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Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - MirrorEdge - 09-24-2018

Thea had stayed silent this whole time, not budging when Bast told her to leave, and not even bothering to tell Monroe that it was highly unlikely she would be apologizing anytime soon, unless hell froze over sometime in the near future. No, she kept her gaze settled on Buckingham, the ghost of a smile on her not quite reaching her eyes as she watched. Inside, she was completely calm, not panicking like anybody sane should be when their web of lies was clearly unraveling.

She could tell when something was very wrong as Bast swore under his breath, pupils thinning and claws unsheathing, the grin on her face threatening to grow. "Bast? What's wrong?" Even without the ability to read minds or auras, there were always changes animals could detect somewhat, even if they didn't understand them.
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Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-24-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When the maine coon felt the Astral Seraph's presence in his head, his paws began to shake even more. Ever since his experience with Ximen, Bucky has became super sensitive to mental manipulation. Originally when Ximen got into his head, Bucky hadn't noticed Ximen sneaking his way in- Ximen tore his leg off as a distraction. Bucky had been focused on the pain, crying and screaming out, as Ximen got his dirty paws on everything that made up Buckingham. After that, when his memories returned to him, the male decided he'd never let someone sneak in like that again. He made sure he would recognize a foreign presence, and expel them if he did not give consent.

Bastilleprisoner's mental manipulation was slightly different though. Back when Ximen got in, the mutated horned cheetah found Bucky's memories himself. Bastilleprisoner on the other hand, was relying on Bucky to show the correct memories. While he understood that Bastilleprisoner should see the correct memory, he did not realize him reminding himself to stay calm and repeating that Bastilleprisoner isn't like Ximen would spark up an unwanted memory. A dark, haunting memory that Bucky did not want to surface.

When Bastilleprisoner spoke up, it was then Bucky was pulled out of his subconscious thoughts. His head quickly snapped up, as he began to look at Bastilleprisoner with alarm. Even before Bastilleprisoner went in, it was clear Bucky was anxious. And when he recognized the male's presence, it got even worse. It was at a point where he was visibly shaking, and instead of Bastilleprisoner speaking up to help pull Bucky back in the right direction, it did the opposite. As the memory began to flash through his own head, the understanding that it's his fault for Bastilleprisoner witnessing it faded. His paranoia went over the edge, enough to trigger the living weapon Ximen turned him into. The Winter Soldier or The Asset, a living, breathing weapon.

His widened alarmed pupils turned to slits, his terrified expression went cold- nearly expressionless. The shaking came to an almost immediate stop, as the male's gaze locked on Bastilleprisoner. Someone else was wearing Buckingham's face, and this particular person has a completely different view of the situation. The Asset could feel Bastilleprisoner's presence in his head, but there's a problem. It has no idea that the Astral Seraph's intentions are good, and would not even dare to think of it.

Invader in mind, expel quickly as possible. Invader risks damaging functionality, attack threat. Aim to kill.

But before the Soldier lunged forward, it noticed the weight on it's head. It's eyes quickly looked up, taking notice of Harland, who looked pretty comfortable resting on the Asset's skull. The Asset wasn't sure how the kitten got there, but they are in their way. The kitten prevents the Soldier from protecting themselves from the enemy. Without another thought, the Soldier quickly crouched to the ground, aiming to make Harland slip off of his head. Once the younger feline was on the ground, the maine coon stood up, cold eyes looking at them momentarily. "Stay," The Soldier ordered, before looking back at his target.

"Target acquired," The Asset spoke in a cold, dangerously low tone, tufted ears flattening to his skull. The male was looking at Bastilleprisoner as if the Astral Seraph was a piece of prey, and he was the predator. His metal claws were digging into the ground, sharp claws that the Asset wanted to dig into Bastilleprisoner's throat. Anyone could tell that the person who was just with them a few minutes ago was long gone. Buckingham Barnes was forgotten, shoved into a dark part of the Asset's mind. It was like Buckingham was chained down, forced to watch the Soldier tear everything apart, and any cries he'd make would meet deaf ears.

Without saying another word, the Soldier's lip would curl into a threatening snarl, ignoring any other voice that spoke up in concern. This tom was the only one detected in his head. If anyone else tried to break entry, then they would become a target as well. Suddenly, the Soldier would lunge towards him, aiming to latch and dig it's metal claws into [member=145]BASTILLEPRISONER[/member] 's neck.

