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pure motives // storage - Printable Version

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Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 05-28-2018


tags . plot

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 05-29-2018

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-1px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]cronas' playlist
• some night - f.u.n
" some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck / Some nights, I call it a draw / Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle / Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off / But I still wake up, I still see your ghost / Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for / What do I stand for? / What do I stand for? / Most nights, I don't know anymore "
• somewhere i belong - linkin park
" I wanna heal, I wanna feel / What I thought was never real / I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long (Erase all the pain 'til it's gone) / I wanna heal, I wanna feel / Like I'm close to something real / I wanna find something I've wanted all along / Somewhere I belong "
• i am machine - three days grace
" i am machine, i never sleep, i keep my eyes wide open / i am machine, a part of me wishes i can just feel something / i am machine i never sleep until i fix what’s broken / i am machine a part of me wishes i can just feel something "
• You’re not my kind - five finger death punch
" Here we go again / Life turns another corner / No way around it / I was born to fall behind / Here I go again / Life makes another loner / No way around it / You will never be my kind / you’re nor my kind "
• chasing cars - snow patrol
( the entire song, really )
• over my head - the fray

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-05-2018

would you lie with me and just forget the world ;; tags:
i saw the devil today and he looked a lot like me ;; playlist:
our dawn is brighter than the day ;; shoutout corner:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-05-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:15px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:goldenrod;text-align:left;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:3px;float:left;"]★ ★ ★ ★
a pair of unnatural pristine luminaries came into focus as a small gasp escaped their mouth. blinking their eyes, their expressionless gaze rested on the large pool of blue that began less than a couple yards from their small paws for the longest of while. completely memorized by the colour, movement and vastness. but wait- what was that? it was a harsh contrast of pale yellow that dances on the surface. was that light? the water created light? no, they feel it was something else. once this thought entered their mind, they began to take in the scenery and smell. it was bright and warm and there was a weird scent in the air. but before they could uncover all the mysteries of their new surroundings, they would first like to know why there is a light awe-inspiring shimmer on the water. looking around, the child trotted towards some trees and looked behind them before running over to a large rock and climbing onto it. brows furrowed, they then turned their head upwards and noticed a small radiant circle in the sky that shone one hundred times brighter than the ocean's light. fascinated, they continued to stare directly at it for a few more seconds before crying out in pain and looking away. momentarily blinded, they lost their footing and tumbled down the rock and onto the sand. that was a new experience. pain. that was something they would like to avoid if they could. note to self: do not look at the bright circle in the sky. another note to self: the bright circle in the sky makes the water pretty and provides light to see. oh and one more note to self: do not look at bright sky circle or bad feeling will happen.

rising to their paws, the kitten rubbed their eyes and drew it back when they felt something moist. water? from their eyes? t-tears? although they were crying from the pain, it didn't show on their face nor did they register they were crying because of the pain. as far as they were concerned, they were two independent occurrences. they watched as the tears fell onto the sand and taking their paw, they rubbed their face. looking at the water droplets that remained on their fur, they blinked once before licking it. water is important for survival. to think their body would shed it so easily. but they suppose it was alright since there was a large pool of water before them. they'll just replenish what they lost. rising to their paws, they rubbed their eyes to try and get rid of the dark circle they seem to be seeing everywhere they look as they wobbled to the ocean. the water gently lapped at their paws in an enticing manner as they leaned down. as soon as their tongue touched the surface of the water and drew back into their mouth, they grimaced and shook their head vigorously as they quickly backed away from the water. plopping themselves down, they repeatedly began to lick their maw in hopes of getting rid of the terrible taste. note to self: water tastes like tears but worst. frowning, they suddenly felt thirsty but knew better than to drink the sparkling lie-water again. they had just woken up in this beautiful world and they feel it's already trying to kill them.

