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Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]A fight, a fight was everything she needed. Everything that she wanted because it drove her and made her forget everything else. The feeling of muscles moving and warming up, the heavy hit of blows against another body. It was exhilerating and she aimed to whatever she could to get a good fight. As a Freelancer it was her job to be in top condition and no matter of lack of sleeping or not she was ready for anything and something like this was exactly what she wanted. Whoever these guys were they were going to get one hell of a rude awaking, just like Tanglewood did when they decided on their mock attack. Even in this body she was the size of an adult Labrador so she had a bit of size on her just not as much as she would have liked. Regardless the serval slipped on to the battlefield with ease, her dark amber eyes narrowed as she picked and chose her targets before she suddenly launched herself into the fray. She's already picked someone and it was easy for her to cross the stretch of ground, aiming to intercept the creature attacking Cooper and slam into them in midair. If that would worked she would aim to dig her claws into the to other's chest as they fell, trying for a hard kick to throw the other across the ground and force them to separate as she rolled back onto her paws. That was a tough landing but she'd manage with the pain. She didn't care as long as the other go the message. "Let's go. I'm ready to kick your ass."

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
It seemed the pacifist group had some decent tooth or claw when the alarm had rang and it caused Pincher's adredaline to bump with eagerness. Oh this was fun and frankly, Pincher would enjoy getting into a rough fight with anyone that decided to go against the demigod. A wicked dangerous grin laced his muzzle as the towering jaguar upper lip curled to reveal rows of teeth that were ready to sink into any skin and flesh that intruded his desire in fucking up the Ascendants. A chuckle escaped his jaws as he sidestepped lightly to avoid some attacks and called out a quick "thank you" to the towering leviathan of Lucifer. He was glad that the dragon had decided to join them in the raid and he turned to face to the one that had dared to throw blasts of intense flames at his direction. Oh that fucker. What was his name? Rolex? Roy, right, right. "Oi, spitfire you just made a big mistake!" chuckled Pincher as he suddenly teleported to stand right in front of the melanistic lynx and bit down to sink his teeth into the male's scruff to lift him off the ground. Pincher glanced over at the Starpool and with manical laughter filling his chest, he snarled "This bitch empty — YEET!" and flung Roy into the water as the dark storm gray jaguar's electric blue eyes glistened with mischief. He glanced over his tattooed shoulder to briefly glance at the others fighting before heading over to get closer to the weird ass pool.

He was laughing, out of breath by how ridiculous Roy had looked while flying through the air and crashing into the water. "Not so fiery now, are ya you lousy piece of sh-!" Pincher's taunt was cut as the male hadn't realized that he had stepped on a shard and slipped forward, crashing into the pool as well and in the exact spot where he had seen Roy fall into. Fuck was all that was going through his head as the wildcat felt him suddenly sit on something squirming. Thankfully, Pincher had gills to breathe underwater so he wasn't troubled as he glanced down to see what he had fallen on, only to realize that it was the same empty bitch he had yeeted. Oh what a small world they lived in.

( its 2am and im tired + permission given by sky to powerplay )

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - axiom - 07-29-2018

She recognizes the command; she understands what she needs to do, and she is quite pleased by the choice of prey. She can smell the blood on the hellhound already, though she is unsure whether it belongs to him or something else. A quiet shriek of acknowledgment comes from her maw as she looks at Owen for confirmation, before turning her full attention to the feminine hellhound.

Racing towards [member=1517]Luca[/member] the teal Utahraptor attempts to shove her clawed right arm into his face, while her teeth go to sink into the top of his back - ideally to crunch the area where his ribs met his shoulders. She's learned by now that these animals like to go for her eyes whenever she bites them, and so she's decided to try to compensate beforehand by obstructing their vision - as well as attacking a place where it's more difficult for them to turn to hit her face.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Cosmic - 07-29-2018

"Fuck yer chicken strips!" I yelled, half joking as I approached the battlefield in my dragon form. I saw these Typhooners going for our shards, and I wasn't pleased. Those were ours, not theirs. Yeah- fuck their chicken strips!

I spotted Carolina engaging in a fight with one of them, hoping that she landed that attack. It was great to spar with her- she was the real deal when it came to battle. I wanted to follow suit.

"Hey hey! Came to fuck your day up!"  I gave a chuckle, looking for an opponent to fuck with. I hoped someone would come to me, but then again- who would want to battle a dragon?

