Beasts of Beyond
SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - Printable Version

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Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - SAYØNARALULLABY - 08-04-2018

[div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]   Watching. / Seeing. / All eyes are out above like stars, but to him, oh, are they only shining and dying. / No hearing of their flickers. / No believing in their presences. / While the small kit remains silent and still throughout the time, while their sisters speaks to the clanners of emerald hearts and grasping bites, he wonders how many more are out there, both in and out of what him and his siblings visiting to.

   ( Count their eyes and spot how many lies are there. )

   Though, the thought gets buried in ashes and stardusts when his baby blues are locked on to the massive creatures appearing from the dragon corpse's mouth. / Shadows within shadows. / Celestial curiosity whirling around small mind, Ayon slowly takes small steps forward towards such beings he have yet to know they are called Hellhounds. / He takes a seat once more so he can reach his paw towards the beasts of brimstone skeletons and ruby teeth.

   Ayon feels his body being thrown back, then, as under Mother Nature's fury, a branch pulls him away from the darkly presences. / He nearly squeaks out of confusion and fear, but realizing it's only his mother, he starts to see all of everyone's teeth. / All faces but no smiles present. / Only all teeth. / He doesn't understand what's happening: the first thing he knows he was stopping by Tanglewood with their siblings, and now, war flashes before him.

   As, silence is his anthem, he still knows the signs, and for this in particular, he pushes himself away from Sola in his own falling darkness and flees to home, despite the ghosts of dagger grins and shadow consumers following behind his mind.

   Step by step; go forward. / Step by step; don't fall back. / ( The world is massive, such planet it is to be crafted with things that are both beautiful and horrible, / oh, youngster of the weeping Angels and bleeding Gods—a glance over the shoulder may let your chance of living be sacrificed to the Damned [i]). / Step by step, and there—onetwotwothreethreethreeruntruetruefreefreefree[/i]

[align=center]( Redacted. )

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - CAIN - 08-04-2018

[Image: original.gif]
Sometimes, Cainsmark thought that his retirement was going pretty well. His spouses were back and not at war with one another. Venus had silenced the darker impulses that Set had been insistent on passing down to him. He felt less unbalanced, more at peace, and had absolutely no responsibilities to tend to aside from his children and supporting his wife. He could just lean back, cheer her on, smite her enemies, and sip his goddamn mimosas in peace. It was an excellent lifestyle, and though his soul still sung for chaos at times, he found that Venus' influence was greater.

Other days, he ran into situations like this, and realized that may there was no escaping the past entirely.

Cain had a similar stance as Sola: he realized that the majority of their kids were missing and nearly lost his shit, before tracking them through the realm. He wasn't at all surprised to find that his wife was already there, likely wrangling their children, but as he stepped forward and materialized out of a swath of shadows he realized immediately that things were just a bit more complicated than he was anticipating. For one thing, his hound was there, and his gaze fell on her immediately.

Malkyn. He felt the crackle of dull energy igniting between them, trying to suck her into him, the flickering impulse to reclaim what was his even when the threat of Roy was obsolete. But there was also the tinges of regret, the softer edge of the sword that wanted to check in on her sorry state and figure out who the fuck had done this to his hound. His sea-green stare lingered on her for a moment before it swung to his sister, and he exhaled slowly. Looked back at Talia and nodded once, well aware now was not the time for this. And then his attention was on his wife.

Cain's gaze was sharp, analyzing the foreign Tanglewood members quickly, and he narrowed it on Malphas in particular. Who the fuck did this scrap of fur think he was? Underestimating Sola and her wrath was one of the stupidest things he'd done. Hell, being rude to innocent children -- their children -- was close on the list, but openly antagonizing his queen? Definitely took the cake. His voice was even and calm as he spoke, however, noting, [b]"I don't know about you barbaric animals, but we don't use our children as pawns. We have standards when it comes to who we endanger." He didn't even bother to address Malphas directly, deeming him too insignificant to bother with. "You all might want to consider a better approach to foreign affairs, however. Pissing off your neighbors with little information and underestimating the hell you might be signing up for is sloppy and going to get you all killed."