the young kitten didn't know where they came from as their earliest memory is opening their eyes a couple minutes ago. however, despite just being "born," they were aware of some things. for example, water, the sky, colours, air, their name– fracturedkit. they are aware of the basics, however, why this water tastes odd, why the sky is blue, how colours can be blended together or which colours look nice together, the necessity of air or why they automatically introduce themselves as "cronas" instead of their supposed birth name remains a mystery. aside from their name and species, they have no idea who they are as an individual which should be troubling and under normal circumstances it would be. however, they don't appear to have any- rather much emotions. they do not know how to process the information gathered so they feel no distinct way about it. matter of fact, they're more concerned with how sand is made. they look like small rocks but what force is strong enough to crush a rock? is it even possible? is sand something completely different? they didn't like how it made its way in between their toes, but if they push their paws farther into it, the sand becomes much cooler than the sand on top. does that mean the circle in the sky generates heat and light equals heat? they also produce heat but does not give off light. though, things that are alive produce heat too so does that mean the sky circle is alive? are they and the circle somehow connected? cronas had more questions than answers and they weren't sure how to feel about it.

the young javanese feline turned their cranium to lick their shoulder before retreating under a tree for shade. blinking slowly, cronas curled up beside the tree though they did not close their eyes. they had no idea where they were and they were feeling a bit overwhelmed. overwhelmed. they would like to avoid this feeling too if possible. inhaling they spoke quietly, "cronas is... unsure."

- cardboardpup(castles)
- "card"
- maybe three months?? seven?
- male
- a sweetheart
- gentle soul
- hates conflict
- alaskan malamute
. fluffy good pure whole lovely boy
tumblr text posts that p much sums him up:
rough sketch of card:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:10.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:160%;text-transform:lowercase;"]character names?? character ideas?? characters???

. “card” ;; wholesome n good with heart made of pure gold though v timid and big in structure
- "medi" ;; maybe sluggish and slow but a medicinal genius?? ;; maybe has insomnia and can’t sleep without someone being close to them or just has insomnia in general?? ;; short term memory loss for everything except the names of medicines and their purpose ;; tired™️
calvarychoir - using; changed to renegadeanthem yeet
. “cal”, “c.c” ;; rough around the edges and a bit of a brute with a lovely voice ;; probably a hopeless romantic that falls in love too easily though denies it ;; v patient with kids not so much adults ;; would take over hell if they had the power to ;; supernatural being of sorts??? ;; dad(dy) material
. ya boy
. basically tamoya
nightcore - used; changed name to zebulon ; dropped character
. ya boy
tectonicshift / acidrain / solarflare
. “tech” “tony” / “sid” / “sol” “sola”;; mad scientist looking to cut people up for scientific purposes,,, probably ;; v intelligent in everything science ;; low patience for others but enjoys teaching ;; a college professor with an air of class ;; always has some odd stain on their fur they’re not sure where it came from themselves
. "dee" "deedee" "desce" (pronounced D.C) "dessi" "december" / "mira" ;; a gentle and timid child obsessed with dragonflies and doing good even if it means harming themselves in the process ;; hates confrontation and talking to others and grows anxious easily ;; wants to protect everyone and aspires to be everyone's hero or at least someone they look up to ;; is vv soft but is vv hardcore too
. "will" "wild" ;; chaotic and will fight you and your daughter and your grandma and pet turtle ;; literally so hard to control and tame and cannot sit still ;; can fall asleep anywhere at any time ;; favourite curse word is "dumbass" and their favourite sound is really strong winds so that tells you a quite a bit about them lel ;; hella protective though insist they aren't bc their intense pride wont let them ;; "its okay the doctor said i had internal bleeding, that's where the blood's suppose to be cc:" ;; never takes without giving back but he never expects anything in return so will very much cry when given gifts ;; favourite flowers are the Hydrangea, chocolate cosmos and lamprocapnos (bleeding heart flower) ;; will not ask for help until he's beaten, bruised and bloody
. "nat" ;; chaotic, but not nothing compared to wildnature ;; dumb bitch disease runs in their family ;; their alignment is dumbass hoe on a budget but you'd never guess that since they're dripping in designer ;; vvvv intelligent and has lots of brain cells but only uses one bc it's more fun that way ;; either an alcoholic or going to be one ;; carefree and hard to hold down ;; vvv serious when it comes to other's well-being and their health and will listen to them and take care of them for hours and days on end if it means they'll feel better ;; cupcakes are the best dont @ them ;; red velvet and cookie dough is their favourite ;; if they really like someone be it platonically, romantically or sexually, they will give them food-related nicknames i.e sprinkles, cheesecake, keylime (pie), strawberry shortcake the names usually correspond with their appearance or personality ;;
. ya boy
. "chrys" "christian" chrysan" ;; ya'll bitches cant even s p e l l soft ;; baby™️ ;; delicate but not weak ;; mute ;; would walk headfirst into danger if someone doesn't stop them ;; selfless but only to a degree ;; one of their goals is to become an assassin ;; crybaby for everyone but themselves
. "faa" "false" / "indie" ;; wip

