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60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Printable Version

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Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - TSUYU. - 07-25-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Drip, drop. Drip, drop.

It was true that Tsuyu loved water, but she didn't like having to swim to rescue her friend. The frog-minx hybrid made sure to keep her small frame low to the ground, a soft croak escaping her throat as she looked back, hoping to see Izuku there. Her tongue had been touching her friend's neck, leading him through the plants and grass due to his worsening eyesight. "Do you smell anything Midoriya, ribbit? Is he here?" Croaked the hybrid, hopping forward a few more steps before stopping. Unlike usual animals, Tsuyu didn't share a sharp sense of smell. Only touch. Sticky pawpads latched onto anything solid as she walked, soon becoming dislodged as she shrugged it off.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - rochelle - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Breathe soft, breathe fully. She had to keep telling herself that, flinty eyes observing the ... the display before her. Fischer had kept in the shadows, sure that things didn’t get out of hand. It was something she felt more obligated to do now, as a Striker, she supposed. Maybe it wasn’t obligation, but rather she felt more authority to do so. It wasn’t much, but the wolf had never felt right being around these tortures, even though she wanted to just to watch out for whoever was captured. Sometimes Typhooners just went and captured without thinking much of it, thinking of violence as a game.

It wasn’t a game. If someone was going to inflict pain on someone else, they should have put some thought into it before. But then again, life was a game to some, unlike her, and she had to come to terms that peace was a choice she made, not one she should force upon others. Still ... there were options. The wolf slowly padded out to the scene, looking over at Rinto, who she padded up beside, with a solemn but gentle gaze. ”Pirates do whatever they want, fortunately and unfortunately. Freedom is the privilege of being a pirate, you can choose whatever you want to do.” Fischer murmured at first to Peachpit, and then more so to Rinto. She hadn’t met the first yet, and now was such a great time of all to do so.

She sighed, pursing her lips. In her perfect world, she would not let this happen, let people stay in their homes and not fear that they would be kidnapped. But her perfect world was probably hell for others, espesically those like Caesar. ”Do you ... do you plan to return this Snowbounder after ... all of this? Or—?” Fischer’s ears pricked up suddenly. Was someone nearby?

