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CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Printable Version

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Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-21-2018

Killua had never really gotten used to dealing with adults thanks to how most adults seemed to treat him thinking that he was some sort of kid. He was a kid, but he hated being treated like they thought he didn't know better just because of his age. Which was complete bullshit in his mind and something that he wasn't willing to just stand around and let happen. Killua had a distinct distrust of the adults that constantly surrounded him during his life because he knew exactly how they thought about those that were younger than them in the area. He knew that they thought they knew everything was going to be great for the children and that they always knew what was best for them. And yet, his parents had said that whatever they were doing was ultimately going to be the best for him and make his life a whole lot easier. In some regards, it did help, such as his immunity to poison and his immunity to certain attacks that were thrown at him. However, when it came to his mental health, his parents had made sure that there was little to no chance that Killua would refuse the orders that they had given him. He had been a good son for a majority of his life following everything that his parents were telling him to do, following every detail that they taught him as well. The wildcat soon realized that after he began to explore the world instead of being kept in that damned mansion, that there was more out there for him to enjoy and realize that there was more to life than what he currently had. His family had hidden that from him, and he wanted nothing more than to just get away from his family, and that's what he did when he was forced to return home. Attacking those that were supposed to be his family as they tried their best to keep him hidden from the outside world so that he could develop and age into the perfect assassin that they had been trying to make him be. Killua immediately became rebellious in all regards to the clans when he did ultimately join them. He was only using them as a form of shelter and distraction before he figured out what he wanted to do with his life. Killua had no reason to follow the traditions they had or the rules that they had because he wasn't exactly a clanner. He was a Zoldyck and having been spoiled with getting most of what he wanted when he was younger, he was more than willing to go out of his way to acquire his goal, even if it was a small one at the time. Obviously, the clans didn't appreciate the attitude that he held himself with, and they wanted nothing more for him to get out of their clan. He saw the way that they looked at him. He saw the way they talked behind his back, and maybe he even saw bits of jealousy as out of everyone else in the clan he was the one that constantly got promoted despite not really doing anything here and there. Killua had also watched the difference between his parents to the adults that were in the clan. How they always thought of themselves high and mighty and when they were struck with difficulties in their life they wouldn't try to better themselves, and instead, they would most likely break down in their frustration not realizing what they could be doing. It pissed Killua off because the clans could be so much more and yet they constantly wasted their potential. Now that he thought of it, this was probably what his mother and father thought when they realized that he joined the clans out of his own actions instead of an order from a client. That the clans were just going to taint everything that they had worked for with the young male, but ultimately they couldn't be more wrong.

Killua had learned more from the clans about what it meant to live than his entire family or at least the time that he had spent with them which was the majority of his life. Killua didn't trust the adults that were in the clans because they looked at him with disappointment and frustration. And when adults got frustrated, they often times didn't know how to form words and simply gave up. Because they were weak. He was stronger than any other kind of adult that lived in this world, and he made sure that other animals knew this. If Pierce had kept his memories, the other serval probably would have remembered how Killua had acted toward others. Not caring about them because they wouldn't care about him so there was no point in trying to do so. The feelings were mutual, as Killua never made an attempt to make himself likable. That would be the opposite of what he was trying to do with the clans as he wanted to find those that would welcome him for who he was instead of a simple facade that he could put up every single day of his life. His deadly gaze turned toward Jacob, although it was obvious that his anger wasn't directed toward the canine but still at Guru as the hail continued to fall. He bet that he was making Jacob doubt what the Typhoon members had decided to do with him, and he didn't blame him. The other hadn't been captured before or probably never had been in a situation like this. Killua had captured other creatures in his life and used them as bargaining chips just like they were doing now. There was no use in trying to think through the small shell that they had tried to put up to make it seem like they were the good guys. But if they had cared enough, they would have kept track of all of their members instead of waiting for the worst to happen. The slits of his pupils constricted at Jacob's words. Herbs? That's what the other was worried about? Really? The other obviously didn't seem to know a lot about the animals that were in the groups, especially those that had powers that could help with that issue. "Of course I know about mental torture. But I'm pretty sure you would have recuperated a lot better here despite your mental state since this is where your family is. And if you're worried about herbs I don't think you know about how many people here have conjuration that can little conjure up as many herbs as you want." Killua stated with a low huff from his nose. That was a weak excuse in Killua's mind, as he raised one of his paws as a demonstration and conjured up a marigold flower, before stomping it into the ground. If the other wanted to argue that was fine, but he was trying to make sure that the other was going to get across the border without any issues. Considering that Jacob had said that the other hadn't been in good mental health, that meant there was a chance that Guru had mental powers. He wasn't sure which ones based on that information, but she could have also just physically tortured it out of him. There were barely any physical injuries on his body though, however, that didn't give him enough clues as to Jacob's pain threshold so the other could have easily spilled out his thoughts in a matter of seconds. It was just a matter of time before he was able to discover more about the caracal to make sure that he would be able to counter whatever she threw at him. His attention turned back toward the much larger dog. Size had never really made Killua nervous in any sort of the regard, and this didn't change here with the dog. He had seen plenty of species and killed more just the same. The other was calm in this situation, and he had to say he had to give the other some pros on his response that was trying to be calm. He flicked his ear though as he flexed his metal claws into the snow.

