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WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [CLOSED] - Printable Version

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Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Grey - 10-23-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]updated elijah's appearance to be a brown shade instead of cream since i feel that it matches with his rats better. aka grey wants to make sure he doesn't clash and ruin grey's sanity

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - ASYLI - 10-23-2018

[tt]★ ⸺⸺﹙ Mako Rosario ﹚⸺⸺ ★
[tt] [b]ma·ko
(n.) Made from the Chinese characters 馬高, his name means high or lofty knight. The first character ( 馬 ) translates directly to horse, however, it can also be interpreted as the horse chess piece—the knight. The second character ( 高 ) means high or tall; however, it means this in the context of above average or high above: sublime.
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[tt]> NAME Mako Rosario
⸺ Usually goes by Mako or Koko, doesn't mind nicknames.
⸺ [ aka ] Mǎgāo, Umadaka, and Makoto ( Name variants ).
⸺ [ scripts ] Name is of Chinese origin: 馬高 ( Mǎgāo ).

> GENDER Cisgender Male, uses he/him pronouns.
⸺ [ sex ] DMAB, Designated male at birth
⸺ [ sexuality ] Bisexual, may change
⸺ [ romanticism ] Biromantic, may change

> AGE Unborn
⸺ [ ratio ] Will age quickly and then realistically
⸺ [ mortality ] semi-immortal ( slow aging )


[ yes ]

[ yes ]


⸺ [ mbti ]
⸺ [ engram ]
⸺ [ alignment ] Chaotic Neutral
⸺ [ ailments ]
— The first thought when explaining Mako is the term "fuckboy," because of his often relaxed and dismissive attitude; well, that and Urban Dictionary describes a fuckboy as "a weakass dude who ain’t shit," and that's basically Mako.

— Extremely childish,

— Rebellious by nature, Mako rarely listens to anyone in power whether that be in a sociopolitical way or simply obeying rules given to him by his parents. In fact, he makes it his mission in life to make everything difficult for those who try to show any kind of power over him. He doesn't hate or dislike the people he

— He has a big heart, while he may come off as an asshat he never means to hurt anyone's feelings but tends to forget to think things through before saying something.

— Stubborn to a fault, he may not like to argue but he rarely ever changes his position on something once he has decided. This is both a difficult flaw and

— Extremely optimistic, which can be both a good and negative trait. Mako personally believes all people are good, at least, to a degree

stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, trickster, protective, loud, obnoxious, loving, warm, funky, confident, humorous, opinionated, optimistic, awkward ( in that funny away ), dishonest ( vaguely ), calm, dudebro, intelligent but refined ( not overly book smart but social adept ), independent.

— Relaxed and calm,
— Highly protective of anyone he cares about, while he is normally a

⸺ [ species ] Hybrid ( Angel, Demon, Mortal )
⸺ [ breed ] Hybrid ( Ragdoll, Toyger; Mutt )
⸺ [ ailments ] No physical disabilities/mutations
⸺ [ colors] fur, accents, internal structure, eyes
— He is a little large in size when compared to his siblings but will grow to be about the average height and weight—if not a little larger—for a male Ragdoll. He is highly muscular, yet more lean than outright bulky so he doesn't look comical.

His fur is a little wild, which, sort of matches his personality and it fits him in its own weird way.

Mako's eyes are a bright neon pink and almost seem to glow, although that's not exactly the case; the brightness of his eyes in contrasted with the blackness of his

— He is a little larger in size when compared to his siblings but will grow to be about the average height and weight ( possibly a little over ) for a male Ragdoll. Highly muscular yet is more lean than outright bulky, a trait he takes from his Toyger genetics; however, he is still fairly large and will not be very fast as an adult.

His fur is ridiculously thick, long, and curly, it's easily tangled if he doesn't take the time to properly groom himself—which, he always does because having the fur matted would be worse than actually taking care of it.

He doesn't really look like any of his parents

His eyes are a bright neon pink that often appear as though they are glowing, that or they seem that way because the sclera ( whites ) of his eyes are a jet black. The best example I can give of this

A strange trait that was likely inherited from his demonic genetics is the fact that all of his internal ( & external ) organs are black.

