Beasts of Beyond
sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - Printable Version

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Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - TSUYU. - 08-14-2018

Tsuyu couldn't smell. But she could hear, quite well, in fact. Quickly, the frog-manx hybrid hopped over to the scene of the takeover, skidding in beside Nui's form protectively. She was internally thinking of ways to take those who weren't fighting and run, but she had to keep her own emotions in check, too. She couldn't use her power, she had no real control over it right now. Emotional distress usually led to ice taking over.

Then, she glanced over to Stryker just as soon as he attacked Dimitri, her eyes widening at the sight of blood. Blood, so much blood. "Monster!" Tsuyu croaked out in a screeching voice, charcoal eyes wide with fear. Oh god, Toga was here. Memories of the psychotic girl was stuck in her head, and her fight or flight response kicked in. Should she fight? Should she try to fight back?

"Atbash, hang on! We'll get you!" Cried out Tsu, sending a glare over to Stryker before ice began to form at her toes without her thinking. No, no, no. She couldn't afford to use that! She was getting anxious, it wasn't like her to get anxious. Where was All Might? Where was Aizawa?

Tsuyu remained still, frozen in fear as long forelegs ached to be used. Her long, frog-like tongue hung from her jaws, preparing to wrap around anyone she could reach. She could fight. For Atbash.
But was it worth it?

// Attempts to convince Tsuyu to join the Pitt is permitted for plot-based reasons! She is also open for fights.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - Luciferr - 08-15-2018

/track fo now.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-15-2018

Oh yes, Dante was here, though he absolutely hated Snowbound's territory. The cold messed with his gills and made them scratchy and it hurt honestly, and the hybrid coughed as he made his way to the tribe's camp, arriving just in time to see Stryker rip out the leader's eye. Dante's ears pricked at that, clearly impressed with what Stryker had done. There was a fight breaking out and the Strong Arm couldn't help but feel adrenaline course through him, itching to be apart of the fight. Spotting [member=1939]WINTERWOLF[/member] , Dante would run at the male and try to tackle him. Time to get this shit started and end it.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - Stryker - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker reared back at the pressure.  The claws that dug into the sides of his paw caused him to initially drop Atbash to the floor, which led to her passing out due to that and the pain. "LITTLE BITCH," he roared. The lion tensed up, hissing ferociously at the body at the floor. Her attack stung, but nothing that would scar him. Though it did hurt... That could be dealt with later, but he had bigger things to do.

In the corner of his eye, Wendell dashed out the door. "Get the weasel," came his growl towards those Pittians that remained, hoping that at least one of them would track the Snowbounder down.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - TSUYU. - 08-15-2018

Tsuyu tensed up at the command, reacting on impulse as frost escaped her jaws. With a heavy, long leap, Tsuyu jumped in front of the door, using her body as a shield to block the door. Soon, with a touch of her back paw, she jammed the door shut with ice, fangs bared towards the remaining Pitt members. "you're not touching my tribemates, stryker. Neither are the rest of you bumbling fools, ribbit!" She snapped, a snarl of aggression leaving her throat. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, and her fur rose on her spine threateningly. She was doubtful. If Atbash could go down, would they really be able to protect Snowbound? Where was Izuku? Where was All Might? Aizawa? Where were the heroes when someone needed them? Tsuyu found herself pondering such things on her own, her gaze overshadowed with mixed emotions about this whole thing. Why was she here? She killed Tokoyami, didn't she? She didn't deserve to be here. She should have rot with the other villains.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - Stryker - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  //due to the reset, izuku's post was removed.

Weird ass fucking frog. Even before his exile, the male had never liked her, even if he admittedly imagining things about what that tongue could do. She was too snappy... yet vulnerable. Perhaps he could do something with her later on, but for now she was a weakling within these parts. "I'm scared," he cooed. "Your cl-"

Izuku successfully barreled Stryker onto the ground out of nowhere, catching the lion off his guard. Electric scorched through his body, hairs sticking up on end till they begun to fall off slowly in chunks as Izuku's claws grazed him in ever spot the male could ever reach. The stench of burnt hair filled the air within seconds. Though, the lion was not willing to handle defeat. He knew Izuku's limits after their encounter in the woods, seeing that he had successfully paralyzed and beat the ever living hell out of the larger male. It was not the end.