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-21-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
Jeong, though he did not participate in the raid, knew of it and the plan of kidnapping children. Seemed messed up to him, taking children from their parents but who knows? Maybe they were doing them a solid if they were anything like his folks. He only held onto vague memories of them and indistinct murmurs that he couldn't understand; vague forms and on occasion screams and moments of pain. Then he realized he was alone and told them good riddance. The faint memories he does have of them weren't great ones, he could say that much. So if they were saving children from that sort of life then more power to them. But what if the kids had found a lovely home afterwards like he did? Were they taken as well? Was there a criteria that needed to be met or did they steal whichever child they got their hands on? He felt his chest tighten for a moment before he shoved the idea out his mind. It's nothing that concerned him. Doing this weakened the enemy and made them stronger. Looking at it from a strategic standpoint, it's a brilliant idea. Alright, time to stop thinking about it. He was only hurting himself. What's done is done.

Passing by the docks, his attention was grabbed when he heard loud noises. Looking around for the source, he noticed the small group of individuals making a commotion over nothing. Rolling his eyes, the man continued only to stop in his tracks when he heard a child's voice. His interest renewed, Jeong looked back at the group and noticed the child in the midst of it. Smiling in amusement, the man watched as the child ferociously fought back, appreciating his energy and determination. He wondered how long the boy would be able to fight for himself before the adult overwhelmed him. Standing some good yards away with his arms crossed, he watched the spectacle with curious eyes. When the boy managed to create some distance, Jeong watched as he ran towards the edge of the dock. Stupid, he thought in amusement. you've got no where else to go. Just give up- or do you intend to jump in the water? He laughed to himself. Of course you're not going to- oh my fucking god he actually jumped into the water! Did he have some sort of death wish?! Panicking, Jeong sprinted towards the dock he jumped off of, pushing the others out the way. Sucking in a large quantity of air, he dove in without hesitation and began to search for the child. It was incredibly hard to see and he hoped he wouldn't get bit or stung by whatever creatures thrived there, but that was the least of his concerns. If he doesn't hurry, Kai was going to drown and he'd much rather get the bite and-or sting and save him in contrast to getting the bite and-or sting and the child losing his life due to his incompetence.

With every passing second, it was getting harder to breathe. Swimming up to the surface, he coughed and swallowed another gulp of air to provide some relief to his screaming lungs. Inhaling once more, he dove back down in hopes of finding him this time. Noticing a blurred figure first then his facial features told Jeong he had located him. relief washed over him as he swam closer to the other's smaller frame. When he was close enough, the man let out a frightened scream that shot bubbles out of his mouth. Reminding him he was a) under water and b) already low on oxygen so he shouldn't be wasting it by screaming. Was this really him? Well I'll be damned. A mermaid. Merman? Merboy? He nodded to himself. Merboy. Swimming closer to him, Jeong attempted to hooked his arms around the child's waist and taking Kai's arm, he wrapped it around his own neck. Making sure he was secure - it would make the rescue mission all for naught if Kai slipped out of his grasp - Jeong began to swim towards the surface, doing his best to ignore the fire that spontaneously lit within his lungs. Moving around so much and not being able to breathe was a terrible experience. Not to mention the extra strength needed to move in water. Once he came up for air again, his eyes stung and he was coughing, his body desperately trying to rid itself of the water that went down the wrong tube on multiple occasions.