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - rhosmari - 09-25-2018

He'd been compliant so far because this was Buckingham' decision. If this was what he wanted to clear his name and make the Ascendants see that he had nothing to do with the murder of whoever it was then so be it. The male didn't know much about the Ascendants beyond the one visit that he had managed to make over here but he also hadn't been the their ambassador. He was just there to bring gifts and to say hi. That was it. So a murder of their own from a Sunbearer seemed odd and out of place. It was why he had become so angry and insulted by it especially when one of their own had decided to attack and he would want an apology for this harassment. There the male sat and he waited to see how this was going to play out but he grew ever more nervous with the expressions that were flicking across Buckingham's face. Everything seemed fine, things seemed okay and it looked like Bastille was getting the information he needed. A straightforward and easy process and the mutant almost let out a relieved breath before his head tilted to the side suddenly and he saw things unfold as if he was so far away. The child was placed down upon the ground, the stone looking expression on Buckingham's face was all that tipped the male off that something had indeed gone horribly wrong.

Target acquired left the muzzle of his group mate and he understood that something bad was about to kick off and so he moved. It was a split second decision and he aimed to pushed his way forward to intercept the lunge from metal claws that were aimed at Bastille's body. If he had even managed to force his way there before the attack hit he would stand his ground against metal claws that would dig into his shoulder, thick skin able to take the blow as he allowed a pained sound to slightly slip between clenched teeth. "Buckingham, back off ya ain't got tae attack him!" The helion hissed between clenched teeth before his pearl colored eyes locked on Bastille, accusatory in every fiber of his being but he didn't say anything. No right ow he was focused on getting Bucky to stop fighting Bastille and back away from what was going on here. If not then there would surely be more trouble to start up and the Helion didn't want Bucky or even himself to get hurt anymore than they had because of it.

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - MirrorEdge - 09-25-2018

Thea was just as fast to respond to the potential threat, really, more of a challenge, in her eyes, teleporting next to Bucky, and attempting to slam her large paw into his side, forcing him away from Bastille. The leopard was larger, so there was probably plenty more force than necessary, and if this was successful, she would then try and hold him down with a paw, tail lashing back and forth and pupils thinning. "You still really wanna defend this guy, mister? This would've been the second Ascendent he killed." She took her eyes off Buckingham for a moment, her gaze settling on Monroe and offering a smile. An opening for Buckingham to try and get free, she was well aware, but still. She would prefer to rub salt in Monroe's wound while she could.  "Guess I won't be apologizing, huh?" A taunt, daring Monroe to attack her as well. Pushing to see how far she could go.

If the attack landed, barely-sheathed claws would be itching to dig into Buckingham's skin, to kill him right here and now, but no. The little voices wanted him to suffer, right? So let him suffer. Suffer from the stares and whispers from his clanmates, knowing that he wasn't safe in his own home.
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Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - rhosmari - 09-25-2018

Was Monore happy about the accusation pouring forth from the child's lips and the fact that they would even listen to a child's words when murder was the punchline? No, no he wasn't and hearing her jarring voice and even seeing her moving to harm Buckingham set him off. His tail lashed and even as the situation might have calmed down he disregarded her jabbing voice. This was why he had a hard time believing in the management of the Ascendants. When kids could be disrespectful to other leaders as if they meant absolutely nothing. If she wanted a fight, to egg him on and to think she would come out on top then she would have another thing coming. His jaw clenched once, blood welling up in possible claw marks as he just stared at her. His eyes began to take on a silvery tone, eyes much to wide to be normal. Water whipped up suddenly and fast, dredge up from the ground around him and he moved to take the brute of her attack before she hit Buckingham with her paw. It floored him of course but it was merely a distraction as that water so quick and fleeting zipped through the air aimed to slice open the flesh along her face and her neck. "Ya even think about touchin' him and I'll put ya in ya place where ya belong." He snapped heatedly as the water shifted and parted, becoming needles of fluid in the air. With enough pressure these needles could become dangerous piercing weapons and he wasn't afraid to use them as he looked up at Thea calmly, jaws slightly parted and muzzle curled with anger clearly in his gaze. He'd be getting his apology, for this and for the start of it. He would have justice for his own group.

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-25-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The Soldier thought it's plan was inevitable. It sounded perfect in it's mind, kill enemy, extinguish threat from head. It didn't think anything would get in the way, and that the Asset's metal claws would dig deeply into Bastille's neck. But in the middle of it's lunge, another creature quickly got in the way. There was no way the Asset could avoid them, the shark feline stood firmly in front of it. Instead of meeting Bastille's neck, it's metal claws made firm contact with Monroe's shoulder. Monroe's skin was thick, far rougher than the skin it originally intended to slay. The Soldier had to put more effort into digging it's claws into Monroe's skin, but that did not bother the Asset. It's dealt with stronger, more dangerous creatures. Quickly it ripped it's, now bloodied, metal claws out of Monroe's skin, intending to use Monroe's body to ricochet itself off.