— As a child Mako will be a little bigger than most of his siblings, although as an adult he be around the average height and weight of a male Ragdoll. That said, he is a muscular individual and presents himself very masculine

— His fur is a pure angelic white, with light pink accents on the tuffs of fur on his ears and the small brow-like spots over his eyes.

— His eyes are a bright neon pink

— Long, fluffy, and pristine white fur that can appear almost unnatural if put into the right light;

— The irises of his eyes are an almost glowing neon pink, intermixed with a softer shade of pink. Although, like most of his internal organs, the whites of his eyes are actually black giving him a more "ghoul" aesthetic, so to speak.


— His blood ( and all bodily fluids ) are a bright neon pink and appear as if

Pure white fur with light pink accents, long and extremely fluffy; bones and internal organs are jet black, however, blood and bodily fluids are a bright neon pink along with his eyes. With that, eyes are extremely sharp and the whites of his eyes are black. Black tongue, black paw pads, black bones ( long bone tail ). Black skin. Light pink claws?



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...Restoring Data
...Opening [ sub ] Subfile

Buttercup ; Hippo Campus
Girl! (Lonely Calm) ; Daoko
Fireworks ; Daoko ft. Kenshi Yonezu
Sleepyhead ; Passion Pit



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[ yes ]


⸺ [ physical ] One of the most important plots I have set up revolves around how Mako's body handles the combination of demonic, angelic, and mortal blood/power running through him. The simple answer? It doesn't. Over the months ( or years ) after Mako is born his body will begin to disintegrate and his flesh will bleed away until there's bits and pieces of his skeleton and organs showing. It will be an extremely painful process and will prob

⸺ [ familial ] He is extremely close with his siblings and his parents or, well, he tries his best to be extremely close with his siblings and parents. Mako is protective by nature, especially when concerned with his family but he lacks the driving quality to make him likable about it... which, sort of means that he cares but he also enjoys picking on his siblings and making fun of them himself but deeply cares about their well-being.

⸺ [ set in stone ] I have a final plot for him that will affect him for the rest of his life, however, I love a little secrecy and while I can't reveal much of what I have I can say:


[ no ]

[ yes ]

[ yes ]


File has crashed, all data lost


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]bump! looking good everyone ❤️

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - paroxysm. - 10-26-2018

bump, im loving these forms <3

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - axiom - 10-27-2018

traack, tempted

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]hey guys, i know a lot of the stuff was discussed on discord, but im gonna say this here; please no angst with these kids until much later in their lives, and please no familial angst. this is a happy family, they all love each other, and the kids will be raised well. thank you

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Orion - 10-27-2018



Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - tristitia - 10-28-2018

Tracking! This is great!

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - cougar - 10-29-2018

stella rosario
luca x junji x marcel
NAME / NICKNAMES stella "eggroll" rosario
NAME ORIGIN of latin origin, stella translates literally into 'star'
ー a reference to the name 'morning star'
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH unborn, tbd
GROUP OF BIRTH + RANK the typhoon — kit

GENDER & SEX feminine & female
SEXUALITY asexual, homoromantic
FAMILY luca rosario (biological father), junji (biological father), marcel (biological father), tba (biological siblings)

FACECLAIM kim jisoo
- ryo asuka, devilman crybaby

PINTEREST obsession

surrounded by shades of gold and heavenly imagery, the first thing you might notice about the small child could go either way: their heavenly appearance, or their eerie expressions. albeit these things paint a very white or black personality, it more a shade of grey that douses stella - something morally upset.

a god among fools, a beacon of light that shines upon the filth of the moral's world - that is how stella views herself. something above the "common". narcissism isn't how stella wishes her disposition to be labelled, but more a chosen special one from the heavens brought down to cleanse the world. delusional is more a word better suited to the likes of stella however.