He was still fighting to breath properly when he addressed the child in his arms. "Are you... you okay?" Seriously, fighting off a group of people, jumping into a body of water knowing that he couldn't swim and turning out to be a merboy? This kid is metal. Judging from his outburst, he must be one of the kidnapped individuals. Jeong wasn't able to piece his reasoning for jumping into the water together, but he could always ask later. Right now, he should question whether to take him out the water of keep him in due to... recent discoveries. He wasn't going to act like he knew how to tend to creatures that weren't fully human. Hell, he still didn't know how to tend to humans. For now, he'll do what he knew how to and hope for the best. That meant getting Kai out the water. Merboy or not, he still had some human in him which meant the possibility of him catching a cold is real. Swimming closer to the docks, he found his voice once more and spoke up. "If any one of you touch him, I'll fucking kill you." He warned with a growl. A bluff but they wouldn't know what. Jeong doesn't kill without good reason to. As he neared the dock, he aimed to lift the child up so he could crawl back onto it. Once he was up and onto it, the man would haul himself onto it as well, laying on his back as he breathed heavily. He wanted to scold him, but it didn't make any sense to do so. Kai was only trying to defend himself and when he was pushed into a corner, he acted senselessly as most people do. Remaining quiet for a moment, Jeong turned his head to look at Kai with a small smile. "Now correct me if I'm wrong," he started lightheartedly. "but I have a feeling you don't want to be here."

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;letter-spacing:-0.5px"]Jeong, though he did not participate in the raid, knew of it and the plan of kidnapping children. Seemed messed up to him, taking children from their parents but who knows? Maybe they were doing them a solid if they were anything like his folks. He only held onto vague memories of them and indistinct murmurs that he couldn't understand; vague forms and on occasion screams and moments of pain. Then he realized he was alone and told them good riddance. The faint memories he does have of them weren't great ones, he could say that much. So if they were saving children from that sort of life then more power to them. But what if the kids had found a lovely home afterwards like he did? Were they taken as well? Was there a criteria that needed to be met or did they steal whichever child they got their hands on? He felt his chest tighten for a moment before he shoved the idea out his mind. It's nothing that concerned him. Doing this weakened the enemy and made them stronger. Looking at it from a strategic standpoint, it's a brilliant idea. Alright, time to stop thinking about it. He was only hurting himself. What's done is done.

Passing by the docks, his attention was grabbed when he heard loud noises. Looking around for the source, he noticed the small group of individuals making a commotion over nothing. Rolling his eyes, the man continued only to stop in his tracks when he heard a child's voice. His interest renewed, Jeong looked back at the group and noticed the child in the midst of it. Smiling in amusement, the man watched as the child ferociously fought back, appreciating his energy and determination. He wondered how long the boy would be able to fight for himself before the adult overwhelmed him. Standing some good yards away with his arms crossed, he watched the spectacle with curious eyes. When the boy managed to create some distance, Jeong watched as he ran towards the edge of the dock. Stupid, he thought in amusement. you've got no where else to go. Just give up- or do you intend to jump in the water? He laughed to himself. Of course you're not going to- oh my fucking god he actually jumped into the water! Did he have some sort of death wish?! Panicking, Jeong sprinted towards the dock he jumped off of, pushing the others out the way. Sucking in a large quantity of air, he dove in without hesitation and began to search for the child. It was incredibly hard to see and he hoped he wouldn't get bit or stung by whatever creatures thrived there, but that was the least of his concerns. If he doesn't hurry, Kai was going to drown and he'd much rather get the bite and-or sting and save him in contrast to getting the bite and-or sting and the child losing his life due to his incompetence.

