Beasts of Beyond
PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - Printable Version

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Re: PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - ROSEMARY - 07-27-2018


Sometimes it seemed like she blinked, her focus wavering out for just a moment, only for a handful of people to pop up in front of her asking for tasks. Blinking at the children, she tilted her head to the left for a second as she tried to think of what three kids could do this week; this is when she realized giving adults their tasks came much easier. "Hmm, [member=1434]SYLVINA[/member] why don't you start a personal plant garden for yourself" she suggested, getting a little hint from her clairvoyance ability to do so. Turning to the other's siblings, she added, "And [member=1504]Aita C.R.[/member] you should try learning a bit of a foreign language this week - you could probably ask your dad about that, he knows quite a lot of them." She knew the girl had talents up her sleeve, especially for soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Learning some basics of a new language might give her a new challenge.

To the young boy, she nodded - remembering his battered self from when he washed up ashore not too long ago. "Alright [member=1660]JUNJI[/member] go learn about poisonous toads and host a class on identifying them, so people don't accidentally eat one," Rosemary spoke, honestly curious whether anyone in the group (or in the clans in general) died of toad poisoning before. It seemed like a rather stupid way to die.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - CLEO R. C. - 07-28-2018

[color=#445544]"I want one," Cleo extended simply, both she and Eshe halting before her aunt. She didn't know what a weekly task was exactly, but if Aita was doing one, she figured she could as well.

Re: PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - ROSEMARY - 07-28-2018


She looked over to Cleo, internally wondering if all of Pincher's daughters showed up just now to get their tasks for the week - but she had no time to think about that. "Okay, [member=1667]CLEO R. C.[/member] why don't you hold a live snake feeding class, where you show people how your pet eats and give some facts about them?" Rosemary suggested with a curt nod.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - JUNIOR - 07-29-2018

Junior had no idea what the hell a weekly task was. However, watching everyone receive some did give him a basic idea, and he figured it'd be good to get at least a little involved. He wasn't the most well-known around here, so it might not be that easy to make him a task- he just hoped he wouldn't get something boring. Arriving shortly after Cleo, a light, somewhat forced, smile found its way to sharp features as the young tabby quickly requested, [color=#5B81AE]"I'll take one, too." He still wasn't exactly sure what he was getting into, but everyone else was interested, so it couldn't be anything bad.


Re: PAINTING CIRCLES - weekly tasks 7/22 - ROSEMARY - 07-29-2018


One more, the ocelot noticed, though she thought this might be the last one for now. "Alright, [member=1311]JUNIOR[/member] think you can find someone to spar with for training?" Rosemary suggested with a quick flick of her ears.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]