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RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Printable Version

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Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - tikki - 09-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" width: 425px; font-family calibri; font-size: 12px; color: darkgrey; text-align: justify; padding: 7px; line-height: 130%"]Boston did not know much of war or rebellion, did not know of a group that would take over another, whether it be a permanent solution or a temporary one, but he did know of defending, something he had to do for himself in the time that he had spent alone before he had joined the Snowbound, before he had found a home. Before, it had been easy as most of the others he had to defend himself from where small creatures with no fighting skills, just instinct, but now it was different, most of the ones that he had been told about were bigger than him, and they all had fought many times, whether it be in practice or in reality, and his skills - none compared to the Pittians - would be tested.

He had thought about staying inside, staying safe and watching the fight from inside to see the moves everyone outside would be making, see how he could better improve, but, in the end, the child decided that he'd be better off outside where the action was, trying to help. His ignorance would one day get the best of him.

When he had heard the song that rang from Nui, Boston would pad over to the healer's den, making himself comfortable yet ready for attack near Atabash, the pup's ears pricked as he looked around, waiting. When there was suddenly fighting going on around him, and Atavash had run off to go and fight, the puppy stood there, stunned and confused. What was he meant to do now?

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Stryker - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Air suddenly pushed out of his lungs, causing the lion to freeze. His foot slid. Stryker gracefully fell to the ground with a thud. Wheezing, the lion attempted to muster up the strength to his feet but found himself out of breath and uncoordinated as the oxygen began to leave his brain. Instead, Stryker clawed at the air loosely. Even so this was his end. There was no way to get out of this one and he was bound to meet his quick end by the hands of the Snowbounders. Though he wanted more time, he knew when to call it quits.

Knowing his end, he wanted to let the others in the Pitt to have a safe leave. They didn't need to see him weak. 'Tsuyu, part ways and head back to the Pitt,' came his mental words. 'As for the rest of you, head out before they take off my head.' For a moment, he contemplated sending his leader and second-in-command a private message to address his relationship with them, but threw it aside. 'I can handle them myself.' While he did know it was his end, Stryker still let his ego get the best of him and was willing to throw himself into the pit of Snowbound's hell if it meant that his message got across. 'Go.' With Atbash on his tail, things were getting personal.

Expecting the crowd to run, the lion pushed himself to lay on his back with all the strength he had left in him. Neon eyes glared in Atbash's direction. A smirk lied on  his maw. His stomach was exposed, showing that he was open to be attacked by the Snowbound's true leader if she dearly wished to do so. It would prove his point but also show that he was willing to admit his defeat. All she had to do was give in... Even so, there were other ways to ending this rather than unprecedented violence. Either the leader ended it violently or awaited for his surrender while she choked him out.

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - TSUYU. - 09-08-2018

Tsuyu move out of the way of Valinor's hand right at last minute, eyes widening at the sight of it. Sadly for her, that triumphant, smug look on her face didn't last long as she had soon been bitten on her shoulder, a loud yowl escaping her jaws. While she was pleased with being abused, being hurt, it felt good to her, she didn't like it when it was Snowbound who did it to her.

"Get off of me, you naive idiot. Ribbit." Tsuyu snarled, ripping her shoulder out of the jaws of [member=1172]dimitri.[/member] as she jumped backwards, her frog-like tongue swaying in the air. "You guys did this! It's all of your faults! You made me feel useless here, ribbit!" She snarled, ears pricking up at her Master's voice ringing in her head. Run, take off? Tsuyu seemed to not like that idea, but she didn't have telepathy. She couldn't talk back to him.

"It's time to head back, then.. Pittians, let's go!" She snarled to the last remaining pittian NPC's left over, turning around, and with a loud hiss of pain at her torn shoulder, she used her springy legs to hop away as fast as she could, using the last of the water she gathered to form a thick wall of ice between herself and the Snowbounder's, attempting to escape with the rest of the Pittians.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-09-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
If Atbash wasn't so focused on Stryker so much, she would have sighed with relief upon realizing she was able to catch him like she did. Unfortunately, she had to use her energy on trying to keep forcing air into lungs as she stalked forward, her black eyes cold as she approached the lion. Although she was completely unaware of Stryker calling out to his clanmates telepathically, but the way she heard snow crunching behind her she could tell the Pittians were fleeing. Good. Which meant they won. But not yet, she needed to see Stryker surrender beneath her.

As she got closer to him, Atbash's lips peeled back in a snarl whenever she spoke, "Snowbound is mine, Stryker. Leave and never come back." She could do things violently, yes, but he definitely looked uncomfortable with being choked out - understandable, but she wanted to see him beg. She wanted to see him look so desperate to leave that she had to release him, before she passed out of exhaustion. The way she constantly tried shoving air into him was draining, but the Hailcaller tried not falter as she walked, keeping her gaze on the lion who took her eye.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Stryker - 09-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Mouth wide, eyes full of fear, Stryker faced the female in hopes she would spare his life. It seemed like it was his time to go. With the leader making the decision to end this peacefully, he was rather disappointed, but decided it was for the best that he hold himself till they met again.

Soon enough he was off into the shadows without a word.