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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher hated everyone here but when he caught scent of Stryker, his icy blue gaze lit up with a sudden rage and his glowing blue tattoos suddenly changed to a bright explosive white. That son of a bitch. He pushed past whatever was going on around him, his wide eyes searching for the bastard until he caught sight of him slamming his daughter to the wall, causing sparks of electricity to roll off the lumbering dragon as he shifted into his normal form. Now this was personal and he was going to fight the bastard that took his daughter. He prowled closer, his pace increasing until he was racing towards the male and suddenly teleported to flash in front of him as he snarled "YOU FUCKING EGGPLANT TRASH, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" Pincher's claws unsheathed as the dark gray jaguar aimed to sink his claws into the shoulders of Stryker and yank him away from Goldie while focusing his lightning to electricify him. Pincher headed in to try and step in between Stryker and Goldie, his long dark tail lashing as he then aimed to tackle the lion, attempting to conjure his hatchet and to slam it down on the chest of the lion with each word he spoke. "THINK. YOU. COULD. GET. AWAY. WITH. IT. SLICK SHIT? STRIKE ONE, BITCH."

Pincher's composure was gone and all that was left was a shell of rage and anger and resentment. For Stryker? Partly. The other part was to himself. He had failed at doing the one thing he had come back from the dead to do. To protect his daughter and his family. He hated himself but for now, he was going to take it out on the Pitt member. Blue flames began to blossom from his jaws and he aimed to spit the flames at the face of the other wildcat, a maniacal look destroying his cool-faced expression as his left eye twitched uncontrollably and all Pincher wanted to do was gut the fucker like a fish. He wanted to do every little thing to Stryker that he had done to Goldie and much more. He knew that it was meant to be a rescue mission but the hatred that had piled up inside him was suffocating him and all that Pincher could do to relieve it was to completely let himself sink into a state of unapologetic rage.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - bubblegum - 10-11-2018

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - Luciferr - 10-12-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
/just to keep up the raids atmo, open for opponent tho.

Lucifer banks in the air, the greater dragon's two-fold tri-spannig wings a knife of darkness against the placid blue that slowly becomes choked with smoke and smog from the fires he has set raging below him - and now the god comes in for another volley, spanning the breadth of the numerous more combatant side - he will give the others an dPincher their opening and rain chaos on these scum.

/luci rn just
[Image: tumblr_oudzbbRsmv1u034pso2_540.gif]


Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - Stryker - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — "YOU FUCKING EGGPLANT TRASH, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!"

The man himself had arrived, eyes ablaze with the rage of a thousand fathers. Stryker knew what was coming to him, struggling to realize that there was no way out of this situation. If only he could snake himself out of this one... The lion backed up further, trying to avoid Pincher's attacks, but inevitably was yanked away from his daughter and thrown off to the side as a shock ran through his body. The Slaver had felt this pain before with Esklav. It's horrifying, imperfections brought him discomfort as he swerved off to the side with a involuntary growl of frustration. With the inability to move from the shock throughout his body, he was unable to defend himself from what was coming next.

With each word, the hatchet slammed into his chest and a vicarious roar followed each time. He was struggling. In pain and struggling, Stryker aimed to grab Pincher with his front paws and drag his head towards him as he pulled down on his neck. Jagged claws would forcefully move their way into the male's throat, hoping to pierce whatever veins were visible on the pirate. The lion would then aim to headbutt the other leader out of frustration. Despite giving him a pounding headache, Stryker felt as if he had an advantage. Every breath brought new feelings in his body and each movement he made caused pain to shoot up his spine, but there had to be payment for his loss. The feeling between the two was mutual. Each feline wanted to gut the other, evening the playing field until the other excelled. In an effort to go further, the lion would attempt to grab at the hatchet with bloodied paws and take it away from Pincher. "STRIKE ONE?" he roared. His voice was shrill, full of rage. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO, FISH FUCK." The hatchet would then attempt to break through Pincher's chest, aiming at his vital organs. There was a high chance of bones breaking in the rib cage area and the hatchet barely piercing any of the organs, but that was the intent Stryker held when going for the shot.

Afterwards, the lion's mental manipulation would attempt to breach Pincher while he was weak. Even so, he too was damaged and wasn't able to focus his powers. His manipulation may cause a shift in attitude rather than the other leader leaving straight away without his beloved prize, but instead only leaving peacefully once Goldenluxury was acquired. "LEAVE."

//posted early on accident, but this should do!!


