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SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Printable Version

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Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - rushy - 08-19-2018

name: rushy
activity: 8/10 (wacky on MWF bcs i have biology labs those days jfkds)
muse: 8/10

name: constantine roux-wickliff-corleone
sex: male
orientation: pan

physical appearance: LITHE, MUSCULAR, TALL
All in all, to be quite frank, Constantine is built like an 18-wheeler truck. His build is on the taller end for mutts of his type, and all of his limbs are well-thickened with muscle. If he was a bit shorter, he might be considered to have the build of a pitbull, since he would appear more boxy than long. His coat consists of both a thick undercoat and overcoat, factoring in his husky genetics. Because of this, Constantine is very graceful in his movements, no matter what he's doing. Almost like a sort of snow fairy.
As for his coloration, he's almost a perfect mix between a doberman and a husky, minus the scaly gills on either side of his neck. His base coat is a chocolatey black and he has a tan muzzle, chest, underbelly, and tail- as well as having all four legs have tan socks. As a sort of finishing touch, he has a splash of white right in the middle of his chest. He's coloured like a perfectly toasted marshmallow!

For someone who's as cute as a button like Constantine, he sure is rather... Stupid, to put it lightly. He doesn't know any better about a lot of things, and often doesn't filter himself in conversation. Because of this, he often says things that are at times unwarranted and even insensitive without any ill intention. However, Constantine is far from rude. Just because he lacks a certain level of competence doesn't make him any less of an absolute sweetheart. He's always quick to help anyone who needs it, whether it be physically or emotionally. Sure, he doesnt give out the best advice, but its always good to have someone you know is listening to you around! He also has a few interesting quirks, such as refusing to ingest anything green, speaking in rhyme or alliteration on occasion, or having bizarre malapropisms due to his alliteration issue.

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-19-2018

due to the restore moment we had on BoB, I will be extending the deadline to the 23rd

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - emil - 08-19-2018


FULL NAME: Toulouse Roux-Wickliff-Corleone
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, leaning toward boys

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS: The Typhoon, will always prefer to remain with family. He doesn't quite understand the concept of loyalty yet. It's a bit difficult to befriend him, as he's a very closed off person, usually remaining within the safe company of his fathers. He has a tendency to completely avoid everyone that isn't family, unless someone he knows well is present.
GROUPS: ½ Nothing yet

PHYSICAL ADJECTIVES: runt; small, frail, pretty boy
FULL DESCRIPTION:  Like his siblings, Toulouse takes more after Jacob than Pincher. His fur is a slightly dirty-looking gray like that of slate, tinted nearly black over his spine and tail. The texture of his coat is rugged and coarse; thick and almost matted from seawater and usually a bit damp from how often he swims, as well as messy and rugged from tossing and turning in the night. Though he retains more qualities from Jacob, he still inherited a few things from Pincher; notably his floppy ears and narrow face. His eyes are heterochromic, two lovely almond-shaped optics; his right eye is hazel like a crisp autumn leaf, with flecks of brown and orange around his pupil, his left eye blue as the sky above and clear as the pool on Haven Island. Beneath his eyes sit dark circles; a sign of lacking sleep. His pupils remain undilated and though that makes them somewhat sensitive to light, he's developed a third eyelid to ensure protection. Inside his jaws sit rows and rows of sharp, ridged teeth like that of a shark's. Lou stands the shortest of his siblings, the runt of the litter, with lanky legs and a body so thin you'd think he was malnourished. His body doesn't quite absorb the amount of nutrients he needs to grow, leaving him quite small for a large majority of his life. He looks as though he is made of glass; delicate, frail, seeming like he'll break from the weakest of touches. Overall, he's a pretty little thing, resembling a porcelain doll (with shark teeth).

POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective, kind to loved ones, family-oriented
NEUTRAL TRAITS: Timid, blunt, very quiet, drowsy
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bad social anxiety, oblivious, reclusive, standoffish, hot-tempered
MENTAL ILLNESSES: Autism, ADHD; developed selective mutism
FULL DESCRIPTION:  One could describe Lou as feisty or perhaps irritable, for the boy has quite a bad temper for his age. He seems to almost always be in a bad mood, with a permanent scowl upon his face that either reads angry or sad. He has yet to control this temper of his, and though he doesn't blow up when set off, it's easy to tell when he is not happy with someone or something. He has a tendency to isolate himself from others, as he struggles with severe social anxiety, leading to him remaining inside for days on end with little contact with others. The only people he seems to trust or be genuinely happy or calm around is his family, especially his father, Pincher. The boy tends to trail the captain everywhere, usually taking to sitting between his paws or hiding behind his tail. Lou is extremely quiet for a child his age, usually expected to be loud and excitable and energetic as other children, instead remaining completely silent unless somehow provoked. Called "selective mutism," he usually only speaks within the secluded company of family members and rarely to anybody else. Though a bit hard to tell for some, this stems from his autism and ADHD; he finds some things difficult to cope with and simply cannot comprehend other things, which is a leading factor in his temperament. Choosing when he speaks and whom he speaks to gives him some control and is one of his ways to cope. Another mechanism he's acquired is chewing on things; this comes as a stim to him, developing very early, when he began to teeth. He has a habit of chewing on whatever is nearest to him (usually someone's tail or paw) when he grows anxious or irritated, or simply wants to chew. Despite all these "bad" qualities of his, Lou can be kind, though his soft side is usually only shown around his siblings or parents. He's incredibly protective of them and despite being the smallest of his litter, he does what he can to defend them, even if it means getting injured in the process. He very much loves his family and would quite literally do anything for them.

