Beasts of Beyond
A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - Printable Version

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Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - EROS - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]A lot of balls against someone that was of the same stature as himself. Yes. He would only cower when it came to a pitt member and that was it. They were the ones that had bent his mind, it was not broken, only slightly shifted and molded to what they wanted it to be and that was it. So as she poke those words to him he lifted his head up a bit and his pink marble gaze focused on the strange frog creature that was very much okay with what she was going. In his own mind it wasn't going to accomplish anything, she was just doing this for the heck of it. No gaining any information or trying to get some kind of goal out of it. There was already trouble with Snowbound, already trouble with the Rosebloods and possibly trouble with Sunhaven. Did they really need more? His tail lashed against the ground and he didn't say anything because he was preparing himself. Rather it was a bad move or not he didn't care because he understood his own values and what they meant to him. He'd get her out, or at least he would try and he opened up his mind, mental reach rushing forward as he attempted to delve into Tsuyu's mind but only to release a telepathic scream in her head, soundless to the outside world and force her into unconsciousness.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - TSUYU. - 09-03-2018

Tsuyu wasn't expecting to be attacked, not at all. She was planning to just take Arrow back to her cave, but those plans were interrupted by a sudden intrusion in her head, followed by a loud scream.

Tsuyu's body curled up at the screaming, head shaking side to side as a pained growl escaping her throat. Her tongue released her prisoner, and she fell to the ground, clenching her head with unsheathed clawed paws, ripping at her ears as if that would stop the loud screaming in her head.

"Ah, Ah!.." She whimpered out, shivers sliding down her spine before the frog hybrid's head fell to the ground. Tsuyu was unconscious, but only for a little while. Valkyr had very little time to get the prisoner out of her sight before she stirred once more.

//knocked out! good job bb, i'm so proud of valkyr for standing up for himself. sniff.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - EROS - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Watching her as she crumbled down he felt bad. He hadn't thought that it would happen like that and for a moment he wished he could take it back. The way she clawed at her own ears and he way that she ad whimpered and cried out almost made him shrink down. Why couldn't it have been instantaneous? But he had no time to dwell on that and instead the slave moved forward and nudged Arrow gently. He had to move her and so he attempted to do so, picking her up lightly by the scruff and carrying the once upon a time prisoner away from this area. Hopefully he could get her back and he didn't care, he'd suffer the punishment of his actions later. He was desensitized to his own hurts and his own pains. He was nothing but a tool, nothing but property and he did not weep for the bruises or scars that were laid upon his body.

--permission was given to take captive home but valkyr can be punished for his actions upon return