]– sundayprayers
– burninghalos / blazinghalos / brokenhalos / bloodyhalos
– holywars / holylight holyshit / holyghost
– deadsaints / rottingsaints / goldensaints
– heavenlylullaby/ies / heavenlygates / heavengates
– littleangel / sweetangel / ivoryangel
– lostdivinity
– ivoryprince / celestialprince

coyotekisses / cagedelephant / tribesociety / emptyworld / shadowroyale / crybaby / timelove / radioactivedisturbia / arcticmonkey / bestfriend / honeywhiskey / saturdaynight / lonelyroom / middlefinger / deadmantheory / governmentshakedown / prayingthoughts / bodycount / bloodynose / whitedove / violinplayer / toxicpoison / nosebleed / brokenanthem / mindgames / lazyboy / badwolf

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]— DXCIII | Abandoned real name | "Dixie" by close friends
— Female biologically; Non-binary (She/Her/They/Them)
— Biromantic bisexual | Not actively searching; might be interested
— Immortal | Spiritually and mentally ancient
— Vagabond | Location unknown | Loyal to people

— Single | Few past partners
— Polyamorous | Willing to have multiple partners once more
— No crushes | No "maybe" crushes | No future crushes
— Unknown parents | Orphaned; raised by Fae Folk

— DXCIII is well educated in the ways and language for the Fae Folk. Can speak their language fluently and keeps all secrets regarding them closely. She has the ability to tell those that are among the Fae but will never state it out loud for privacy sake; she will, however, confront such individuals in private to ensure they're doing all right.
— Knowledge is power when used and DXCIII takes this phrase to heart. Educating herself on those that brought them up and starting research on those that weren't of her kind: the mortals. Such strange and cruel yet fascinating creatures. Dixie has studied the different types of body structures and life spans of mortals, including bits of cultures and languages.
— Psychology is a subject they are constantly learning and putting together, especially personalities like psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial personality disorder. They have done a lot of research, studied, and observed various types of disorders and mental illnesses, and will continue to do so in this universe.
— Intrigued by non-mortals and can be seen to be hovering nearby to take notes and study them. Is so bold as to come face to face, in private, to ask questions– so, long as the other is willing to provide.

— At this time, DXCIII is a lean mocha savannah cat with hazel eyes and wears 3 gold necklaces and a gold septum ring. A dusty brown satchel is on her 24/7, containing various books and basic herbal remedies.

— DXCIII is straightforward to the point over being overly blunt and tries her best not to be intimidating or rude in the sense. It's from being inquisitive to the point of wanting to learn that they can be viewed in those ways, though doesn't mean it in the slightest. The thirst for knowledge can be off-putting for those that aren't used to someone who speaks and acts in such a manner. They mean well and are generally a laid back individual. Enjoying the littlest things and finest moments in life since it's best to live life to its fullest. WIP

— Hard mentally | Hard physically
— Will not start fights | Will end fights
— Always tries to show mercy to opponents; will kill if necessary
— Attack in bold and [member=2474]DXCIII[/member]
— Ask to capture or injure
— Fine with non-violent and peaceful powerplay

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]— Deadboy | Josiah; Doesn't remember real name | Doesn't mind nicknames
— Intersex biologically; Masculine (He/Him)
— Demiromantic demisexual | Not actively searching; feels unworthy
— Immortal demon | Spiritually and mentally old | Created 4/27/16
— Found | Typhoon | Loyal to people

— Single | Never been in a relationship
— Monogamous / Polyamorous | Fine with either
— No crushes | No "maybe" crushes | No future crushes
— Unknown parents | Orphaned; raised by sibling

— Forever damned to remain emaciated in form, Deadboy is a skeletal serval with ebony fur that seems weirdly stretched over bones. Pale scars line the throat and under the stomach. Sunken green eyes has a constant glassy/glazed over look to them.

— Painfully reserved and keeps most of his thoughts and opinions to himself. Deadboy is on the gentler, caring side who wants nothing more than for others to be safe and happy. Extreme pessimism plagues the demon since he's not there mentally most of the time, and believes that he has no right to judge other; as well others don't have a right to judge those they don't know. It can be hard to tell if he's there in the room due to being quiet most of the time and doesn't speak much unless it's greeting newcomers or self forced interaction.

— Easy physically | Hard mentally
— Will not start fights | Will not end fights
— Always shows mercy; Never kills
— Attack in bold and [member=2538]DEADBOY[/member]
— Ask to kill, capture, or injure
— Non-violent and peaceful powerplay is allowed but will be met with resistance, agitation, or fear

Re: ◜❛ sad ghosts ❜ ┊storage ◞ - drachen - 12-08-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 10pt;"][align=center][size=12px]( I'VE BEEN READING BOOKS OF O L D )
★ Caelum;  Real name to revealed; "Cae" "Cal" or any other nicknames
★ Sexless; Agender (They/Them/It/Its)
★ Archangel; Spiritually and mentally ancient; Young adult in appearance
★ Wanderer; Visiting Sunhaven

★ Single; Still in love with a former partner
★ Biromantic bisexual; Not actively searching
★ Monogamous
★ No crushes; No maybe crushes; No future crushes
★ God; Brother to many; Father to few

— Due to being a creature of divinity and holiness, their aura is blinding, pure white light and could potentially blind those that look at it for too long. It's best to stay at a safe distance away for those that depend on auras to see things or in general.
— Doesn't see physically appearances, rather the soul itself at its rawest form and couldn't describe someone that well on looks unless it's the soul itself. Will ask if it seems relevant to a situation or may be useful down the road, but feels like it's easier to identify someone by their soul instead.
— It never discriminates someone based on their past actions. What's happening now is more important to them.
— Caelum can take forms of various creatures at any time and there's no warning. They like to keep it fresh.

★ Breathtaking at first glance, Caelum is a slender ivory wolf-dog that radiates a faint glow. Three pairs of fluffy white feathers don its back, the middle set being the largest, the back are medium, and the front are the smallest. Its eyes have sectoral heterochromia, which are gold dashed with blue to add to their unearthly beauty.

★ Oof, I'll add the rest of their tags later