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Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Flowery - 03-14-2018

hoi there! I finally edited everything in this profile lolol

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - vvintersoldier - 03-14-2018

omgg ivy looks so cute kicks!! her design looks different :00

and hey there guys !

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Leigh - 03-14-2018

Hey how do you guys like the guide so far? Anything I should add/change/subtract? And any ideas for an introduction bc im the worst at those.

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Flowery - 03-14-2018

Aaaaa liking it so far <3 should there also be an hp request thread alongside the gudie perhaps?

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Kicksie - 03-14-2018

♡ — aww thanks sky! i changed up just a few things on her design and i'm just really happy with it

the guide looks great! and uhh for the introduction you could probably just keep it simple by explaining what snowbound is and how it's a passive group... idk

and yeah, i think a hp request thread would be nice? ^

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Leigh - 03-15-2018

Oo yeah. A request thread would be helpful. I’ll get one made today after I get home and open up the guide.

Keeping it rather short and sweet atm since I’d rather we develop the group together since we’re going with the founding plotline.

Anyone know how we should decide on HPs? IC development? Tryouts?


IC development tbh and if that doesn't work we could always do the tryouts! I'm so hyped to roleplay

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - skypher - 03-15-2018

Tbh im sorta against tryouts. Most of the time they work out but theres always the chance you get a character that doesn't know what they're doing in high ranks and their players quickly get overwhelmed.

I think we should just do IC development. It would be more safe for the development of the group c:

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - vvintersoldier - 03-15-2018

I think IC development would be the best way to go :00

and ahh I can't wait to rp too!

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Leigh - 03-15-2018

Sweet. Ic development it is! ngl i hate hp tryouts but id figured id ask at least

Aiming to get Snowbound ready to go by tonight so prepare your booties. c;