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]FAVORITE THINGS:
— Toulouse swims more than he does anything else, enjoying the cool water washing over him on a warm summer day. On the nights he finds himself unable to sleep, he goes to the ocean and wades in it to clear his mind.
— He enjoys painting almost as much as swimming, though he definitely is not the most talented at it. He simply loves to wave the brushes around and splatter colors on canvas, portray what he feels without needing to say anything.
— At times during the night, when he cannot rest his eyes or calm himself in the eerie darkness, he pads to wherever Pincher sleeps and curls up beside him. He finds comfort in the presence of his father, feels better pressed into his fur and listening to his heartbeat until he finally can sleep.

note: as lou is trans, his birth name will be lottie instead of toulouse, and will come out soon after he is able to speak coherently (whatever age they start as outside the birth thread)

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-21-2018

2 more days until deadline !!!


FULL NAME: Peppino Alexandru Roux-Wickliff-Corleone
— NICKNAMES: He will introduce himself as Pip, which, while he's young, is a mispronunciation of his own name that will later stick.
— NAME ORIGIN: Peppino is the Italian equivalent of Joseph (a diminutive of Giuseppe),  whereas Alexandru is the Romanian equivalent of Alexander and means, "defender of men."
— PRONOUNS: Masculine; he/him
SEXUALITY: This isn't something he'll ever give much thought to, especially when he keeps distance between himself and most people. which is a long way of saying idek

Pip has the facial structure of a Doberman, with the longer snout and angular face as compared to the slightly broader skull of a husky mix, though his face is not quite as slim as it would be if he were fully Doberman. He has the triangular ears of a husky, though taller- or they would both be, if one ear didn't curl slightly over in a half flop, the other remaining fully upright. His eyes are segmental, and seem to mirror each other; the left, beneath his slightly curled ear, is almost neatly divided between a deep mahogany and Pincher's frosty blue, with the former on the left and the latter on the right side of that eye from an observer's perspective. His right eye is similarly separated, though conversely, so the left section of his eye is blue and the right is brown. I drew a quick example of this since that description isn't the best on my part lmao (click).

In terms of coloring, marking-wise, he has retained the Doberman style, in that he is largely one hue. Where a Doberman is typically black, Pip is the cinnamon-brown of a husky, and where a Doberman has tan markings, Pip has splashes of cream-white on his shoulders, snout, ears, and stockings. His fur is naturally short, not quite as close-cropped as a Doberman's but far from the length of a husky mix's. It seems a happy medium between the two, and is relatively soft- not silky, though not coarse, either.

Pip's build isn't especially large or underdeveloped; his height is a tad shorter than the average husky's, and he retains the smooth slimness of shape of a Doberman. He isn't noticeably muscled, more slender than athletically lean, but he doesn't appear as though a strong wind might blow him over.

Pip is an unassuming guy, whose personality isn't especially loud or attention-drawing. He's friendly and polite, though not exuberantly so, and he seems to have inherited Jacob's warm disposition, as well as his ability to see the best in people, even those who seem to have none of it. Generally, he is forgiving, and accepts people's faults for what they are without becoming critical; in fact, he rarely has a harsh word for anyone, and whenever he does, it's typically a result of his concern when gentle words haven't made any leeway.

His personal love will always be helping people however he can, whether he offers assistance himself or finds someone better equipped to do it. He may become a bit self-destructive in this need, overlooking his own health for someone else's, although he might briefly escape his own cycle when he recognizes he can't do his best if he isn't at his best.

As compassionate as he is, Pip tends to keep people outside of the family at a careful, almost professional distance. He will not go out of his way to befriend people, however welcoming he can be; he will not pursue relationships, and so in that way, he might seem disinterested, which is not the truth. In reality, he is merely leery of the mutual expectation of reliance. Pip is fully prepared to assist others, but is not so graceful in accepting it himself, too proud and obstinant to lean on someone else.