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Luca - 07-29-2018

No response from Shine. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting so cold towards him? The only reason the hellhound had fallen in love with him was his warm personality and willingness to forgive. Luca bit his lip, fresh beads of blood blooming beneath his teeth. He was completely unaware of everything that was happening around him, unaware of everything aside from the confused and disoriented Shininglight. Perhaps that was why he didn't realise he was being attacked until it was too late. Claws dug in to his already bloody face, pulling a surprised gasp from Luca's throat. Finally his attention was ripped away from Shine, his mind returning to reality just in time for sharp teeth to come down on his back. The sickening crunch told him that something had broken long before the pain hit, and the hellhound crumpled pathetically to the floor beneath the strain.

"N-noo... please, I need to get Shine outta here," Luca complained through loud breaths, thrashing in the Utahraptor's grip and kicking his pack paws in an attempt to hit [member=261]delta[/member] anywhere, desperate to escape. His pink blood began to pool beneath him, glittering in the faint moonlight. He would have used his powers if they didn't run the risk of malfunctioning and hitting the very feline he was attempting to protect. With Shine so close by he was powerless to stop the raptor from tearing him apart.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Shininglight - 07-30-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Shine blinked his eyes as he rapidly flicked his gaze over the nighttime scene. His best friend had to be hiding somewhere. Not in the water. Not the tall grass. He thought hard, the metaphorical gears in his brain working overtime. The single, lone tree popped into focus, and Shining scaled the height of it with his eyes. He could make out the motion of a tail waving fast among the still leaves. That had to be Lessa. A bit of relief washed over him knowing she was out of harm's way. At the moment, at least.

A cry from Tabitha alerted him, as his gaze snapped behind him. Skidding paws stopped near him, and Shining took in the glowing sight of... a familiar hellhound. He had gone instinctively defensive, but grew a bit lax on remembering who it was. Luca... Right? They had bumped into each other over a week ago. Luca stepped forward, explaining that Shine needed to get away, go back to camp. Tabitha immediately flew forward, hovering herself between the hellhound and the feline, piping and cawing protectively.

"Not hurt... Never get hurt..." Shining muttered, frowning. Why did this hellhound seem so passionate over him? He was quite aware of his feelings by now, but Shine simply didn't return them. Didn't he understand? The tom couldn't afford to love, couldn't afford to get close to someone else. Not again, not again.. The quiet thud of a knife into the ground nearby didn't faze him one bit.

But the sudden onslaught of a Utahraptor descending upon the hellhound did. Luca practically broke apart before his eyes, blood splattering everywhere as he fell. Some of it landed on Shine's cheek fur, staining the white with some strange, pinkish & sparkly color. His eyes went wide as he watched Luca groan and sputter, making words that didn't quite reach his ears. The world around him seemed to be spinning. Blurry, dizzy. The stench of blood and the sounds of violence and pain and agony. The screams, the god-awful shrieks and hisses and cries for help and the-

Claws unsheathed as Shine's eyes filled with horror. [glow=black,2,300]"RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY."[/glow] His voice became strained, raspy, ancient. He stepped backwards. [glow=black,2,300]"I'M ALWAYS RUNNING."[/glow] Shine's blue eye started twitching. Had to r̳̮̜u͉͖̹̤ͅͅn̸͈̙ ͖̘͉̪̜͕ru҉̜ͅͅn͖͍̮̜͇̙͠ ̦͚̦̟̕r̭̮̞̤̘͢ų̱̺̼n. He turned suddenly and sprinted away, into the d̛̹̠͓͇a̡͚̯̘̮̖̬ŗ̫͚̼̮͖̦k̛͍̗͍̝̼̖͉n͢e̞s͓͕̪̰̭͢s̤̻̦͈̯ͅ, fleeing under the m̶͖̗̮̠as̸̰k̺̮̲̳͎͝ of the c͍̗h̪̜̘ͅa̭̟̲̗o̗s͎̫ around him. Distancing himself from friend and foe. For the good of them both.


[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"Finish him off, Delta!" Owen ordered from a distance, growling loudly as he rushed over to Pincher, attempting to stand in between him and the Starpool. "Gather your fucking pirates and get out, before I sick the raptor on you next." Came the aggressive snarl of the German shepherd, fur rising in anger. How dare this fool trample upon his groupmates? "Roy, Stand up. You sourpuss Alchemist." Snarled Owen, narrowing amber eyes towards the much larger feline. Owen would get his ass kicked if he fought this dude, but he wasn't going to just let this guy past him. He'd hold off until Delta was free.