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - — MALKYN. - 08-04-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
It was going so well.

It was going so well, until they’re proudly announcing their parents’ names, proudly announcing who the leader is and she suddenly can’t breathe. Talia’s arrival is one second too late, lungs squeezed so tight she can’t get anything in. It’s not real— It’s not real.

She watched Finn disappear into the Ocean, she watched them disappear for two years— her breathing is shaky, wheezed struggling to get up, struggling to move, to back away from the eager kids. Malkyn can’t get her back legs to move the way she wants them to, fighting the rising panic in her chest and climbing in her throat.

She doesn’t want to be here anymore, she wants no part in these kids (she’s lying through her teeth). But before she can get up and leave, she's watching through Talia's eyes as Sola runs into Malphas from the swamp's underbrush, knocking him to the ground and pinning him there. She's too out of it to do anything, struggling to her feet and sidestepping into Talia in her attempt to turn around. Not that she would otherwise, Malphas was the one getting hissy about children. Perhaps she's biased, having a soft spot for young kids. Sola's aggression and initial attack is understandable, Malkyn would've done the same had circumstances been different.

She almost laughs, a wheezed and distant sound at the Roseblood leader, 'Enemies. Effective immediately.' Malkyn's heard those words before and suddenly she can't believe she's standing in the face of another bumbling idiot.

A familiar feeling, a familiar voice, one that held too many memories and emotions. Her heart slams so hard in her chest, she almost can't hear over the loud rush of blood in her ears. The five foot and disabled hound uneasily tries to back away, tries to leave, shaking so hard she kept losing the rest of her control of her back legs.

She can't be here right now.

[ this is So Messy but ]

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - beck. - 08-04-2018

    So much for rigging up a new trap nearby -- based on what he had overheard, their beloved medic's mouth had gotten them all in trouble yet again. His frigid nose jabbed up into the air, the unfamiliar scent of yet another infant group splitting a snarl across his disfigured snout. There was little hesitation as the poltergeist pushed himself to his feet, ready to stalk into the marsh and chase off the trespassers, abandoning his partially-readied tripwire for the weekly dose of theatrics. As Beck drew closer to the clash of familiar and foreign scents, the mangy feline lowered himself to the ground, halting in a thicket of cattails before he could jump out of nowhere in dramatic fashion. It was easier to observe first, intervene later. The boy attempted to count all the trespassers, squinting uselessly to discern their blurring forms. One, two, three... eight? That was way too many, more than what was needed for a simple visit to announce their little upcoming group. But enough for his suspicion to be on high alert, a paranoid twitch causing his apparition to ripple and disappear as he turned his attention to his rogues.

    He wasn't all too impressed by the scene. Who brought their children to potentially dangerous territory? While Tanglewood did pose a threat themselves, the native wildlife was known for snapping up a few felines here and there for a free meal. Not to mention the instigators were upset over a couple of insults from an arrogant whelp. If he weren't shrouded from the living's eyes, he would have given his trademark death rattle of a sigh for his members' incompetence. So much for 'defend their borders, attack trespassers on sight,' huh, Becky? We gotta do everythin' ourselves. The entity couldn't help but agree.

      The commander had heard enough. But it would be a waste of time retaliating against the ones who wandered into their territory and thought they had the authority to scold them. A pulseless beat later, Beck flickered into full view in front of his peers with bloodless lips peeling back to offer a defensive hiss. "Get out. Now." He tried to keep his words steady, but his wheezing was never the best candidate for calm and assertive. Instead, the poltergeist keep his expression numbed and calculating despite the hackles down his back bristling with static. He didn't exactly care that a small family who claimed to be a clan wanted to be "immediate enemies" with them; he just wanted them all to leave, even if it meant chasing them off.