With every passing second, it was getting harder to breathe. Swimming up to the surface, he coughed and swallowed another gulp of air to provide some relief to his screaming lungs. Inhaling once more, he dove back down in hopes of finding him this time. Noticing a blurred figure first then his facial features told Jeong he had located him. relief washed over him as he swam closer to the other's smaller frame. When he was close enough, the man let out a frightened scream that shot bubbles out of his mouth. Reminding him he was a) under water and b) already low on oxygen so he shouldn't be wasting it by screaming. Was this really him? Well I'll be damned. A mermaid. Merman? Merboy? He nodded to himself. Merboy. Swimming closer to him, Jeong attempted to hooked his arms around the child's waist and taking Kai's arm, he wrapped it around his own neck. Making sure he was secure - it would make the rescue mission all for naught if Kai slipped out of his grasp - Jeong began to swim towards the surface, doing his best to ignore the fire that spontaneously lit within his lungs. Moving around so much and not being able to breathe was a terrible experience. Not to mention the extra strength needed to move in water. Once he came up for air again, his eyes stung and he was coughing, his body desperately trying to rid itself of the water that went down the wrong tube on multiple occasions.

He was still fighting to breath properly when he addressed the child in his arms. "Are you... you okay?" Seriously, fighting off a group of people, jumping into a body of water knowing that he couldn't swim and turning out to be a merboy? This kid is metal. Judging from his outburst, he must be one of the kidnapped individuals. Jeong wasn't able to piece his reasoning for jumping into the water together, but he could always ask later. Right now, he should question whether to take him out the water of keep him in due to... recent discoveries. He wasn't going to act like he knew how to tend to creatures that weren't fully human. Hell, he still didn't know how to tend to humans. For now, he'll do what he knew how to and hope for the best. That meant getting Kai out the water. Merboy or not, he still had some human in him which meant the possibility of him catching a cold is real. Swimming closer to the docks, he found his voice once more and spoke up. "If any one of you touch him, I'll fucking kill you." He warned with a growl. A bluff but they wouldn't know what. Jeong doesn't kill without good reason to. As he neared the dock, he aimed to lift the child up so he could crawl back onto it. Once he was up and onto it, the man would haul himself onto it as well, laying on his back as he breathed heavily. He wanted to scold him, but it didn't make any sense to do so. Kai was only trying to defend himself and when he was pushed into a corner, he acted senselessly as most people do. Remaining quiet for a moment, Jeong turned his head to look at Kai with a small smile. "Now correct me if I'm wrong," he started lightheartedly. "but I have a feeling you don't want to be here."

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]Jeong, though he did not participate in the raid, knew of it and the plan of kidnapping children. Seemed messed up to him, taking children from their parents but who knows? Maybe they were doing them a solid if they were anything like his folks. He only held onto vague memories of them and indistinct murmurs that he couldn't understand; vague forms and on occasion screams and moments of pain. Then he realized he was alone and told them good riddance. The faint memories he does have of them weren't great ones, he could say that much. So if they were saving children from that sort of life then more power to them. But what if the kids had found a lovely home afterwards like he did? Were they taken as well? Was there a criteria that needed to be met or did they steal whichever child they got their hands on? He felt his chest tighten for a moment before he shoved the idea out his mind. It's nothing that concerned him. Doing this weakened the enemy and made them stronger. Looking at it from a strategic standpoint, it's a brilliant idea. Alright, time to stop thinking about it. He was only hurting himself. What's done is done.