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - lessa - 07-30-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
Was that...?  The marten's breath caught, eyes widening.  Calum shrieks grew a little more aggressively, furious at the hellhound, and more than ready to continue his assaults if not for Lessa's sudden shout.  "C-Cal!" He was still someone she knew, even if he was stealing from them.  Though she did not appreciate the way he aimed to headbutt her friend, glad that Tabitha was between them - not that she had not headbutted him earlier, but that was clearly different.  He was still... He'd once been...

The marten jumped back onto the trunk, about to slither down to get involved.  She was not sure what she was going to do but it was better than watching from afar.  As her metal claws sunk into bark, her flattened ears perked sharply at another familiar voice in the distance, calling to Shine.  Her head turned sharply on a swivel, eye flashing.  Hard to miss a dragon.  Much less a dragon you had taken as your own.  Her chest constricted sharply.  "L-Luci?"

There was too much going on.

Her worn down prosthetics protested as she started to slid down the ancient oak, until her right hind leg gave out, the Halo's small form landing on the ground with a sharp thud. "Kriff."  She grit her teeth and shook her head, trying to chase away the dizziness.  This was not right.  Not fair.  Hadn't they been her children at one point?  Her clanmates too?  Now they were here, hurting her new clanmates by stealing from them, mixed up in all this mess.  Her eye burned with a mixture of anger and sad tears.

With one leg down, Lessa did not want to risk jumping into the water, marooned on the island.  How many times had she been helpless to watch as others had been hurt?  Either unwilling to resort to violence or being too far, too weak to do anything.  She was supposed to be a protector.

Shine had ran. Perhaps that was better; he was getting away from the danger of violence but... She could feel his horror.  And Luca... "Be-" Finish him off. "No!" She felt sick and frightened and furious and... Hurt.  Enemy or no.  Back to... The hellhound he was or no... He'd been her Bell at one point.  A mother did not stop caring, even an estranged, adopted mother.

It was the last thing she wanted to see.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

Lucifer nodded at Pinch's quiet words distracted even as he was by the sudden appearance of shine he didn't miss the shouted words,

"Delta! finish him off!"

and beheld Luca - Luca and a raptor,

Pinch had fallen with Roy but he trusted the captain to look after himself in the face of two outcomes - no, Luci would not allow what was about to seemingly happen, Lucifer bellowed a roar and hindlegs bunched as wings flared and the great dragon moved swifter than his form deceived and leapt [member=261]delta[/member] aiming to lunge and bite down on the feral raptor's midriff in his mighty jaws and cause the beast to let go and maybe fling it away failing that he'd aim to flare a breath of fire over the beast trying to chase it away with the burning singe, anything to get it off Luca, to save his freind

as it was his eyes only caught the briefest glance and whisper-familiar aura of a person he'd thought gone - but If shine was here, then logically.

he hadn't intended t cme to cause outright damage merely as a defender but this was his family - and so was Lessa, shine, Anzarel.

ah, was life always rife with difficult choices - maybe she could forgive him, maybe she would not, for all he was divine, he did not know this answer.

he turned away from such thoughts, chose to concentrate now on the fight to save his fellow.

/TL;DR - Luci's jumped in tryna save [member=1517]Luca[/member] from [member=261]delta[/member] after hearing Owen's command.


Re: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS — RAID - deimos - 07-30-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Before she even managed to reach Roy, sabre clasped in her mouth, she felt a large weight- not just large, but rather forceful too- slam into her. Deldrach went rolling, but before the second roll, she was back on her paws, facing her enemy. She wasn't winded, a smirk on her maw behind the knuckle guard. "Really? Nice try, luv." She didn't waste another word, rushing forward. She aimed to rush at [member=1551]TEXAS[/member], before suddenly leaping over her, the oversized jaglion's head turning, the tip of the sabre aimed to tear down the back of the lioness.

Behind her, Deldrach would land, whipping about, her sabre clasped tightly in her jaws. Her mismatched eyes, one gold, one silver, denounced the royalty that she held true, her posture that of someone who had trained and trained for a long time. Her ears were perked forward, waiting for Texas's reaction.