to be around stella is almost like to be around a breathing statue, if said statue had the eyes of mona lisa and the flat expression of a brick wall. not emotionless, just lifeless and uncompromising of a stone visage. serenity is a key aspect of which stella believes in greatly, not spontaneous decision-making, but pre-meditated problem solving and calm and collected deliberate actions that serve the better rather than fill the empty air. it is just unfortunate that these views manifest so much into the child's expression.

too often the face of the child is taken as "creepy" or "unnatural", to which stella does not seem to care too much for. this body is merely a vessel made for moving around, not something too permanent or of value - it does not detract from the emotions of which stella feels either. they are omnipotent. 

creams, beiges, coffee hues, all illuminated by a heavenly halo of white and adorned with purple eyes so picturesque in their beauty. the embodiment of angelic - save for the chronic case of resting bitch face stella possesses. these features deceive, these features are merely a genetic anomaly passed down from angelic father who truly embraces his heavenly aesthetic, where stella is more a fallen angel hidden behind the facade of god’s light.

love thy neighbour are the lessons stella teaches, the lesson she practices in theory when she gets down to pray to her father in heaven. in reality however, these compassionate cautionary tales are something stella finds hard to abide by, letting matter take over their mind and turn to less than empathetic resolutions for trivial situations.

after feeling abandoned by the heavenly father’s light these demonic traits become ever more apparent in daily life, as stella’s views on this mortal plane shift to fit a more resentful stance of the world.

both their excalibur and achilles heel, the pursuit for a perfect world and stella’s incessant enforcement of their ideology pushes the heavenly child both to great heights and swallowing lows.

on one hand, the beliefs give stella a reason for existence on this mortal plane, a reason for existing, breathing daily among these lowly mortals who commit sin every day of their lives. disgusting creatures stella has to consort with; they are the reasons for which stella believes her ideology should be injected to the mortal population and end their sinful acts. if these weak degenerates were unable to handle the godly task of keeping their morals pure - then stella believes that god has the power that is the only solution to the confounding problem.

then, the other hand, stella’s obsessive nature and borderline morality crisis can be considered a hindrance to their benevolent empathy of which stella seeks to practice. it blinds the heavenly child to what she does to those in which she truly loves, melding their existence into the general dirty mess of sinners and blurring the lines between loved one’s ties and the enemy. if pushed so far into her obsession, stella is capable of doing things that she will regret immediately, but won’t think twice about in the spur of the moment.

while not truly the stereotypical "silent" type, stella finds herself very reserved with her choice of words and would rather save the sanctity of silence than pollute the air with her snarky remarks. if you were to find stella in the vicinity of another individual, or eavesdropping on a conversation, then you just know there are a long list of snarky remarks lined up in their mind. however, all that is visible on the surface is the snide look and unimpressed expression that merely hints at the judgemental mind lying behind the veil of innocence. it does not discriminate, it is unconditional; family and friends are not immune the quips. no matter how much stella loves them.

a guilty pleasure of stella’s is something one would think be a hobby stella, a heavenly “angel”, should avoid like the black plague. but on the contrary; stella adores magic. to be more specific the art of alchemy has taken stella’s heart, become their hobby to take time away from constantly shoving her ideology down the throats of everyone.

not so great at the precise and finicky art of alchemy, stella has leaps to make in the practice before she could be considered even an intermediate at the art, but patient and competitive with her studies stella does not shy away from her novice status. it is only seen as a place in which the child has plenty of wiggle room to grow.

to accommodate her arduous studies, one look to stella’s private quarters explains in detail more than words ever could the passions of stella’s heart. books of every colour, age, niche within the alchemy field are sprawled out from stella’s bed to her desk. something the child would brush off as simple “organised mess”.

a product of her spaced out personality, sometimes it isn't so apparent the feelings and emotions stella is feeling when events occur that to many others should elicit a strong response quite clearly visible. this is not to say that stella does not feel the same, it is just harder and quite frankly less constructive to add to the chaos by screaming. that said, sometimes emotions do get so strong that stella's even slight reaction seems intense for the typically quiet child.

