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No More - Printable Version

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Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-15-2018

The Lieutenant is thrown against the wall and is subsequently gored in the hind leg he let's out a roar of pain something flickering across his eyes.his face becomes strained as the inky v
Black and blue begins to leech backward partially revealing usagi's face "I can fight back too you demon B**ch" the head quickly turns to jer. "Hit me agai-" her voice is hushe'd as the blackness reforms. "No you are mine... just as the general is mine" He swipes his paws attempting to fore into jers hide and jugularhe begins to chuckle more. "You can't even sense it can you general? Your own blood?"

Re: No More - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


his eyebrow lifted, "why, sense, yes. care? no, not so much. blood doesn't matter to me anymore, it's not the dna that counts." he responded in harsh laughter. he felt his shoulder get slammed by the attack, fur lifting into the air. shaking himself out he smiled, "I've killed my own children for their treason against me and my kingdom. I have bathed in their blood, lieutenant. those who hold the name are the ones that matter, and this body? it holds nothing of mine." he responded cruelly. he had figured that she might have been his, based on when he had first met her. he sneered, "I'm an old man. I've bedded many and spread my genes far and wide. if she wants something from me, she should join the line." he was smug and uncaring.

stepping back he cracked his neck, sinking down with a growl, gathering his strength in his rear legs. kill? maybe. he aimed to surge and throw the lieutenant to the ground, focusing his element into his paws to potentially add weight if he succeeded in pinning the other down. "the crown of the afterlife will never belong to one such as you. not to one so young and untried!" he would growl, voice holding the thunder of judgement from the hells he ruled. "take a couple thousand years before you think to challenge me again, cub. consider yourself demoted."

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-15-2018

As he was thrown to the ground I heard a decent snap, and a sharp pain shot through his borrowed chest the extra weight only adding to the pain. The pain weakened the lieutenant to momentarily forget his internal struggle and Usagi getting a foothold began to absorb the inky skin back into her going from her rear foreward, part of her face repeating from beneath the beasts, the voice changing from the deep rumble to the smoother voice of Usagi "S-So your... finally I found you ugghh" the black ink begins to slowly creep and cover her face once more. "NO! This is my body you chose the wrong wolf to mess with. I won't be afraid of you anymore and with my father's help you will only ever see the light of day when I allowed and you will be under MY command. Until then you stay the hell inside me and go the hell to sleep!" The inky black continues to be absorbed into her, the last of it being absorbed into her chest as she is left panting under jers paws groaning slightly. "My appologies father..... for not being strong enough"

Re: No More - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


he gave a disgusted noise, stepping off of her chest, "do not call me father. I merely made your existence a possibility. I wasnt there for your childhood or any birthday, and I knew not that you were of my blood. you are lucky as it is that you are this old, or else I would have likely killed you at your mother's chest." he responded, shaking his head to be rid of the gore. "call for me when the lieutenant tries again. I have a score to settle." he rumbled dispassionately, leaving her to clean up.

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-15-2018

She laid there resting. She probably had a cracked or broken rib or two, and she was absolutely dumbstruck. She had found her sire and he had not even given her a second thought. She had lost her mother during her birth and had to almost raise herself, due to everyone almost hating her. She had dreamed of finding her sire, finally having a parent to look up learn from propperly as she had not been given a chance to do. So she lay there having been totally disregarded by her father, and she did the only thing she could do. She got up, went to the corner and began licking her wounds, letting out a low sorrowful keen for all she had lost, and for the one chance she had to actually have a parent in her life."you wouldn't have been able to kill me at my mother's chest for I never even had the chance to be there"

Re: No More - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


looking over his shoulder he flicked his tail, ears laid back in distaste, "you never had the chance, you say? not my bag of bones. she wasn't strong enough, then. welcome to the club of raising yourself." he responded bitterly. he didnt want anything to do with one who claimed to be his offspring, after a time ago, it had begun to rub him wrong everytime one would come to challenge him for his throne and crown.

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-15-2018

"If you don't want to be my father than fine ill remain the same as i have been for the last 21 years.. but please train me, teach me techniques that I mag use to become stronger and tame this damned beast" looks at him long enough to say this then goes back to licking her wounds