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-22-2018

final day before decision day!! all applications look wonderful, guys! (^:

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - drachen - 08-22-2018



[div style="width: 390px; height: 240px; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; color: #aa6f73; overflow: auto"]full name: valerian roux-wickliff-corleone
nicknames: val, valeri, valerie
—  name origin: the latin meaning of the name valerian is valiant
age: four months
date of birth: 8/23/18
birthplace: the typhoon
biological sex: intersex
gender: male. uses he/him, but is open to being referred with any pronouns
current whereabouts: the typhoon
— previous whereabouts: n/a

romantic orientation: unknown/to be developed
sexual attraction: unknown/to be developed
current crushes: none
— maybe crushes?: nope
— past crushes: none
relationship status: single; too young
— past relationships: none
parents: pincher roux x jacob wickliff corleone
siblings: tba
offspring: none

looks: pretty evergreen forest eyes that sparkle in continuous delight. friendly and welcome to those meeting the cheerful gaze. valerian doesn't mind or care that his eyes aren't similar in coloration to his siblings. he does, however, have nictitating mebranes and undilated pupils like his other siblings.

soft angel wings and ivory skin. not a single hint of color marks the powdery white fur belonging to valerian. soft and fluffy to the touch, it's usually well kept despite being the type to move all about, getting covered in all sorts of muck and grime. despite having a snowy pelt he feels out of place and plain from the lack of other pigmentation on his fur. he'll start to paint himself with all sorts of colors to make up for the lack thereof.

not dainty nor burly, he is your average size for a young pup with the mixed features of the doberman husky italian wolf mix. a nicely shaped skull and well developed bones with pointed ears and curled tail, he's the appearance of a healthy boy who has a mixture of his dads looks. in addition to his looks, he has a set of gills yet unfortunate for him they are underdeveloped, and can't provide proper assistance when going under water.
— scars?: none
— accessories?: none yet

personality: extroverted like nobody's business. valerian is the type to greet all new faces when possible, even foes that has no idea about. it does get caught up with his naivety from the lack of his experience in the world and could end disasterous for him. of course, he'll face the consequences head on when it comes to that. while mistakes will be made it won't dampen his spirits in the slightest. ever if it does he's quick to bounce back and be your usual chatter box. speaking of which, val loves to chat it up with others, loving all their experiences, ideas, and thoughts on the world. it can cause him to be precieved as annoying to others and will generally shut up if you tell him to. reckless and adventurous, it shouldn't be a surprise if he gets into a lot of trouble on accident, and you can't blame him too much. floor being such a young child he will come to learn the do's and don'ts in addition to learning about morality and that it's not black and white line some others may believe it to be.

— triggers?: none
— phobias?: none yet

future plots: if val gets picked i plan to have him drown at a young age. this stems from the fact that he loves the water and wants to improve his swimming and would go out to the beach and try one his own before getting too far from shore. due to his underdeveloped gills it wouldn't help him out for surviving very long. val would be gone for a month ( real time ) before reappearing after being brought back to life by a god. depending on how relationship with the typhoon as a whole, in addition to my own activity, will determine what he will return as and the plots to follow after. name change is possible.

— the orcale: maalik — they/them | actively involved & high activity
spirit ending up in the territory of the greek gods, apollo would turn him into one of his oracles after seeing the sweet, compassionate soul of valerian who's a deep desire is to ensure the well being of the typhoon as a whole. he would start receiving prophecies and glimpses of the future from those he touches ( with permission, of course ) and how it will end for them, though he isn't allowed to interfere but only give advice. can be used for clan plots in the future.

— the valkyrie: hest — she/her | moderately involved & moderate activity
still in the works

— the hero: seraphinus — he/him | moderately involved & low activity
a chosen hero of an unnamed god ( for now ) who believes he has great potential in living and going on quests, thus bringing him back to life. caring towards others and wanting them to stay safe, this path would lead him down the road to travel from home to aid others in need. the sense of duty to protect others will be his source of motivation and will typically be absent most of the time due to adventuring and letting it all unfold before him.

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Cheeters - 08-23-2018

after careful deciding, the winners are the following:
Feel free to introduce them today!!! C:

Re: SUNSHINE ✶ ABYSS — PINCHER & JACOB [HPR] - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

damn, thats a lotta quasi-grankids for luci to spoil.

Ohmygod tho, Luci with like a hundred lil pinchob kids just climbin him, RETURN OF THE PLAYGROUND 2K18


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]alsjdfs thank you so much!! congratulations everybody!! i'll get started with Pip asap