— positive traits articulate, confident, intelligent, honest, organised
— neutral traits quiet, reserved, aloof, religious, outspoken
— negative traits callous, manipulative, possessive, arrogant, narrow-minded

HOUSE slytherin
FACTION erudite
NATURAL ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral

  — general [ref]
from birth it becomes apparent that stella was born with one too many sets of wings, dragging down their body weight to an overall crushing proportion. as a newborn these sets of wings are nothing more than mere bumps on stella's newly birthed form, and in time grow alongside her body. these sets of wings are spread throughout her body, from her head to her toes with one pair appearing at the base of her head, nestled between the space separating her cheeks from her ears. in addition, wings attached to stella's feet suffer a similar fate; they are flightless and over all just dead-weight attached to stella's figure as a simply mutation born out of her heavenly disposition. however, not all of her sets of wings are limited to this unfortunate fate.

travelling downwards her body, wings sprout in pairs and cross paths at the base of stella's spine, large and magnificent when the child grows into an adult. golden hues intermingle with the whites and beiges of stella's body composition, like streaks found in kintsugi - barely holding the whole form together. these wings are ones capable of flight, the only wings on stella's body that are capable of flight. they are stella's pride and glory, you would be hard-pressed to find a single speck of dirt in those wings.

albeit stella's heavenly colours intermingled with a shade of optics soothing and serene, that facial expression placed so elegantly upon stella's visage could almost make you think twice. it could make you realise that stella is not all god's creation - she is partly the devil's own. for all the beauty blessed on stella's fragile frame, the typical expression you might see yourself staring at if you were to meet the angelic hybrid, may be more flat and sinister like a demons.

  — build/size/fur length
true to her roots, a perfect ragdoll build is what is clearly evident in stella - a thick coat overlaying a more slender frame underneath the oversized fluff. to say that stella took most of her genetics from the ragdoll side of her parents would be an understatement, it's practically impossible to decipher the places where in which stella is a toyger. perhaps it is only in her long and articulate tail that one can find the wild side of stella hidden away.

blessed by two of her ragdoll parents once more, and by a bout of hypothyroidism, for height stella does not draw the short straw - for that would be insisting that there was even a fraction of a chance that stella would be able to grow tall. no, alike her parents stella reaches a measly twenty centimetres in adulthood. this is something that stella does not lament, for she knows full well that she is not the shortest domestic feline there has ever been. not by a long shot.

  — colouring
something of her entity, although stella is unmistakably a ragdoll at heart, her colours are something unique and of her own. a palette designed by herself. starting with a base of pristine whites, stella's body is painted with beiges and creams splattered alongside her underbelly to create an ethereal aura about her. the next step the child took was to apply more of these beiges, building colour to realise a darker shade of coffee brown that dances its way around the sterile whites - tainting them never - building the most pigment in the entirety of stella's body at the center of her face where browns almost appear black they're so dark.

along her wings, it's as if they are a seperate entity to the feline as a whole - something of a juxtaposition and not an accompanying figure. not as evident in stella's younger years, as feathers grow long and wings outstretch further and further, shades of creamy whites are interlaced with streaks of gold travelling down the very strands of feathers nestled within her wings. they dance their way alongside the feline's wings, reaching the dastardly tips crowned with bat-like claws - black.

  — eyes + fluid
it almost doesn't become apparent that marcel even sired the child, unless you take a closer look into stella's eyes; a ghost of the image of her father's own. casting a heavenly glow around the vantablack of stella's pupil, a halo of pink creeps its way into the depths of her iris and tainting it almost pure palette. shades of violet, lavender, lilac, they're all present in the deep shades of purples locked away in stella's eyes - all intermingling to paint the picture-esque violet seas akin to a sun's glow on a late night.

also a similar shade to the optics stella uses to see, the fluids flowing from within the child are also painted a purple so deep and rich in hue that it almost glows. purple rivers flowing from within the child also akin to her parent hold a taste, the child's own being something of a fruity grape; terribly sweet.
  — accessories
spun from wool and cashmere divinely white in pigment, a cloak is almost always attached to stella’s frame like it were her lifeline – an inseparable part of her. it’s nothing too special in appearance, a solid colour with a simple box connecting the side sides of the fabric to wrap around the child’s neck, but as it is a gift stella treasures the item of clothing dearly. a physical reminder of her roots.

found on the outskirts of barracuda bay, washed up and slightly damaged from the sea’s grips, a silver thorn crown had somehow made its way into the paws of stella. fate, that’s what the hybrid thought of the event, taking the crown home fervently to tend to its damaged parts and restoring it to its natural shine. stella believes it a gift from the gods, a sign that her journey to liberate humanity is on a path due for glory.