Passing by the docks, his attention was grabbed when he heard loud noises. Looking around for the source, he noticed the small group of individuals making a commotion over nothing. Rolling his eyes, the man continued only to stop in his tracks when he heard a child's voice. His interest renewed, Jeong looked back at the group and noticed the child in the midst of it. Smiling in amusement, the man watched as the child ferociously fought back, appreciating his energy and determination. He wondered how long the boy would be able to fight for himself before the adult overwhelmed him. Standing some good yards away with his arms crossed, he watched the spectacle with curious eyes. When the boy managed to create some distance, Jeong watched as he ran towards the edge of the dock. Stupid, he thought in amusement. you've got no where else to go. Just give up- or do you intend to jump in the water? He laughed to himself. Of course you're not going to- oh my fucking god he actually jumped into the water! Did he have some sort of death wish?! Panicking, Jeong sprinted towards the dock he jumped off of, pushing the others out the way. Sucking in a large quantity of air, he dove in without hesitation and began to search for the child. It was incredibly hard to see and he hoped he wouldn't get bit or stung by whatever creatures thrived there, but that was the least of his concerns. If he doesn't hurry, Kai was going to drown and he'd much rather get the bite and-or sting and save him in contrast to getting the bite and-or sting and the child losing his life due to his incompetence.

With every passing second, it was getting harder to breathe. Swimming up to the surface, he coughed and swallowed another gulp of air to provide some relief to his screaming lungs. Inhaling once more, he dove back down in hopes of finding him this time. Noticing a blurred figure first then his facial features told Jeong he had located him. relief washed over him as he swam closer to the other's smaller frame. When he was close enough, the man let out a frightened scream that shot bubbles out of his mouth. Reminding him he was a) under water and b) already low on oxygen so he shouldn't be wasting it by screaming. Was this really him? Well I'll be damned. A mermaid. Merman? Merboy? He nodded to himself. Merboy. Swimming closer to him, Jeong attempted to hooked his arms around the child's waist and taking Kai's arm, he wrapped it around his own neck. Making sure he was secure - it would make the rescue mission all for naught if Kai slipped out of his grasp - Jeong began to swim towards the surface, doing his best to ignore the fire that spontaneously lit within his lungs. Moving around so much and not being able to breathe was a terrible experience. Not to mention the extra strength needed to move in water. Once he came up for air again, his eyes stung and he was coughing, his body desperately trying to rid itself of the water that went down the wrong tube on multiple occasions.

He was still fighting to breath properly when he addressed the child in his arms. "Are you... you okay?" Seriously, fighting off a group of people, jumping into a body of water knowing that he couldn't swim and turning out to be a merboy? This kid is metal. Judging from his outburst, he must be one of the kidnapped individuals. Jeong wasn't able to piece his reasoning for jumping into the water together, but he could always ask later. Right now, he should question whether to take him out the water of keep him in due to... recent discoveries. He wasn't going to act like he knew how to tend to creatures that weren't fully human. Hell, he still didn't know how to tend to humans. For now, he'll do what he knew how to and hope for the best. That meant getting Kai out the water. Merboy or not, he still had some human in him which meant the possibility of him catching a cold is real. Swimming closer to the docks, he found his voice once more and spoke up. "If any one of you touch him, I'll fucking kill you." He warned with a growl. A bluff but they wouldn't know what. Jeong doesn't kill without good reason to. As he neared the dock, he aimed to lift the child up so he could crawl back onto it. Once he was up and onto it, the man would haul himself onto it as well, laying on his back as he breathed heavily. He wanted to scold him, but it didn't make any sense to do so. Kai was only trying to defend himself and when he was pushed into a corner, he acted senselessly as most people do. Remaining quiet for a moment, Jeong turned his head to look at Kai with a small smile. "Now correct me if I'm wrong," he started lightheartedly. "but I have a feeling you don't want to be here."

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 07-01-2018

sixteen months ;; eurasian lynx ;; ;; [member=366]raiden[/member]

sixteen months ;; eurasian lynx ;; tags ;; [member=366]raiden[/member]

[glow=black,2,300]—— YOU CAN SLEEP WITH A GUN ——
( for yourself...? )
sixteen months ;; eurasian lynx ;; [url=http://]tags ;; [member=366]raiden[/member]
playlist (revise):
now to just fukin draw him
drawing's haaarrdd

Finished drawing lmfao