A staggering, tremoring paw aimed to reach for Izuku's face. His attack there was simply a distraction. Whether the attack hit or not, a mocking hiss would be shot in Izuku's direction with a wicked smile dawning upon the leader's maw. "Fool." In the meantime, his back legs would kick upwards on Izuku's underbelly in an attempt to push him off viciously, which would also cause the circuit to end and his talons to loosen out of Stryker's skin.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - ninazu - 08-19-2018

The serval calmly walked into the chaotic scene, her ears twitching and slitted eyes narrowed. She disliked the place already; the cold environment stung her skin and made her muscles ache - her species adapted for the sweltering heat of the desert, not this frozen version of hell. Her muscled quivered, shivering as she set her leather bag on the ground; she idly swore to herself that she knew she needed to bring something else, but it was far too late to turn back and grab a simple comfort like a scarf.

With a growl in her throat, she twitched her toes and summoned three crackling flames to hover around body. The ethereal fire flickered, darting around her body with almost wills of their own. She sneered at the Snowbounders, finding them pathetic - they talked smack about resisting, but plenty of them just stood frozen or tried to flee. She couldn't imagine their lives holding any weight of importance; spineless cowards never made history, they only sucked energy away from their betters.

With the glow of flames casting light and shadow on herself, she took a deep breath of the cold air and let herself focus. Electrical sparks popped out intermittently from her paws, just before she attempted to send an arch of lighting towards [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] the one fleeing the scene. She hoped that her lightning might prove fast enough to strike the bloody coward down.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - toboggan - 08-20-2018

To say the unexpected discharge of electricity was painful would be an understatement. The sheer amount of pain that seared across his backside forced him to crumple up on the ground. Croaking in agony, the wolverine’s noggin lurched behind, in an attempt to identify what, or who, had caused this. It was a feline, one that hurled a bolt of lightning at him. That tosser, she could’ve killed him with her cheating antics.

Along with discomfort, anger galloped throughout his mentality. The heartless cluster that was the Pitt went as far as attacking those who didn’t want to fight, and there’s nothing as pitiful as besieging the peaceful. On account of Snowbound’s standing being in the role of peaceful, the number of fierce combatants the group had lacked, thus, outside assistance was required. Wendell knew he’d be seen as a coward for ditching, but that was nothing on the group currently seizing an utterly defenceless clan. That is, if he even survived the encounter with Little Ms. Lightning over here.

"Sod off!" he’d holler angrily, standing himself up on his weary legs, ”Go fight someone that wants to!”. Mainly a pacifist, he didn’t want to fight unless he absolutely had to, and in this case, the serval was merely a distraction, not a combatant. If she was smart, she’d attend the brawl happening at the banquet hall and assist her leader in fighting someone that actually posed as a threat. Shifting his gaze towards the closest exit of Snowbound, the mustelid began sprinting once more, luckily not collapsing from the pain that still lingered. 

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

He'd followed after FANGED-LION-Praetorian and the others of this sttrange hive he found himself in, the still growing juvenile moving along in the shadows like a thing born of them, silent and slinking that oozed the grace of the shadows themselves.

a rumbling hiss and its eyeless gaze was drawn to the smaller preys still trying to fight greater tthan they - but the fleeing prey caught its gaze and with a delighted shriek - food! hunt! - the alien panther scuttled after [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] aiming to try and pounce the wolverine and aim a sharp clawed swipe down to trap the fleeing prey, he was hungry and the seething roil demanded blood.

/didna knw who else to attack oof.

Re: sweating bullets | TAKEOVER - toboggan - 08-21-2018

A new response had been added to the amalgam of pain and anger that had formed before; fear. Getting struck by lightning was one thing, having your body pinned to the ground by a terrifying monstrosity was another. Warm liquid oozed from his shoulder, the location of where the beast’s claw made contact with him. Said shoulder was currently being pinned down, rendering him immobile. A mix of despair and choler was present in the snarls directed at the thing, before attempting to headbutt [member=1966]BLACKTIDE.[/member] in the means of escaping. "Geroff of me!" he’d cry anxiously, ”Lemme go!”