But before it could put it's strength in it's back legs, it's ears pricking up at a hissing, commanding voice from the shark feline. "Buckingham, back off ya ain't got tae attack him!" It didn't take very long for the Asset to recognize that as an order. The Asset processed their tone and diction in a matter of seconds, leaping off of Monroe. It landed firmly on the ground, bloodied metal claws staining the green grass below. For a moment, the Soldier thought off the urge to lunge at Bastille again, it's gaze landing on Monroe. Monroe spoke to the Asset as if he knew it, even calling it by a name. Buckingham. The Soldier's head cocked to the side, confusion gleaming in it's cold eyes for a second. "Who the hell is Buckingham?" It questioned Monroe, it's tail slowly swishing behind it. As it got a closer look at Monroe, it was then the shark feline's scent invaded it's nostrils. Monroe doesn't have a scent that smells like the enemy, kitten, and snow leopard. Actually, the shark feline's scent matched it's own.

Oh, it was all falling together now. It's been months since the Soldier had a handler, that it didn't even dare to think of the possibility for a moment. The Asset was not exactly sure how it ended up here, but it must have gotten a new handler in the time of it's absence. Monroe looked, and acted like an authority figure- the Soldier couldn't even find any ounce of fear on their face. Usually, people would be afraid of the Soldier, knowing how dangerous it can be- but handlers do not express that fear. Handlers keep the Asset under control, the Asset cannot go against them unless there's a severe malfunction. The Asset was about to open it's jaw to speak, when it caught the snow leopard in it's peripheral vision.

The Soldier is quick, it knows how to move it's body to the best of it's ability. It wasn't fazed by Thea's larger size, it's first handler was slightly bigger than her. And the Soldier knows what it's like to fight it's first handler, if the Asset didn't defend itself, it's whole purpose of existing would have been lost. The maine coon quickly dodged to the side, avoiding Thea's paw with ease. The Soldier didn't make a move to attack, as before it could even process it, his new handler intervened.

They were trying to defend the Asset. They were even attempting to bring harm to the snow leopard for potentially damaging the Soldier. If anything, that proves to the Soldier that Monroe is his handler even more. The Soldier was Monroe's property, and it would be a great loss if the Soldier was killed, or even injured. The Soldier didn't even belong to itself, and it quickly began to think that Monroe having to step in was the Soldier's fault. The Soldier should have thought of a new handler, should have looked for someone to await orders by. Due to it's fault of attacking without permission, the Soldier has caused several problems. 1) It's handler stepping in to prevent the Asset from attacking it's 'target'- which wasn't even a target at all, as it wasn't authorized to attack. 2) Someone else attempted to attack the Asset, and it's handler had to protect his property from harm.

The Asset took a step back, lowering it's head into submission as it looked at Monroe again. They seemed upset, the Soldier knowing they have every right to be. The Soldier was malfunctioning badly, and a severe punishment should come it's way. It forgot that it does not have it's own rights, as it's a living weapon. "Awaiting punishment," The Winter Soldier spoke up, cold eyes locked on Monroe. It probably should give a list of it's malfunctions, even if it grants it a worse punishment. It does not get to pick what punishment it will receive, and does not get a preference. "The Winter Soldier attacked without your orders. Other malfunctions include speaking out of term and inflicting harm to you."

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - MirrorEdge - 09-25-2018

"Still worried about him, huh? Where does this loyalty come from?" Thea murmured, actually quite curious. It was clear that he was in the wrong, right? So why defend him? She knew well enough that her own clanmates didn't trust her this much as it was. Oni. Alexander. Moon. Some looked at her in fear and some in hatred, now that she'd been here long enough that the side that was well-hidden began to show. Trusting somebody to the point she would depend on them was a foreign concept for her. So she didn't understand this behavior at all. It perplexed her to no end.

Blood dripped down the Arabian leopard's cheek, and she teleported behind Bast, the strong urge to simply kill Buckingham right here strong.

You don't want to ruin all you've done so far? Because if you do, Roy and your mother died in vain. Thea gave the tiniest nod to herself. Yes, it was true. Her friends were right. She hadn't gone this far to give him a quick death. And right now, it looked as though Buckingham wasn't exactly home at the moment. "Is he broken or something?" She muttered to herself. Then it hit her. Maybe he had friends, like her. If so, should she ruin his life still.

That isn't his friend. Get ahold of yourself, child. The little whispers had turned to hisses, and Thea almost flinched, before nodding again.
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♦ -
Light colored fur soon turned to darker chocolate as Aloysius took the place of Onision, the hulking wolf giving a snarl towards the two Sunhaven members. "Space is required." Aloysius spoke, the voice deep and rumbling, the scent of cigarettes radiating from his persons as he went to attempt to scoop Thea up by her scruff, trying to yank her back away from the group in general, spaced a bit back behind Bastille.

"Host requests that pest not be killed by anyone but him. Try not to attack those who do not deem you an adequate opponent, infant mortal." Aloysius snarled at Thea, cold blue eyes focused as the wolf watched for any signs of a fight. This wasn't Thea's responsibility. All she was was a witness. Bastille could handle himself.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh