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Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Warringkingdoms - 08-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]After some time, with the help of Moon and the rest of the medical team, Rin was finally starting to recover- just as the Ascendants as a whole had hit another rough patch.

  Margaery was gone, under circumstances unclear, and they'd been raided, stolen from, had their members captured by the Typhoon. Hadn't they been allies once? Maybe the Typhoon just happened to be in the habit of betraying former allies that dared to drop them. They wouldn't have been the first group to do so...

  Even now that she was slowly returning to normal, her brain was still struggling to keep up with all of the new information as she listened in. There was something about a buddy system, but she missed her name being called. Something about Sunhaven... something about promotions... everything was beginning to blur, even as dread began to creep into her mind. This felt like the recipe for disaster.

  Suddenly, everything went dark- she had to tug at her scarf with one paw, feeling the fabric against her neck, to ensure that she hadn't passed out. No, the observatory itself had gone dark. Had there been a power outage? A sudden solar eclipse?

  The dark itself was not that concerning, other than the suddenness of the change, but what was concerning was the sound of Suiteheart pounding on the outside of the door and Inu pounding on the inside. Were they trapped? That would be a larger problem than anything else, given that their food, water, and supplies were inherently finite.

  Her mind was finally starting to crank again, but she wasn't entirely sure what to do. Eventually, though, she made her way over towards the smell of blood, and aimed to carefully place a paw on Inu. They didn't need him panicking and tearing out his claws. "We're gonna find a way out," she murmured, trying to block out the confusion and noise that rose around them. "Stay calm."



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There was a moment of complete darkness, and then he blinked and his eye sight adjusted rapidly, auras lighting up across the room. The air was suddenly think with panic and terror, and his throat went dry as it all hit him at once, threatening to overwhelm the empath. Too many powerful emotions radiating from his people — his gaze sought out Hazel automatically, latching onto the golden radiance in the dim, and he was heading in her direction without even thinking about it as people started shouting and yelling. The closer he got the easier it was to breathe and tune out everyone else’s emotions, focusing on his own heartbeat, his own calm. By the time he reached her side, he’d almost blocked the foreign emotions out entirely.

[b]”Everyone stay calm,” he called lowly, keeping his voice measured as he cleared his throat. Fuck. A small flame leapt to life in the air beside him, casting light across the Circle and clustered Observers. ”Look, it’s probably just surges, alright? I have no idea why the fucking doors are locked but we’ll figure this shit out. It can’t possibly stay like this for long, right?”

The truth was that he had no fucking idea, and there was a beat as he stalled, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do here. He was just as confused as the rest of them, damnit, and he had no idea what was best to help them. He didn’t know how to stop this. Fuck, fuck. A quick glance sideways at Hazel, and then he was exhaling and forcing himself to melt into autopilot.

”Right,” he continued, nodding, ”I hope you remembered your fuckin’ buddy groups, because we’re gonna be using them. I’m going to take my group to check out the control room and see if we can find an override switch or some shit. Hazel and Imperia will take their group to sort out what food and medical supplies we have inside, just in case. Roy and Vi, you take your group and work on setting up sources of light around the Circle and in the basement. Wash... fuck. Alright, Cooper’s group will figure out rooms downstairs for anyone who was staying in the bunker and is now locked in.”

A pause. His gaze scanned for Suiteheart, and he scowled. Shit. Suiteheart’s group, you’ll be headed by Hearteyes for now. Okay? Check into the generator room downstairs, see if you can get anything to come back on. It might not release the security but getting power is a start. Church, take your group and set up a fuckin’ game to take people’s mind off of this shit. Lessa, Anz— You two take yours to investigate any windows, figure out if they went into lockdown too. [member=1408]melody[/member] , go with their group. Roman’s group come see me, I’ll figure out what to do with you while he’s gone.”
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - melody - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten sniffed as Bastille started talking again, hearing her name. Checking windows? Oh, she didn't know the other names. She craned her little neck, trying to see if there was anyone she could see who fitted the names perfectly. Otherwise, she'd just have to hope that they knew her.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Owlie - 08-08-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]His group.... He knew Lessa, but Anz and Melody? Hm... Anakin’s form looked about the darkness. Are there any kids in here? Was there something he could do for them? His glowing body moved into the crowd, passing through a few people, like Washington and Warringkingdoms.

Oop, there was kid. Anakin, finding [member=1408]melody[/member] , stopped and lowered himself to be more eye level with the kitten. She was practically the size of his head.

"Hello little one, what’s your name? You want to come with me?"

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Seina - 08-08-2018

Inu was not paying attention to what happend around him, not even listening since all he cared about was to get himself out from here. He had to and that was all that seemed to matter for the terrified shikoku hoe didn't believed anything good come when being stuck in the darkness. Only horrible memories, unpleasant ones. So he contunied to block out what was happening behind him as his focus was straight ahead at the door to contunie to rasp his claws against the door, making his paws only bleed more.

A voice was heared from the outside, no voices but he couldn't tell who stood outside of there. Inu did not exactly know anyone here, barely even having talked to much anyone aside from when he had joined. But it didn't matter much for him now, not if this people outside could get him out. About to reach his voice out at them felt suddenly someone place a paw down on his shoulder. That startled him so much that he entierly froze in place. We're gonna find a way out, The soft words reached his ears and it somewhat was comforting, if only for a little bit. Inu would slowly turn his head around to glance down at the female and for a second there the person he saw was not a stranger face but Mercy's. This warm green eyes in that golden tabby coat. But it only lasted for a second before she was gone again.

Inu then saw a bit of light again, something Bastilleprisoner had done to lighten up the place with the help of fire. It wasn't much, not enough for him to feel any sort of comfort over it. But thanks for what Rin had done wasn't close to panic at the moment despite still feeling extremely anxious and uncomfortable. Inu would give a slow nod as he slide down from the door to let his rump meet the floor. " Gomen..." he apologized with ears flattering down at his skull as he stared down at the floor between his bloody paws. There was no need to panic, he had to what this female had said to stay calm but...but. Tears filled his eyes not wanting to be locked up inside of here.

Inu wished he never had joined this meeting.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - melody - 08-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten jumped as Anakin's head seemed to come out of nowhere - that was the dark's fault, she supposed, but it didn't make her any less jumpy. Her name? "'M Melody." She said quietly, but she couldn't help but feel like the darkness was trying to grab at her as she shivered fearfully. Big eyes blinked as she tried to remember her manners - everyone needed each other's help, and she'd been taught that if you needed someone's help, you should be polite. "It's nice t' m- meet you." She'd never stuttered in her life, not even when she was really afraid, biting her tongue with frustration. No doubt Anakin thought she was just some whiny baby now. Stupid, stupid, stupid.