So the calvary arrives.  The endfield fluffed his feathers, suddenly uncomfortable.  Now's the time, he thinks.  It'd be easy.  Grab Keona, run to the rescue group; take her home.  Séamus' certainity of plan had faded.  Sure, it seemed simple.  Even though there was Valkyr to deal with, the faerie felt... Unwilling.  By the pirate's standards, the only thing wrong with the Pitt was the slavery trade.  Otherwise, he felt quite comfortable here, aside from the obvious extra heat of the sun.

He belonged on the sea he knew.  Free.  Open waters.  The vulpine rolled his shoulders as he stepped into the playing field, approaching Valkyr and Keona calmly.  He could fight off one.  Or...

Here, in this god-forsaken desert, Kian was out of the way.  It meant he could try looking into matters, find out if his suspicions of his neice were true.  Claim what was his.  Even if he was wrong... Why shouldn't she be his?  After Kian stole her mother away from him.

Sea-green eyes narrowed keenly on the 'enemy'.  Playing this off as 'keeping his cover' in the end would be just as easy as the first option.  A smirk played on his maw as he crouched, claws ready, beside the sitting Valkyr.  Sparks of electricity danced off his scarlet fur, a warning of what to come should someone make an attempt.  Two made Keona harder to get to than one.

Even then, Séamus figured they could rely on the majority of effort being focused on Goldenluxury.  While he could not care less about the captain's daughter, especially with Keona on the field, the crew no doubt cared.  Lightly, he reached out to touch his niece's mind with one simple command; don't run.  By now, surely, she'd follow his advice without much question.
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Blindness. All he could see was blood, his rich blue eyes splattered with the blood that he spill but that wasn't what was blinding him from the focus of the raid. No, it was the hunger for revenge, the very weakness that Pincher had within himself. It was the biggest flaw that he had gotten from his father, the need to always strike back no matter the consequences. A volcanic snarl rumbled in his throat as the male simply tried to keep Stryker pinned down so he could beat the fucker up even more but he felt something try to move him and the muscular male turned his attention towards Goldie, turning his head with his splattered gaze wide with confusion. Suddenly, he remembered what he had come here for and the male stammered "G-Goldie? The fuck are you doing, I'm here to take you ho-"

He was an idiot. Distracted by Goldie, Pincher felt the claws sink into his neck and caused him to suddenly lurch forward to be brought down by Stryker. Agonizing pain exploded inside of him and the male let out a drained grunt of shock as he felt his skin tear and cause bitter blue blood to flow out. F-Fuck!" Pincher cursed, only to wince in pain as he realized how hard it was to speak. So much pain. Instinctively, he aimed to claw at the paws of Stryker and tug him away until he was headedbutted and he stumbled back but forced himself to stand in front of Goldie, electric sparks rolling off his spine as he breathed raggedly. Suddenly his eyes widened when he caught sight of the hatchet now being turned against him and before he could teleport away, he felt it sink into his chest. The same place the spear that had killed him had been inserted. But he didn't feel pain. All he felt was fear. Fear of dying all over again, bloodloss by a chest wound. However, there was no longer a heart inside his empty chest and the hatchet hung as he stood there in a state of shock, watching as his electric blue blood form a pool beneath him, soaking up the earth.

He winced as he felt an intrusion, causing him to snap out of the daze but the sane part of him had slipped away when the hatchet had been driven into him. His tattoos now glowed a complete stark white and Pincher chuckled, his eyes glowing with an unnaturally eerie light as the demigod laughed at his attempts. "Oh nu, nu mă sperii de nenorocit." The romanian tongue was warbled and broken, his vocal chords in complete agony but Pincher was not going to be told to just "go away". He was a selfish fuck, he wanted more than what he came for. He stepped back, suddenly transforming into his dragon form and aimed to gently grab a hold of Goldie in one claw while his jagged wings parted and he rose up, blood still flowing out of him as the scarred dragon roared "[i]Nu fără un mic suvenir[i]" as he rose to the sky and appeared to head towards the direction of home before suddenly swooping down and aimed to clamp his jaws around [member=2048]COSETTE[/member] with a loud roar towards his crewmates to grab the others and head home. His vision was blurring on and off and he was ready to collapse but only when he would see the volcanic island that he called home.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - guts - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Through all the commotion, she couldn't focus, couldn't pick apart what was going on. Someone was yelling, rage seeping from their voice, and suddenly fire is raining down and she ducks onto the sands. Trying to shield herself, that was when Cosette felt something wrap around her, a loud cry of both surprise and fear bursting from her throat. She squirmed in the dragon's grip, but couldn't manage to get herself free, finally giving in and going limp. All she can hear is the rapid beating of her heart as she's taken away.

Re: DYNAMITE BITE — RESCUE RAID - bubblegum - 10-12-2018