— clairvoyance (4 months)
from the age of four months stella will begin to notice a certain oddity to people that they have never noticed before, a kind of energy radiating off of them and producing colours from within their mind. clairvoyance only begins to grow stronger in the child, something that she will need to hone quite keenly. because of the power being one that exists purely in stella's mind, it isn't exempt from the ideological views from within her mind - this will skew the power's accuracy and bring the things stella's senses from other's auras in question.

— mental manipulation & communication (5 months)
at five months, barely enough time for stella to sort through the false aura readings and malfunctioning powers, the heavenly child will begins to notice their abilities to control what others think and feels. a dangerous power for such a young child. with inexperience and a feeble morality, stella will fumble her way through figuring out what things others think, feel and struggle to manipulate their emotions, memories and even produce illusions.

— air elementals (10 months)
the final power to develop in young stella, something produced at the end of her obsession with the heavens when she believes all hope is lost and the father had lost all faith in stella, like a slap in the face air elementals will be something stella will come to develop.

OTHER although it mightn’t seem that way from this app, don’t doubt how much stella would love her family forever.
in this world stella believes that god's children have taken his gifts and spat all over what he has done for them, letting their primal sins take over their body and fester from within them. disgusting things. stella is truly abhorred by those who commit in unfaithful lusting, drug, alcohol, greed, and wrath to name a few of the sins. an ideology so traditional and very conservative  to things of which stella holds so dearly to her heart every day.

a self-professed angelic presence inhabiting the earth's lowly plains, stella becomes a god in the sense of her own - taking life and death into her own hands. practically usurping the power only god should possess. believing him angered by this sin, stella becomes absolutely convinced that god has abandoned stella for what she believes in and the ideology she practices daily. spurred by this conviction, her actions become more ruthless, more convinced and eager to have  world realised that practices only the best of qualities  - even if that means siding with demons. the fellow creatures abandoned by god's light.

bubbles beneath her skin, although a self-professed angel on the way to be the best and exemplar of her kind, genetics hidden away beneath all the heavenly talk and passion lurks inactivated. with the push of a small crush, lust demon blood and mortal emotions will come like a wave crashing into stella harshly and begin to control her body. the more the angelic stella tries to ignore, the more that two thirds of her blood begins to boil from within her, manifesting itself as unbearable cramps from within the very veins of her limbs.

eventually, unable to be strong enough to counteract her body's own emotions, stella pursues her crush with a series of awkward flirting attempts and even more awkward "dating"attempts that are par for the course for teenage couples. providing a rare insight into the mortal's world that paints a new light on the more amiable parts of mortality, shifting stella's morals and beliefs in a way she hadn't expected.

in a young stella something is evidently off about her health, not frighteningly so, just generally being unable to grow as fast as others her age and a constant body temperature under the average. symptoms aligning with the development of hashimoto's disease. these symptoms are more mild in stella's body and provide a mere inconvenience most of the time rather than a debilitating condition, thanks to proper treatment and a loving family's care.

due to this hypothyroidism caused by the disease though, stella's cloak can sometimes serve as a great warm blanket for the spells in which stella feels the cold really nipping at her body, the child opting to curl up into a small beige ball with the pristine white cloak encompassing her small frame. akin to an egg. rising from this disposition to curl up into her cloak, stella is loving named by one of her family members an "eggroll" something stella brushes off as childish and dumb at first, but secretly genuinely enjoys because it's cute.


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]bump ♥