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - arcy - 07-26-2018

Funny. Tsuyu had been so against rescuing Bakugou-Kacchan(izuku was getting better at just calling him bakugou, now, wasn't that neat?) that one time. But, well, at least she didn't report them. That would've been bad. But .. there were key differences, here, he supposes. They were in charge, now. They were unlikely to get exiled or 'expelled' for going on a dangerous rescue mission, as long as they didn't provoke the Typhoon into war or something. Atbash wasn't that type of person. .. Plus, he was Snowbound's only healer, and nobody else had knowledge, so she kind of .. couldn't .. anyways. Oops. This is kind of besides the point, though. They were in the Typhoon. They were so close to Kirishima, Izuku could smell him. And, with how his vision was, his scenting ability was pretty good. So, hearing Tsuyu's question, Izuku nods, just aggressively enough she should be able to tell, even if she doesn't look back.
.. Honestly. It was sheer, blind luck that they'd gotten here undetected. The long path that lead to the island was .. well, pretty obvious. There was no easy way to get through it. But, through the power of drowning and .. something, they made it. Izuku had dried off well enough, though. Enough that he wouldn't be slowed down. Now. Now the question was how the fuck they got back without being caught. Maybe they'd just give up the chase or something. Not that they were .. particularly fast. But Izuku had electricity and he was not afraid to use it. .. Or. Yes. He is very afraid to use it. He burned his damn leg off, basically, and then a month later was crying over just seeing a spark. But .. Izuku could handle it. He had to. Or else this could fail.
.. A voice. Of one of the Typhooners. Izuku's ears prick as he makes closer to Tsuyu, thick tail lashing and eyes slit as he catches sight through the undergrowth. Red fur, and .. many people. Six, seven? .. There was just two of them. Izuku and Tsuyu. They were fucking doomed. They were just two clumsy cats, and all the hero training in the world wouldn't help them when they were fucking cats. But .. this was just in and out, right? A crackle of electricity runs through his fur, and it's fairly weak, not enough to hurt Tsuyu. He had to .. concentrate it. To his paws. His tail. Anywhere that Tsuyu and Kirishima couldn't possibly touch. But .. well, here was a question. How the fuck did they pick Kirishima up? They were just two cats. They .. did not think this plan through a ton, huh.  But ... still. When Izuku sees Kirishima laying there, and he's hurt, and there's concerning words, Izuku's blood burns. The Frosthealer's eyes narrow, teeth baring, and then Izuku suddenly isn't behind Tsuyu anymore, and he doesn't even realize he's running until he's suddenly on the beach, standing beside Kirishima. His body is angled as though he's trying to protectively stand over the other, but considering Izuku is just a tiny thing, a feline, this fails completely. He doesn't touch Kirishima, though, because Izuku's fur has begun sparking with intense crackles of electricity. Anybody who touched him directly by this point would probably get an absolutely nasty burn, and a whirlwind of fury in a tiny package. Hopefully Tsuyu had let go of Izuku before he went absolutely wild. "I knew there was something wrong with you all," He snarls, even though a lot of them didn't seem that enthused by this. And also the fact that the whole event was cooling down, once the initial bit of it got through with. "Get away from him," But his head is spinning, and all Izuku has is tunnel vision and heavy breathing and he's seeing red. They hurt him. Izuku couldn't -- he hated them. He hated them so much, and Izuku hadn't liked the Typhoon ever since Killua warned him against them but he'd tried to put that aside because some of them were so nice. But they were just .. pirates. Hurting a neutral, his classmate, his clanmate. He wants to grab hold of Kirishima's scruff and drag him home but he's too small. Though, here's a fun, unnoticed tidbit from this little firey ball of green fur and herb scent. He hasn't ever shapeshifted before -- hadn't even realized he had the ability. .. Honestly, he figured that having powers similar to his quirk was all he'd get. But .. well, there he went, paws shifting into talons, scales, wings, the whole shebang. It was all very .. Draconic, in a way. What a sight. But, well, it was pretty painful, but Izuku is kind of distracted, and also was about as observant as a brick wall when he was distracted.
//tl;dr this angery ball of fur just leapt in and is being dramatic as FUCK bc hes an emotional little shit smh
feel free to try and hurt/attack izuku but remember that touching him directly will probably burn ur character pretty bad. also i might end up w him shapeshifting fully before u can hit him w something so thats a thing. idk. do whatever i dont mind aghdsfjasdf
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

He been keen on rescuing Bakugou from the villains, because he hadn't been there to prevent them from taking the other. Sure- the others might find the ash-blonde haired guy annoying and reckless, but he was Kirishima's friend- though Kirishima had mixed emotions about Bakugou- though those emotions were good.

In a blink of an eye, he would look up and notice Izuku standing next to him, sparks flying all around him as he used electricity powers. He didn't dare to make contact with his former-classmate as he knew he would get a nasty shock and burn from doing that. Instead, he slowly got to his paws, shooting a smug look towards Peachpit.
tags :: updated 7/24:

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Luca - 07-26-2018

Luca had heard the initial call of a capture, although one look at the captive told him that he wasn't interested. The Snowbounder looked like he was barely old enough to be considered fully grown, and tortures only really interested him if the captive was big and strong, with a hulking figure and intimidating air. Either that or someone cute; pained expressions on pretty faces always made him unreasonably hot and bothered. Kirishima hit neither of those criteria in Luca's eyes, so the hellhound had decided to ignore the event and focus on something a little more cheery. That was the plan until he noticed Rinto among the crowd, at which point he stopped and sighed, deciding to give the capture his attention after all. His cute little friend seemed to be bothered, and Luca wandered up to brush against him in what was supposed to be a comforting manner.