A winged member transporting through a snowstorm could have been risky, but they had light weather at the moment. Not that the Typhoon could possibly know since they didn't exactly keep track of the weather patterns in a place like this. "Keeping him with you to recover to make you look like the good guy by the time you deliver him, huh?" Killua shot back, analyzing the situation. If they wanted to wait till Jacob had recovered, they could use it in a sense that they were nice enough to help him recover. That meant shit to Killua. It still meant that this had happened and they weren't about to get around it either. Pincher was trying to play the good guy here and Killua had noticed that all too quickly. Although Argus being around was more than enough to keep him from making ridiculous actions toward the rest of the Typhoon. A piece of hail landed on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to react all that much to it. Then the other almost seemed to scold him, and his eyes narrowed. Paranoia? Possibly, but they were a potential enemy until stated otherwise, so how else did other's expect him to react to a situation like this? He was the one asking questions to make sure that they weren't the threat like they were perceiving them to be. "The body language of your clanmate is enough of a sign. It's not exactly hard to read how she's keeping close to him." Killua stated as he pointed an unsheathed paw in Argus's direction. Even if it wasn't vocally stated, they could easily make physical actions that would speak louder than words. "Besides, as far as I'm concerned all of you and your group is a threat until proven otherwise. I've had plenty of experience dealing with groups like you and most of them try to dig their claws underneath another group to gain control of them. No hard feelings" Experience. Was that a type of leverage that he could have? He was only 8 months old but had lived several months in the likes of a clan. Anti-clan or warbound. They were all the same. And the exact same faces as well. Killua spoke in a snarky remark this time though. Then, of course, Silent had to come onto the scene, and stop right next to him and London. Killua swallowed for a second, but his body language that showed he was aggressive didn't change. Although he shuffled a little bit away from Silent just to keep a little bit of distance between him and the beast. The sounds of the other's appendages clicking and flicking put him on edge, and probably wouldn't make the situation easier. But it also meant that if the other was willing to fight if a fight did break out, they would easily have the advantage of having Silent on their side. Kill them. They are a threat and can easily be taken care of. A familiar voice rang in the back of the assassin's head, and he pinned his ears against his skull. He closed one of his eyes as the pain went through the front of his head, and he tried to ignore it. He could kill them. But the white wolf was there. Illumi had perceived her as a threat, but he wasn't sure what he thought of her anymore. Killua knew that in the condition he was in now fighting wouldn't be the best idea. He was injured. He didn't want to kill anyone, except for Guru obviously. Even if the bastards that were on the border were pissing him off, they didn't deserve to die. He wasn't the one that was allowed to make that decision for them. Killua barely heard Mel pad up close to him. He had never thought the other as being a threat, and didn't think she really cared about him in sort of a way that would actually try to calm him down. He wanted to kill. He really did. He was fighting against two parts of his body. He knew it was wrong. But yet it was so simple and would make everything so much easier for both of the two groups.

The Typhoon wouldn't have to deal with Guru going against her word, and Snowbound wouldn't have to worry about a potential threat. It was literally a win-win in Killua's mind. The wildcat doesn't care if Pincher made a point, the other was obviously trying to get leverage and it didn't seem like other's were getting this idea. Killua figured that Pincher could just be lying to be getting on their good side. It pissed him off. Killua clenched his jaw as he turned his large ears in the direction of the larger mountain lion. Would aggression really help him here? He knew that if he attacked, a war would probably break out and then it would be his fault. He liked fighting though, but he could always find Guru again if he wanted and dispatch her if he wanted to. It would be easy. Easy. "Kuso." Killua spat to the ground as he lowered his head, not in an act of submission, but frustration. He wasn't going to be weak to these bastards, no matter what they did. His metal claws slid back into their sheathes as far back as they could, and his shortened tail lashed behind him. His eye color returned completely to normal, and the weather seemed to follow suit. The skies started to clear and the blue sky could be seen overhead. Then Killua began to realize exactly how mentally exhausted he was. The sound of a weapon being pulled out from its sheath caught his attention, and his eyes shot up to look at the doberman pinned the smaller wildcat to the ground with ease. Only slicing off an ear. A 'tsk' sound emitted from his jaws as he judged the other's work. That knife could be dangerous if he got into a fight but it wouldn't be that hard to destroy if he had to. Pincher wanted the other to apologize, and Killua let a chuckle out of his jaws, making sure that other's around him. "You want her to apologize? Good luck with that. Her type isn't the ones that are going to apologize for something they think is morally right for themselves not with the group that they are living with." An ear is a small price to pay for what she did which almost consisted of killing two members if she had been given the chance. Then as if on cue, Guru had proved him right, and he gestured with his paw toward the pinned down female. If he wanted to, he could torture her to the point that she wished that she was indeed dead. There were always different methods one could use. "See? I also hope you're going to give us more than just an ear as a token." Killua said, his tone now unnaturally calm as he spoke. An ear? He wanted to see blood down her body for the things that she had done. Give her the same scar that London now had spread across her body. It was only fair after all. "Why not mimic the injuries she had given to London huh? That seems a fair trade." Killua stated as he pointed one of his white paws in the direction of the albino clouded leopard that had a scar running down the front of her neck and chest. Killua at the moment, other than Hisoka and probably Silent, was the most violent animal that was in the Snowbound right now. And he had a high position, not like it really mattered in this moment, but he had seemed to have calmed down. Speaking of which, Killua would sigh as he turned toward the clouded leopard, his eyes.... somewhat soft for whatever reason. "London, you don't have to apologize for everything. None of this is your fault okay? You didn't deserve anything that was thrown at you, but I know it must be hard to break that habit. You gotta have some confidence in yourself." His voice was almost soothing as he gave advice to the female, an entirely different tone that he had been using to talk to the rest of the group. His eyes finally watched as Jacob passed over the border, and he let himself relax some. Now he would just have to wait for Pincher's reaction. Which hoped ended up with more blood being spilled than a simple ear. Considering how Guru had reacted to having her ear sliced off, other injuries were bound to have the same pain threshold for her. A good fact to note about the future.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: