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[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The world was spinning around him, yet he found himself as an enigma among the fighting clans. He didn't initiate anything, even as the standoffs crumbled into little scraps, instead pacing as he watched the discourse. There was one thing that could've brought him to action, but by the time he'd seen it and reacted to it, a figure charging straight towards him caught his eye. Edging his unsheathed claws against the floor, Ren bent his legs, ready to dodge or retaliate against whatever Esma was planning on doing with such recklessness. Whether it be confidence or foolishness that brought the fox to lunge at him, the feline couldn't tell, but had he been a monster, it would've been easy to seriously injure somebody (or worse) for their impulses. He wanted to be a teacher, he wanted to tell them that they should've been slower, but they were things he refused to tell himself in the mirror. If ebony ears weren't going to listen to life-saving advice, Ren couldn't help but think it'd fall on deaf appendages to a Sunhavener as well. The leap came, as did the feline's cocky grin. A little guy vs an even littler guy, on paper it should've been easy for the Ascendant, but every part of him was dying to mess about. Thoughts of Har had been drowned out by this desire, Moon's gargles were nothing more than white noise, now that Ren had his goal there was nothing else he could think of.

Having to adapt himself on the fly, running the risk of dancing with another who mainly relied on agility, Ren tilted his head upwards, belly touching the crowd with how flat he'd made himself. As soon as a creamy underside revealed itself to him, the feline lunged forwards, aiming to headbutt [member=2517]ESMA K.[/member] in the stomach. Successful or not the cat would roll away following the hopeful interjection, watching for another move. Further hoping to add pressure to the Sunhavener, Ren lifted a paw, waving the appendage towards himself in a way of saying 'Come get me'.

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - rhosmari - 10-11-2018

Once, once he said. She'd been here more than once to try and fix the situation. Always met with the same vague he did this or she did that and she was tired of it. The straw that broke everything was his own reaction to the problem. He didn't even treat them like they had been friends, like an ally should be and in her own face he showed disrespect of her and her own. What kind of friend would do that do someone that willingly gave them things, traded with them, sent over ambassadors to check in and keep up communicates. They were not friends and she would be surprised if they had any others willing to stand up for them because of their poor judgement and social skills. She'd never forgive them for this murder that they pushed on to her home and her bearers. Never. Even when she sat this wind up, the way that muscles flexed in his neck as he prepared himself for the head bash she did not move. The woman was ready, pain and misery wrapped up in one and she would take everything from him. A child who deserved a better home then murderous creatures who ate others just because of her decision to drop them to neutrals. They couldn't take the judgement that they had caused and it sickened her immensely.

Despite it all when his head cracked against her own her head whipped back, a growl of pure anger grinding from her throat as the world blacked out for a moment. But that moment was short lived and even as he escaped her grasp that blinding rage that had built up for so long fueled her. The world came back into focus and now things were dyed in a hideous red, burning all around her and as he stepped back she surged forward. It was like a tank colliding with a car, her back claws dug into the ground as he slammed himself against her. But she outweighed him by a good measure and she saw her chance to attempt to bite down on the back of his neck as he surged at her again. She saw his fury, his pain, his anger, possible desperation but she couldn't bring herself to care about it. If she managed to lock her jaws around the back of his neck she would then attempt to force his head down hard against the ground, blood dribbling from the corners of her mouth as she struggled not to break it. The female wasn't a murderer of no cause like them and she wouldn't stoop to that level. Claws moved and aimed to pin his head against the ground with rough movements, one aimed to press hard against his throat and cut off the air. "My sorry excuse for a clan!? Ya don't learn. Ya or your ingrates! This is my declaration and not ya's! The Ascendants better not be found anywhere near our territory again or the next time I'll kill them and I'll hang their body up for ya tae see it!" Her voice ripped from her as she moved away from the lion then, gaze heated and body still waiting to drive claws in flesh and feel his skin tearing beneath her teeth. But she was done and what had happened was done.

Whipping around she lifted her tails, the appendages snapping as she gave a heated howl into the area that echoed through the Observatory. "Let's go Sunhaven. I don't want to see any more of this filth." She would be on standby and wait for her group to leave, the last one to be out as she stood her ground and watched with blood starting to lift up from her own wounds and into the air in small globs that shifted and morphed into small needles. Her head was swimming, body shaking just slightly but she wouldn't be leaving anyone behind here.

-- for sunhaveners, marina has given the go ahead for them to leave as she sees her point as being made as of right now so feel free to pull your character out of the raid. : )

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
8 months old

physically varies
emotionally hard
mentally easy


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

The male shifted his body as he walked back, his blood racing in his veins. He was so angry.. why couldn't he protect Har?

When he had made it back to the observatory, he noticed just how angry Marina was. Closing his eyes, he felt something kick him in the side mentally, and he shifted his head a bit. A warning. "Ascendants, back down. Head inside for checkups." Onision called out, worry laced under a strict voice. Sunhaven was pulling back, and he didn't want to have Moon critically injured.

Turning his gaze to Marina, Onision remained expressionless before a telepathic voice attempted to communicate with her. "You took a child. We won't forgive you."" Oni's voice rang out, the small felidae shifting into Aloysius to help Moon if he needed it. How could this idiot lose?

"Harland is gone. Bucky took him. I couldn't.." Oni whispered to the lion softly, waiting for his lecturing if Moonmade was even up for that.

all you give me is a heartbeat —