"Leave Rinto alone," he said to Caesar, his voice quiet yet somewhat whiny. The canine's tail swayed behind him with an agitation that he somehow managed to keep off his face, but it was clear that the demon's words had pissed him off. "Not everyone's used to this sort of thing." He had been desensitised at a young age, but he knew by now that some people had lived their lives relatively torture-free until joining the clans. He opened his mouth to say something more, but then there was a flash of something bright, and his jaw snapped shut again. A rescue mission? Luca pressed closer to Rinto, embers glowing on his paws. He hadn't witnessed one of these in a while, so the thought of a rescue hadn't even crossed his mind. He hung back as the green Snowbounder started shifting, well aware of the electricity that laced his fur. The smell of ozone in the air made him scrunch up his nose.

"You're too late! It's over, anyway," Luca said smugly, his lips twisting into a cruel half-grin. He separated himself from the pastel feline beside him and stood on his own for a bit, allowing pink flames to lick up the bottom of his paws. He still had next to no control over his powers, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. "You two put yourselves in danger for no reason." Smoke poured from his mouth as he punctuated his sentence by conjuring up three balls of foxfire and hurling them at the electrified Izuku. The size of each fireball varied drastically, as did their heat, but a hit from any of them would cause a nasty burn. He wasn't attacking to kill at all- more to prove a point. After all, he only picked on people that upset him. Luca coughed, black tar-like goo dripping from his tongue, but his smug smirk remained. At least his powers weren't completely useless.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - TSUYU. - 07-26-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

"You two drive me crazy.." Tsuyu muttered softly, eyes widening as she saw fire shoot towards Izuku. She didn't want him to be hurt, All Might would be traumatized! "Midoriya-san!" Tsuyu croaked out, readying her legs as she hopped over as fast as she could, her long tongue slipping out and aiming to wrap her slimy, acidy tongue around Luca's waist. If this succeeded, she'd then attempt to harshly yank him away from the two capturees, charcoal eyes narrowed in what oddly seemed like anger. She couldn't believe someone would attack a child! "Kirishima-san, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out, black irises  blinking towards the lupine. Tsu's mind was racing as she tried to think of solutions to get out of this with Kirishima. Ways to fix this. She was a support type hero, after all. She needed to think of something!

//Tsu is free for attacks! You can take out an ear or leave some pretty nasty scars. Mind you that her tongue is incredibly strong.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

Red-eyes would narrow as Luca approached. Just how many members did the Typhoon have? If he was correct, their leader wasn't here, so everything would be fine, he believed. Then he would growl and move in front of Izuku as Luca aimed the fireballs towards him- taking a hit from one of them, though he wasn't sure where the other two ended up, whether they hit somebody or not. Gritting his teeth due to the pain, the maned-wolf would stare down at his side, where the burn wound was. He couldn't afford to be weak now, they just needed to leave.

"We need to leave." Kirishima said to his former-classmates, though he warily looked in Luca's direction.
tags :: updated 7/24:

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - arcy - 07-26-2018

Yeah, they always got themselves into trouble either just as things were cooling down, or right in the heat of things. There was basically .. no inbetween. But with how Izuku's ears are pounding, he can't even hear what Luca is saying. But, well, it wouldn't matter anyways. Even if this event was done .. how long would they have kept Kirishima? Would they have returned him at all? How would they have treated him on the way back, even? This was truly just safer, wasn't it?
Izuku shifts his posture as he sees the foxfires hurtling towards him. He could dodge, he could move, it would be so easy. Just a little burn on his hind leg, maybe. But Kirishima was there, and if he moved Kirishima might get hurt. He'd get hit by an attack intended for Izuku. So .. the feline stands his ground, digging his claws into the ground and fuck his broken leg hurts. But oh god Kirishima has moved, why's he doing that
At least one properly hits the green-furred feline, and he flinches. It hurts. His fur is smouldering and that'll be hell to clean out, it's not like it's in a very reachable place. Just on his shoulder, closer to his spine. His fur is smouldering and he has enough burns already, doesn't he? But it's better than letting Kirishima be any more hurt, especially since Kirishima has taken one already, and Izuku makes to gently push Kirishima behind him again. But -- oh. He's .. a lot bigger than he was. That's not how this should be. He has .. talons. Scales. He is .. a dragon. Uh, um. Shapeshifting, right? God, he's really not in a place to be discovering this right now. He still his his wings, though, and they feel more natural than his other ones did. Still, a scaled ear turns on his head and he's distracted and he's not like .. overwhelming large, just a head or two above Kirishima, but that's enough, right? His head is racing. But -- oh, right, fireballs. The first one to hit him earlier had been a weaker one, but this one is .. hotter. It hits him on the side, next to his stomach, and wasn't that funny, he was a lot taller now but they still did that. And wow, they don't hurt as much as they would've when he was .. just a cat. .... Uh. Maybe he's a little too adrenaline hyped to be more concerned about the situation, considering he's an honest to god dragon right now. But, at least his scales protected him? Kind of. As far as he can tell, they're .. kind of soft, and did burn the skin under them kind of. And .. melt the scales .. kind of. Scary. It does hurt, though, in that familiar burn sort of way. Uh -- nobody is doing anything quite yet, so Izuku takes the chance to duck, try and pick up the Maned Wolf by ducking his head under the other and sliding him down onto his back. Luckily, Izuku's electricity was mostly cut out once he noticed his shift, so he should be fine. He doesn't know what injuries the other has, but they don't have time. He's clumsy as hell, movements unsteady and jerky, and somehow Kirishima isn't too heavy to him despite the other being but Izuku is trying, he doesn't have time to adjust. They have to get out. "Tsuyu!!" Is all Izuku says in prompting, voice shaking. Kirishima is right, they do need to get out before the others can attack or stop them, even if Izuku isn't sure how. He can try and fly them out, because it feels like it'd be natural, but Izuku doubts anybody will be happy with that. Still. Still. They've gotta go, christ. They're so lucky that they can carry him out here at all now, what were they thinking, goddamn.
//i was gonna wait longer but im an impatient jackass lol
also powerplay permission given to me by una (ok hand)
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]


Caesar gave a shrug at Fischer's question. "Returning is up to the captor." He replied. Escaping was also an option, he supposed, and a rescue party, but from what he's seen, nobody was doing those. Of course, the Officer thought this way too soon and almost as soon as he finished that thought, Izuku and another Snowbounder appeared. The fight started almost promptly; Caesar had no time to react to things, however as he saw Izuku pick up Kirishma, the demon let out a hiss, "Oh, no you don't!"

Caesar made a clicking sound with his tongue, and he felt heat start to form in his throat. Slowly, that heat started to turn into flames, and he aimed to shoot a fireball at IZUKU's face. Of course, regardless of whether or not that hit, Caesar was left with a burning and bleeding mouth. The demon spat out blood, shaking his head as he tried to see what would happen with his attack.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - TSUYU. - 07-26-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu wasn't pleased with Caesar's actions, or how stupid Midoriya was being at this point. But, she had to respect the medic, the multiple powers he already held was actually kind of interesting. Would she get water abilities someday?

Enough of the thoughts. Tsuyu yanked her head up quickly, shaking out her fur as she released her tongue, whether or not her previous attempt failed or not, the slimy appendage shooting back out towards the fireball that Caesar shot, hopefully intercepting the ball of fire. She felt her tongue crackle, blood oozing up as burns covered the appendage that wasn't used to such things.

Dashing after Izuku from behind, the frog-manx hybrid let out a croak of displeasure. "Go! Run, ribbit!" She called out, her tongue bleeding across the ground as she dashed forward, nudging the dragon's backside. "Move as fast as you can!"

//psst feel free to launch another attack at her and hit her flank before they escape. <3 