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fully realized creation / open, trespasser - Printable Version

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Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - ADELAIDE -- - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — hey, looked like the big boy liked it. owen can't just hog all the raptors to himself. smiling back at the animal, adelaide completely ignored everything owen said. he was like a mouse, squeaking angrily at her to let go of his tail. despite movement hurting, the mix had still made her way towards the now crouching indoraptor. placing her own snout on his, she decided it was a good place to rest. "i like this guy, he's pretty cool. pretty badass. cooler than your lizards. you gon' stay with us?" seriously, if they kept this guy around, imagine how much fun he'd be. not to mention a total protector if they just made peace with him. kill the enemy, he can get his bloodlust served. letting herself grow more comfortable around the way too big of a reptile, her body relaxed against him. live life on the edge baby.

it was sad, though. what place did he come from? what awful place could make a sweetie like him? "owen's a lil' bitch, but at least he's helping, right? though, i think you should just scare him a bit for me, big boy." her voice was hushed, but she still hoped and prayed to whatever gods there might have been that the indoraptor would cooperate with her. even if its just this once. however, the mention of 'princess' had her eyes drawn back to owen. "still not my name, dumb ass. maybe take after your raptors and shut up." enough with the princess shit, if anything she was a god damn queen.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - emil - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]he hissed as the knife was removed, almost attempting a bite out of sheer instinct, but managed to restrain himself from doing so. play nice; that's all he had to do. perhaps if he played tame long enough they would feed him, even though he was wholly capable of feeding himself. perhaps, even, he would do the dirty work for them. a symbiotic relationship; he liked that sound of that.

indo's eyes turned to adelaide as she began to approach him. he tensed for a moment, even more when she casually rested her muzzle on top of his, but slowly he relaxed. she didn't mean any harm, he realized, and at her question of whether he was going to stay, the dinosaur let out a coo. he liked this woman; bold and feisty. even though he kept getting thoughts of wanting to eat her, she would make a good little friend.

with a hushed tone she spoke to him, saying he should scare the raptor tamer. that sounded fun enough. it was probably the most fun he was going to be able to have in this group, since he'd likely be chased out if he tried to hurt them again, and he didn't want that. not yet, at least. the indoraptor let out a noise that could be interpreted as a laugh before he slipped his snout from under adelaide and stood again, planting a paw on either side of the canine, and opening his jaws in a piercing roar at owen. scary enough, he hoped.

Re: fully realized creation / open, trespasser - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
While Owen was familiar with the fact that Indo still showed the usual body language that a raptor did, he still didn't trust the fact that the feral raptor wouldn't hurt him or Echo. What he wasn't expecting was the roar he got from the indoraptor, making saliva coat his face with a look of digust. "Can you not, Adelaide?!" Came the annoyed grunt from Owen as he pushed back against Echo again. She really liked pushing all of his buttons, didn't she? "Well, at least you've made a friend. Well done, bud. She's a looker." He laughed out, wiping the dripping saliva off of his face and shaking out his fur.

Turning back to Suiteheart and the others, Owen made sure nobody was hurt. "Is everyone okay? Suiteheart?" He asked, worry lacing his voice.